455 lines
13 KiB
455 lines
13 KiB
import ctypes
import gc
from clang.cindex import CursorKind
from clang.cindex import TemplateArgumentKind
from clang.cindex import TranslationUnit
from clang.cindex import TypeKind
from .util import get_cursor
from .util import get_cursors
from .util import get_tu
kInput = """\
struct s0 {
int a;
int b;
struct s1;
void f0(int a0, int a1) {
int l0, l1;
if (a0)
for (;;) {
def test_get_children():
tu = get_tu(kInput)
it = tu.cursor.get_children()
tu_nodes = list(it)
assert len(tu_nodes) == 3
for cursor in tu_nodes:
assert cursor.translation_unit is not None
assert tu_nodes[0] != tu_nodes[1]
assert tu_nodes[0].kind == CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL
assert tu_nodes[0].spelling == 's0'
assert tu_nodes[0].is_definition() == True
assert tu_nodes[0].location.file.name == 't.c'
assert tu_nodes[0].location.line == 1
assert tu_nodes[0].location.column == 8
assert tu_nodes[0].hash > 0
assert tu_nodes[0].translation_unit is not None
s0_nodes = list(tu_nodes[0].get_children())
assert len(s0_nodes) == 2
assert s0_nodes[0].kind == CursorKind.FIELD_DECL
assert s0_nodes[0].spelling == 'a'
assert s0_nodes[0].type.kind == TypeKind.INT
assert s0_nodes[1].kind == CursorKind.FIELD_DECL
assert s0_nodes[1].spelling == 'b'
assert s0_nodes[1].type.kind == TypeKind.INT
assert tu_nodes[1].kind == CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL
assert tu_nodes[1].spelling == 's1'
assert tu_nodes[1].displayname == 's1'
assert tu_nodes[1].is_definition() == False
assert tu_nodes[2].kind == CursorKind.FUNCTION_DECL
assert tu_nodes[2].spelling == 'f0'
assert tu_nodes[2].displayname == 'f0(int, int)'
assert tu_nodes[2].is_definition() == True
def test_references():
"""Ensure that references to TranslationUnit are kept."""
tu = get_tu('int x;')
cursors = list(tu.cursor.get_children())
assert len(cursors) > 0
cursor = cursors[0]
assert isinstance(cursor.translation_unit, TranslationUnit)
# Delete reference to TU and perform a full GC.
del tu
assert isinstance(cursor.translation_unit, TranslationUnit)
# If the TU was destroyed, this should cause a segfault.
parent = cursor.semantic_parent
def test_canonical():
source = 'struct X; struct X; struct X { int member; };'
tu = get_tu(source)
cursors = []
for cursor in tu.cursor.get_children():
if cursor.spelling == 'X':
assert len(cursors) == 3
assert cursors[1].canonical == cursors[2].canonical
def test_is_const_method():
"""Ensure Cursor.is_const_method works."""
source = 'class X { void foo() const; void bar(); };'
tu = get_tu(source, lang='cpp')
cls = get_cursor(tu, 'X')
foo = get_cursor(tu, 'foo')
bar = get_cursor(tu, 'bar')
assert cls is not None
assert foo is not None
assert bar is not None
assert foo.is_const_method()
assert not bar.is_const_method()
def test_is_converting_constructor():
"""Ensure Cursor.is_converting_constructor works."""
source = 'class X { explicit X(int); X(double); X(); };'
tu = get_tu(source, lang='cpp')
xs = get_cursors(tu, 'X')
assert len(xs) == 4
assert xs[0].kind == CursorKind.CLASS_DECL
cs = xs[1:]
assert cs[0].kind == CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR
assert cs[1].kind == CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR
assert cs[2].kind == CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR
assert not cs[0].is_converting_constructor()
assert cs[1].is_converting_constructor()
assert not cs[2].is_converting_constructor()
def test_is_copy_constructor():
"""Ensure Cursor.is_copy_constructor works."""
source = 'class X { X(); X(const X&); X(X&&); };'
tu = get_tu(source, lang='cpp')
xs = get_cursors(tu, 'X')
assert xs[0].kind == CursorKind.CLASS_DECL
cs = xs[1:]
assert cs[0].kind == CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR
assert cs[1].kind == CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR
assert cs[2].kind == CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR
assert not cs[0].is_copy_constructor()
assert cs[1].is_copy_constructor()
assert not cs[2].is_copy_constructor()
def test_is_default_constructor():
"""Ensure Cursor.is_default_constructor works."""
source = 'class X { X(); X(int); };'
tu = get_tu(source, lang='cpp')
xs = get_cursors(tu, 'X')
assert xs[0].kind == CursorKind.CLASS_DECL
cs = xs[1:]
assert cs[0].kind == CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR
assert cs[1].kind == CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR
assert cs[0].is_default_constructor()
assert not cs[1].is_default_constructor()
def test_is_move_constructor():
"""Ensure Cursor.is_move_constructor works."""
source = 'class X { X(); X(const X&); X(X&&); };'
tu = get_tu(source, lang='cpp')
xs = get_cursors(tu, 'X')
assert xs[0].kind == CursorKind.CLASS_DECL
cs = xs[1:]
assert cs[0].kind == CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR
assert cs[1].kind == CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR
assert cs[2].kind == CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR
assert not cs[0].is_move_constructor()
assert not cs[1].is_move_constructor()
assert cs[2].is_move_constructor()
def test_is_default_method():
"""Ensure Cursor.is_default_method works."""
source = 'class X { X() = default; }; class Y { Y(); };'
tu = get_tu(source, lang='cpp')
xs = get_cursors(tu, 'X')
ys = get_cursors(tu, 'Y')
assert len(xs) == 2
assert len(ys) == 2
xc = xs[1]
yc = ys[1]
assert xc.is_default_method()
assert not yc.is_default_method()
def test_is_mutable_field():
"""Ensure Cursor.is_mutable_field works."""
source = 'class X { int x_; mutable int y_; };'
tu = get_tu(source, lang='cpp')
cls = get_cursor(tu, 'X')
x_ = get_cursor(tu, 'x_')
y_ = get_cursor(tu, 'y_')
assert cls is not None
assert x_ is not None
assert y_ is not None
assert not x_.is_mutable_field()
assert y_.is_mutable_field()
def test_is_static_method():
"""Ensure Cursor.is_static_method works."""
source = 'class X { static void foo(); void bar(); };'
tu = get_tu(source, lang='cpp')
cls = get_cursor(tu, 'X')
foo = get_cursor(tu, 'foo')
bar = get_cursor(tu, 'bar')
assert cls is not None
assert foo is not None
assert bar is not None
assert foo.is_static_method()
assert not bar.is_static_method()
def test_is_pure_virtual_method():
"""Ensure Cursor.is_pure_virtual_method works."""
source = 'class X { virtual void foo() = 0; virtual void bar(); };'
tu = get_tu(source, lang='cpp')
cls = get_cursor(tu, 'X')
foo = get_cursor(tu, 'foo')
bar = get_cursor(tu, 'bar')
assert cls is not None
assert foo is not None
assert bar is not None
assert foo.is_pure_virtual_method()
assert not bar.is_pure_virtual_method()
def test_is_virtual_method():
"""Ensure Cursor.is_virtual_method works."""
source = 'class X { virtual void foo(); void bar(); };'
tu = get_tu(source, lang='cpp')
cls = get_cursor(tu, 'X')
foo = get_cursor(tu, 'foo')
bar = get_cursor(tu, 'bar')
assert cls is not None
assert foo is not None
assert bar is not None
assert foo.is_virtual_method()
assert not bar.is_virtual_method()
def test_underlying_type():
tu = get_tu('typedef int foo;')
typedef = get_cursor(tu, 'foo')
assert typedef is not None
assert typedef.kind.is_declaration()
underlying = typedef.underlying_typedef_type
assert underlying.kind == TypeKind.INT
kParentTest = """\
class C {
void f();
void C::f() { }
def test_semantic_parent():
tu = get_tu(kParentTest, 'cpp')
curs = get_cursors(tu, 'f')
decl = get_cursor(tu, 'C')
assert(len(curs) == 2)
assert(curs[0].semantic_parent == curs[1].semantic_parent)
assert(curs[0].semantic_parent == decl)
def test_lexical_parent():
tu = get_tu(kParentTest, 'cpp')
curs = get_cursors(tu, 'f')
decl = get_cursor(tu, 'C')
assert(len(curs) == 2)
assert(curs[0].lexical_parent != curs[1].lexical_parent)
assert(curs[0].lexical_parent == decl)
assert(curs[1].lexical_parent == tu.cursor)
def test_enum_type():
tu = get_tu('enum TEST { FOO=1, BAR=2 };')
enum = get_cursor(tu, 'TEST')
assert enum is not None
assert enum.kind == CursorKind.ENUM_DECL
enum_type = enum.enum_type
assert enum_type.kind == TypeKind.UINT
def test_enum_type_cpp():
tu = get_tu('enum TEST : long long { FOO=1, BAR=2 };', lang="cpp")
enum = get_cursor(tu, 'TEST')
assert enum is not None
assert enum.kind == CursorKind.ENUM_DECL
assert enum.enum_type.kind == TypeKind.LONGLONG
def test_objc_type_encoding():
tu = get_tu('int i;', lang='objc')
i = get_cursor(tu, 'i')
assert i is not None
assert i.objc_type_encoding == 'i'
def test_enum_values():
tu = get_tu('enum TEST { SPAM=1, EGG, HAM = EGG * 20};')
enum = get_cursor(tu, 'TEST')
assert enum is not None
assert enum.kind == CursorKind.ENUM_DECL
enum_constants = list(enum.get_children())
assert len(enum_constants) == 3
spam, egg, ham = enum_constants
assert spam.kind == CursorKind.ENUM_CONSTANT_DECL
assert spam.enum_value == 1
assert egg.kind == CursorKind.ENUM_CONSTANT_DECL
assert egg.enum_value == 2
assert ham.kind == CursorKind.ENUM_CONSTANT_DECL
assert ham.enum_value == 40
def test_enum_values_cpp():
tu = get_tu('enum TEST : long long { SPAM = -1, HAM = 0x10000000000};', lang="cpp")
enum = get_cursor(tu, 'TEST')
assert enum is not None
assert enum.kind == CursorKind.ENUM_DECL
enum_constants = list(enum.get_children())
assert len(enum_constants) == 2
spam, ham = enum_constants
assert spam.kind == CursorKind.ENUM_CONSTANT_DECL
assert spam.enum_value == -1
assert ham.kind == CursorKind.ENUM_CONSTANT_DECL
assert ham.enum_value == 0x10000000000
def test_annotation_attribute():
tu = get_tu('int foo (void) __attribute__ ((annotate("here be annotation attribute")));')
foo = get_cursor(tu, 'foo')
assert foo is not None
for c in foo.get_children():
if c.kind == CursorKind.ANNOTATE_ATTR:
assert c.displayname == "here be annotation attribute"
assert False, "Couldn't find annotation"
def test_result_type():
tu = get_tu('int foo();')
foo = get_cursor(tu, 'foo')
assert foo is not None
t = foo.result_type
assert t.kind == TypeKind.INT
def test_get_tokens():
"""Ensure we can map cursors back to tokens."""
tu = get_tu('int foo(int i);')
foo = get_cursor(tu, 'foo')
tokens = list(foo.get_tokens())
assert len(tokens) == 7
assert tokens[0].spelling == 'int'
assert tokens[1].spelling == 'foo'
def test_get_arguments():
tu = get_tu('void foo(int i, int j);')
foo = get_cursor(tu, 'foo')
arguments = list(foo.get_arguments())
assert len(arguments) == 2
assert arguments[0].spelling == "i"
assert arguments[1].spelling == "j"
kTemplateArgTest = """\
template <int kInt, typename T, bool kBool>
void foo();
void foo<-7, float, true>();
def test_get_num_template_arguments():
tu = get_tu(kTemplateArgTest, lang='cpp')
foos = get_cursors(tu, 'foo')
assert foos[1].get_num_template_arguments() == 3
def test_get_template_argument_kind():
tu = get_tu(kTemplateArgTest, lang='cpp')
foos = get_cursors(tu, 'foo')
assert foos[1].get_template_argument_kind(0) == TemplateArgumentKind.INTEGRAL
assert foos[1].get_template_argument_kind(1) == TemplateArgumentKind.TYPE
assert foos[1].get_template_argument_kind(2) == TemplateArgumentKind.INTEGRAL
def test_get_template_argument_type():
tu = get_tu(kTemplateArgTest, lang='cpp')
foos = get_cursors(tu, 'foo')
assert foos[1].get_template_argument_type(1).kind == TypeKind.FLOAT
def test_get_template_argument_value():
tu = get_tu(kTemplateArgTest, lang='cpp')
foos = get_cursors(tu, 'foo')
assert foos[1].get_template_argument_value(0) == -7
assert foos[1].get_template_argument_value(2) == True
def test_get_template_argument_unsigned_value():
tu = get_tu(kTemplateArgTest, lang='cpp')
foos = get_cursors(tu, 'foo')
assert foos[1].get_template_argument_unsigned_value(0) == 2 ** 32 - 7
assert foos[1].get_template_argument_unsigned_value(2) == True
def test_referenced():
tu = get_tu('void foo(); void bar() { foo(); }')
foo = get_cursor(tu, 'foo')
bar = get_cursor(tu, 'bar')
for c in bar.get_children():
if c.kind == CursorKind.CALL_EXPR:
assert c.referenced.spelling == foo.spelling
def test_mangled_name():
kInputForMangling = """\
int foo(int, int);
tu = get_tu(kInputForMangling, lang='cpp')
foo = get_cursor(tu, 'foo')
# Since libclang does not link in targets, we cannot pass a triple to it
# and force the target. To enable this test to pass on all platforms, accept
# all valid manglings.
# [c-index-test handles this by running the source through clang, emitting
# an AST file and running libclang on that AST file]
assert foo.mangled_name in ('_Z3fooii', '__Z3fooii', '?foo@@YAHHH')