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2024-06-22 08:45:49 -04:00
// Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package rust
import (
cc_config "android/soong/cc/config"
var pctx = android.NewPackageContext("android/soong/rust")
func init() {
// Only allow rust modules to be defined for certain projects
NotIn(append(config.RustAllowedPaths, config.DownstreamRustAllowedPaths...)...).
android.RegisterModuleType("rust_defaults", defaultsFactory)
android.PreDepsMutators(func(ctx android.RegisterMutatorsContext) {
ctx.BottomUp("rust_libraries", LibraryMutator).Parallel()
ctx.BottomUp("rust_stdlinkage", LibstdMutator).Parallel()
ctx.BottomUp("rust_begin", BeginMutator).Parallel()
android.PostDepsMutators(func(ctx android.RegisterMutatorsContext) {
ctx.BottomUp("rust_sanitizers", rustSanitizerRuntimeMutator).Parallel()
pctx.ImportAs("cc_config", "android/soong/cc/config")
type Flags struct {
GlobalRustFlags []string // Flags that apply globally to rust
GlobalLinkFlags []string // Flags that apply globally to linker
RustFlags []string // Flags that apply to rust
LinkFlags []string // Flags that apply to linker
ClippyFlags []string // Flags that apply to clippy-driver, during the linting
RustdocFlags []string // Flags that apply to rustdoc
Toolchain config.Toolchain
Coverage bool
Clippy bool
type BaseProperties struct {
AndroidMkRlibs []string
AndroidMkDylibs []string
AndroidMkProcMacroLibs []string
AndroidMkSharedLibs []string
AndroidMkStaticLibs []string
ImageVariationPrefix string `blueprint:"mutated"`
VndkVersion string `blueprint:"mutated"`
SubName string `blueprint:"mutated"`
// SubName is used by CC for tracking image variants / SDK versions. RustSubName is used for Rust-specific
// subnaming which shouldn't be visible to CC modules (such as the rlib stdlinkage subname). This should be
// appended before SubName.
RustSubName string `blueprint:"mutated"`
// Set by imageMutator
CoreVariantNeeded bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
VendorRamdiskVariantNeeded bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
RamdiskVariantNeeded bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
RecoveryVariantNeeded bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
ExtraVariants []string `blueprint:"mutated"`
// Allows this module to use non-APEX version of libraries. Useful
// for building binaries that are started before APEXes are activated.
Bootstrap *bool
// Used by vendor snapshot to record dependencies from snapshot modules.
SnapshotSharedLibs []string `blueprint:"mutated"`
SnapshotStaticLibs []string `blueprint:"mutated"`
// Make this module available when building for ramdisk.
// On device without a dedicated recovery partition, the module is only
// available after switching root into
// /first_stage_ramdisk. To expose the module before switching root, install
// the recovery variant instead.
Ramdisk_available *bool
// Make this module available when building for vendor ramdisk.
// On device without a dedicated recovery partition, the module is only
// available after switching root into
// /first_stage_ramdisk. To expose the module before switching root, install
// the recovery variant instead
Vendor_ramdisk_available *bool
// Normally Soong uses the directory structure to decide which modules
// should be included (framework) or excluded (non-framework) from the
// different snapshots (vendor, recovery, etc.), but this property
// allows a partner to exclude a module normally thought of as a
// framework module from the vendor snapshot.
Exclude_from_vendor_snapshot *bool
// Normally Soong uses the directory structure to decide which modules
// should be included (framework) or excluded (non-framework) from the
// different snapshots (vendor, recovery, etc.), but this property
// allows a partner to exclude a module normally thought of as a
// framework module from the recovery snapshot.
Exclude_from_recovery_snapshot *bool
// Make this module available when building for recovery
Recovery_available *bool
// Minimum sdk version that the artifact should support when it runs as part of mainline modules(APEX).
Min_sdk_version *string
HideFromMake bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
PreventInstall bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
Installable *bool
type Module struct {
VendorProperties cc.VendorProperties
Properties BaseProperties
hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported
multilib android.Multilib
makeLinkType string
afdo *afdo
compiler compiler
coverage *coverage
clippy *clippy
sanitize *sanitize
cachedToolchain config.Toolchain
sourceProvider SourceProvider
subAndroidMkOnce map[SubAndroidMkProvider]bool
// Output file to be installed, may be stripped or unstripped.
outputFile android.OptionalPath
docTimestampFile android.OptionalPath
hideApexVariantFromMake bool
// For apex variants, this is set as apex.min_sdk_version
apexSdkVersion android.ApiLevel
func (mod *Module) Header() bool {
//TODO: If Rust libraries provide header variants, this needs to be updated.
return false
func (mod *Module) SetPreventInstall() {
mod.Properties.PreventInstall = true
func (mod *Module) SetHideFromMake() {
mod.Properties.HideFromMake = true
func (mod *Module) HiddenFromMake() bool {
return mod.Properties.HideFromMake
func (mod *Module) SanitizePropDefined() bool {
// Because compiler is not set for some Rust modules where sanitize might be set, check that compiler is also not
// nil since we need compiler to actually sanitize.
return mod.sanitize != nil && mod.compiler != nil
func (mod *Module) IsPrebuilt() bool {
if _, ok := mod.compiler.(*prebuiltLibraryDecorator); ok {
return true
return false
func (mod *Module) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) {
switch tag {
case "":
if mod.sourceProvider != nil && (mod.compiler == nil || mod.compiler.Disabled()) {
return mod.sourceProvider.Srcs(), nil
} else {
if mod.OutputFile().Valid() {
return android.Paths{mod.OutputFile().Path()}, nil
return android.Paths{}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported module reference tag %q", tag)
func (mod *Module) SelectedStl() string {
return ""
func (mod *Module) NonCcVariants() bool {
if mod.compiler != nil {
if _, ok := mod.compiler.(libraryInterface); ok {
return false
panic(fmt.Errorf("NonCcVariants called on non-library module: %q", mod.BaseModuleName()))
func (mod *Module) Static() bool {
if mod.compiler != nil {
if library, ok := mod.compiler.(libraryInterface); ok {
return library.static()
return false
func (mod *Module) Shared() bool {
if mod.compiler != nil {
if library, ok := mod.compiler.(libraryInterface); ok {
return library.shared()
return false
func (mod *Module) Dylib() bool {
if mod.compiler != nil {
if library, ok := mod.compiler.(libraryInterface); ok {
return library.dylib()
return false
func (mod *Module) Rlib() bool {
if mod.compiler != nil {
if library, ok := mod.compiler.(libraryInterface); ok {
return library.rlib()
return false
func (mod *Module) Binary() bool {
if binary, ok := mod.compiler.(binaryInterface); ok {
return binary.binary()
return false
func (mod *Module) StaticExecutable() bool {
if !mod.Binary() {
return false
return mod.StaticallyLinked()
func (mod *Module) Object() bool {
// Rust has no modules which produce only object files.
return false
func (mod *Module) Toc() android.OptionalPath {
if mod.compiler != nil {
if lib, ok := mod.compiler.(libraryInterface); ok {
return lib.toc()
panic(fmt.Errorf("Toc() called on non-library module: %q", mod.BaseModuleName()))
func (mod *Module) UseSdk() bool {
return false
func (mod *Module) RelativeInstallPath() string {
if mod.compiler != nil {
return mod.compiler.relativeInstallPath()
return ""
func (mod *Module) UseVndk() bool {
return mod.Properties.VndkVersion != ""
func (mod *Module) Bootstrap() bool {
return Bool(mod.Properties.Bootstrap)
func (mod *Module) MustUseVendorVariant() bool {
return true
func (mod *Module) SubName() string {
return mod.Properties.SubName
func (mod *Module) IsVndk() bool {
// TODO(b/165791368)
return false
func (mod *Module) IsVndkExt() bool {
return false
func (mod *Module) IsVndkSp() bool {
return false
func (mod *Module) IsVndkPrebuiltLibrary() bool {
// Rust modules do not provide VNDK prebuilts
return false
func (mod *Module) IsVendorPublicLibrary() bool {
return mod.VendorProperties.IsVendorPublicLibrary
func (mod *Module) SdkAndPlatformVariantVisibleToMake() bool {
// Rust modules to not provide Sdk variants
return false
func (c *Module) IsVndkPrivate() bool {
return false
func (c *Module) IsLlndk() bool {
return false
func (c *Module) IsLlndkPublic() bool {
return false
func (mod *Module) KernelHeadersDecorator() bool {
return false
func (m *Module) NeedsLlndkVariants() bool {
return false
func (m *Module) NeedsVendorPublicLibraryVariants() bool {
return false
func (mod *Module) HasLlndkStubs() bool {
return false
func (mod *Module) StubsVersion() string {
panic(fmt.Errorf("StubsVersion called on non-versioned module: %q", mod.BaseModuleName()))
func (mod *Module) SdkVersion() string {
return ""
func (mod *Module) AlwaysSdk() bool {
return false
func (mod *Module) IsSdkVariant() bool {
return false
func (mod *Module) SplitPerApiLevel() bool {
return false
type Deps struct {
Dylibs []string
Rlibs []string
Rustlibs []string
Stdlibs []string
ProcMacros []string
SharedLibs []string
StaticLibs []string
WholeStaticLibs []string
HeaderLibs []string
// Used for data dependencies adjacent to tests
DataLibs []string
DataBins []string
CrtBegin, CrtEnd []string
type PathDeps struct {
DyLibs RustLibraries
RLibs RustLibraries
SharedLibs android.Paths
SharedLibDeps android.Paths
StaticLibs android.Paths
ProcMacros RustLibraries
AfdoProfiles android.Paths
// depFlags and depLinkFlags are rustc and linker (clang) flags.
depFlags []string
depLinkFlags []string
// linkDirs are link paths passed via -L to rustc. linkObjects are objects passed directly to the linker.
// Both of these are exported and propagate to dependencies.
linkDirs []string
linkObjects []string
// Used by bindgen modules which call clang
depClangFlags []string
depIncludePaths android.Paths
depGeneratedHeaders android.Paths
depSystemIncludePaths android.Paths
CrtBegin android.Paths
CrtEnd android.Paths
// Paths to generated source files
SrcDeps android.Paths
srcProviderFiles android.Paths
type RustLibraries []RustLibrary
type RustLibrary struct {
Path android.Path
CrateName string
type compiler interface {
initialize(ctx ModuleContext)
compilerFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags
cfgFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags
featureFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags
compilerProps() []interface{}
compile(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, deps PathDeps) android.Path
compilerDeps(ctx DepsContext, deps Deps) Deps
crateName() string
rustdoc(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, deps PathDeps) android.OptionalPath
// Output directory in which source-generated code from dependencies is
// copied. This is equivalent to Cargo's OUT_DIR variable.
CargoOutDir() android.OptionalPath
// CargoPkgVersion returns the value of the Cargo_pkg_version property.
CargoPkgVersion() string
// CargoEnvCompat returns whether Cargo environment variables should be used.
CargoEnvCompat() bool
inData() bool
install(ctx ModuleContext)
relativeInstallPath() string
everInstallable() bool
nativeCoverage() bool
Disabled() bool
stdLinkage(ctx *depsContext) RustLinkage
unstrippedOutputFilePath() android.Path
strippedOutputFilePath() android.OptionalPath
type exportedFlagsProducer interface {
type flagExporter struct {
linkDirs []string
linkObjects []string
func (flagExporter *flagExporter) exportLinkDirs(dirs ...string) {
flagExporter.linkDirs = android.FirstUniqueStrings(append(flagExporter.linkDirs, dirs...))
func (flagExporter *flagExporter) exportLinkObjects(flags ...string) {
flagExporter.linkObjects = android.FirstUniqueStrings(append(flagExporter.linkObjects, flags...))
func (flagExporter *flagExporter) setProvider(ctx ModuleContext) {
ctx.SetProvider(FlagExporterInfoProvider, FlagExporterInfo{
LinkDirs: flagExporter.linkDirs,
LinkObjects: flagExporter.linkObjects,
var _ exportedFlagsProducer = (*flagExporter)(nil)
func NewFlagExporter() *flagExporter {
return &flagExporter{}
type FlagExporterInfo struct {
Flags []string
LinkDirs []string // TODO: this should be android.Paths
LinkObjects []string // TODO: this should be android.Paths
var FlagExporterInfoProvider = blueprint.NewProvider(FlagExporterInfo{})
func (mod *Module) isCoverageVariant() bool {
return mod.coverage.Properties.IsCoverageVariant
var _ cc.Coverage = (*Module)(nil)
func (mod *Module) IsNativeCoverageNeeded(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool {
return mod.coverage != nil && mod.coverage.Properties.NeedCoverageVariant
func (mod *Module) VndkVersion() string {
return mod.Properties.VndkVersion
func (mod *Module) PreventInstall() bool {
return mod.Properties.PreventInstall
func (mod *Module) MarkAsCoverageVariant(coverage bool) {
mod.coverage.Properties.IsCoverageVariant = coverage
func (mod *Module) EnableCoverageIfNeeded() {
mod.coverage.Properties.CoverageEnabled = mod.coverage.Properties.NeedCoverageBuild
func defaultsFactory() android.Module {
return DefaultsFactory()
type Defaults struct {
func DefaultsFactory(props ...interface{}) android.Module {
module := &Defaults{}
return module
func (mod *Module) CrateName() string {
return mod.compiler.crateName()
func (mod *Module) CcLibrary() bool {
if mod.compiler != nil {
if _, ok := mod.compiler.(libraryInterface); ok {
return true
return false
func (mod *Module) CcLibraryInterface() bool {
if mod.compiler != nil {
// use build{Static,Shared}() instead of {static,shared}() here because this might be called before
// VariantIs{Static,Shared} is set.
if lib, ok := mod.compiler.(libraryInterface); ok && (lib.buildShared() || lib.buildStatic()) {
return true
return false
func (mod *Module) UnstrippedOutputFile() android.Path {
if mod.compiler != nil {
return mod.compiler.unstrippedOutputFilePath()
return nil
func (mod *Module) IncludeDirs() android.Paths {
if mod.compiler != nil {
if library, ok := mod.compiler.(*libraryDecorator); ok {
return library.includeDirs
panic(fmt.Errorf("IncludeDirs called on non-library module: %q", mod.BaseModuleName()))
func (mod *Module) SetStatic() {
if mod.compiler != nil {
if library, ok := mod.compiler.(libraryInterface); ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("SetStatic called on non-library module: %q", mod.BaseModuleName()))
func (mod *Module) SetShared() {
if mod.compiler != nil {
if library, ok := mod.compiler.(libraryInterface); ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("SetShared called on non-library module: %q", mod.BaseModuleName()))
func (mod *Module) BuildStaticVariant() bool {
if mod.compiler != nil {
if library, ok := mod.compiler.(libraryInterface); ok {
return library.buildStatic()
panic(fmt.Errorf("BuildStaticVariant called on non-library module: %q", mod.BaseModuleName()))
func (mod *Module) BuildSharedVariant() bool {
if mod.compiler != nil {
if library, ok := mod.compiler.(libraryInterface); ok {
return library.buildShared()
panic(fmt.Errorf("BuildSharedVariant called on non-library module: %q", mod.BaseModuleName()))
func (mod *Module) Module() android.Module {
return mod
func (mod *Module) OutputFile() android.OptionalPath {
return mod.outputFile
func (mod *Module) CoverageFiles() android.Paths {
if mod.compiler != nil {
return android.Paths{}
panic(fmt.Errorf("CoverageFiles called on non-library module: %q", mod.BaseModuleName()))
func (mod *Module) installable(apexInfo android.ApexInfo) bool {
if !proptools.BoolDefault(mod.Installable(), mod.EverInstallable()) {
return false
// The apex variant is not installable because it is included in the APEX and won't appear
// in the system partition as a standalone file.
if !apexInfo.IsForPlatform() {
return false
return mod.OutputFile().Valid() && !mod.Properties.PreventInstall
func (ctx moduleContext) apexVariationName() string {
return ctx.Provider(android.ApexInfoProvider).(android.ApexInfo).ApexVariationName
var _ cc.LinkableInterface = (*Module)(nil)
func (mod *Module) Init() android.Module {
if mod.afdo != nil {
if mod.compiler != nil {
if mod.coverage != nil {
if mod.clippy != nil {
if mod.sourceProvider != nil {
if mod.sanitize != nil {
android.InitAndroidArchModule(mod, mod.hod, mod.multilib)
return mod
func newBaseModule(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported, multilib android.Multilib) *Module {
return &Module{
hod: hod,
multilib: multilib,
func newModule(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported, multilib android.Multilib) *Module {
module := newBaseModule(hod, multilib)
module.afdo = &afdo{}
module.coverage = &coverage{}
module.clippy = &clippy{}
module.sanitize = &sanitize{}
return module
type ModuleContext interface {
type BaseModuleContext interface {
type DepsContext interface {
type ModuleContextIntf interface {
RustModule() *Module
toolchain() config.Toolchain
type depsContext struct {
type moduleContext struct {
type baseModuleContext struct {
func (ctx *moduleContext) RustModule() *Module {
return ctx.Module().(*Module)
func (ctx *moduleContext) toolchain() config.Toolchain {
return ctx.RustModule().toolchain(ctx)
func (ctx *depsContext) RustModule() *Module {
return ctx.Module().(*Module)
func (ctx *depsContext) toolchain() config.Toolchain {
return ctx.RustModule().toolchain(ctx)
func (ctx *baseModuleContext) RustModule() *Module {
return ctx.Module().(*Module)
func (ctx *baseModuleContext) toolchain() config.Toolchain {
return ctx.RustModule().toolchain(ctx)
func (mod *Module) nativeCoverage() bool {
// Bug: http://b/137883967 - native-bridge modules do not currently work with coverage
if mod.Target().NativeBridge == android.NativeBridgeEnabled {
return false
return mod.compiler != nil && mod.compiler.nativeCoverage()
func (mod *Module) EverInstallable() bool {
return mod.compiler != nil &&
// Check to see whether the module is actually ever installable.
func (mod *Module) Installable() *bool {
return mod.Properties.Installable
func (mod *Module) ProcMacro() bool {
if pm, ok := mod.compiler.(procMacroInterface); ok {
return pm.ProcMacro()
return false
func (mod *Module) toolchain(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) config.Toolchain {
if mod.cachedToolchain == nil {
mod.cachedToolchain = config.FindToolchain(ctx.Os(), ctx.Arch())
return mod.cachedToolchain
func (mod *Module) ccToolchain(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) cc_config.Toolchain {
return cc_config.FindToolchain(ctx.Os(), ctx.Arch())
func (d *Defaults) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
func (mod *Module) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(actx android.ModuleContext) {
ctx := &moduleContext{
ModuleContext: actx,
apexInfo := actx.Provider(android.ApexInfoProvider).(android.ApexInfo)
if !apexInfo.IsForPlatform() {
mod.hideApexVariantFromMake = true
toolchain := mod.toolchain(ctx)
mod.makeLinkType = cc.GetMakeLinkType(actx, mod)
mod.Properties.SubName = cc.GetSubnameProperty(actx, mod)
if !toolchain.Supported() {
// This toolchain's unsupported, there's nothing to do for this mod.
deps := mod.depsToPaths(ctx)
flags := Flags{
Toolchain: toolchain,
// Calculate rustc flags
if mod.afdo != nil {
flags, deps = mod.afdo.flags(ctx, flags, deps)
if mod.compiler != nil {
flags = mod.compiler.compilerFlags(ctx, flags)
flags = mod.compiler.cfgFlags(ctx, flags)
flags = mod.compiler.featureFlags(ctx, flags)
if mod.coverage != nil {
flags, deps = mod.coverage.flags(ctx, flags, deps)
if mod.clippy != nil {
flags, deps = mod.clippy.flags(ctx, flags, deps)
if mod.sanitize != nil {
flags, deps = mod.sanitize.flags(ctx, flags, deps)
// SourceProvider needs to call GenerateSource() before compiler calls
// compile() so it can provide the source. A SourceProvider has
// multiple variants (e.g. source, rlib, dylib). Only the "source"
// variant is responsible for effectively generating the source. The
// remaining variants relies on the "source" variant output.
if mod.sourceProvider != nil {
if mod.compiler.(libraryInterface).source() {
mod.sourceProvider.GenerateSource(ctx, deps)
} else {
sourceMod := actx.GetDirectDepWithTag(mod.Name(), sourceDepTag)
sourceLib := sourceMod.(*Module).compiler.(*libraryDecorator)
if mod.compiler != nil && !mod.compiler.Disabled() {
outputFile := mod.compiler.compile(ctx, flags, deps)
if ctx.Failed() {
mod.outputFile = android.OptionalPathForPath(outputFile)
bloaty.MeasureSizeForPaths(ctx, mod.compiler.strippedOutputFilePath(), android.OptionalPathForPath(mod.compiler.unstrippedOutputFilePath()))
mod.docTimestampFile = mod.compiler.rustdoc(ctx, flags, deps)
if mod.docTimestampFile.Valid() {
// glob exported headers for snapshot, if BOARD_VNDK_VERSION is current or
if lib, ok := mod.compiler.(snapshotLibraryInterface); ok {
if cc.ShouldCollectHeadersForSnapshot(ctx, mod, apexInfo) {
lib.collectHeadersForSnapshot(ctx, deps)
apexInfo := actx.Provider(android.ApexInfoProvider).(android.ApexInfo)
if !proptools.BoolDefault(mod.Installable(), mod.EverInstallable()) && !mod.ProcMacro() {
// If the module has been specifically configure to not be installed then
// hide from make as otherwise it will break when running inside make as the
// output path to install will not be specified. Not all uninstallable
// modules can be hidden from make as some are needed for resolving make
// side dependencies. In particular, proc-macros need to be captured in the
// host snapshot.
} else if !mod.installable(apexInfo) {
// Still call install though, the installs will be stored as PackageSpecs to allow
// using the outputs in a genrule.
if mod.OutputFile().Valid() {
if ctx.Failed() {
ctx.Phony("rust", ctx.RustModule().OutputFile().Path())
func (mod *Module) deps(ctx DepsContext) Deps {
deps := Deps{}
if mod.compiler != nil {
deps = mod.compiler.compilerDeps(ctx, deps)
if mod.sourceProvider != nil {
deps = mod.sourceProvider.SourceProviderDeps(ctx, deps)
if mod.coverage != nil {
deps = mod.coverage.deps(ctx, deps)
if mod.sanitize != nil {
deps = mod.sanitize.deps(ctx, deps)
deps.Rlibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.Rlibs)
deps.Dylibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.Dylibs)
deps.Rustlibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.Rustlibs)
deps.ProcMacros = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.ProcMacros)
deps.SharedLibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.SharedLibs)
deps.StaticLibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.StaticLibs)
deps.Stdlibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.Stdlibs)
deps.WholeStaticLibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.WholeStaticLibs)
return deps
type dependencyTag struct {
name string
library bool
procMacro bool
dynamic bool
// InstallDepNeeded returns true for rlibs, dylibs, and proc macros so that they or their transitive
// dependencies (especially C/C++ shared libs) are installed as dependencies of a rust binary.
func (d dependencyTag) InstallDepNeeded() bool {
return d.library || d.procMacro
var _ android.InstallNeededDependencyTag = dependencyTag{}
func (d dependencyTag) LicenseAnnotations() []android.LicenseAnnotation {
if d.library && d.dynamic {
return []android.LicenseAnnotation{android.LicenseAnnotationSharedDependency}
return nil
var _ android.LicenseAnnotationsDependencyTag = dependencyTag{}
var (
customBindgenDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "customBindgenTag"}
rlibDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "rlibTag", library: true}
dylibDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "dylib", library: true, dynamic: true}
procMacroDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "procMacro", procMacro: true}
testPerSrcDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "rust_unit_tests"}
sourceDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "source"}
dataLibDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "data lib"}
dataBinDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "data bin"}
func IsDylibDepTag(depTag blueprint.DependencyTag) bool {
tag, ok := depTag.(dependencyTag)
return ok && tag == dylibDepTag
func IsRlibDepTag(depTag blueprint.DependencyTag) bool {
tag, ok := depTag.(dependencyTag)
return ok && tag == rlibDepTag
type autoDep struct {
variation string
depTag dependencyTag
var (
rlibVariation = "rlib"
dylibVariation = "dylib"
rlibAutoDep = autoDep{variation: rlibVariation, depTag: rlibDepTag}
dylibAutoDep = autoDep{variation: dylibVariation, depTag: dylibDepTag}
type autoDeppable interface {
autoDep(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) autoDep
func (mod *Module) begin(ctx BaseModuleContext) {
if mod.coverage != nil {
if mod.sanitize != nil {
func (mod *Module) Prebuilt() *android.Prebuilt {
if p, ok := mod.compiler.(rustPrebuilt); ok {
return p.prebuilt()
return nil
func (mod *Module) depsToPaths(ctx android.ModuleContext) PathDeps {
var depPaths PathDeps
directRlibDeps := []*Module{}
directDylibDeps := []*Module{}
directProcMacroDeps := []*Module{}
directSharedLibDeps := []cc.SharedLibraryInfo{}
directStaticLibDeps := [](cc.LinkableInterface){}
directSrcProvidersDeps := []*Module{}
directSrcDeps := [](android.SourceFileProducer){}
// For the dependency from platform to apex, use the latest stubs
mod.apexSdkVersion = android.FutureApiLevel
apexInfo := ctx.Provider(android.ApexInfoProvider).(android.ApexInfo)
if !apexInfo.IsForPlatform() {
mod.apexSdkVersion = apexInfo.MinSdkVersion
if android.InList("hwaddress", ctx.Config().SanitizeDevice()) {
// In hwasan build, we override apexSdkVersion to the FutureApiLevel(10000)
// so that even Q(29/Android10) apexes could use the dynamic unwinder by linking the newer stubs(e.g libc(R+)).
// (b/144430859)
mod.apexSdkVersion = android.FutureApiLevel
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(dep android.Module) {
depName := ctx.OtherModuleName(dep)
depTag := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(dep)
if rustDep, ok := dep.(*Module); ok && !rustDep.CcLibraryInterface() {
//Handle Rust Modules
makeLibName := cc.MakeLibName(ctx, mod, rustDep, depName+rustDep.Properties.RustSubName)
switch depTag {
case dylibDepTag:
dylib, ok := rustDep.compiler.(libraryInterface)
if !ok || !dylib.dylib() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("mod %q not an dylib library", depName)
directDylibDeps = append(directDylibDeps, rustDep)
mod.Properties.AndroidMkDylibs = append(mod.Properties.AndroidMkDylibs, makeLibName)
case rlibDepTag:
rlib, ok := rustDep.compiler.(libraryInterface)
if !ok || !rlib.rlib() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("mod %q not an rlib library", makeLibName)
directRlibDeps = append(directRlibDeps, rustDep)
mod.Properties.AndroidMkRlibs = append(mod.Properties.AndroidMkRlibs, makeLibName)
case procMacroDepTag:
directProcMacroDeps = append(directProcMacroDeps, rustDep)
mod.Properties.AndroidMkProcMacroLibs = append(mod.Properties.AndroidMkProcMacroLibs, makeLibName)
if android.IsSourceDepTagWithOutputTag(depTag, "") {
// Since these deps are added in path_properties.go via AddDependencies, we need to ensure the correct
// OS/Arch variant is used.
var helper string
if ctx.Host() {
helper = "missing 'host_supported'?"
} else {
helper = "device module defined?"
if dep.Target().Os != ctx.Os() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("OS mismatch on dependency %q (%s)", dep.Name(), helper)
} else if dep.Target().Arch.ArchType != ctx.Arch().ArchType {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("Arch mismatch on dependency %q (%s)", dep.Name(), helper)
directSrcProvidersDeps = append(directSrcProvidersDeps, rustDep)
//Append the dependencies exportedDirs, except for proc-macros which target a different arch/OS
if depTag != procMacroDepTag {
exportedInfo := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(dep, FlagExporterInfoProvider).(FlagExporterInfo)
depPaths.linkDirs = append(depPaths.linkDirs, exportedInfo.LinkDirs...)
depPaths.depFlags = append(depPaths.depFlags, exportedInfo.Flags...)
depPaths.linkObjects = append(depPaths.linkObjects, exportedInfo.LinkObjects...)
if depTag == dylibDepTag || depTag == rlibDepTag || depTag == procMacroDepTag {
linkFile := rustDep.UnstrippedOutputFile()
linkDir := linkPathFromFilePath(linkFile)
if lib, ok := mod.compiler.(exportedFlagsProducer); ok {
} else if ccDep, ok := dep.(cc.LinkableInterface); ok {
//Handle C dependencies
makeLibName := cc.MakeLibName(ctx, mod, ccDep, depName)
if _, ok := ccDep.(*Module); !ok {
if ccDep.Module().Target().Os != ctx.Os() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("OS mismatch between %q and %q", ctx.ModuleName(), depName)
if ccDep.Module().Target().Arch.ArchType != ctx.Arch().ArchType {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("Arch mismatch between %q and %q", ctx.ModuleName(), depName)
linkObject := ccDep.OutputFile()
linkPath := linkPathFromFilePath(linkObject.Path())
if !linkObject.Valid() {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("Invalid output file when adding dep %q to %q", depName, ctx.ModuleName())
exportDep := false
switch {
case cc.IsStaticDepTag(depTag):
if cc.IsWholeStaticLib(depTag) {
// rustc will bundle static libraries when they're passed with "-lstatic=<lib>". This will fail
// if the library is not prefixed by "lib".
if mod.Binary() {
// Binaries may sometimes need to link whole static libraries that don't start with 'lib'.
// Since binaries don't need to 'rebundle' these like libraries and only use these for the
// final linkage, pass the args directly to the linker to handle these cases.
depPaths.depLinkFlags = append(depPaths.depLinkFlags, []string{"-Wl,--whole-archive", linkObject.Path().String(), "-Wl,--no-whole-archive"}...)
} else if libName, ok := libNameFromFilePath(linkObject.Path()); ok {
depPaths.depFlags = append(depPaths.depFlags, "-lstatic="+libName)
} else {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("'%q' cannot be listed as a whole_static_library in Rust modules unless the output is prefixed by 'lib'", depName, ctx.ModuleName())
// Add this to linkObjects to pass the library directly to the linker as well. This propagates
// to dependencies to avoid having to redeclare static libraries for dependents of the dylib variant.
depPaths.linkObjects = append(depPaths.linkObjects, linkObject.String())
depPaths.linkDirs = append(depPaths.linkDirs, linkPath)
exportedInfo := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(dep, cc.FlagExporterInfoProvider).(cc.FlagExporterInfo)
depPaths.depIncludePaths = append(depPaths.depIncludePaths, exportedInfo.IncludeDirs...)
depPaths.depSystemIncludePaths = append(depPaths.depSystemIncludePaths, exportedInfo.SystemIncludeDirs...)
depPaths.depClangFlags = append(depPaths.depClangFlags, exportedInfo.Flags...)
depPaths.depGeneratedHeaders = append(depPaths.depGeneratedHeaders, exportedInfo.GeneratedHeaders...)
directStaticLibDeps = append(directStaticLibDeps, ccDep)
// Record baseLibName for snapshots.
mod.Properties.SnapshotStaticLibs = append(mod.Properties.SnapshotStaticLibs, cc.BaseLibName(depName))
mod.Properties.AndroidMkStaticLibs = append(mod.Properties.AndroidMkStaticLibs, makeLibName)
case cc.IsSharedDepTag(depTag):
// For the shared lib dependencies, we may link to the stub variant
// of the dependency depending on the context (e.g. if this
// dependency crosses the APEX boundaries).
sharedLibraryInfo, exportedInfo := cc.ChooseStubOrImpl(ctx, dep)
// Re-get linkObject as ChooseStubOrImpl actually tells us which
// object (either from stub or non-stub) to use.
linkObject = android.OptionalPathForPath(sharedLibraryInfo.SharedLibrary)
linkPath = linkPathFromFilePath(linkObject.Path())
depPaths.linkDirs = append(depPaths.linkDirs, linkPath)
depPaths.linkObjects = append(depPaths.linkObjects, linkObject.String())
depPaths.depIncludePaths = append(depPaths.depIncludePaths, exportedInfo.IncludeDirs...)
depPaths.depSystemIncludePaths = append(depPaths.depSystemIncludePaths, exportedInfo.SystemIncludeDirs...)
depPaths.depClangFlags = append(depPaths.depClangFlags, exportedInfo.Flags...)
depPaths.depGeneratedHeaders = append(depPaths.depGeneratedHeaders, exportedInfo.GeneratedHeaders...)
directSharedLibDeps = append(directSharedLibDeps, sharedLibraryInfo)
// Record baseLibName for snapshots.
mod.Properties.SnapshotSharedLibs = append(mod.Properties.SnapshotSharedLibs, cc.BaseLibName(depName))
mod.Properties.AndroidMkSharedLibs = append(mod.Properties.AndroidMkSharedLibs, makeLibName)
exportDep = true
case cc.IsHeaderDepTag(depTag):
exportedInfo := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(dep, cc.FlagExporterInfoProvider).(cc.FlagExporterInfo)
depPaths.depIncludePaths = append(depPaths.depIncludePaths, exportedInfo.IncludeDirs...)
depPaths.depSystemIncludePaths = append(depPaths.depSystemIncludePaths, exportedInfo.SystemIncludeDirs...)
depPaths.depGeneratedHeaders = append(depPaths.depGeneratedHeaders, exportedInfo.GeneratedHeaders...)
case depTag == cc.CrtBeginDepTag:
depPaths.CrtBegin = append(depPaths.CrtBegin, linkObject.Path())
case depTag == cc.CrtEndDepTag:
depPaths.CrtEnd = append(depPaths.CrtEnd, linkObject.Path())
// Make sure these dependencies are propagated
if lib, ok := mod.compiler.(exportedFlagsProducer); ok && exportDep {
} else {
switch {
case depTag == cc.CrtBeginDepTag:
depPaths.CrtBegin = append(depPaths.CrtBegin, android.OutputFileForModule(ctx, dep, ""))
case depTag == cc.CrtEndDepTag:
depPaths.CrtEnd = append(depPaths.CrtEnd, android.OutputFileForModule(ctx, dep, ""))
if srcDep, ok := dep.(android.SourceFileProducer); ok {
if android.IsSourceDepTagWithOutputTag(depTag, "") {
// These are usually genrules which don't have per-target variants.
directSrcDeps = append(directSrcDeps, srcDep)
var rlibDepFiles RustLibraries
for _, dep := range directRlibDeps {
rlibDepFiles = append(rlibDepFiles, RustLibrary{Path: dep.UnstrippedOutputFile(), CrateName: dep.CrateName()})
var dylibDepFiles RustLibraries
for _, dep := range directDylibDeps {
dylibDepFiles = append(dylibDepFiles, RustLibrary{Path: dep.UnstrippedOutputFile(), CrateName: dep.CrateName()})
var procMacroDepFiles RustLibraries
for _, dep := range directProcMacroDeps {
procMacroDepFiles = append(procMacroDepFiles, RustLibrary{Path: dep.UnstrippedOutputFile(), CrateName: dep.CrateName()})
var staticLibDepFiles android.Paths
for _, dep := range directStaticLibDeps {
staticLibDepFiles = append(staticLibDepFiles, dep.OutputFile().Path())
var sharedLibFiles android.Paths
var sharedLibDepFiles android.Paths
for _, dep := range directSharedLibDeps {
sharedLibFiles = append(sharedLibFiles, dep.SharedLibrary)
if dep.TableOfContents.Valid() {
sharedLibDepFiles = append(sharedLibDepFiles, dep.TableOfContents.Path())
} else {
sharedLibDepFiles = append(sharedLibDepFiles, dep.SharedLibrary)
var srcProviderDepFiles android.Paths
for _, dep := range directSrcProvidersDeps {
srcs, _ := dep.OutputFiles("")
srcProviderDepFiles = append(srcProviderDepFiles, srcs...)
for _, dep := range directSrcDeps {
srcs := dep.Srcs()
srcProviderDepFiles = append(srcProviderDepFiles, srcs...)
depPaths.RLibs = append(depPaths.RLibs, rlibDepFiles...)
depPaths.DyLibs = append(depPaths.DyLibs, dylibDepFiles...)
depPaths.SharedLibs = append(depPaths.SharedLibs, sharedLibDepFiles...)
depPaths.SharedLibDeps = append(depPaths.SharedLibDeps, sharedLibDepFiles...)
depPaths.StaticLibs = append(depPaths.StaticLibs, staticLibDepFiles...)
depPaths.ProcMacros = append(depPaths.ProcMacros, procMacroDepFiles...)
depPaths.SrcDeps = append(depPaths.SrcDeps, srcProviderDepFiles...)
// Dedup exported flags from dependencies
depPaths.linkDirs = android.FirstUniqueStrings(depPaths.linkDirs)
depPaths.linkObjects = android.FirstUniqueStrings(depPaths.linkObjects)
depPaths.depFlags = android.FirstUniqueStrings(depPaths.depFlags)
depPaths.depClangFlags = android.FirstUniqueStrings(depPaths.depClangFlags)
depPaths.depIncludePaths = android.FirstUniquePaths(depPaths.depIncludePaths)
depPaths.depSystemIncludePaths = android.FirstUniquePaths(depPaths.depSystemIncludePaths)
return depPaths
func (mod *Module) InstallInData() bool {
if mod.compiler == nil {
return false
return mod.compiler.inData()
func (mod *Module) InstallInRamdisk() bool {
return mod.InRamdisk()
func (mod *Module) InstallInVendorRamdisk() bool {
return mod.InVendorRamdisk()
func (mod *Module) InstallInRecovery() bool {
return mod.InRecovery()
func linkPathFromFilePath(filepath android.Path) string {
return strings.Split(filepath.String(), filepath.Base())[0]
func (mod *Module) DepsMutator(actx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
ctx := &depsContext{
BottomUpMutatorContext: actx,
deps := mod.deps(ctx)
var commonDepVariations []blueprint.Variation
var snapshotInfo *cc.SnapshotInfo
if ctx.Os() == android.Android {
deps.SharedLibs, _ = cc.RewriteLibs(mod, &snapshotInfo, actx, ctx.Config(), deps.SharedLibs)
stdLinkage := "dylib-std"
if mod.compiler.stdLinkage(ctx) == RlibLinkage {
stdLinkage = "rlib-std"
rlibDepVariations := commonDepVariations
if lib, ok := mod.compiler.(libraryInterface); !ok || !lib.sysroot() {
rlibDepVariations = append(rlibDepVariations,
blueprint.Variation{Mutator: "rust_stdlinkage", Variation: stdLinkage})
// rlibs
rlibDepVariations = append(rlibDepVariations, blueprint.Variation{Mutator: "rust_libraries", Variation: rlibVariation})
for _, lib := range deps.Rlibs {
depTag := rlibDepTag
lib = cc.RewriteSnapshotLib(lib, cc.GetSnapshot(mod, &snapshotInfo, actx).Rlibs)
actx.AddVariationDependencies(rlibDepVariations, depTag, lib)
// dylibs
append(commonDepVariations, []blueprint.Variation{
{Mutator: "rust_libraries", Variation: dylibVariation}}...),
dylibDepTag, deps.Dylibs...)
// rustlibs
if deps.Rustlibs != nil && !mod.compiler.Disabled() {
autoDep := mod.compiler.(autoDeppable).autoDep(ctx)
for _, lib := range deps.Rustlibs {
if autoDep.depTag == rlibDepTag {
// Handle the rlib deptag case
addRlibDependency(actx, lib, mod, snapshotInfo, rlibDepVariations)
} else {
// autoDep.depTag is a dylib depTag. Not all rustlibs may be available as a dylib however.
// Check for the existence of the dylib deptag variant. Select it if available,
// otherwise select the rlib variant.
autoDepVariations := append(commonDepVariations,
blueprint.Variation{Mutator: "rust_libraries", Variation: autoDep.variation})
if actx.OtherModuleDependencyVariantExists(autoDepVariations, lib) {
actx.AddVariationDependencies(autoDepVariations, autoDep.depTag, lib)
} else {
// If there's no dylib dependency available, try to add the rlib dependency instead.
addRlibDependency(actx, lib, mod, snapshotInfo, rlibDepVariations)
// stdlibs
if deps.Stdlibs != nil {
if mod.compiler.stdLinkage(ctx) == RlibLinkage {
for _, lib := range deps.Stdlibs {
depTag := rlibDepTag
lib = cc.RewriteSnapshotLib(lib, cc.GetSnapshot(mod, &snapshotInfo, actx).Rlibs)
actx.AddVariationDependencies(append(commonDepVariations, []blueprint.Variation{{Mutator: "rust_libraries", Variation: "rlib"}}...),
depTag, lib)
} else {
append(commonDepVariations, blueprint.Variation{Mutator: "rust_libraries", Variation: "dylib"}),
dylibDepTag, deps.Stdlibs...)
for _, lib := range deps.SharedLibs {
depTag := cc.SharedDepTag()
name, version := cc.StubsLibNameAndVersion(lib)
variations := []blueprint.Variation{
{Mutator: "link", Variation: "shared"},
cc.AddSharedLibDependenciesWithVersions(ctx, mod, variations, depTag, name, version, false)
for _, lib := range deps.WholeStaticLibs {
depTag := cc.StaticDepTag(true)
lib = cc.RewriteSnapshotLib(lib, cc.GetSnapshot(mod, &snapshotInfo, actx).StaticLibs)
{Mutator: "link", Variation: "static"},
}, depTag, lib)
for _, lib := range deps.StaticLibs {
depTag := cc.StaticDepTag(false)
lib = cc.RewriteSnapshotLib(lib, cc.GetSnapshot(mod, &snapshotInfo, actx).StaticLibs)
{Mutator: "link", Variation: "static"},
}, depTag, lib)
actx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, cc.HeaderDepTag(), deps.HeaderLibs...)
crtVariations := cc.GetCrtVariations(ctx, mod)
for _, crt := range deps.CrtBegin {
actx.AddVariationDependencies(crtVariations, cc.CrtBeginDepTag,
cc.RewriteSnapshotLib(crt, cc.GetSnapshot(mod, &snapshotInfo, actx).Objects))
for _, crt := range deps.CrtEnd {
actx.AddVariationDependencies(crtVariations, cc.CrtEndDepTag,
cc.RewriteSnapshotLib(crt, cc.GetSnapshot(mod, &snapshotInfo, actx).Objects))
if mod.sourceProvider != nil {
if bindgen, ok := mod.sourceProvider.(*bindgenDecorator); ok &&
bindgen.Properties.Custom_bindgen != "" {
actx.AddFarVariationDependencies(ctx.Config().BuildOSTarget.Variations(), customBindgenDepTag,
{Mutator: "link", Variation: "shared"},
}, dataLibDepTag, deps.DataLibs...)
actx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, dataBinDepTag, deps.DataBins...)
// proc_macros are compiler plugins, and so we need the host arch variant as a dependendcy.
actx.AddFarVariationDependencies(ctx.Config().BuildOSTarget.Variations(), procMacroDepTag, deps.ProcMacros...)
// addRlibDependency will add an rlib dependency, rewriting to the snapshot library if available.
func addRlibDependency(actx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, lib string, mod *Module, snapshotInfo *cc.SnapshotInfo, variations []blueprint.Variation) {
lib = cc.RewriteSnapshotLib(lib, cc.GetSnapshot(mod, &snapshotInfo, actx).Rlibs)
actx.AddVariationDependencies(variations, rlibDepTag, lib)
func BeginMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if mod, ok := ctx.Module().(*Module); ok && mod.Enabled() {
func (mod *Module) beginMutator(actx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
ctx := &baseModuleContext{
BaseModuleContext: actx,
func (mod *Module) Name() string {
name := mod.ModuleBase.Name()
if p, ok := mod.compiler.(interface {
Name(string) string
}); ok {
name = p.Name(name)
return name
func (mod *Module) disableClippy() {
if mod.clippy != nil {
mod.clippy.Properties.Clippy_lints = proptools.StringPtr("none")
var _ android.HostToolProvider = (*Module)(nil)
var _ snapshot.RelativeInstallPath = (*Module)(nil)
func (mod *Module) HostToolPath() android.OptionalPath {
if !mod.Host() {
return android.OptionalPath{}
if binary, ok := mod.compiler.(*binaryDecorator); ok {
return android.OptionalPathForPath(binary.baseCompiler.path)
} else if pm, ok := mod.compiler.(*procMacroDecorator); ok {
// Even though proc-macros aren't strictly "tools", since they target the compiler
// and act as compiler plugins, we treat them similarly.
return android.OptionalPathForPath(pm.baseCompiler.path)
return android.OptionalPath{}
var _ android.ApexModule = (*Module)(nil)
func (mod *Module) MinSdkVersion() string {
return String(mod.Properties.Min_sdk_version)
// Implements android.ApexModule
func (mod *Module) ShouldSupportSdkVersion(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion android.ApiLevel) error {
minSdkVersion := mod.MinSdkVersion()
if minSdkVersion == "apex_inherit" {
return nil
if minSdkVersion == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("min_sdk_version is not specificed")
// Not using nativeApiLevelFromUser because the context here is not
// necessarily a native context.
ver, err := android.ApiLevelFromUser(ctx, minSdkVersion)
if err != nil {
return err
if ver.GreaterThan(sdkVersion) {
return fmt.Errorf("newer SDK(%v)", ver)
return nil
// Implements android.ApexModule
func (mod *Module) DepIsInSameApex(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, dep android.Module) bool {
depTag := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(dep)
if ccm, ok := dep.(*cc.Module); ok {
if ccm.HasStubsVariants() {
if cc.IsSharedDepTag(depTag) {
// dynamic dep to a stubs lib crosses APEX boundary
return false
if cc.IsRuntimeDepTag(depTag) {
// runtime dep to a stubs lib also crosses APEX boundary
return false
if cc.IsHeaderDepTag(depTag) {
return false
if mod.Static() && cc.IsSharedDepTag(depTag) {
// shared_lib dependency from a static lib is considered as crossing
// the APEX boundary because the dependency doesn't actually is
// linked; the dependency is used only during the compilation phase.
return false
if depTag == procMacroDepTag {
return false
return true
// Overrides ApexModule.IsInstallabeToApex()
func (mod *Module) IsInstallableToApex() bool {
if mod.compiler != nil {
if lib, ok := mod.compiler.(libraryInterface); ok && (lib.shared() || lib.dylib()) {
return true
if _, ok := mod.compiler.(*binaryDecorator); ok {
return true
return false
// If a library file has a "lib" prefix, extract the library name without the prefix.
func libNameFromFilePath(filepath android.Path) (string, bool) {
libName := strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(), filepath.Ext())
if strings.HasPrefix(libName, "lib") {
libName = libName[3:]
return libName, true
return "", false
var Bool = proptools.Bool
var BoolDefault = proptools.BoolDefault
var String = proptools.String
var StringPtr = proptools.StringPtr
var _ android.OutputFileProducer = (*Module)(nil)