143 lines
5.4 KiB
143 lines
5.4 KiB
# Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import pytest
import pyarmnn as ann
def network():
return ann.INetwork()
class TestIInputIOutputIConnectable:
def test_input_slot(self, network):
# Create input, addition & output layer
input1 = network.AddInputLayer(0, "input1")
input2 = network.AddInputLayer(1, "input2")
add = network.AddAdditionLayer("addition")
output = network.AddOutputLayer(0, "output")
# Connect the input/output slots for each layer
# Check IInputSlot GetConnection()
input_slot = add.GetInputSlot(0)
input_slot_connection = input_slot.GetConnection()
assert isinstance(input_slot_connection, ann.IOutputSlot)
del input_slot_connection
assert input_slot.GetConnection()
assert isinstance(input_slot.GetConnection(), ann.IOutputSlot)
del input_slot
assert add.GetInputSlot(0)
def test_output_slot(self, network):
# Create input, addition & output layer
input1 = network.AddInputLayer(0, "input1")
input2 = network.AddInputLayer(1, "input2")
add = network.AddAdditionLayer("addition")
output = network.AddOutputLayer(0, "output")
# Connect the input/output slots for each layer
# Check IInputSlot GetConnection()
add_get_input_connection = add.GetInputSlot(0).GetConnection()
output_get_input_connection = output.GetInputSlot(0).GetConnection()
# Check IOutputSlot GetConnection()
add_get_output_connect = add.GetOutputSlot(0).GetConnection(0)
assert isinstance(add_get_output_connect.GetConnection(), ann.IOutputSlot)
# Test IOutputSlot GetNumConnections() & CalculateIndexOnOwner()
assert add_get_input_connection.GetNumConnections() == 1
assert len(add_get_input_connection) == 1
assert add_get_input_connection[0]
assert add_get_input_connection.CalculateIndexOnOwner() == 0
# Check GetOwningLayerGuid(). Check that it is different for add and output layer
assert add_get_input_connection.GetOwningLayerGuid() != output_get_input_connection.GetOwningLayerGuid()
# Set TensorInfo
test_tensor_info = ann.TensorInfo(ann.TensorShape((2, 3)), ann.DataType_Float32)
# Check IsTensorInfoSet()
assert not add_get_input_connection.IsTensorInfoSet()
assert add_get_input_connection.IsTensorInfoSet()
# Check GetTensorInfo()
output_tensor_info = add_get_input_connection.GetTensorInfo()
assert 2 == output_tensor_info.GetNumDimensions()
assert 6 == output_tensor_info.GetNumElements()
# Check Disconnect()
assert output_get_input_connection.GetNumConnections() == 1 # 1 connection to Outputslot0 from input1
add.GetOutputSlot(0).Disconnect(output.GetInputSlot(0)) # disconnect add.OutputSlot0 from Output.InputSlot0
assert output_get_input_connection.GetNumConnections() == 0
def test_output_slot__out_of_range(self, network):
# Create input layer to check output slot get item handling
input1 = network.AddInputLayer(0, "input1")
outputSlot = input1.GetOutputSlot(0)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
assert "Invalid index 1 provided" in str(err.value)
def test_iconnectable_guid(self, network):
# Check IConnectable GetGuid()
# Note Guid can change based on which tests are run so
# checking here that each layer does not have the same guid
add_id = network.AddAdditionLayer().GetGuid()
output_id = network.AddOutputLayer(0).GetGuid()
assert add_id != output_id
def test_iconnectable_layer_functions(self, network):
# Create input, addition & output layer
input1 = network.AddInputLayer(0, "input1")
input2 = network.AddInputLayer(1, "input2")
add = network.AddAdditionLayer("addition")
output = network.AddOutputLayer(0, "output")
# Check GetNumInputSlots(), GetName() & GetNumOutputSlots()
assert input1.GetNumInputSlots() == 0
assert input1.GetName() == "input1"
assert input1.GetNumOutputSlots() == 1
assert input2.GetNumInputSlots() == 0
assert input2.GetName() == "input2"
assert input2.GetNumOutputSlots() == 1
assert add.GetNumInputSlots() == 2
assert add.GetName() == "addition"
assert add.GetNumOutputSlots() == 1
assert output.GetNumInputSlots() == 1
assert output.GetName() == "output"
assert output.GetNumOutputSlots() == 0
# Check GetOutputSlot()
input1_get_output = input1.GetOutputSlot(0)
assert input1_get_output.GetNumConnections() == 0
assert len(input1_get_output) == 0
# Check GetInputSlot()
add_get_input = add.GetInputSlot(0)
assert isinstance(add_get_input, ann.IInputSlot)