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# © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
# License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
# Generated using tools/cldr/cldr-to-icu/build-icu-data.xml
# File: ky_ky_FONIPA.txt
# Generated from CLDR
# Transformation from Kyrgyz (ky) to its IPA transcription (ky_FONIPA).
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyrgyz_alphabet#Correspondence_chart
$consonant_sound = [bdfɡklmnŋpqrʁsʃtvzʒχ];
аа → ɑː;
а → ɑ;
б → b;
в → v;
{г} [аоуы] → ʁ;
г → ɡ;
дж → d\u0361ʒ; # eg. Джамадан
дд → dː;
д → d;
[$] {е} → je; # at the beginning of a word
е → e;
ё → jo; # appears only in loanwords
ж → d\u0361ʒ;
з → z;
ии → iː;
и → i;
й → j;
кк → kː;
[$] {к} [еёиɵүю] → ɡ; # eg. кирет, кишиден, келди
{к} [аоуы] → q; # eg. чокусу, факультетин, нукура
[ɑouɯ] ː? {к} → q; # eg. Исак, Бирок, Кутлук, Ферганалык
[y] $consonant_sound+ ː? {к} [$] → k; # eg. мүлк, түрк
$consonant_sound {к} [$] → q; # eg. даңк, калк, кырк
[ŋ] {к} → q;
к → k;
# TODO(sascha): Verify whether /lʲ/ is really phonemic in Kyrgyz;
# is there really a minimal pair with /l/ versus /lʲ/?
[eøy] ː? {л}к → lʲ; # eg. мүлк, күлкү, өлкө, эзелки
лл → lː;
л → l;
мм → mː;
м → m;
нн → nː;
н → n;
ң → ŋ;
оо → oː;
о → o;
өө → øː;
ө → ø;
п → p;
р → r;
сс → sː;
с → s;
тт → tː;
тч → t\u0361ʃ; # eg. екетчилерден
т → t;
уу → uː;
у → u;
үү → yː;
ү → y;
ф → f; # only in loanwords
х → χ;
ц → t\u0361s; # only in loanwords
ч → t\u0361ʃ;
ш → ʃ;
щ → ʃ t\u0361ʃ; # only in loanwords
ъ → ; # no phonemic value; appears only in loanwords
ы → ɯ;
ь → ; # no phonemic value; appears only in loanwords
ээ → eː;
э → e;
ю → ju;
я → jɑ;
\- → ' ';