383 lines
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383 lines
11 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2016 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "src/master_parser.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "src/byte_parser.h"
#include "test_utils/element_parser_test.h"
#include "webm/element.h"
#include "webm/id.h"
#include "webm/status.h"
using testing::_;
using testing::DoAll;
using testing::InSequence;
using testing::NotNull;
using testing::Return;
using testing::SetArgPointee;
using webm::Action;
using webm::BinaryParser;
using webm::ElementMetadata;
using webm::ElementParser;
using webm::ElementParserTest;
using webm::Id;
using webm::kUnknownElementSize;
using webm::LimitedReader;
using webm::MasterParser;
using webm::Status;
namespace {
// Simple helper method that just takes an Id and ElementParser* and returns
// them in a std::pair<Id, std::unique_ptr<ElementParser>>. Provided just for
// simplifying some statements.
std::pair<Id, std::unique_ptr<ElementParser>> ParserForId(
Id id, ElementParser* parser) {
return {id, std::unique_ptr<ElementParser>(parser)};
class MasterParserTest : public ElementParserTest<MasterParser> {};
// Errors parsing an ID should be returned to the caller.
TEST_F(MasterParserTest, BadId) {
0x00, // Invalid ID.
0x80, // ID = 0x80 (unknown).
0x80, // Size = 0.
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(_, _)).Times(0);
// Errors from a child parser's Init should be returned to the caller.
TEST_F(MasterParserTest, ChildInitFails) {
0xEC, // ID = 0xEC (Void).
0xFF, // Size = unknown.
const ElementMetadata metadata = {Id::kVoid, 2, kUnknownElementSize, 0};
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(metadata, NotNull())).Times(1);
// Indefinite unknown children should result in an error.
TEST_F(MasterParserTest, IndefiniteUnknownChild) {
0x80, // ID = 0x80 (unknown).
0xFF, // Size = unknown.
0x00, 0x00, // Body.
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(_, _)).Times(0);
// Child elements that overflow the master element's size should be detected.
TEST_F(MasterParserTest, ChildOverflow) {
0xEC, // ID = 0xEC (Void).
0x82, // Size = 2.
0x00, 0x00, // Body.
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(_, _)).Times(0);
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnVoid(_, _, _)).Times(0);
ParseAndExpectResult(Status::kElementOverflow, reader_.size() - 1);
// Child elements with an unknown size can't be naively checked to see if they
// overflow the master element's size. Make sure the overflow is still detected.
TEST_F(MasterParserTest, ChildOverflowWithUnknownSize) {
0xA1, // ID = 0xA1 (Block) (master).
0xFF, // Size = unknown.
0xEC, // ID = 0xEC (Void) (child).
0x81, // Size = 1.
0x12, // Body.
InSequence dummy;
ElementMetadata metadata = {Id::kBlock, 2, kUnknownElementSize, 0};
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(metadata, NotNull())).Times(1);
ResetParser(ParserForId(Id::kBlock, new MasterParser));
ParseAndExpectResult(Status::kElementOverflow, 4);
// An element with an unknown size should be terminated by its parents bounds.
TEST_F(MasterParserTest, ChildWithUnknownSizeBoundedByParentSize) {
0xA1, // ID = 0xA1 (Block) (master).
0xFF, // Size = unknown.
0xEC, // ID = 0xEC (Void) (child).
0x81, // Size = 1.
0x12, // Body.
0x00, // Invalid ID. This should not be read.
InSequence dummy;
ElementMetadata metadata = {Id::kBlock, 2, kUnknownElementSize, 0};
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(metadata, NotNull())).Times(1);
metadata = {Id::kVoid, 2, 1, 2};
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(metadata, NotNull())).Times(1);
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnVoid(metadata, NotNull(), NotNull())).Times(1);
ResetParser(ParserForId(Id::kBlock, new MasterParser));
ParseAndVerify(reader_.size() - 1);
// An empty master element is okay.
TEST_F(MasterParserTest, Empty) {
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(_, _)).Times(0);
TEST_F(MasterParserTest, DefaultActionIsRead) {
0xEC, // ID = 0xEC (Void).
0x80, // Size = 0.
InSequence dummy;
const ElementMetadata metadata = {Id::kVoid, 2, 0, 0};
// This intentionally does not set the action and relies on the parser using
// a default action value of kRead.
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(metadata, NotNull()))
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnVoid(metadata, NotNull(), NotNull())).Times(1);
// Unrecognized children should be skipped over.
TEST_F(MasterParserTest, UnknownChildren) {
0x40, 0x00, // ID = 0x4000 (unknown).
0x80, // Size = 0.
0x80, // ID = 0x80 (unknown).
0x40, 0x00, // Size = 0.
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnVoid(_, _, _)).Times(0);
InSequence dummy;
ElementMetadata metadata = {static_cast<Id>(0x4000), 3, 0, 0};
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(metadata, NotNull())).Times(1);
metadata = {static_cast<Id>(0x80), 3, 0, 3};
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(metadata, NotNull())).Times(1);
// A master element with unknown size is terminated by the first element that is
// not a valid child.
TEST_F(MasterParserTest, UnknownSize) {
// Void elements may appear anywhere in a master element and should not
// terminate the parse for a master element with an unknown size. In other
// words, they're always valid children.
0xEC, // ID = 0xEC (Void).
0x81, // Size = 1.
0x00, // Body.
// This element marks the end for the parser since this is the first
// unrecognized element. The ID and size should be read (which the parser
// uses to determine the end has been reached), but nothing more.
0x80, // ID = 0x80 (unknown).
0x81, // Size = 1.
0x12, // Body.
InSequence dummy;
const ElementMetadata metadata = {Id::kVoid, 2, 1, 0};
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(metadata, NotNull())).Times(1);
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnVoid(metadata, NotNull(), NotNull())).Times(1);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<std::uint64_t>(5), reader_.Position());
// Consecutive elements with unknown size should parse without issues, despite
// the internal parsers having to read ahead into the next (non-child) element.
TEST_F(MasterParserTest, MultipleUnknownChildSize) {
0xA1, // ID = 0xA1 (Block) (master).
0xFF, // Size = unknown.
0xEC, // ID = 0xEC (Void) (child).
0x81, // Size = 1.
0x12, // Body.
0xA1, // ID = 0xA1 (Block) (master).
0xFF, // Size = unknown.
0xEC, // ID = 0xEC (Void) (child).
0x81, // Size = 1.
0x13, // Body.
InSequence dummy;
ElementMetadata metadata = {Id::kBlock, 2, kUnknownElementSize, 0};
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(metadata, NotNull())).Times(1);
metadata = {Id::kVoid, 2, 1, 2};
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(metadata, NotNull())).Times(1);
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnVoid(metadata, NotNull(), NotNull())).Times(1);
metadata = {Id::kBlock, 2, kUnknownElementSize, 5};
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(metadata, NotNull())).Times(1);
metadata = {Id::kVoid, 2, 1, 7};
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(metadata, NotNull())).Times(1);
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnVoid(metadata, NotNull(), NotNull())).Times(1);
ResetParser(ParserForId(Id::kBlock, new MasterParser));
// Reaching the end of the file while reading an element with unknown size
// should return Status::kOkCompleted instead of Status::kEndOfFile.
TEST_F(MasterParserTest, UnknownSizeToFileEnd) {
0xEC, // ID = 0xEC (Void).
0x81, // Size = 1.
0x00, // Body.
InSequence dummy;
const ElementMetadata metadata = {Id::kVoid, 2, 1, 0};
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(metadata, NotNull())).Times(1);
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnVoid(metadata, NotNull(), NotNull())).Times(1);
// Parsing one byte at a time is okay.
TEST_F(MasterParserTest, IncrementalParse) {
0x1A, 0x45, 0xDF, 0xA3, // ID = 0x1A45DFA3 (EBML).
0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, // Size = 6.
0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, // Body.
const ElementMetadata metadata = {Id::kEbml, 9, 6, 0};
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(metadata, NotNull())).Times(1);
BinaryParser* binary_parser = new BinaryParser;
ResetParser(ParserForId(Id::kEbml, binary_parser));
std::vector<std::uint8_t> expected = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06};
EXPECT_EQ(expected, binary_parser->value());
// Alternating actions between skip and read is okay. The parser should remember
// the requested action between repeated calls to Feed.
TEST_F(MasterParserTest, IncrementalSkipThenReadThenSkip) {
0xA1, // ID = 0xA1 (Block) (master).
0x83, // Size = 3.
0xEC, // ID = 0xEC (Void) (child).
0x81, // Size = 1.
0x12, // Body.
0xA1, // ID = 0xA1 (Block) (master).
0x83, // Size = 3.
0xEC, // ID = 0xEC (Void) (child).
0x81, // Size = 1.
0x13, // Body.
0xA1, // ID = 0xA1 (Block) (master).
0xFF, // Size = unknown.
0xEC, // ID = 0xEC (Void) (child).
0x81, // Size = 1.
0x14, // Body.
InSequence dummy;
ElementMetadata metadata = {Id::kBlock, 2, 3, 0};
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(metadata, NotNull()))
metadata = {Id::kBlock, 2, 3, 5};
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(metadata, NotNull())).Times(1);
metadata = {Id::kVoid, 2, 1, 7};
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(metadata, NotNull())).Times(1);
// Expect to get called twice because we'll cap the LimitedReader to 1-byte
// reads. The first attempt to read will fail because we'll have already
// reached the 1-byte max.
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnVoid(metadata, NotNull(), NotNull())).Times(2);
metadata = {Id::kBlock, 2, kUnknownElementSize, 10};
EXPECT_CALL(callback_, OnElementBegin(metadata, NotNull()))
ResetParser(ParserForId(Id::kBlock, new MasterParser));
} // namespace