46 lines
1.3 KiB
46 lines
1.3 KiB
Compiles and signs a catalog file.
Given the CDF definition file, builds and signs a catalog.
.Parameter catalog
The path to the catalog definition file to compile and
sign. It is assumed that the .cat file will be the same
name with a new extension.
.Parameter outfile
The path to move the built .cat file to (optional).
.Parameter description
The description to add to the signature (optional).
.Parameter certname
The name of the certificate to sign with (optional).
.Parameter certsha1
The SHA1 hash of the certificate to sign with (optional).
$tools = $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path | Split-Path -parent;
Import-Module $tools\sdktools.psm1 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -Force
Set-Alias MakeCat (Find-Tool "makecat.exe") -Scope Script
MakeCat $catalog
if (-not $?) {
throw "Catalog compilation failed"
if ($sign) {
Sign-File -certname $certname -certsha1 $certsha1 -certfile $certfile -description $description -files @($catalog -replace 'cdf$', 'cat')
if ($outfile) {
Split-Path -Parent $outfile | ?{ $_ } | %{ mkdir -Force $_; }
Move-Item ($catalog -replace 'cdf$', 'cat') $outfile