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2024-06-22 08:45:49 -04:00
/* ls.c - list files
* Copyright 2012 Andre Renaud <>
* Copyright 2012 Rob Landley <>
* See
* Deviations from posix:
* add -b (and default to it instead of -q for an unambiguous representation
* that doesn't cause collisions)
* add -Z -ll --color
* Posix says the -l date format should vary based on how recent it is
* and we do --time-style=long-iso instead
USE_LS(NEWTOY(ls, "(color):;(full-time)(show-control-chars)ZgoACFHLRSabcdfhikl@mnpqrstuw#=80<0x1[-Cxm1][-Cxml][-Cxmo][-Cxmg][-cu][-ftS][-HL][!qb]", TOYFLAG_BIN|TOYFLAG_LOCALE))
config LS
bool "ls"
default y
usage: ls [-ACFHLRSZacdfhiklmnpqrstuwx1] [--color[=auto]] [FILE...]
List files.
what to show:
-a all files including .hidden -b escape nongraphic chars
-c use ctime for timestamps -d directory, not contents
-i inode number -p put a '/' after dir names
-q unprintable chars as '?' -s storage used (1024 byte units)
-u use access time for timestamps -A list all files but . and ..
-H follow command line symlinks -L follow symlinks
-R recursively list in subdirs -F append /dir *exe @sym |FIFO
-Z security context
output formats:
-1 list one file per line -C columns (sorted vertically)
-g like -l but no owner -h human readable sizes
-l long (show full details) -m comma separated
-n like -l but numeric uid/gid -o like -l but no group
-w set column width -x columns (horizontal sort)
-ll long with nanoseconds (--full-time)
--color device=yellow symlink=turquoise/red dir=blue socket=purple
files: exe=green suid=red suidfile=redback stickydir=greenback
=auto means detect if output is a tty.
sorting (default is alphabetical):
-f unsorted -r reverse -t timestamp -S size
#define FOR_ls
#include "toys.h"
// test sst output (suid/sticky in ls flaglist)
// ls -lR starts .: then ./subdir:
long w;
long l;
char *color;
struct dirtree *files, *singledir;
unsigned screen_width;
int nl_title;
char *escmore;
// Callback from crunch_str to represent unprintable chars
static int crunch_qb(FILE *out, int cols, int wc)
int len = 1;
char buf[32];
if (FLAG(q)) *buf = '?';
else {
if (wc<256) *buf = wc;
// scrute the inscrutable, eff the ineffable, print the unprintable
else if ((len = wcrtomb(buf, wc, 0) ) == -1) len = 1;
if (FLAG(b)) {
char *to = buf, *from = buf+24;
int i, j;
memcpy(from, to, 8);
for (i = 0; i<len; i++) {
*to++ = '\\';
if (strchr(TT.escmore, from[i])) *to++ = from[i];
else if (-1 != (j = stridx("\\\a\b\e\f\n\r\t\v", from[i])))
*to++ = "\\abefnrtv"[j];
else to += sprintf(to, "%03o", from[i]);
len = to-buf;
if (cols<len) len = cols;
if (out) fwrite(buf, len, 1, out);
return len;
// Returns wcwidth(utf8) version of strlen with -qb escapes
static int strwidth(char *s)
return crunch_str(&s, INT_MAX, 0, TT.escmore, crunch_qb);
static char endtype(struct stat *st)
mode_t mode = st->st_mode;
if ((FLAG(F)||FLAG(p)) && S_ISDIR(mode)) return '/';
if (FLAG(F)) {
if (S_ISLNK(mode)) return '@';
if (S_ISREG(mode) && (mode&0111)) return '*';
if (S_ISFIFO(mode)) return '|';
if (S_ISSOCK(mode)) return '=';
return 0;
static int numlen(long long ll)
return snprintf(0, 0, "%llu", ll);
static int print_with_h(char *s, long long value, int units)
if (FLAG(h)) return human_readable(s, value*units, 0);
else return sprintf(s, "%lld", value);
// Figure out size of printable entry fields for display indent/wrap
static void entrylen(struct dirtree *dt, unsigned *len)
struct stat *st = &(dt->st);
char tmp[64];
*len = strwidth(dt->name);
if (endtype(st)) ++*len;
if (FLAG(m)) ++*len;
len[1] = FLAG(i) ? numlen(st->st_ino) : 0;
if (FLAG(l)||FLAG(o)||FLAG(n)||FLAG(g)) {
len[2] = numlen(st->st_nlink);
len[3] = FLAG(n) ? numlen(st->st_uid) : strwidth(getusername(st->st_uid));
len[4] = FLAG(n) ? numlen(st->st_gid) : strwidth(getgroupname(st->st_gid));
if (S_ISBLK(st->st_mode) || S_ISCHR(st->st_mode)) {
// cheating slightly here: assuming minor is always 3 digits to avoid
// tracking another column
len[5] = numlen(dev_major(st->st_rdev))+5;
} else len[5] = print_with_h(tmp, st->st_size, 1);
len[6] = FLAG(s) ? print_with_h(tmp, st->st_blocks, 1024) : 0;
len[7] = FLAG(Z) ? strwidth((char *)dt->extra) : 0;
static int compare(void *a, void *b)
struct dirtree *dta = *(struct dirtree **)a;
struct dirtree *dtb = *(struct dirtree **)b;
int ret = 0, reverse = FLAG(r) ? -1 : 1;
if (FLAG(S)) {
if (dta->st.st_size > dtb->st.st_size) ret = -1;
else if (dta->st.st_size < dtb->st.st_size) ret = 1;
if (FLAG(t)) {
if (dta->st.st_mtime > dtb->st.st_mtime) ret = -1;
else if (dta->st.st_mtime < dtb->st.st_mtime) ret = 1;
else if (dta->st.st_mtim.tv_nsec > dtb->st.st_mtim.tv_nsec) ret = -1;
else if (dta->st.st_mtim.tv_nsec < dtb->st.st_mtim.tv_nsec) ret = 1;
if (!ret) ret = strcmp(dta->name, dtb->name);
return ret * reverse;
// callback from dirtree_recurse() determining how to handle this entry.
static int filter(struct dirtree *new)
// Special case to handle enormous dirs without running out of memory.
if (toys.optflags == (FLAG_1|FLAG_f)) {
xprintf("%s\n", new->name);
return 0;
if (FLAG(Z)) {
// Linux doesn't support fgetxattr(2) on O_PATH file descriptors (though
// bionic works around that), and there are no *xattrat(2) calls, so we
// just use lgetxattr(2).
char *path = dirtree_path(new, 0);
(FLAG(L) ? lsm_get_context : lsm_lget_context)(path,(char **)&new->extra);
if (CFG_TOYBOX_LSM_NONE || !new->extra) new->extra = (long)xstrdup("?");
if (FLAG(u)) new->st.st_mtime = new->st.st_atime;
if (FLAG(c)) new->st.st_mtime = new->st.st_ctime;
new->st.st_blocks >>= 1; // Use 1KiB blocks rather than 512B blocks.
if (FLAG(a)||FLAG(f)) return DIRTREE_SAVE;
if (!FLAG(A) && new->name[0]=='.') return 0;
return dirtree_notdotdot(new) & DIRTREE_SAVE;
// For column view, calculate horizontal position (for padding) and return
// index of next entry to display.
static unsigned long next_column(unsigned long ul, unsigned long dtlen,
unsigned columns, unsigned *xpos)
unsigned height, extra;
// Horizontal sort is easy
if (!FLAG(C)) {
*xpos = ul % columns;
return ul;
// vertical sort (-x), uneven rounding goes along right edge
height = (dtlen+columns-1)/columns; // round up
extra = dtlen%height; // how many rows are wider?
if (extra && ul >= extra*columns) ul -= extra*columns--;
else extra = 0;
return (*xpos = ul % columns)*height + extra + ul/columns;
static int color_from_mode(mode_t mode)
int color = 0;
if (S_ISDIR(mode)) color = 256+34;
else if (S_ISLNK(mode)) color = 256+36;
else if (S_ISBLK(mode) || S_ISCHR(mode)) color = 256+33;
else if (S_ISREG(mode) && (mode&0111)) color = 256+32;
else if (S_ISFIFO(mode)) color = 33;
else if (S_ISSOCK(mode)) color = 256+35;
return color;
static void zprint(int zap, char *pat, int len, unsigned long arg)
char tmp[32];
sprintf(tmp, "%%*%s", zap ? "s" : pat);
if (zap && pat[strlen(pat)-1]==' ') strcat(tmp, " ");
printf(tmp, len, zap ? (unsigned long)"?" : arg);
// Display a list of dirtree entries, according to current format
// Output types -1, -l, -C, or stream
static void listfiles(int dirfd, struct dirtree *indir)
struct dirtree *dt, **sort;
unsigned long dtlen, ul = 0;
unsigned width, totals[8], len[8], totpad = 0,
*colsizes = (unsigned *)toybuf, columns = sizeof(toybuf)/4;
char tmp[64];
if (-1 == dirfd) {
memset(totals, 0, sizeof(totals));
memset(len, 0, sizeof(len));
// Top level directory was already populated by main()
if (!indir->parent) {
// Silently descend into single directory listed by itself on command line.
// In this case only show dirname/total header when given -R.
dt = indir->child;
if (dt && S_ISDIR(dt->st.st_mode) && !dt->next && !(FLAG(d)||FLAG(R))) {
listfiles(open(dt->name, 0), TT.singledir = dt);
// Do preprocessing (Dirtree didn't populate, so callback wasn't called.)
for (;dt; dt = dt->next) filter(dt);
if (toys.optflags == (FLAG_1|FLAG_f)) return;
// Read directory contents. We dup() the fd because this will close it.
// This reads/saves contents to display later, except for in "ls -1f" mode.
} else dirtree_recurse(indir, filter, dup(dirfd),
// Copy linked list to array and sort it. Directories go in array because
// we visit them in sorted order too. (The nested loops let us measure and
// fill with the same inner loop.)
for (sort = 0;;sort = xmalloc(dtlen*sizeof(void *))) {
for (dtlen = 0, dt = indir->child; dt; dt = dt->next, dtlen++)
if (sort) sort[dtlen] = dt;
if (sort || !dtlen) break;
// Label directory if not top of tree, or if -R
if (indir->parent && (TT.singledir!=indir || FLAG(R))) {
char *path = dirtree_path(indir, 0);
if (TT.nl_title++) xputc('\n');
xprintf("%s:\n", path);
// Measure each entry to work out whitespace padding and total blocks
if (!FLAG(f)) {
unsigned long long blocks = 0;
qsort(sort, dtlen, sizeof(void *), (void *)compare);
for (ul = 0; ul<dtlen; ul++) {
entrylen(sort[ul], len);
for (width = 0; width<8; width++)
if (len[width]>totals[width]) totals[width] = len[width];
blocks += sort[ul]->st.st_blocks;
totpad = totals[1]+!!totals[1]+totals[6]+!!totals[6]+totals[7]+!!totals[7];
if ((FLAG(h)||FLAG(l)||FLAG(o)||FLAG(n)||FLAG(g)||FLAG(s)) && indir->parent)
print_with_h(tmp, blocks, 1024);
xprintf("total %s\n", tmp);
// Find largest entry in each field for display alignment
if (FLAG(C)||FLAG(x)) {
// columns can't be more than toybuf can hold, or more than files,
// or > 1/2 screen width (one char filename, one space).
if (columns > TT.screen_width/2) columns = TT.screen_width/2;
if (columns > dtlen) columns = dtlen;
// Try to fit as many columns as we can, dropping down by one each time
for (;columns > 1; columns--) {
unsigned c, cc, totlen = columns;
memset(colsizes, 0, columns*sizeof(unsigned));
for (ul = 0; ul<dtlen; ul++) {
cc = next_column(ul, dtlen, columns, &c);
if (cc>=dtlen) break; // tilt: remainder bigger than height
entrylen(sort[cc], len);
if (c<columns-1) *len += totpad+2; // 2 spaces between filenames
// Expand this column if necessary, break if that puts us over budget
if (*len > colsizes[c]) {
totlen += (*len)-colsizes[c];
colsizes[c] = *len;
if (totlen > TT.screen_width) break;
// If everything fit, stop here
if (ul == dtlen) break;
// Loop through again to produce output.
width = 0;
for (ul = 0; ul<dtlen; ul++) {
int ii, zap;
unsigned curcol, lastlen = *len, color = 0;
struct stat *st = &((dt = sort[next_column(ul,dtlen,columns,&curcol)])->st);
mode_t mode = st->st_mode;
char et = endtype(st), *ss;
// If we couldn't stat, output ? for most fields
zap = !st->st_blksize && !st->st_dev && !st->st_ino;
// Skip directories at the top of the tree when -d isn't set
if (S_ISDIR(mode) && !indir->parent && !FLAG(d)) continue;
// Handle padding and wrapping for display purposes
entrylen(dt, len);
if (ul) {
int mm = !!FLAG(m);
if (mm) xputc(',');
if (FLAG(C)||FLAG(x)) {
if (!curcol) xputc('\n');
else {
if (ul) next_column(ul-1, dtlen, columns, &curcol);
printf("%*c", colsizes[ul ? curcol : 0]-lastlen-totpad, ' ');
} else if (FLAG(1) || width+1+*len > TT.screen_width) {
width = 0;
} else {
printf(" "+mm, 0); // shut up the stupid compiler
width += 2-mm;
width += *len;
if (FLAG(i)) zprint(zap, "lu ", totals[1], st->st_ino);
if (FLAG(s)) {
print_with_h(tmp, st->st_blocks, 1024);
zprint(zap, "s ", totals[6], (unsigned long)tmp);
if (FLAG(l)||FLAG(o)||FLAG(n)||FLAG(g)) {
mode_to_string(mode, tmp);
if (zap) memset(tmp+1, '?', 9);
printf("%s", tmp);
zprint(zap, "ld", totals[2]+1, st->st_nlink);
// print user
if (!FLAG(g)) {
putchar(' ');
ii = -totals[3];
if (zap || FLAG(n)) zprint(zap, "lu", ii, st->st_uid);
else draw_trim_esc(getusername(st->st_uid), ii, abs(ii), TT.escmore,
// print group
if (!FLAG(o)) {
putchar(' ');
ii = -totals[4];
if (zap || FLAG(n)) zprint(zap, "lu", ii, st->st_gid);
else draw_trim_esc(getgroupname(st->st_gid), ii, abs(ii), TT.escmore,
if (FLAG(Z)) printf(" %-*s "+!FLAG(l), -(int)totals[7], (char *)dt->extra);
if (FLAG(l)||FLAG(o)||FLAG(n)||FLAG(g)) {
struct tm *tm;
// print major/minor, or size
if (!zap && (S_ISCHR(st->st_mode) || S_ISBLK(st->st_mode)))
printf("% *d,% 4d", totals[5]-4, dev_major(st->st_rdev),
else {
print_with_h(tmp, st->st_size, 1);
zprint(zap, "s", totals[5]+1, (unsigned long)tmp);
// print time, always in --time-style=long-iso
tm = localtime(&(st->st_mtime));
strftime(tmp, sizeof(tmp), " %F %H:%M", tm);
if (TT.l>1) {
char *s = tmp+strlen(tmp);
s += sprintf(s, ":%02d.%09d ", tm->tm_sec, (int)st->st_mtim.tv_nsec);
strftime(s, sizeof(tmp)-(s-tmp), "%z", tm);
zprint(zap, "s ", 17+(TT.l>1)*13, (unsigned long)tmp);
if (FLAG(color)) {
color = color_from_mode(st->st_mode);
if (color) printf("\e[%d;%dm", color>>8, color&255);
ss = dt->name;
crunch_str(&ss, INT_MAX, stdout, TT.escmore, crunch_qb);
if (color) printf("\e[0m");
if ((FLAG(l)||FLAG(o)||FLAG(n)||FLAG(g)) && S_ISLNK(mode)) {
printf(" -> ");
if (!zap && FLAG(color)) {
struct stat st2;
if (fstatat(dirfd, dt->symlink, &st2, 0)) color = 256+31;
else color = color_from_mode(st2.st_mode);
if (color) printf("\e[%d;%dm", color>>8, color&255);
zprint(zap, "s", 0, (unsigned long)dt->symlink);
if (!zap && color) printf("\e[0m");
if (et) xputc(et);
if (width) xputc('\n');
// Free directory entries, recursing first if necessary.
for (ul = 0; ul<dtlen; free(sort[ul++])) {
if (FLAG(d) || !S_ISDIR(sort[ul]->st.st_mode)) continue;
// Recurse into dirs if at top of the tree or given -R
if (!indir->parent || (FLAG(R) && dirtree_notdotdot(sort[ul])))
listfiles(openat(dirfd, sort[ul]->name, 0), sort[ul]);
free((void *)sort[ul]->extra);
if (dirfd != AT_FDCWD) close(dirfd);
void ls_main(void)
char **s, *noargs[] = {".", 0};
struct dirtree *dt;
if (FLAG(full_time)) {
toys.optflags |= FLAG_l;
TT.l = 2;
// Do we have an implied -1
if (isatty(1)) {
if (!FLAG(show_control_chars)) toys.optflags |= FLAG_b;
if (FLAG(l)||FLAG(o)||FLAG(n)||FLAG(g)) toys.optflags |= FLAG_1;
else if (!(FLAG(1)||FLAG(x)||FLAG(m))) toys.optflags |= FLAG_C;
} else {
if (!FLAG(m)) toys.optflags |= FLAG_1;
if (TT.color) toys.optflags ^= FLAG_color;
TT.screen_width = 80;
if (FLAG(w)) TT.screen_width = TT.w+2;
else terminal_size(&TT.screen_width, NULL);
if (TT.screen_width<2) TT.screen_width = 2;
if (FLAG(b)) TT.escmore = " \\";
// The optflags parsing infrastructure should really do this for us,
// but currently it has "switch off when this is set", so "-dR" and "-Rd"
// behave differently
if (FLAG(d)) toys.optflags &= ~FLAG_R;
// Iterate through command line arguments, collecting directories and files.
// Non-absolute paths are relative to current directory. Top of tree is
// a dummy node to collect command line arguments into pseudo-directory.
TT.files = dirtree_add_node(0, 0, 0);
TT.files->dirfd = AT_FDCWD;
for (s = *toys.optargs ? toys.optargs : noargs; *s; s++) {
int sym = !(FLAG(l)||FLAG(d)||FLAG(F)) || FLAG(L) || FLAG(H);
dt = dirtree_add_node(0, *s, DIRTREE_STATLESS|DIRTREE_SYMFOLLOW*sym);
// note: double_list->prev temporarily goes in dirtree->parent
if (dt) {
if (dt->again&2) {
} else dlist_add_nomalloc((void *)&TT.files->child, (void *)dt);
} else toys.exitval = 1;
// Convert double_list into dirtree.
for (dt = TT.files->child; dt; dt = dt->next) dt->parent = TT.files;
// Display the files we collected
listfiles(AT_FDCWD, TT.files);
if (CFG_TOYBOX_FREE) free(TT.files);