489 lines
14 KiB
489 lines
14 KiB
/* patch.c - Apply a "universal" diff.
* Copyright 2007 Rob Landley <rob@landley.net>
* see http://opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/patch.html
* (But only does -u, because who still cares about "ed"?)
* -b backup
* -N ignore already applied
* -D define wrap #ifdef and #ifndef around changes
* -o outfile output here instead of in place
* -r rejectfile write rejected hunks to this file
* -E remove empty files --remove-empty-files
* git syntax (rename, etc)
USE_PATCH(NEWTOY(patch, ">2(no-backup-if-mismatch)(dry-run)"USE_TOYBOX_DEBUG("x")"F#g#fulp#d:i:Rs(quiet)", TOYFLAG_USR|TOYFLAG_BIN))
config PATCH
bool "patch"
default y
usage: patch [-Rlsu] [-d DIR] [-i PATCH] [-p DEPTH] [-F FUZZ] [--dry-run] [FILE [PATCH]]
Apply a unified diff to one or more files.
-d Modify files in DIR
-i Input patch file (default=stdin)
-l Loose match (ignore whitespace)
-p Number of '/' to strip from start of file paths (default=all)
-R Reverse patch
-s Silent except for errors
-u Ignored (only handles "unified" diffs)
--dry-run Don't change files, just confirm patch applies
This version of patch only handles unified diffs, and only modifies
a file when all hunks to that file apply. Patch prints failed hunks
to stderr, and exits with nonzero status if any hunks fail.
A file compared against /dev/null (or with a date <= the epoch) is
created/deleted as appropriate.
#define FOR_patch
#include "toys.h"
char *i, *d;
long p, g, F;
void *current_hunk;
long oldline, oldlen, newline, newlen, linenum, outnum;
int context, state, filein, fileout, filepatch, hunknum;
char *tempname;
// TODO xgetline() instead, but replace_tempfile() wants fd...
char *get_line(int fd)
char c, *buf = NULL;
long len = 0;
for (;;) {
if (1>read(fd, &c, 1)) break;
if (!(len & 63)) buf=xrealloc(buf, len+65);
if ((buf[len++]=c) == '\n') break;
if (buf) {
if (buf[--len]=='\n') buf[len]=0;
return buf;
// Dispose of a line of input, either by writing it out or discarding it.
// state < 2: just free
// state = 2: write whole line to stderr
// state = 3: write whole line to fileout
// state > 3: write line+1 to fileout when *line != state
static void do_line(void *data)
struct double_list *dlist = data;
if (TT.state>1)
if (0>dprintf(TT.state==2 ? 2 : TT.fileout,"%s\n",dlist->data+(TT.state>3)))
if (FLAG(x))
fprintf(stderr, "DO %d %ld: %s\n", TT.state, TT.outnum, dlist->data);
static void finish_oldfile(void)
if (TT.tempname) replace_tempfile(TT.filein, TT.fileout, &TT.tempname);
TT.fileout = TT.filein = -1;
static void fail_hunk(void)
if (!TT.current_hunk) return;
fprintf(stderr, "Hunk %d FAILED %ld/%ld.\n",
TT.hunknum, TT.oldline, TT.newline);
toys.exitval = 1;
// If we got to this point, we've seeked to the end. Discard changes to
// this file and advance to next file.
TT.state = 2;
llist_traverse(TT.current_hunk, do_line);
TT.current_hunk = NULL;
if (!FLAG(dry_run)) delete_tempfile(TT.filein, TT.fileout, &TT.tempname);
TT.state = 0;
// Compare ignoring whitespace. Just returns 0/1, no > or <
static int loosecmp(char *aa, char *bb)
int a = 0, b = 0;
for (;;) {
while (isspace(aa[a])) a++;
while (isspace(bb[b])) b++;
if (aa[a] != bb[b]) return 1;
if (!aa[a]) return 0;
a++, b++;
// Given a hunk of a unified diff, make the appropriate change to the file.
// This does not use the location information, but instead treats a hunk
// as a sort of regex. Copies data from input to output until it finds
// the change to be made, then outputs the changed data and returns.
// (Finding EOF first is an error.) This is a single pass operation, so
// multiple hunks must occur in order in the file.
static int apply_one_hunk(void)
struct double_list *plist, *buf = 0, *check;
int matcheof, trail = 0, reverse = FLAG(R), backwarn = 0, allfuzz, fuzz, i;
int (*lcmp)(char *aa, char *bb) = FLAG(l) ? (void *)loosecmp : (void *)strcmp;
// Match EOF if there aren't as many ending context lines as beginning
for (fuzz = 0, plist = TT.current_hunk; plist; plist = plist->next) {
char c = *plist->data, *s;
if (c==' ') trail++;
else trail = 0;
// Only allow fuzz if 2 context lines have multiple nonwhitespace chars.
// avoids the "all context was blank or } lines" issue. Removed lines
// count as context since they're matched.
if (c==' ' || c=="-+"[reverse]) {
s = plist->data+1;
while (isspace(*s)) s++;
if (*s && s[1] && !isspace(s[1])) fuzz++;
if (FLAG(x)) fprintf(stderr, "HUNK:%s\n", plist->data);
matcheof = !trail || trail < TT.context;
if (fuzz<2) allfuzz = 0;
else allfuzz = FLAG(F) ? TT.F : (TT.context ? TT.context-1 : 0);
if (FLAG(x)) fprintf(stderr,"MATCHEOF=%c\n", matcheof ? 'Y' : 'N');
// Loop through input data searching for this hunk. Match all context
// lines and lines to be removed until we've found end of complete hunk.
plist = TT.current_hunk;
fuzz = 0;
for (;;) {
char *data = get_line(TT.filein);
// Figure out which line of hunk to compare with next. (Skip lines
// of the hunk we'd be adding.)
while (plist && *plist->data == "+-"[reverse]) {
if (data && !lcmp(data, plist->data+1))
if (!backwarn) backwarn = TT.linenum;
plist = plist->next;
// Is this EOF?
if (!data) {
if (FLAG(x)) fprintf(stderr, "INEOF\n");
// Does this hunk need to match EOF?
if (!plist && matcheof) break;
if (backwarn && !FLAG(s))
fprintf(stderr, "Possibly reversed hunk %d at %ld\n",
TT.hunknum, TT.linenum);
// File ended before we found a place for this hunk.
goto done;
} else {
if (FLAG(x)) fprintf(stderr, "IN: %s\n", data);
check = dlist_add(&buf, data);
// Compare this line with next expected line of hunk. Match can fail
// because next line doesn't match, or because we hit end of a hunk that
// needed EOF and this isn't EOF.
for (i = 0;; i++) {
if (!plist || lcmp(check->data, plist->data+1)) {
// Match failed: can we fuzz it?
if (plist && *plist->data == ' ' && fuzz<allfuzz) {
if (FLAG(x))
fprintf(stderr, "FUZZED: %ld %s\n", TT.linenum, plist->data);
goto fuzzed;
if (FLAG(x)) {
int bug = 0;
if (!plist) fprintf(stderr, "NULL plist\n");
else {
while (plist->data[bug] == check->data[bug]) bug++;
fprintf(stderr, "NOT(%d:%d!=%d): %s\n", bug, plist->data[bug],
check->data[bug], plist->data);
// If this hunk must match start of file, fail if it didn't.
if (!TT.context || trail>TT.context) {
goto done;
// Write out first line of buffer and recheck rest for new match.
TT.state = 3;
do_line(check = dlist_pop(&buf));
plist = TT.current_hunk;
fuzz = 0;
// If end of the buffer without finishing a match, read more lines.
if (!buf) break;
check = buf;
} else {
if (FLAG(x)) fprintf(stderr, "MAYBE: %s\n", plist->data);
// This line matches. Advance plist, detect successful match.
plist = plist->next;
if (!plist && !matcheof) goto out;
check = check->next;
if (check == buf) break;
// We have a match. Emit changed data.
TT.state = "-+"[reverse];
while ((plist = dlist_pop(&TT.current_hunk))) {
if (TT.state == *plist->data || *plist->data == ' ') {
if (*plist->data == ' ') dprintf(TT.fileout, "%s\n", buf->data);
} else dprintf(TT.fileout, "%s\n", plist->data+1);
TT.current_hunk = 0;
TT.state = 1;
llist_traverse(buf, do_line);
return TT.state;
// read a filename that has been quoted or escaped
static char *unquote_file(char *filename)
char *s = filename, *t;
// Return copy of file that wasn't quoted
if (*s++ != '"' || !*s) return xstrdup(filename);
// quoted and escaped filenames are larger than the original
for (t = filename = xmalloc(strlen(s) + 1); *s != '"'; s++) {
if (!s[1]) error_exit("bad %s", filename);
// don't accept escape sequences unless the filename is quoted
if (*s != '\\') *t++ = *s;
else if (*++s >= '0' && *s < '8') {
*t++ = strtoul(s, &s, 8);
} else {
if (!(*t = unescape(*s))) *t = *s;;
*t = 0;
return filename;
// Read a patch file and find hunks, opening/creating/deleting files.
// Call apply_one_hunk() on each hunk.
// state 0: Not in a hunk, look for +++.
// state 1: Found +++ file indicator, look for @@
// state 2: In hunk: counting initial context lines
// state 3: In hunk: getting body
void patch_main(void)
int reverse = FLAG(R), state = 0, patchlinenum = 0, strip = 0;
char *oldname = NULL, *newname = NULL;
if (toys.optc == 2) TT.i = toys.optargs[1];
if (TT.i) TT.filepatch = xopenro(TT.i);
TT.filein = TT.fileout = -1;
if (TT.d) xchdir(TT.d);
// Loop through the lines in the patch
for (;;) {
char *patchline;
patchline = get_line(TT.filepatch);
if (!patchline) break;
// Other versions of patch accept damaged patches, so we need to also.
if (strip || !patchlinenum++) {
int len = strlen(patchline);
if (len && patchline[len-1] == '\r') {
if (!strip && !FLAG(s)) fprintf(stderr, "Removing DOS newlines\n");
strip = 1;
if (!*patchline) {
patchline = xstrdup(" ");
// Are we assembling a hunk?
if (state >= 2) {
if (*patchline==' ' || *patchline=='+' || *patchline=='-') {
dlist_add((void *)&TT.current_hunk, patchline);
if (*patchline != '+') TT.oldlen--;
if (*patchline != '-') TT.newlen--;
// Context line?
if (*patchline==' ' && state==2) TT.context++;
else state=3;
// If we've consumed all expected hunk lines, apply the hunk.
if (!TT.oldlen && !TT.newlen) state = apply_one_hunk();
state = 0;
// Open a new file?
if (!strncmp("--- ", patchline, 4) || !strncmp("+++ ", patchline, 4)) {
char *s, **name = &oldname;
int i;
if (*patchline == '+') {
name = &newname;
state = 1;
// Trim date from end of filename (if any). We don't care.
for (s = patchline+4; *s && *s!='\t'; s++);
i = atoi(s);
if (i>1900 && i<=1970) *name = xstrdup("/dev/null");
else {
*s = 0;
*name = unquote_file(patchline+4);
// We defer actually opening the file because svn produces broken
// patches that don't signal they want to create a new file the
// way the patch man page says, so you have to read the first hunk
// and _guess_.
// Start a new hunk? Usually @@ -oldline,oldlen +newline,newlen @@
// but a missing ,value means the value is 1.
} else if (state == 1 && !strncmp("@@ -", patchline, 4)) {
int i;
char *s = patchline+4;
// Read oldline[,oldlen] +newline[,newlen]
TT.oldlen = TT.newlen = 1;
TT.oldline = strtol(s, &s, 10);
if (*s == ',') TT.oldlen=strtol(s+1, &s, 10);
TT.newline = strtol(s+2, &s, 10);
if (*s == ',') TT.newlen = strtol(s+1, &s, 10);
TT.context = 0;
state = 2;
// If this is the first hunk, open the file.
if (TT.filein == -1) {
int oldsum, newsum, del = 0;
char *name;
oldsum = TT.oldline + TT.oldlen;
newsum = TT.newline + TT.newlen;
// If an original file was provided on the command line, it overrides
// *all* files mentioned in the patch, not just the first.
if (toys.optc) {
char **which = reverse ? &oldname : &newname;
*which = strdup(toys.optargs[0]);
// The supplied path should be taken literally with or without -p.
toys.optflags |= FLAG_p;
TT.p = 0;
name = reverse ? oldname : newname;
// We're deleting oldname if new file is /dev/null (before -p)
// or if new hunk is empty (zero context) after patching
if (!strcmp(name, "/dev/null") || !(reverse ? oldsum : newsum)) {
name = reverse ? newname : oldname;
// handle -p path truncation.
for (i = 0, s = name; *s;) {
if (FLAG(p) && TT.p == i) break;
if (*s++ != '/') continue;
while (*s == '/') s++;
name = s;
if (del) {
if (!FLAG(s)) printf("removing %s\n", name);
state = 0;
// If we've got a file to open, do so.
} else if (!FLAG(p) || i <= TT.p) {
// If the old file was null, we're creating a new one.
if ((!strcmp(oldname, "/dev/null") || !oldsum) && access(name, F_OK))
if (!FLAG(s)) printf("creating %s\n", name);
if (mkpath(name)) perror_exit("mkpath %s", name);
TT.filein = xcreate(name, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_RDWR, 0666);
} else {
if (!FLAG(s)) printf("patching %s\n", name);
TT.filein = xopenro(name);
if (FLAG(dry_run)) TT.fileout = xopen("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
else TT.fileout = copy_tempfile(TT.filein, name, &TT.tempname);
TT.linenum = TT.outnum = TT.hunknum = 0;
// If we didn't continue above, discard this line.