169 lines
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169 lines
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* @file ipc_host.h
* @brief IPC module.
* Copyright (C) RivieraWaves 2011-2019
#ifndef _IPC_HOST_H_
#define _IPC_HOST_H_
#include "ipc_shared.h"
#ifndef __KERNEL__
#include "arch.h"
#include "ipc_compat.h"
* @brief This structure is used to initialize the MAC SW
* The WLAN device driver provides functions call-back with this structure
struct ipc_host_cb_tag {
/// WLAN driver call-back function: send_data_cfm
int (*send_data_cfm)(void *pthis, void *host_id);
/// WLAN driver call-back function: recv_data_ind
uint8_t (*recv_data_ind)(void *pthis, void *host_id);
/// WLAN driver call-back function: recv_radar_ind
uint8_t (*recv_radar_ind)(void *pthis, void *host_id);
/// WLAN driver call-back function: recv_unsup_rx_vec_ind
uint8_t (*recv_unsup_rx_vec_ind)(void *pthis, void *host_id);
/// WLAN driver call-back function: recv_msg_ind
uint8_t (*recv_msg_ind)(void *pthis, void *host_id);
/// WLAN driver call-back function: recv_msgack_ind
uint8_t (*recv_msgack_ind)(void *pthis, void *host_id);
/// WLAN driver call-back function: recv_dbg_ind
uint8_t (*recv_dbg_ind)(void *pthis, void *host_id);
/// WLAN driver call-back function: prim_tbtt_ind
void (*prim_tbtt_ind)(void *pthis);
/// WLAN driver call-back function: sec_tbtt_ind
void (*sec_tbtt_ind)(void *pthis);
* Struct used to store information about host buffers (DMA Address and local pointer)
struct ipc_hostbuf {
void *hostid; ///< ptr to hostbuf client (ipc_host client) structure
uint32_t dma_addr; ///< ptr to real hostbuf dma address
/// Definition of the IPC Host environment structure.
struct ipc_host_env_tag {
/// Structure containing the callback pointers
struct ipc_host_cb_tag cb;
/// Pointer to the shared environment
struct ipc_shared_env_tag *shared;
// Array used to store the descriptor addresses
struct ipc_hostbuf ipc_host_rxdesc_array[IPC_RXDESC_CNT];
// Index of the host RX descriptor array (ipc_shared environment)
uint8_t ipc_host_rxdesc_idx;
/// Store the number of RX Descriptors
uint8_t rxdesc_nb;
/// Fields for Data Rx handling
// Index used for ipc_host_rxbuf_array to point to current buffer
uint8_t ipc_host_rxbuf_idx;
// Store the number of Rx Data buffers
uint32_t rx_bufnb;
// Store the size of the Rx Data buffers
uint32_t rx_bufsz;
/// Fields for Radar events handling
// Global array used to store the hostid and hostbuf addresses
struct ipc_hostbuf ipc_host_radarbuf_array[IPC_RADARBUF_CNT];
// Index used for ipc_host_rxbuf_array to point to current buffer
uint8_t ipc_host_radarbuf_idx;
// Store the number of radar event buffers
uint32_t radar_bufnb;
// Store the size of the radar event buffers
uint32_t radar_bufsz;
///Fields for Unsupported frame handling
// Global array used to store the hostid and hostbuf addresses
struct ipc_hostbuf ipc_host_unsuprxvecbuf_array[IPC_UNSUPRXVECBUF_CNT];
// Index used for ipc_host_unsuprxvecbuf_array to point to current buffer
uint8_t ipc_host_unsuprxvecbuf_idx;
// Store the number of unsupported rx vector buffers
uint32_t unsuprxvec_bufnb;
// Store the size of unsupported rx vector buffers
uint32_t unsuprxvec_bufsz;
// Index used that points to the first free TX desc
uint32_t txdesc_free_idx[IPC_TXQUEUE_CNT][CONFIG_USER_MAX];
// Index used that points to the first used TX desc
uint32_t txdesc_used_idx[IPC_TXQUEUE_CNT][CONFIG_USER_MAX];
// Array storing the currently pushed host ids for the BK queue
void *tx_host_id0[CONFIG_USER_MAX][NX_TXDESC_CNT0];
// Array storing the currently pushed host ids for the BE queue
void *tx_host_id1[CONFIG_USER_MAX][NX_TXDESC_CNT1];
// Array storing the currently pushed host ids for the VI queue
void *tx_host_id2[CONFIG_USER_MAX][NX_TXDESC_CNT2];
// Array storing the currently pushed host ids for the VO queue
void *tx_host_id3[CONFIG_USER_MAX][NX_TXDESC_CNT3];
#if NX_TXQ_CNT == 5
// Array storing the currently pushed host ids for the BCN queue
void *tx_host_id4[1][NX_TXDESC_CNT4];
// Pointer to the different host ids arrays, per IPC queue
void **tx_host_id[IPC_TXQUEUE_CNT][CONFIG_USER_MAX];
// Pointer to the different TX descriptor arrays, per IPC queue
volatile struct txdesc_host *txdesc[IPC_TXQUEUE_CNT][CONFIG_USER_MAX];
/// Fields for Emb->App MSGs handling
// Global array used to store the hostid and hostbuf addresses for msg/ind
struct ipc_hostbuf ipc_host_msgbuf_array[IPC_MSGE2A_BUF_CNT];
// Index of the MSG E2A buffers array to point to current buffer
uint8_t ipc_host_msge2a_idx;
// Store the number of E2A MSG buffers
uint32_t ipc_e2amsg_bufnb;
// Store the size of the E2A MSG buffers
uint32_t ipc_e2amsg_bufsz;
/// E2A ACKs of A2E MSGs
uint8_t msga2e_cnt;
void *msga2e_hostid;
/// Fields for Debug MSGs handling
// Global array used to store the hostid and hostbuf addresses for Debug messages
struct ipc_hostbuf ipc_host_dbgbuf_array[IPC_DBGBUF_CNT];
// Index of the Debug messages buffers array to point to current buffer
uint8_t ipc_host_dbg_idx;
// Store the number of Debug messages buffers
uint32_t ipc_dbg_bufnb;
// Store the size of the Debug messages buffers
uint32_t ipc_dbg_bufsz;
/// Pointer to the attached object (used in callbacks and register accesses)
void *pthis;
extern const int nx_txdesc_cnt[];
extern const int nx_txuser_cnt[];
#endif // _IPC_HOST_H_