918 lines
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918 lines
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* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "CCodecBuffers.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <codec2/hidl/client.h>
#include <media/stagefright/MediaCodecConstants.h>
#include <C2BlockInternal.h>
#include <C2PlatformSupport.h>
#include <Codec2Mapper.h>
namespace android {
static std::shared_ptr<RawGraphicOutputBuffers> GetRawGraphicOutputBuffers(
int32_t width, int32_t height) {
std::shared_ptr<RawGraphicOutputBuffers> buffers =
sp<AMessage> format{new AMessage};
format->setInt32(KEY_WIDTH, width);
format->setInt32(KEY_HEIGHT, height);
return buffers;
TEST(RawGraphicOutputBuffersTest, ChangeNumSlots) {
constexpr int32_t kWidth = 3840;
constexpr int32_t kHeight = 2160;
std::shared_ptr<RawGraphicOutputBuffers> buffers =
GetRawGraphicOutputBuffers(kWidth, kHeight);
std::shared_ptr<C2BlockPool> pool;
ASSERT_EQ(OK, GetCodec2BlockPool(C2BlockPool::BASIC_GRAPHIC, nullptr, &pool));
// Register 4 buffers
std::vector<sp<MediaCodecBuffer>> clientBuffers;
auto registerBuffer = [&buffers, &clientBuffers, &pool] {
std::shared_ptr<C2GraphicBlock> block;
ASSERT_EQ(OK, pool->fetchGraphicBlock(
kWidth, kHeight, HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_888,
C2MemoryUsage{C2MemoryUsage::CPU_READ, C2MemoryUsage::CPU_WRITE}, &block));
std::shared_ptr<C2Buffer> c2Buffer = C2Buffer::CreateGraphicBuffer(block->share(
block->crop(), C2Fence{}));
size_t index;
sp<MediaCodecBuffer> clientBuffer;
ASSERT_EQ(OK, buffers->registerBuffer(c2Buffer, &index, &clientBuffer));
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, clientBuffer);
while (clientBuffers.size() <= index) {
ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, clientBuffers[index]) << "index = " << index;
clientBuffers[index] = clientBuffer;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
// Release 2 buffers
auto releaseBuffer = [&buffers, &clientBuffers, kWidth, kHeight](int index) {
std::shared_ptr<C2Buffer> c2Buffer;
ASSERT_TRUE(buffers->releaseBuffer(clientBuffers[index], &c2Buffer))
<< "index = " << index;
clientBuffers[index] = nullptr;
// Sanity checks
ASSERT_EQ(1u, c2Buffer->data().graphicBlocks().size());
C2ConstGraphicBlock block = c2Buffer->data().graphicBlocks().front();
ASSERT_EQ(kWidth, block.width());
ASSERT_EQ(kHeight, block.height());
for (int i = 0, index = 0; i < 2 && index < clientBuffers.size(); ++index) {
if (clientBuffers[index] == nullptr) {
// Simulate # of slots 4->16
for (int i = 2; i < 16; ++i) {
// Release everything
for (int index = 0; index < clientBuffers.size(); ++index) {
if (clientBuffers[index] == nullptr) {
TEST(RawGraphicOutputBuffersTest, WrapNullBuffer) {
constexpr int32_t kWidth = 320;
constexpr int32_t kHeight = 240;
std::shared_ptr<RawGraphicOutputBuffers> buffers =
GetRawGraphicOutputBuffers(kWidth, kHeight);
sp<Codec2Buffer> buffer = buffers->wrap(nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, buffer->base());
ASSERT_EQ(0, buffer->size());
ASSERT_EQ(0, buffer->offset());
TEST(RawGraphicOutputBuffersTest, FlexYuvColorFormat) {
constexpr int32_t kWidth = 320;
constexpr int32_t kHeight = 240;
std::vector<uint32_t> flexPixelFormats({HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_888});
std::shared_ptr<Codec2Client> client = Codec2Client::CreateFromService("default");
if (client) {
// Query vendor format for Flexible YUV
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<C2Param>> heapParams;
C2StoreFlexiblePixelFormatDescriptorsInfo *pixelFormatInfo = nullptr;
if (client->query(
&heapParams) == C2_OK
&& heapParams.size() == 1u) {
pixelFormatInfo = C2StoreFlexiblePixelFormatDescriptorsInfo::From(
} else {
pixelFormatInfo = nullptr;
if (pixelFormatInfo && *pixelFormatInfo) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < pixelFormatInfo->flexCount(); ++i) {
const C2FlexiblePixelFormatDescriptorStruct &desc =
if (desc.bitDepth != 8
|| desc.subsampling != C2Color::YUV_420
// TODO(b/180076105): some devices report wrong layouts
// || desc.layout == C2Color::INTERLEAVED_PACKED
// || desc.layout == C2Color::INTERLEAVED_ALIGNED
|| desc.layout == C2Color::UNKNOWN_LAYOUT) {
for (uint32_t pixelFormat : flexPixelFormats) {
std::shared_ptr<RawGraphicOutputBuffers> buffers =
AStringPrintf("test pixel format 0x%x", pixelFormat).c_str());
sp<AMessage> format{new AMessage};
format->setInt32(KEY_WIDTH, kWidth);
format->setInt32(KEY_HEIGHT, kHeight);
format->setInt32(KEY_COLOR_FORMAT, COLOR_FormatYUV420Flexible);
int32_t fwkPixelFormat = 0;
if (C2Mapper::mapPixelFormatCodecToFramework(pixelFormat, &fwkPixelFormat)) {
format->setInt32("android._color-format", fwkPixelFormat);
std::shared_ptr<C2BlockPool> pool;
ASSERT_EQ(OK, GetCodec2BlockPool(C2BlockPool::BASIC_GRAPHIC, nullptr, &pool));
std::shared_ptr<C2GraphicBlock> block;
ASSERT_EQ(OK, pool->fetchGraphicBlock(
kWidth, kHeight, pixelFormat,
C2MemoryUsage{C2MemoryUsage::CPU_READ, C2MemoryUsage::CPU_WRITE}, &block));
C2GraphicView view = block->map().get();
C2PlanarLayout layout = view.layout();
// Verify the block is in YUV420 format
ASSERT_EQ(C2PlanarLayout::TYPE_YUV, layout.type);
ASSERT_EQ(3u, layout.numPlanes);
const C2PlaneInfo& yPlane = layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y];
const C2PlaneInfo& uPlane = layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U];
const C2PlaneInfo& vPlane = layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V];
// Y plane
ASSERT_EQ(1u, yPlane.colSampling);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, yPlane.rowSampling);
ASSERT_EQ(8u, yPlane.allocatedDepth);
ASSERT_EQ(8u, yPlane.bitDepth);
ASSERT_EQ(0u, yPlane.rightShift);
// U plane
ASSERT_EQ(2u, uPlane.colSampling);
ASSERT_EQ(2u, uPlane.rowSampling);
ASSERT_EQ(8u, uPlane.allocatedDepth);
ASSERT_EQ(8u, uPlane.bitDepth);
ASSERT_EQ(0u, uPlane.rightShift);
// V plane
ASSERT_EQ(2u, vPlane.colSampling);
ASSERT_EQ(2u, vPlane.rowSampling);
ASSERT_EQ(8u, vPlane.allocatedDepth);
ASSERT_EQ(8u, vPlane.bitDepth);
ASSERT_EQ(0u, vPlane.rightShift);
uint8_t *yRowPtr = view.data()[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y];
uint8_t *uRowPtr = view.data()[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U];
uint8_t *vRowPtr = view.data()[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V];
for (int32_t row = 0; row < kHeight; ++row) {
uint8_t *yPtr = yRowPtr;
uint8_t *uPtr = uRowPtr;
uint8_t *vPtr = vRowPtr;
for (int32_t col = 0; col < kWidth; ++col) {
*yPtr = ((row + col) & 0xFF);
yPtr += yPlane.colInc;
if (row < kHeight / 2 && col < kWidth / 2) {
*uPtr = ((row + col + 1) & 0xFF);
*vPtr = ((row + col + 2) & 0xFF);
uPtr += uPlane.colInc;
vPtr += vPlane.colInc;
yRowPtr += yPlane.rowInc;
if (row < kHeight / 2) {
uRowPtr += uPlane.rowInc;
vRowPtr += vPlane.rowInc;
std::shared_ptr<C2Buffer> c2Buffer = C2Buffer::CreateGraphicBuffer(block->share(
block->crop(), C2Fence{}));
size_t index;
sp<MediaCodecBuffer> clientBuffer;
ASSERT_EQ(OK, buffers->registerBuffer(c2Buffer, &index, &clientBuffer));
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, clientBuffer);
sp<ABuffer> imageData;
ASSERT_TRUE(clientBuffer->format()->findBuffer("image-data", &imageData));
MediaImage2 *img = (MediaImage2 *)imageData->data();
ASSERT_EQ(MediaImage2::MEDIA_IMAGE_TYPE_YUV, img->mType);
ASSERT_EQ(3u, img->mNumPlanes);
ASSERT_EQ(kWidth, img->mWidth);
ASSERT_EQ(kHeight, img->mHeight);
ASSERT_EQ(8u, img->mBitDepth);
ASSERT_EQ(8u, img->mBitDepthAllocated);
const MediaImage2::PlaneInfo &yPlane = img->mPlane[MediaImage2::Y];
const MediaImage2::PlaneInfo &uPlane = img->mPlane[MediaImage2::U];
const MediaImage2::PlaneInfo &vPlane = img->mPlane[MediaImage2::V];
ASSERT_EQ(1u, yPlane.mHorizSubsampling);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, yPlane.mVertSubsampling);
ASSERT_EQ(2u, uPlane.mHorizSubsampling);
ASSERT_EQ(2u, uPlane.mVertSubsampling);
ASSERT_EQ(2u, vPlane.mHorizSubsampling);
ASSERT_EQ(2u, vPlane.mVertSubsampling);
uint8_t *yRowPtr = clientBuffer->data() + yPlane.mOffset;
uint8_t *uRowPtr = clientBuffer->data() + uPlane.mOffset;
uint8_t *vRowPtr = clientBuffer->data() + vPlane.mOffset;
for (int32_t row = 0; row < kHeight; ++row) {
uint8_t *yPtr = yRowPtr;
uint8_t *uPtr = uRowPtr;
uint8_t *vPtr = vRowPtr;
for (int32_t col = 0; col < kWidth; ++col) {
ASSERT_EQ((row + col) & 0xFF, *yPtr);
yPtr += yPlane.mColInc;
if (row < kHeight / 2 && col < kWidth / 2) {
ASSERT_EQ((row + col + 1) & 0xFF, *uPtr);
ASSERT_EQ((row + col + 2) & 0xFF, *vPtr);
uPtr += uPlane.mColInc;
vPtr += vPlane.mColInc;
yRowPtr += yPlane.mRowInc;
if (row < kHeight / 2) {
uRowPtr += uPlane.mRowInc;
vRowPtr += vPlane.mRowInc;
TEST(RawGraphicOutputBuffersTest, P010ColorFormat) {
constexpr int32_t kWidth = 320;
constexpr int32_t kHeight = 240;
std::shared_ptr<RawGraphicOutputBuffers> buffers =
std::make_shared<RawGraphicOutputBuffers>("test P010");
sp<AMessage> format{new AMessage};
format->setInt32(KEY_WIDTH, kWidth);
format->setInt32(KEY_HEIGHT, kHeight);
format->setInt32(KEY_COLOR_FORMAT, COLOR_FormatYUVP010);
int32_t fwkPixelFormat = 0;
if (C2Mapper::mapPixelFormatCodecToFramework(HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCBCR_P010, &fwkPixelFormat)) {
format->setInt32("android._color-format", fwkPixelFormat);
std::shared_ptr<C2BlockPool> pool;
ASSERT_EQ(OK, GetCodec2BlockPool(C2BlockPool::BASIC_GRAPHIC, nullptr, &pool));
std::shared_ptr<C2GraphicBlock> block;
c2_status_t err = pool->fetchGraphicBlock(
kWidth, kHeight, HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCBCR_P010,
C2MemoryUsage{C2MemoryUsage::CPU_READ, C2MemoryUsage::CPU_WRITE}, &block);
if (err != C2_OK) {
C2GraphicView view = block->map().get();
C2PlanarLayout layout = view.layout();
// Verify the block is in YUV420 format
ASSERT_EQ(C2PlanarLayout::TYPE_YUV, layout.type);
ASSERT_EQ(3u, layout.numPlanes);
const C2PlaneInfo& yPlane = layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y];
const C2PlaneInfo& uPlane = layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U];
const C2PlaneInfo& vPlane = layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V];
// Y plane
ASSERT_EQ(1u, yPlane.colSampling);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, yPlane.rowSampling);
ASSERT_EQ(16u, yPlane.allocatedDepth);
ASSERT_EQ(10u, yPlane.bitDepth);
ASSERT_EQ(6u, yPlane.rightShift);
// U plane
ASSERT_EQ(2u, uPlane.colSampling);
ASSERT_EQ(2u, uPlane.rowSampling);
ASSERT_EQ(16u, uPlane.allocatedDepth);
ASSERT_EQ(10u, uPlane.bitDepth);
ASSERT_EQ(6u, uPlane.rightShift);
// V plane
ASSERT_EQ(2u, vPlane.colSampling);
ASSERT_EQ(2u, vPlane.rowSampling);
ASSERT_EQ(16u, vPlane.allocatedDepth);
ASSERT_EQ(10u, vPlane.bitDepth);
ASSERT_EQ(6u, vPlane.rightShift);
uint8_t *yRowPtr = view.data()[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y];
uint8_t *uRowPtr = view.data()[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U];
uint8_t *vRowPtr = view.data()[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V];
for (int32_t row = 0; row < kHeight; ++row) {
uint8_t *yPtr = yRowPtr;
uint8_t *uPtr = uRowPtr;
uint8_t *vPtr = vRowPtr;
for (int32_t col = 0; col < kWidth; ++col) {
yPtr[0] = ((row + col) & 0x3) << 6;
yPtr[1] = ((row + col) & 0x3FC) >> 2;
yPtr += yPlane.colInc;
if (row < kHeight / 2 && col < kWidth / 2) {
uPtr[0] = ((row + col + 1) & 0x3) << 6;
uPtr[1] = ((row + col + 1) & 0x3FC) >> 2;
vPtr[0] = ((row + col + 2) & 0x3) << 6;
vPtr[1] = ((row + col + 2) & 0x3FC) >> 2;
uPtr += uPlane.colInc;
vPtr += vPlane.colInc;
yRowPtr += yPlane.rowInc;
if (row < kHeight / 2) {
uRowPtr += uPlane.rowInc;
vRowPtr += vPlane.rowInc;
std::shared_ptr<C2Buffer> c2Buffer = C2Buffer::CreateGraphicBuffer(block->share(
block->crop(), C2Fence{}));
size_t index;
sp<MediaCodecBuffer> clientBuffer;
ASSERT_EQ(OK, buffers->registerBuffer(c2Buffer, &index, &clientBuffer));
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, clientBuffer);
sp<ABuffer> imageData;
ASSERT_TRUE(clientBuffer->format()->findBuffer("image-data", &imageData));
MediaImage2 *img = (MediaImage2 *)imageData->data();
ASSERT_EQ(MediaImage2::MEDIA_IMAGE_TYPE_YUV, img->mType);
ASSERT_EQ(3u, img->mNumPlanes);
ASSERT_EQ(kWidth, img->mWidth);
ASSERT_EQ(kHeight, img->mHeight);
ASSERT_EQ(10u, img->mBitDepth);
ASSERT_EQ(16u, img->mBitDepthAllocated);
const MediaImage2::PlaneInfo &yPlane = img->mPlane[MediaImage2::Y];
const MediaImage2::PlaneInfo &uPlane = img->mPlane[MediaImage2::U];
const MediaImage2::PlaneInfo &vPlane = img->mPlane[MediaImage2::V];
ASSERT_EQ(1u, yPlane.mHorizSubsampling);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, yPlane.mVertSubsampling);
ASSERT_EQ(2u, uPlane.mHorizSubsampling);
ASSERT_EQ(2u, uPlane.mVertSubsampling);
ASSERT_EQ(2u, vPlane.mHorizSubsampling);
ASSERT_EQ(2u, vPlane.mVertSubsampling);
uint8_t *yRowPtr = clientBuffer->data() + yPlane.mOffset;
uint8_t *uRowPtr = clientBuffer->data() + uPlane.mOffset;
uint8_t *vRowPtr = clientBuffer->data() + vPlane.mOffset;
for (int32_t row = 0; row < kHeight; ++row) {
uint8_t *yPtr = yRowPtr;
uint8_t *uPtr = uRowPtr;
uint8_t *vPtr = vRowPtr;
for (int32_t col = 0; col < kWidth; ++col) {
ASSERT_EQ(((row + col) & 0x3) << 6, yPtr[0]);
ASSERT_EQ(((row + col) & 0x3FC) >> 2, yPtr[1]);
yPtr += yPlane.mColInc;
if (row < kHeight / 2 && col < kWidth / 2) {
ASSERT_EQ(((row + col + 1) & 0x3) << 6, uPtr[0]);
ASSERT_EQ(((row + col + 1) & 0x3FC) >> 2, uPtr[1]);
ASSERT_EQ(((row + col + 2) & 0x3) << 6, vPtr[0]);
ASSERT_EQ(((row + col + 2) & 0x3FC) >> 2, vPtr[1]);
uPtr += uPlane.mColInc;
vPtr += vPlane.mColInc;
yRowPtr += yPlane.mRowInc;
if (row < kHeight / 2) {
uRowPtr += uPlane.mRowInc;
vRowPtr += vPlane.mRowInc;
class TestGraphicAllocation : public C2GraphicAllocation {
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
const C2PlanarLayout &layout,
size_t capacity,
std::vector<size_t> offsets)
: C2GraphicAllocation(width, height),
mMemory(capacity, 0xAA),
mOffsets(offsets) {
c2_status_t map(
C2Rect rect, C2MemoryUsage usage, C2Fence *fence,
C2PlanarLayout *layout, uint8_t **addr) override {
*layout = mLayout;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mLayout.numPlanes; ++i) {
addr[i] = mMemory.data() + mOffsets[i];
return C2_OK;
c2_status_t unmap(uint8_t **, C2Rect, C2Fence *) override { return C2_OK; }
C2Allocator::id_t getAllocatorId() const override { return -1; }
const C2Handle *handle() const override { return nullptr; }
bool equals(const std::shared_ptr<const C2GraphicAllocation> &other) const override {
return other.get() == this;
C2PlanarLayout mLayout;
std::vector<uint8_t> mMemory;
std::vector<uint8_t *> mAddr;
std::vector<size_t> mOffsets;
class LayoutTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::tuple<bool, std::string, bool, int32_t>> {
static C2PlanarLayout YUVPlanarLayout(int32_t stride) {
C2PlanarLayout layout = {
3, /* numPlanes */
3, /* rootPlanes */
{}, /* planes --- to be filled below */
layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y] = {
1, /* colInc */
stride, /* rowInc */
1, /* colSampling */
1, /* rowSampling */
8, /* allocatedDepth */
8, /* bitDepth */
0, /* rightShift */
C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y, /* rootIx */
0, /* offset */
layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U] = {
1, /* colInc */
stride / 2, /* rowInc */
2, /* colSampling */
2, /* rowSampling */
8, /* allocatedDepth */
8, /* bitDepth */
0, /* rightShift */
C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U, /* rootIx */
0, /* offset */
layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V] = {
1, /* colInc */
stride / 2, /* rowInc */
2, /* colSampling */
2, /* rowSampling */
8, /* allocatedDepth */
8, /* bitDepth */
0, /* rightShift */
C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V, /* rootIx */
0, /* offset */
return layout;
static C2PlanarLayout YUVSemiPlanarLayout(int32_t stride) {
C2PlanarLayout layout = {
3, /* numPlanes */
2, /* rootPlanes */
{}, /* planes --- to be filled below */
layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y] = {
1, /* colInc */
stride, /* rowInc */
1, /* colSampling */
1, /* rowSampling */
8, /* allocatedDepth */
8, /* bitDepth */
0, /* rightShift */
C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y, /* rootIx */
0, /* offset */
layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U] = {
2, /* colInc */
stride, /* rowInc */
2, /* colSampling */
2, /* rowSampling */
8, /* allocatedDepth */
8, /* bitDepth */
0, /* rightShift */
C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U, /* rootIx */
0, /* offset */
layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V] = {
2, /* colInc */
stride, /* rowInc */
2, /* colSampling */
2, /* rowSampling */
8, /* allocatedDepth */
8, /* bitDepth */
0, /* rightShift */
C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U, /* rootIx */
1, /* offset */
return layout;
static C2PlanarLayout YVUSemiPlanarLayout(int32_t stride) {
C2PlanarLayout layout = {
3, /* numPlanes */
2, /* rootPlanes */
{}, /* planes --- to be filled below */
layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y] = {
1, /* colInc */
stride, /* rowInc */
1, /* colSampling */
1, /* rowSampling */
8, /* allocatedDepth */
8, /* bitDepth */
0, /* rightShift */
C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y, /* rootIx */
0, /* offset */
layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U] = {
2, /* colInc */
stride, /* rowInc */
2, /* colSampling */
2, /* rowSampling */
8, /* allocatedDepth */
8, /* bitDepth */
0, /* rightShift */
C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V, /* rootIx */
1, /* offset */
layout.planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V] = {
2, /* colInc */
stride, /* rowInc */
2, /* colSampling */
2, /* rowSampling */
8, /* allocatedDepth */
8, /* bitDepth */
0, /* rightShift */
C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V, /* rootIx */
0, /* offset */
return layout;
static std::shared_ptr<C2GraphicBlock> CreateGraphicBlock(
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
const C2PlanarLayout &layout,
size_t capacity,
std::vector<size_t> offsets) {
std::shared_ptr<C2GraphicAllocation> alloc = std::make_shared<TestGraphicAllocation>(
return _C2BlockFactory::CreateGraphicBlock(alloc);
static constexpr uint8_t GetPixelValue(uint8_t value, uint32_t row, uint32_t col) {
return (uint32_t(value) * row + col) & 0xFF;
static void FillPlane(C2GraphicView &view, size_t index, uint8_t value) {
C2PlanarLayout layout = view.layout();
uint8_t *rowPtr = view.data()[index];
C2PlaneInfo plane = layout.planes[index];
for (uint32_t row = 0; row < view.height() / plane.rowSampling; ++row) {
uint8_t *colPtr = rowPtr;
for (uint32_t col = 0; col < view.width() / plane.colSampling; ++col) {
*colPtr = GetPixelValue(value, row, col);
colPtr += plane.colInc;
rowPtr += plane.rowInc;
static void FillBlock(const std::shared_ptr<C2GraphicBlock> &block) {
C2GraphicView view = block->map().get();
FillPlane(view, C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y, 'Y');
FillPlane(view, C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U, 'U');
FillPlane(view, C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V, 'V');
static bool VerifyPlane(
const MediaImage2 *mediaImage,
const uint8_t *base,
uint32_t index,
uint8_t value,
std::string *errorMsg) {
*errorMsg = "";
MediaImage2::PlaneInfo plane = mediaImage->mPlane[index];
const uint8_t *rowPtr = base + plane.mOffset;
for (uint32_t row = 0; row < mediaImage->mHeight / plane.mVertSubsampling; ++row) {
const uint8_t *colPtr = rowPtr;
for (uint32_t col = 0; col < mediaImage->mWidth / plane.mHorizSubsampling; ++col) {
if (GetPixelValue(value, row, col) != *colPtr) {
*errorMsg = AStringPrintf("row=%u col=%u expected=%02x actual=%02x",
row, col, GetPixelValue(value, row, col), *colPtr).c_str();
return false;
colPtr += plane.mColInc;
rowPtr += plane.mRowInc;
return true;
static constexpr int32_t kWidth = 320;
static constexpr int32_t kHeight = 240;
static constexpr int32_t kGapLength = kWidth * kHeight * 10;
static std::shared_ptr<C2Buffer> CreateAndFillBufferFromParam(const ParamType ¶m) {
bool contiguous = std::get<0>(param);
std::string planeOrderStr = std::get<1>(param);
bool planar = std::get<2>(param);
int32_t stride = std::get<3>(param);
C2PlanarLayout::plane_index_t planeOrder[3];
C2PlanarLayout layout;
if (planeOrderStr.size() != 3) {
return nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
C2PlanarLayout::plane_index_t planeIndex;
switch (planeOrderStr[i]) {
case 'Y': planeIndex = C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y; break;
case 'U': planeIndex = C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U; break;
case 'V': planeIndex = C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V; break;
default: return nullptr;
planeOrder[i] = planeIndex;
if (planar) {
layout = YUVPlanarLayout(stride);
} else { // semi-planar
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if (planeOrder[i] == C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U) {
layout = YUVSemiPlanarLayout(stride);
if (planeOrder[i] == C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V) {
layout = YVUSemiPlanarLayout(stride);
size_t yPlaneSize = stride * kHeight;
size_t uvPlaneSize = stride * kHeight / 4;
size_t capacity = yPlaneSize + uvPlaneSize * 2;
std::vector<size_t> offsets(3);
if (!contiguous) {
if (planar) {
capacity += kGapLength * 2;
} else { // semi-planar
capacity += kGapLength;
offsets[planeOrder[0]] = 0;
size_t planeSize = (planeOrder[0] == C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y) ? yPlaneSize : uvPlaneSize;
for (size_t i = 1; i < 3; ++i) {
offsets[planeOrder[i]] = offsets[planeOrder[i - 1]] + planeSize;
if (!contiguous) {
offsets[planeOrder[i]] += kGapLength;
planeSize = (planeOrder[i] == C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y) ? yPlaneSize : uvPlaneSize;
if (!planar // semi-planar
&& planeOrder[i - 1] != C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y
&& planeOrder[i] != C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y) {
offsets[planeOrder[i]] = offsets[planeOrder[i - 1]] + 1;
planeSize = uvPlaneSize * 2 - 1;
std::shared_ptr<C2GraphicBlock> block = CreateGraphicBlock(
return C2Buffer::CreateGraphicBuffer(
block->share(block->crop(), C2Fence()));
static bool VerifyClientBuffer(
const sp<MediaCodecBuffer> &buffer, std::string *errorMsg) {
*errorMsg = "";
sp<ABuffer> imageData;
if (!buffer->format()->findBuffer("image-data", &imageData)) {
*errorMsg = "Missing image data";
return false;
MediaImage2 *mediaImage = (MediaImage2 *)imageData->data();
if (mediaImage->mType != MediaImage2::MEDIA_IMAGE_TYPE_YUV) {
*errorMsg = AStringPrintf("Unexpected type: %d", mediaImage->mType).c_str();
return false;
std::string planeErrorMsg;
if (!VerifyPlane(mediaImage, buffer->base(), MediaImage2::Y, 'Y', &planeErrorMsg)) {
*errorMsg = "Y plane does not match: " + planeErrorMsg;
return false;
if (!VerifyPlane(mediaImage, buffer->base(), MediaImage2::U, 'U', &planeErrorMsg)) {
*errorMsg = "U plane does not match: " + planeErrorMsg;
return false;
if (!VerifyPlane(mediaImage, buffer->base(), MediaImage2::V, 'V', &planeErrorMsg)) {
*errorMsg = "V plane does not match: " + planeErrorMsg;
return false;
int32_t width, height, stride;
buffer->format()->findInt32(KEY_WIDTH, &width);
buffer->format()->findInt32(KEY_HEIGHT, &height);
buffer->format()->findInt32(KEY_STRIDE, &stride);
MediaImage2 legacyYLayout = {
1, // mNumPlanes
{}, // mPlane
legacyYLayout.mPlane[MediaImage2::Y] = {
0, // mOffset
1, // mColInc
stride, // mRowInc
1, // mHorizSubsampling
1, // mVertSubsampling
if (!VerifyPlane(&legacyYLayout, buffer->data(), MediaImage2::Y, 'Y', &planeErrorMsg)) {
*errorMsg = "Y plane by legacy layout does not match: " + planeErrorMsg;
return false;
return true;
TEST_P(LayoutTest, VerifyLayout) {
std::shared_ptr<RawGraphicOutputBuffers> buffers =
GetRawGraphicOutputBuffers(kWidth, kHeight);
std::shared_ptr<C2Buffer> c2Buffer = CreateAndFillBufferFromParam(GetParam());
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, c2Buffer);
sp<MediaCodecBuffer> clientBuffer;
size_t index;
ASSERT_EQ(OK, buffers->registerBuffer(c2Buffer, &index, &clientBuffer));
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, clientBuffer);
std::string errorMsg;
ASSERT_TRUE(VerifyClientBuffer(clientBuffer, &errorMsg)) << errorMsg;
::testing::Bool(), /* contiguous */
::testing::Values("YUV", "YVU", "UVY", "VUY"),
::testing::Bool(), /* planar */
::testing::Values(320, 512)),
[](const ::testing::TestParamInfo<LayoutTest::ParamType> &info) {
std::string contiguous = std::get<0>(info.param) ? "Contiguous" : "Noncontiguous";
std::string planar = std::get<2>(info.param) ? "Planar" : "SemiPlanar";
return contiguous
+ std::get<1>(info.param)
+ planar
+ std::to_string(std::get<3>(info.param));
TEST(LinearOutputBuffersTest, PcmConvertFormat) {
// Prepare LinearOutputBuffers
std::shared_ptr<LinearOutputBuffers> buffers =
sp<AMessage> format{new AMessage};
format->setInt32(KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT, 1);
format->setInt32(KEY_SAMPLE_RATE, 8000);
format->setInt32(KEY_PCM_ENCODING, kAudioEncodingPcmFloat);
format->setInt32("android._config-pcm-encoding", kAudioEncodingPcm16bit);
format->setInt32("android._codec-pcm-encoding", kAudioEncodingPcmFloat);
// Prepare a linear C2Buffer
std::shared_ptr<C2BlockPool> pool;
ASSERT_EQ(OK, GetCodec2BlockPool(C2BlockPool::BASIC_LINEAR, nullptr, &pool));
std::shared_ptr<C2LinearBlock> block;
ASSERT_EQ(OK, pool->fetchLinearBlock(
1024, C2MemoryUsage{C2MemoryUsage::CPU_READ, C2MemoryUsage::CPU_WRITE}, &block));
std::shared_ptr<C2Buffer> c2Buffer =
C2Buffer::CreateLinearBuffer(block->share(0, 1024, C2Fence()));
// Test regular buffer convert
size_t index;
sp<MediaCodecBuffer> clientBuffer;
ASSERT_EQ(OK, buffers->registerBuffer(c2Buffer, &index, &clientBuffer));
int32_t pcmEncoding = 0;
ASSERT_TRUE(clientBuffer->format()->findInt32(KEY_PCM_ENCODING, &pcmEncoding));
EXPECT_EQ(kAudioEncodingPcm16bit, pcmEncoding);
ASSERT_TRUE(buffers->releaseBuffer(clientBuffer, &c2Buffer));
// Test null buffer convert
ASSERT_EQ(OK, buffers->registerBuffer(nullptr, &index, &clientBuffer));
ASSERT_TRUE(clientBuffer->format()->findInt32(KEY_PCM_ENCODING, &pcmEncoding));
EXPECT_EQ(kAudioEncodingPcm16bit, pcmEncoding);
ASSERT_TRUE(buffers->releaseBuffer(clientBuffer, &c2Buffer));
// Do the same test in the array mode
std::shared_ptr<OutputBuffersArray> array = buffers->toArrayMode(8);
// Test regular buffer convert
ASSERT_EQ(OK, buffers->registerBuffer(c2Buffer, &index, &clientBuffer));
ASSERT_TRUE(clientBuffer->format()->findInt32(KEY_PCM_ENCODING, &pcmEncoding));
EXPECT_EQ(kAudioEncodingPcm16bit, pcmEncoding);
ASSERT_TRUE(buffers->releaseBuffer(clientBuffer, &c2Buffer));
// Test null buffer convert
ASSERT_EQ(OK, buffers->registerBuffer(nullptr, &index, &clientBuffer));
ASSERT_TRUE(clientBuffer->format()->findInt32(KEY_PCM_ENCODING, &pcmEncoding));
EXPECT_EQ(kAudioEncodingPcm16bit, pcmEncoding);
ASSERT_TRUE(buffers->releaseBuffer(clientBuffer, &c2Buffer));
} // namespace android