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* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef android_hardware_gnss_V1_0_Gnss_H_
#define android_hardware_gnss_V1_0_Gnss_H_
#include <AGnss.h>
#include <AGnssRil.h>
#include <GnssBatching.h>
#include <GnssConfiguration.h>
#include <GnssDebug.h>
#include <GnssGeofencing.h>
#include <GnssMeasurement.h>
#include <GnssNavigationMessage.h>
#include <GnssNi.h>
#include <GnssXtra.h>
#include <ThreadCreationWrapper.h>
#include <android/hardware/gnss/1.0/IGnss.h>
#include <hardware/fused_location.h>
#include <hardware/gps.h>
#include <hidl/Status.h>
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace gnss {
namespace V1_0 {
namespace implementation {
using ::android::hardware::Return;
using ::android::hardware::Void;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_string;
using ::android::sp;
using LegacyGnssSystemInfo = ::GnssSystemInfo;
* Represents the standard GNSS interface. Also contains wrapper methods to allow methods from
* IGnssCallback interface to be passed into the conventional implementation of the GNSS HAL.
class Gnss : public IGnss {
Gnss(gps_device_t* gnss_device);
* Methods from ::android::hardware::gnss::V1_0::IGnss follow.
* These declarations were generated from Gnss.hal.
Return<bool> setCallback(const sp<IGnssCallback>& callback) override;
Return<bool> start() override;
Return<bool> stop() override;
Return<void> cleanup() override;
Return<bool> injectLocation(double latitudeDegrees,
double longitudeDegrees,
float accuracyMeters) override;
Return<bool> injectTime(int64_t timeMs,
int64_t timeReferenceMs,
int32_t uncertaintyMs) override;
Return<void> deleteAidingData(IGnss::GnssAidingData aidingDataFlags) override;
Return<bool> setPositionMode(IGnss::GnssPositionMode mode,
IGnss::GnssPositionRecurrence recurrence,
uint32_t minIntervalMs,
uint32_t preferredAccuracyMeters,
uint32_t preferredTimeMs) override;
Return<sp<IAGnssRil>> getExtensionAGnssRil() override;
Return<sp<IGnssGeofencing>> getExtensionGnssGeofencing() override;
Return<sp<IAGnss>> getExtensionAGnss() override;
Return<sp<IGnssNi>> getExtensionGnssNi() override;
Return<sp<IGnssMeasurement>> getExtensionGnssMeasurement() override;
Return<sp<IGnssNavigationMessage>> getExtensionGnssNavigationMessage() override;
Return<sp<IGnssXtra>> getExtensionXtra() override;
Return<sp<IGnssConfiguration>> getExtensionGnssConfiguration() override;
Return<sp<IGnssDebug>> getExtensionGnssDebug() override;
Return<sp<IGnssBatching>> getExtensionGnssBatching() override;
* Callback methods to be passed into the conventional GNSS HAL by the default
* implementation. These methods are not part of the IGnss base class.
static void locationCb(GpsLocation* location);
static void statusCb(GpsStatus* gnss_status);
static void nmeaCb(GpsUtcTime timestamp, const char* nmea, int length);
static void setCapabilitiesCb(uint32_t capabilities);
static void acquireWakelockCb();
static void releaseWakelockCb();
static void requestUtcTimeCb();
static pthread_t createThreadCb(const char* name, void (*start)(void*), void* arg);
static void gnssSvStatusCb(GnssSvStatus* status);
* Deprecated callback added for backward compatibility to devices that do
* not support GnssSvStatus.
static void gpsSvStatusCb(GpsSvStatus* status);
static void setSystemInfoCb(const LegacyGnssSystemInfo* info);
* Wakelock consolidation, only needed for dual use of a gps.h & fused_location.h HAL
* Ensures that if the last call from either legacy .h was to acquire a wakelock, that a
* wakelock is held. Otherwise releases it.
static void acquireWakelockFused();
static void releaseWakelockFused();
* Holds function pointers to the callback methods.
static GpsCallbacks sGnssCb;
* For handling system-server death while GNSS service lives on.
class GnssHidlDeathRecipient : public hidl_death_recipient {
GnssHidlDeathRecipient(const sp<Gnss> gnss) : mGnss(gnss) {
virtual void serviceDied(uint64_t /*cookie*/,
const wp<::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase>& /*who*/) {
sp<Gnss> mGnss;
// for wakelock consolidation, see above
static void acquireWakelockGnss();
static void releaseWakelockGnss();
static void updateWakelock();
static bool sWakelockHeldGnss;
static bool sWakelockHeldFused;
* Cleanup for death notification
void handleHidlDeath();
sp<GnssXtra> mGnssXtraIface = nullptr;
sp<AGnssRil> mGnssRil = nullptr;
sp<GnssGeofencing> mGnssGeofencingIface = nullptr;
sp<AGnss> mAGnssIface = nullptr;
sp<GnssNi> mGnssNi = nullptr;
sp<GnssMeasurement> mGnssMeasurement = nullptr;
sp<GnssNavigationMessage> mGnssNavigationMessage = nullptr;
sp<GnssDebug> mGnssDebug = nullptr;
sp<GnssConfiguration> mGnssConfig = nullptr;
sp<GnssBatching> mGnssBatching = nullptr;
sp<GnssHidlDeathRecipient> mDeathRecipient;
const GpsInterface* mGnssIface = nullptr;
static sp<IGnssCallback> sGnssCbIface;
static std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ThreadFuncArgs>> sThreadFuncArgsList;
static bool sInterfaceExists;
// Values saved for resend
static uint32_t sCapabilitiesCached;
static uint16_t sYearOfHwCached;
extern "C" IGnss* HIDL_FETCH_IGnss(const char* name);
} // namespace implementation
} // namespace V1_0
} // namespace gnss
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android
#endif // android_hardware_gnss_V1_0_Gnss_H_