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* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.1 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.1
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "Radio.h"
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace radio {
namespace V1_2 {
namespace implementation {
// Methods from ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::IRadio follow.
Return<void> Radio::setResponseFunctions(
const sp<::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::IRadioResponse>& radioResponse,
const sp<::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::IRadioIndication>& radioIndication) {
mRadioResponse = radioResponse;
mRadioIndication = radioIndication;
mRadioResponseV1_1 = ::android::hardware::radio::V1_1::IRadioResponse::castFrom(mRadioResponse)
mRadioIndicationV1_1 =
if (mRadioResponseV1_1 == nullptr || mRadioIndicationV1_1 == nullptr) {
mRadioResponseV1_1 = nullptr;
mRadioIndicationV1_1 = nullptr;
mRadioResponseV1_2 = ::android::hardware::radio::V1_2::IRadioResponse::castFrom(mRadioResponse)
mRadioIndicationV1_2 =
if (mRadioResponseV1_2 == nullptr || mRadioIndicationV1_2 == nullptr) {
mRadioResponseV1_2 = nullptr;
mRadioIndicationV1_2 = nullptr;
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getIccCardStatus(int32_t serial) {
* IRadio-defined request is called from the client and talk to the radio to get
* IRadioResponse-defined response or/and IRadioIndication-defined indication back to the
* client. This implementation omits and replaces the design and implementation of vendor
* codes that needs to handle the receipt of the request and the return of the response from the
* radio; this just directly returns a fake response back to the client.
ALOGD("Radio Request: getIccCardStatus is entering");
if (mRadioResponse != nullptr || mRadioResponseV1_1 != nullptr ||
mRadioResponseV1_2 != nullptr) {
// Fake RadioResponseInfo as part of response to return in 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2
::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::RadioResponseInfo info;
info.serial = serial;
info.type = ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::RadioResponseType::SOLICITED;
info.error = ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::RadioError::NONE;
* In IRadio and IRadioResponse 1.2, getIccCardStatus can trigger radio to return
* getIccCardStatusResponse_1_2. In their 1.0 and 1.1, getIccCardStatus can trigger radio to
* return getIccCardStatusResponse.
if (mRadioResponseV1_2 != nullptr) {
// Fake CardStatus as part of getIccCardStatusResponse_1_2 response to return
::android::hardware::radio::V1_2::CardStatus card_status;
card_status.base.cardState = ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::CardState::ABSENT;
card_status.base.gsmUmtsSubscriptionAppIndex = 0;
card_status.base.cdmaSubscriptionAppIndex = 0;
mRadioResponseV1_2->getIccCardStatusResponse_1_2(info, card_status);
ALOGD("Radio Response: getIccCardStatusResponse_1_2 is sent");
} else if (mRadioResponseV1_1 != nullptr) {
// Fake CardStatus as part of getIccCardStatusResponse response to return
::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::CardStatus card_status_V1_0;
card_status_V1_0.cardState = ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::CardState::ABSENT;
card_status_V1_0.gsmUmtsSubscriptionAppIndex = 0;
card_status_V1_0.cdmaSubscriptionAppIndex = 0;
mRadioResponseV1_1->getIccCardStatusResponse(info, card_status_V1_0);
ALOGD("Radio Response: getIccCardStatusResponse is sent");
} else {
// Fake CardStatus as part of getIccCardStatusResponse response to return
::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::CardStatus card_status_V1_0;
card_status_V1_0.cardState = ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::CardState::ABSENT;
card_status_V1_0.gsmUmtsSubscriptionAppIndex = 0;
card_status_V1_0.cdmaSubscriptionAppIndex = 0;
mRadioResponse->getIccCardStatusResponse(info, card_status_V1_0);
ALOGD("Radio Response: getIccCardStatusResponse is sent");
} else {
ALOGD("mRadioResponse, mRadioResponseV1_1, and mRadioResponseV1_2 are NULL");
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::supplyIccPinForApp(int32_t /* serial */, const hidl_string& /* pin */,
const hidl_string& /* aid */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::supplyIccPukForApp(int32_t /* serial */, const hidl_string& /* puk */,
const hidl_string& /* pin */, const hidl_string& /* aid */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::supplyIccPin2ForApp(int32_t /* serial */, const hidl_string& /* pin2 */,
const hidl_string& /* aid */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::supplyIccPuk2ForApp(int32_t /* serial */, const hidl_string& /* puk2 */,
const hidl_string& /* pin2 */,
const hidl_string& /* aid */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::changeIccPinForApp(int32_t /* serial */, const hidl_string& /* oldPin */,
const hidl_string& /* newPin */,
const hidl_string& /* aid */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::changeIccPin2ForApp(int32_t /* serial */, const hidl_string& /* oldPin2 */,
const hidl_string& /* newPin2 */,
const hidl_string& /* aid */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::supplyNetworkDepersonalization(int32_t /* serial */,
const hidl_string& /* netPin */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getCurrentCalls(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::dial(int32_t /* serial */,
const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::Dial& /* dialInfo */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getImsiForApp(int32_t /* serial */, const hidl_string& /* aid */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::hangup(int32_t /* serial */, int32_t /* gsmIndex */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::hangupWaitingOrBackground(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::hangupForegroundResumeBackground(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActive(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::conference(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::rejectCall(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getLastCallFailCause(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getSignalStrength(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getVoiceRegistrationState(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getDataRegistrationState(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getOperator(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setRadioPower(int32_t /* serial */, bool /* on */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::sendDtmf(int32_t /* serial */, const hidl_string& /* s */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::sendSms(int32_t /* serial */,
const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::GsmSmsMessage& /* message */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::sendSMSExpectMore(
int32_t /* serial */, const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::GsmSmsMessage& /* message */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setupDataCall(
int32_t /* serial */, ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::RadioTechnology /* radioTechnology */,
const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::DataProfileInfo& /* dataProfileInfo */,
bool /* modemCognitive */, bool /* roamingAllowed */, bool /* isRoaming */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::iccIOForApp(int32_t /* serial */,
const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::IccIo& /* iccIo */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::sendUssd(int32_t /* serial */, const hidl_string& /* ussd */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::cancelPendingUssd(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getClir(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setClir(int32_t /* serial */, int32_t /* status */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getCallForwardStatus(
int32_t /* serial */, const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::CallForwardInfo& /* callInfo */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setCallForward(
int32_t /* serial */, const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::CallForwardInfo& /* callInfo */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getCallWaiting(int32_t /* serial */, int32_t /* serviceClass */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setCallWaiting(int32_t /* serial */, bool /* enable */,
int32_t /* serviceClass */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::acknowledgeLastIncomingGsmSms(
int32_t /* serial */, bool /* success */,
::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::SmsAcknowledgeFailCause /* cause */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::acceptCall(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::deactivateDataCall(int32_t /* serial */, int32_t /* cid */,
bool /* reasonRadioShutDown */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getFacilityLockForApp(int32_t /* serial */, const hidl_string& /* facility */,
const hidl_string& /* password */,
int32_t /* serviceClass */,
const hidl_string& /* appId */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setFacilityLockForApp(int32_t /* serial */, const hidl_string& /* facility */,
bool /* lockState */, const hidl_string& /* password */,
int32_t /* serviceClass */,
const hidl_string& /* appId */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setBarringPassword(int32_t /* serial */, const hidl_string& /* facility */,
const hidl_string& /* oldPassword */,
const hidl_string& /* newPassword */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getNetworkSelectionMode(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setNetworkSelectionModeAutomatic(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setNetworkSelectionModeManual(int32_t /* serial */,
const hidl_string& /* operatorNumeric */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getAvailableNetworks(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::startDtmf(int32_t /* serial */, const hidl_string& /* s */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::stopDtmf(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getBasebandVersion(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::separateConnection(int32_t /* serial */, int32_t /* gsmIndex */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setMute(int32_t /* serial */, bool /* enable */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getMute(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getClip(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getDataCallList(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setSuppServiceNotifications(int32_t /* serial */, bool /* enable */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::writeSmsToSim(
int32_t /* serial */,
const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::SmsWriteArgs& /* smsWriteArgs */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::deleteSmsOnSim(int32_t /* serial */, int32_t /* index */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setBandMode(int32_t /* serial */,
::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::RadioBandMode /* mode */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getAvailableBandModes(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::sendEnvelope(int32_t /* serial */, const hidl_string& /* command */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::sendTerminalResponseToSim(int32_t /* serial */,
const hidl_string& /* commandResponse */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::handleStkCallSetupRequestFromSim(int32_t /* serial */, bool /* accept */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::explicitCallTransfer(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setPreferredNetworkType(
int32_t /* serial */, ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::PreferredNetworkType /* nwType */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getPreferredNetworkType(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getNeighboringCids(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setLocationUpdates(int32_t /* serial */, bool /* enable */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setCdmaSubscriptionSource(
int32_t /* serial */, ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::CdmaSubscriptionSource /* cdmaSub */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setCdmaRoamingPreference(
int32_t /* serial */, ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::CdmaRoamingType /* type */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getCdmaRoamingPreference(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setTTYMode(int32_t /* serial */,
::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::TtyMode /* mode */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getTTYMode(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setPreferredVoicePrivacy(int32_t /* serial */, bool /* enable */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getPreferredVoicePrivacy(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::sendCDMAFeatureCode(int32_t /* serial */,
const hidl_string& /* featureCode */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::sendBurstDtmf(int32_t /* serial */, const hidl_string& /* dtmf*/,
int32_t /*on*/, int32_t /*off */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::sendCdmaSms(int32_t /* serial */,
const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::CdmaSmsMessage& /* sms */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::acknowledgeLastIncomingCdmaSms(
int32_t /* serial */, const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::CdmaSmsAck& /* smsAck */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getGsmBroadcastConfig(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setGsmBroadcastConfig(
int32_t /* serial */,
const hidl_vec<::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::GsmBroadcastSmsConfigInfo>& /* configInfo */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setGsmBroadcastActivation(int32_t /* serial */, bool /* activate */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getCdmaBroadcastConfig(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setCdmaBroadcastConfig(
int32_t /* serial */,
const hidl_vec<
::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::CdmaBroadcastSmsConfigInfo>& /* configInfo */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setCdmaBroadcastActivation(int32_t /* serial */, bool /* activate */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getCDMASubscription(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::writeSmsToRuim(
int32_t /* serial */, const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::CdmaSmsWriteArgs& /* cdmaSms */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::deleteSmsOnRuim(int32_t /* serial */, int32_t /* index */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getDeviceIdentity(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::exitEmergencyCallbackMode(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getSmscAddress(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setSmscAddress(int32_t /* serial */, const hidl_string& /* smsc */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::reportSmsMemoryStatus(int32_t /* serial */, bool /* available */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::reportStkServiceIsRunning(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getCdmaSubscriptionSource(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::requestIsimAuthentication(int32_t /* serial */,
const hidl_string& /* challenge */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::acknowledgeIncomingGsmSmsWithPdu(int32_t /* serial */, bool /* success */,
const hidl_string& /* ackPdu */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::sendEnvelopeWithStatus(int32_t /* serial */,
const hidl_string& /* contents */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getVoiceRadioTechnology(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getCellInfoList(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setCellInfoListRate(int32_t /* serial */, int32_t /*rate */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setInitialAttachApn(
int32_t /* serial */,
const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::DataProfileInfo& /* dataProfileInfo */,
bool /* modemCognitive */, bool /* isRoaming */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getImsRegistrationState(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::sendImsSms(
int32_t /* serial */, const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::ImsSmsMessage& /* message */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::iccTransmitApduBasicChannel(
int32_t /* serial */, const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::SimApdu& /* message */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::iccOpenLogicalChannel(int32_t /* serial */, const hidl_string& /* aid*/,
int32_t /*p2 */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::iccCloseLogicalChannel(int32_t /* serial */, int32_t /* channelId */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::iccTransmitApduLogicalChannel(
int32_t /* serial */, const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::SimApdu& /* message */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::nvReadItem(int32_t /* serial */,
::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::NvItem /* itemId */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::nvWriteItem(int32_t /* serial */,
const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::NvWriteItem& /* item */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::nvWriteCdmaPrl(int32_t /* serial */, const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& /* prl */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::nvResetConfig(int32_t /* serial */,
::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::ResetNvType /* resetType */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setUiccSubscription(
int32_t /* serial */, const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::SelectUiccSub& /* uiccSub */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setDataAllowed(int32_t /* serial */, bool /* allow */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getHardwareConfig(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::requestIccSimAuthentication(int32_t /* serial */, int32_t /* authContext */,
const hidl_string& /* authData */,
const hidl_string& /* aid */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setDataProfile(
int32_t /* serial */,
const hidl_vec<::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::DataProfileInfo>& /* profiles */,
bool /* isRoaming */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::requestShutdown(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getRadioCapability(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setRadioCapability(
int32_t /* serial */, const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::RadioCapability& /* rc */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::startLceService(int32_t /* serial */, int32_t /* reportInterval */,
bool /* pullMode */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::stopLceService(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::pullLceData(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getModemActivityInfo(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setAllowedCarriers(
int32_t /* serial */, bool /* allAllowed */,
const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::CarrierRestrictions& /* carriers */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::getAllowedCarriers(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::sendDeviceState(
int32_t /* serial */, ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::DeviceStateType /* deviceStateType */,
bool /* state */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setIndicationFilter(int32_t /* serial */,
hidl_bitfield<IndicationFilter> /* indicationFilter */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setSimCardPower(int32_t /* serial */, bool /* powerUp */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::responseAcknowledgement() {
// TODO implement
return Void();
// Methods from ::android::hardware::radio::V1_1::IRadio follow.
Return<void> Radio::setCarrierInfoForImsiEncryption(
int32_t /* serial */,
const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_1::ImsiEncryptionInfo& /* imsiEncryptionInfo */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setSimCardPower_1_1(
int32_t /* serial */, ::android::hardware::radio::V1_1::CardPowerState /* powerUp */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::startNetworkScan(
int32_t /* serial */,
const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_1::NetworkScanRequest& /* request */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::stopNetworkScan(int32_t /* serial */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::startKeepalive(
int32_t /* serial */,
const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_1::KeepaliveRequest& /* keepalive */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::stopKeepalive(int32_t /* serial */, int32_t /* sessionHandle */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
// Methods from ::android::hardware::radio::V1_2::IRadio follow.
Return<void> Radio::startNetworkScan_1_2(
int32_t /* serial */,
const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_2::NetworkScanRequest& /* request */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setIndicationFilter_1_2(
int32_t /* serial */, hidl_bitfield<IndicationFilter> /* indicationFilter */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setSignalStrengthReportingCriteria(
int32_t /* serial */, int32_t /*hysteresisMs*/, int32_t /*hysteresisDb */,
const hidl_vec<int32_t>& /* thresholdsDbm */,
::android::hardware::radio::V1_2::AccessNetwork /* accessNetwork */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setLinkCapacityReportingCriteria(
int32_t /* serial */, int32_t /*hysteresisMs*/, int32_t /*hysteresisDlKbps*/,
int32_t /*hysteresisUlKbps */, const hidl_vec<int32_t>& /* thresholdsDownlinkKbps */,
const hidl_vec<int32_t>& /* thresholdsUplinkKbps */,
::android::hardware::radio::V1_2::AccessNetwork /* accessNetwork */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::setupDataCall_1_2(
int32_t /* serial */, ::android::hardware::radio::V1_2::AccessNetwork /* accessNetwork */,
const ::android::hardware::radio::V1_0::DataProfileInfo& /* dataProfileInfo */,
bool /* modemCognitive */, bool /* roamingAllowed */, bool /* isRoaming */,
::android::hardware::radio::V1_2::DataRequestReason /* reason */,
const hidl_vec<hidl_string>& /* addresses */, const hidl_vec<hidl_string>& /* dnses */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
Return<void> Radio::deactivateDataCall_1_2(
int32_t /* serial */, int32_t /* cid */,
::android::hardware::radio::V1_2::DataRequestReason /* reason */) {
// TODO implement
return Void();
} // namespace implementation
} // namespace V1_2
} // namespace radio
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android