
121 lines
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2024-06-22 08:45:49 -04:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<!-- Application label -->
<string name="app_name">TelecommTests</string>
<!-- String for the TestCallActivity -->
<string name="testCallActivityLabel">Test Connection Service App</string>
<!-- String for the CarModeDialerActivity -->
<string name="testDialerActivityLabel">Test Dialer</string>
<!-- String for button in CarModeDialerActivity that reassigns the default Dialer -->
<string name="defaultDialerButton">Default dialer request</string>
<!-- String for button in CarModeDialerActivity that places a test call -->
<string name="placeCallButton">Place call</string>
<!-- String for button in CarModeDialerActivity that performs voicemail requests to verify
voicemail permissions -->
<string name="testVoicemailButton">Exercise voicemail permissions</string>
<!-- String for button in CarModeDialerActivity that tries to exercise the
TelecomManager.cancelMissedCallNotifications() functionality -->
<string name="cancelMissedButton">Cancel missed calls</string>
<string name="endCallButton">End Call</string>
<string name="answerCallButton">Answer</string>
<string name="startCallWithRtt">Start call with RTT</string>
<string name="addComposerAttachments">Add call composer attachments</string>
<string name="rttIfaceButton">RTT</string>
<string name="endRttButton">End RTT</string>
<string name="startRttButton">Start RTT</string>
<string name="acceptRttButton">Accept RTT request</string>
<string name="muteButton">Mute</string>
<string name="holdButton">Hold</string>
<string name="exit_audio_processing_noring_button">Exit AP (no ring)</string>
<string name="exit_audio_processing_ring_button">Exit AP (ring)</string>
<string name="reject_button">Reject</string>
<string name="handoverButton">Handover</string>
<string name="inCallUiAppLabel">Test InCall UI</string>
<string name="UssdUiAppLabel">Test Ussd UI</string>
<string name="placeUssdButton">Send USSD</string>
<string name="KeyUiAppLabel">Get Key UI</string>
<string name="getKeyButton">Get Key Json</string>
<string name="earpieceButton">Earpiece/Wired</string>
<string name="speakerButton">Speakerphone</string>
<string name="setBtDeviceButton">Set BT device</string>
<string name="currentRouteLabel">Current audio route</string>
<!-- String for button in SelfManagedCallingActivity. -->
<string name="checkIfPermittedBeforeCallingButton">Check if calls permitted before calling</string>
<string name="selfManagedCallingActivityLabel">Self-Managed Sample</string>
<string name="outgoingCallNotPermitted">Outgoing call not permitted.</string>
<string name="outgoingCallNotPermittedCS">Outgoing call not permitted (CS Reported).</string>
<string name="incomingCallNotPermitted">Incoming call not permitted.</string>
<string name="incomingCallNotPermittedCS">Incoming call not permitted (CS Reported).</string>
<string name="rttUiLabel">Test RTT UI</string>
<string name="postCallActivityLabel">Test Post Call Screen</string>
<string-array name="rtt_mode_array">
<string-array name="rtt_reply_one_liners">
<item>To RTT or not to RTT, that is the question...</item>
<item>Making TTY great again!</item>
<item>I would be more comfortable with real "Thyme" chatting. I don\'t know how to end
this pun</item>
<item>The FCC has mandated that I respond... I will do so begrudgingly</item>
<string name="send_contact_discovery">Send Contact Discovery Intent</string>