742 lines
29 KiB
742 lines
29 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <keymaster/cppcose/cppcose.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cppbor.h>
#include <cppbor_parse.h>
#include <openssl/ecdsa.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
namespace cppcose {
constexpr int kP256AffinePointSize = 32;
using EVP_PKEY_Ptr = bssl::UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY>;
using EVP_PKEY_CTX_Ptr = bssl::UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY_CTX>;
using ECDSA_SIG_Ptr = bssl::UniquePtr<ECDSA_SIG>;
using EC_KEY_Ptr = bssl::UniquePtr<EC_KEY>;
namespace {
ErrMsgOr<bssl::UniquePtr<EVP_CIPHER_CTX>> aesGcmInitAndProcessAad(const bytevec& key,
const bytevec& nonce,
const bytevec& aad,
bool encrypt) {
if (key.size() != kAesGcmKeySize) return "Invalid key size";
bssl::UniquePtr<EVP_CIPHER_CTX> ctx(EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new());
if (!ctx) return "Failed to allocate cipher context";
if (!EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctx.get(), EVP_aes_256_gcm(), nullptr /* engine */, key.data(),
nonce.data(), encrypt ? 1 : 0)) {
return "Failed to initialize cipher";
int outlen;
if (!aad.empty() && !EVP_CipherUpdate(ctx.get(), nullptr /* out; null means AAD */, &outlen,
aad.data(), aad.size())) {
return "Failed to process AAD";
return std::move(ctx);
ErrMsgOr<bytevec> signEcdsaDigest(const bytevec& key, const bytevec& data) {
auto bn = BIGNUM_Ptr(BN_bin2bn(key.data(), key.size(), nullptr));
if (bn.get() == nullptr) {
return "Error creating BIGNUM";
auto ec_key = EC_KEY_Ptr(EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_X9_62_prime256v1));
if (EC_KEY_set_private_key(ec_key.get(), bn.get()) != 1) {
return "Error setting private key from BIGNUM";
auto sig = ECDSA_SIG_Ptr(ECDSA_do_sign(data.data(), data.size(), ec_key.get()));
if (sig == nullptr) {
return "Error signing digest";
size_t len = i2d_ECDSA_SIG(sig.get(), nullptr);
bytevec signature(len);
unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)signature.data();
i2d_ECDSA_SIG(sig.get(), &p);
return signature;
ErrMsgOr<bytevec> ecdh(const bytevec& publicKey, const bytevec& privateKey) {
auto group = EC_GROUP_Ptr(EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(NID_X9_62_prime256v1));
auto point = EC_POINT_Ptr(EC_POINT_new(group.get()));
if (EC_POINT_oct2point(group.get(), point.get(), publicKey.data(), publicKey.size(), nullptr) !=
1) {
return "Error decoding publicKey";
auto ecKey = EC_KEY_Ptr(EC_KEY_new());
auto pkey = EVP_PKEY_Ptr(EVP_PKEY_new());
if (ecKey.get() == nullptr || pkey.get() == nullptr) {
return "Memory allocation failed";
if (EC_KEY_set_group(ecKey.get(), group.get()) != 1) {
return "Error setting group";
if (EC_KEY_set_public_key(ecKey.get(), point.get()) != 1) {
return "Error setting point";
if (EVP_PKEY_set1_EC_KEY(pkey.get(), ecKey.get()) != 1) {
return "Error setting key";
auto bn = BIGNUM_Ptr(BN_bin2bn(privateKey.data(), privateKey.size(), nullptr));
if (bn.get() == nullptr) {
return "Error creating BIGNUM for private key";
auto privEcKey = EC_KEY_Ptr(EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_X9_62_prime256v1));
if (EC_KEY_set_private_key(privEcKey.get(), bn.get()) != 1) {
return "Error setting private key from BIGNUM";
auto privPkey = EVP_PKEY_Ptr(EVP_PKEY_new());
if (EVP_PKEY_set1_EC_KEY(privPkey.get(), privEcKey.get()) != 1) {
return "Error setting private key";
auto ctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_Ptr(EVP_PKEY_CTX_new(privPkey.get(), NULL));
if (ctx.get() == nullptr) {
return "Error creating context";
if (EVP_PKEY_derive_init(ctx.get()) != 1) {
return "Error initializing context";
if (EVP_PKEY_derive_set_peer(ctx.get(), pkey.get()) != 1) {
return "Error setting peer";
/* Determine buffer length for shared secret */
size_t secretLen = 0;
if (EVP_PKEY_derive(ctx.get(), NULL, &secretLen) != 1) {
return "Error determing length of shared secret";
bytevec sharedSecret(secretLen);
if (EVP_PKEY_derive(ctx.get(), sharedSecret.data(), &secretLen) != 1) {
return "Error deriving shared secret";
return sharedSecret;
} // namespace
ErrMsgOr<bytevec> ecdsaCoseSignatureToDer(const bytevec& ecdsaCoseSignature) {
if (ecdsaCoseSignature.size() != 64) {
return "COSE signature wrong length";
auto rBn = BIGNUM_Ptr(BN_bin2bn(ecdsaCoseSignature.data(), 32, nullptr));
if (rBn.get() == nullptr) {
return "Error creating BIGNUM for r";
auto sBn = BIGNUM_Ptr(BN_bin2bn(ecdsaCoseSignature.data() + 32, 32, nullptr));
if (sBn.get() == nullptr) {
return "Error creating BIGNUM for s";
sig.r = rBn.get();
sig.s = sBn.get();
size_t len = i2d_ECDSA_SIG(&sig, nullptr);
bytevec derSignature(len);
unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)derSignature.data();
i2d_ECDSA_SIG(&sig, &p);
return derSignature;
ErrMsgOr<bytevec> ecdsaDerSignatureToCose(const bytevec& ecdsaSignature) {
const unsigned char* p = ecdsaSignature.data();
auto sig = ECDSA_SIG_Ptr(d2i_ECDSA_SIG(nullptr, &p, ecdsaSignature.size()));
if (sig == nullptr) {
return "Error decoding DER signature";
bytevec ecdsaCoseSignature(64, 0);
if (BN_bn2binpad(ECDSA_SIG_get0_r(sig.get()), ecdsaCoseSignature.data(), 32) != 32) {
return "Error encoding r";
if (BN_bn2binpad(ECDSA_SIG_get0_s(sig.get()), ecdsaCoseSignature.data() + 32, 32) != 32) {
return "Error encoding s";
return ecdsaCoseSignature;
ErrMsgOr<HmacSha256> generateHmacSha256(const bytevec& key, const bytevec& data) {
HmacSha256 digest;
unsigned int outLen;
uint8_t* out = HMAC(EVP_sha256(), //
key.data(), key.size(), //
data.data(), data.size(), //
digest.data(), &outLen);
if (out == nullptr || outLen != digest.size()) {
return "Error generating HMAC";
return digest;
ErrMsgOr<HmacSha256> generateCoseMac0Mac(HmacSha256Function macFunction, const bytevec& externalAad,
const bytevec& payload) {
auto macStructure = cppbor::Array()
.add(cppbor::Map().add(ALGORITHM, HMAC_256).canonicalize().encode())
auto macTag = macFunction(macStructure);
if (!macTag) {
return "Error computing public key MAC";
return *macTag;
ErrMsgOr<cppbor::Array> constructCoseMac0(HmacSha256Function macFunction,
const bytevec& externalAad, const bytevec& payload) {
auto tag = generateCoseMac0Mac(macFunction, externalAad, payload);
if (!tag) return tag.moveMessage();
return cppbor::Array()
.add(cppbor::Map().add(ALGORITHM, HMAC_256).canonicalize().encode())
.add(cppbor::Map() /* unprotected */)
.add(std::pair(tag->begin(), tag->end()));
ErrMsgOr<bytevec /* payload */> verifyAndParseCoseMac0(const cppbor::Item* macItem,
const bytevec& macKey) {
auto mac = macItem ? macItem->asArray() : nullptr;
if (!mac || mac->size() != kCoseMac0EntryCount) {
return "Invalid COSE_Mac0";
auto protectedParms = mac->get(kCoseMac0ProtectedParams)->asBstr();
auto unprotectedParms = mac->get(kCoseMac0UnprotectedParams)->asMap();
auto payload = mac->get(kCoseMac0Payload)->asBstr();
auto tag = mac->get(kCoseMac0Tag)->asBstr();
if (!protectedParms || !unprotectedParms || !payload || !tag) {
return "Invalid COSE_Mac0 contents";
auto [protectedMap, _, errMsg] = cppbor::parse(protectedParms);
if (!protectedMap || !protectedMap->asMap()) {
return "Invalid Mac0 protected: " + errMsg;
auto& algo = protectedMap->asMap()->get(ALGORITHM);
if (!algo || !algo->asInt() || algo->asInt()->value() != HMAC_256) {
return "Unsupported Mac0 algorithm";
auto macFunction = [&macKey](const bytevec& input) {
return generateHmacSha256(macKey, input);
auto macTag = generateCoseMac0Mac(macFunction, {} /* external_aad */, payload->value());
if (!macTag) return macTag.moveMessage();
if (macTag->size() != tag->value().size() ||
CRYPTO_memcmp(macTag->data(), tag->value().data(), macTag->size()) != 0) {
return "MAC tag mismatch";
return payload->value();
ErrMsgOr<bytevec> createECDSACoseSign1Signature(const bytevec& key, const bytevec& protectedParams,
const bytevec& payload, const bytevec& aad) {
bytevec signatureInput = cppbor::Array()
.add("Signature1") //
auto ecdsaSignature = signEcdsaDigest(key, sha256(signatureInput));
if (!ecdsaSignature) return ecdsaSignature.moveMessage();
return ecdsaDerSignatureToCose(*ecdsaSignature);
ErrMsgOr<bytevec> createCoseSign1Signature(const bytevec& key, const bytevec& protectedParams,
const bytevec& payload, const bytevec& aad) {
bytevec signatureInput = cppbor::Array()
.add("Signature1") //
if (key.size() != ED25519_PRIVATE_KEY_LEN) return "Invalid signing key";
bytevec signature(ED25519_SIGNATURE_LEN);
if (!ED25519_sign(signature.data(), signatureInput.data(), signatureInput.size(), key.data())) {
return "Signing failed";
return signature;
ErrMsgOr<cppbor::Array> constructECDSACoseSign1(const bytevec& key, cppbor::Map protectedParams,
const bytevec& payload, const bytevec& aad) {
bytevec protParms = protectedParams.add(ALGORITHM, ES256).canonicalize().encode();
auto signature = createECDSACoseSign1Signature(key, protParms, payload, aad);
if (!signature) return signature.moveMessage();
return cppbor::Array()
.add(cppbor::Map() /* unprotected parameters */)
ErrMsgOr<cppbor::Array> constructCoseSign1(const bytevec& key, cppbor::Map protectedParams,
const bytevec& payload, const bytevec& aad) {
bytevec protParms = protectedParams.add(ALGORITHM, EDDSA).canonicalize().encode();
auto signature = createCoseSign1Signature(key, protParms, payload, aad);
if (!signature) return signature.moveMessage();
return cppbor::Array()
.add(cppbor::Map() /* unprotected parameters */)
ErrMsgOr<cppbor::Array> constructCoseSign1(const bytevec& key, const bytevec& payload,
const bytevec& aad) {
return constructCoseSign1(key, {} /* protectedParams */, payload, aad);
ErrMsgOr<bytevec> verifyAndParseCoseSign1(const cppbor::Array* coseSign1,
const bytevec& signingCoseKey, const bytevec& aad) {
if (!coseSign1 || coseSign1->size() != kCoseSign1EntryCount) {
return "Invalid COSE_Sign1";
const cppbor::Bstr* protectedParams = coseSign1->get(kCoseSign1ProtectedParams)->asBstr();
const cppbor::Map* unprotectedParams = coseSign1->get(kCoseSign1UnprotectedParams)->asMap();
const cppbor::Bstr* payload = coseSign1->get(kCoseSign1Payload)->asBstr();
if (!protectedParams || !unprotectedParams || !payload) {
return "Missing input parameters";
auto [parsedProtParams, _, errMsg] = cppbor::parse(protectedParams);
if (!parsedProtParams) {
return errMsg + " when parsing protected params.";
if (!parsedProtParams->asMap()) {
return "Protected params must be a map";
auto& algorithm = parsedProtParams->asMap()->get(ALGORITHM);
if (!algorithm || !algorithm->asInt() ||
!(algorithm->asInt()->value() == EDDSA || algorithm->asInt()->value() == ES256)) {
return "Unsupported signature algorithm";
const cppbor::Bstr* signature = coseSign1->get(kCoseSign1Signature)->asBstr();
if (!signature || signature->value().empty()) {
return "Missing signature input";
bool selfSigned = signingCoseKey.empty();
bytevec signatureInput =
if (algorithm->asInt()->value() == EDDSA) {
auto key = CoseKey::parseEd25519(selfSigned ? payload->value() : signingCoseKey);
if (!key || key->getBstrValue(CoseKey::PUBKEY_X)->empty()) {
return "Bad signing key: " + key.moveMessage();
if (!ED25519_verify(signatureInput.data(), signatureInput.size(), signature->value().data(),
key->getBstrValue(CoseKey::PUBKEY_X)->data())) {
return "Signature verification failed";
} else { // P256
auto key = CoseKey::parseP256(selfSigned ? payload->value() : signingCoseKey);
if (!key || key->getBstrValue(CoseKey::PUBKEY_X)->empty() ||
key->getBstrValue(CoseKey::PUBKEY_Y)->empty()) {
return "Bad signing key: " + key.moveMessage();
auto publicKey = key->getEcPublicKey();
if (!publicKey) return publicKey.moveMessage();
auto ecdsaDerSignature = ecdsaCoseSignatureToDer(signature->value());
if (!ecdsaDerSignature) return ecdsaDerSignature.moveMessage();
// convert public key to uncompressed form by prepending 0x04 at begin.
publicKey->insert(publicKey->begin(), 0x04);
if (!verifyEcdsaDigest(publicKey.moveValue(), sha256(signatureInput), *ecdsaDerSignature)) {
return "Signature verification failed";
return payload->value();
ErrMsgOr<bytevec> createCoseEncryptCiphertext(const bytevec& key, const bytevec& nonce,
const bytevec& protectedParams,
const bytevec& plaintextPayload, const bytevec& aad) {
auto ciphertext = aesGcmEncrypt(key, nonce,
cppbor::Array() // Enc strucure as AAD
.add("Encrypt") // Context
.add(protectedParams) // Protected
.add(aad) // External AAD
if (!ciphertext) return ciphertext.moveMessage();
return ciphertext.moveValue();
ErrMsgOr<cppbor::Array> constructCoseEncrypt(const bytevec& key, const bytevec& nonce,
const bytevec& plaintextPayload, const bytevec& aad,
cppbor::Array recipients) {
auto encryptProtectedHeader = cppbor::Map() //
auto ciphertext =
createCoseEncryptCiphertext(key, nonce, encryptProtectedHeader, plaintextPayload, aad);
if (!ciphertext) return ciphertext.moveMessage();
return cppbor::Array()
.add(encryptProtectedHeader) // Protected
.add(cppbor::Map().add(IV, nonce).canonicalize()) // Unprotected
.add(*ciphertext) // Payload
ErrMsgOr<std::pair<bytevec /* pubkey */, bytevec /* key ID */>>
getSenderPubKeyFromCoseEncrypt(const cppbor::Item* coseEncrypt) {
if (!coseEncrypt || !coseEncrypt->asArray() ||
coseEncrypt->asArray()->size() != kCoseEncryptEntryCount) {
return "Invalid COSE_Encrypt";
auto& recipients = coseEncrypt->asArray()->get(kCoseEncryptRecipients);
if (!recipients || !recipients->asArray() || recipients->asArray()->size() != 1) {
return "Invalid recipients list";
auto& recipient = recipients->asArray()->get(0);
if (!recipient || !recipient->asArray() || recipient->asArray()->size() != 3) {
return "Invalid COSE_recipient";
auto& ciphertext = recipient->asArray()->get(2);
if (!ciphertext->asSimple() || !ciphertext->asSimple()->asNull()) {
return "Unexpected value in recipients ciphertext field " +
auto& protParms = recipient->asArray()->get(0);
if (!protParms || !protParms->asBstr()) return "Invalid protected params";
auto [parsedProtParms, _, errMsg] = cppbor::parse(protParms->asBstr());
if (!parsedProtParms) return "Failed to parse protected params: " + errMsg;
if (!parsedProtParms->asMap()) return "Invalid protected params";
auto& algorithm = parsedProtParms->asMap()->get(ALGORITHM);
if (!algorithm || !algorithm->asInt() || algorithm->asInt()->value() != ECDH_ES_HKDF_256) {
return "Invalid algorithm";
auto& unprotParms = recipient->asArray()->get(1);
if (!unprotParms || !unprotParms->asMap()) return "Invalid unprotected params";
auto& senderCoseKey = unprotParms->asMap()->get(COSE_KEY);
if (!senderCoseKey || !senderCoseKey->asMap()) return "Invalid sender COSE_Key";
auto& keyType = senderCoseKey->asMap()->get(CoseKey::KEY_TYPE);
if (!keyType || !keyType->asInt() ||
(keyType->asInt()->value() != OCTET_KEY_PAIR && keyType->asInt()->value() != EC2)) {
return "Invalid key type";
auto& curve = senderCoseKey->asMap()->get(CoseKey::CURVE);
if (!curve || !curve->asInt() ||
(keyType->asInt()->value() == OCTET_KEY_PAIR && curve->asInt()->value() != X25519) ||
(keyType->asInt()->value() == EC2 && curve->asInt()->value() != P256)) {
return "Unsupported curve";
bytevec publicKey;
if (keyType->asInt()->value() == EC2) {
auto& pubX = senderCoseKey->asMap()->get(CoseKey::PUBKEY_X);
if (!pubX || !pubX->asBstr() || pubX->asBstr()->value().size() != kP256AffinePointSize) {
return "Invalid EC public key";
auto& pubY = senderCoseKey->asMap()->get(CoseKey::PUBKEY_Y);
if (!pubY || !pubY->asBstr() || pubY->asBstr()->value().size() != kP256AffinePointSize) {
return "Invalid EC public key";
auto key = CoseKey::getEcPublicKey(pubX->asBstr()->value(), pubY->asBstr()->value());
if (!key) return key.moveMessage();
publicKey = key.moveValue();
} else {
auto& pubkey = senderCoseKey->asMap()->get(CoseKey::PUBKEY_X);
if (!pubkey || !pubkey->asBstr() ||
pubkey->asBstr()->value().size() != X25519_PUBLIC_VALUE_LEN) {
return "Invalid X25519 public key";
publicKey = pubkey->asBstr()->value();
auto& key_id = unprotParms->asMap()->get(KEY_ID);
if (key_id && key_id->asBstr()) {
return std::make_pair(publicKey, key_id->asBstr()->value());
// If no key ID, just return an empty vector.
return std::make_pair(publicKey, bytevec{});
ErrMsgOr<bytevec> decryptCoseEncrypt(const bytevec& key, const cppbor::Item* coseEncrypt,
const bytevec& external_aad) {
if (!coseEncrypt || !coseEncrypt->asArray() ||
coseEncrypt->asArray()->size() != kCoseEncryptEntryCount) {
return "Invalid COSE_Encrypt";
auto& protParms = coseEncrypt->asArray()->get(kCoseEncryptProtectedParams);
auto& unprotParms = coseEncrypt->asArray()->get(kCoseEncryptUnprotectedParams);
auto& ciphertext = coseEncrypt->asArray()->get(kCoseEncryptPayload);
auto& recipients = coseEncrypt->asArray()->get(kCoseEncryptRecipients);
if (!protParms || !protParms->asBstr() || !unprotParms || !ciphertext || !recipients) {
return "Invalid COSE_Encrypt";
auto [parsedProtParams, _, errMsg] = cppbor::parse(protParms->asBstr()->value());
if (!parsedProtParams) {
return errMsg + " when parsing protected params.";
if (!parsedProtParams->asMap()) {
return "Protected params must be a map";
auto& algorithm = parsedProtParams->asMap()->get(ALGORITHM);
if (!algorithm || !algorithm->asInt() || algorithm->asInt()->value() != AES_GCM_256) {
return "Unsupported encryption algorithm";
if (!unprotParms->asMap() || unprotParms->asMap()->size() != 1) {
return "Invalid unprotected params";
auto& nonce = unprotParms->asMap()->get(IV);
if (!nonce || !nonce->asBstr() || nonce->asBstr()->value().size() != kAesGcmNonceLength) {
return "Invalid nonce";
if (!ciphertext->asBstr()) return "Invalid ciphertext";
auto aad = cppbor::Array() // Enc strucure as AAD
.add("Encrypt") // Context
.add(protParms->asBstr()->value()) // Protected
.add(external_aad) // External AAD
return aesGcmDecrypt(key, nonce->asBstr()->value(), aad, ciphertext->asBstr()->value());
ErrMsgOr<bytevec> consructKdfContext(const bytevec& pubKeyA, const bytevec& privKeyA,
const bytevec& pubKeyB, bool senderIsA) {
if (privKeyA.empty() || pubKeyA.empty() || pubKeyB.empty()) {
return "Missing input key parameters";
bytevec kdfContext = cppbor::Array()
.add(cppbor::Array() // Sender Info
.add(bytevec{} /* nonce */)
.add(senderIsA ? pubKeyA : pubKeyB))
.add(cppbor::Array() // Recipient Info
.add(bytevec{} /* nonce */)
.add(senderIsA ? pubKeyB : pubKeyA))
.add(cppbor::Array() // SuppPubInfo
.add(kAesGcmKeySizeBits) // output key length
.add(bytevec{})) // protected
return kdfContext;
ErrMsgOr<bytevec> ECDH_HKDF_DeriveKey(const bytevec& pubKeyA, const bytevec& privKeyA,
const bytevec& pubKeyB, bool senderIsA) {
if (privKeyA.empty() || pubKeyA.empty() || pubKeyB.empty()) {
return "Missing input key parameters";
// convert public key to uncompressed form by prepending 0x04 at begin
bytevec publicKey;
publicKey.insert(publicKey.begin(), 0x04);
publicKey.insert(publicKey.end(), pubKeyB.begin(), pubKeyB.end());
auto rawSharedKey = ecdh(publicKey, privKeyA);
if (!rawSharedKey) return rawSharedKey.moveMessage();
auto kdfContext = consructKdfContext(pubKeyA, privKeyA, pubKeyB, senderIsA);
if (!kdfContext) return kdfContext.moveMessage();
bytevec retval(SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
bytevec salt{};
if (!HKDF(retval.data(), retval.size(), //
EVP_sha256(), //
rawSharedKey->data(), rawSharedKey->size(), //
salt.data(), salt.size(), //
kdfContext->data(), kdfContext->size())) {
return "ECDH HKDF failed";
return retval;
ErrMsgOr<bytevec> x25519_HKDF_DeriveKey(const bytevec& pubKeyA, const bytevec& privKeyA,
const bytevec& pubKeyB, bool senderIsA) {
if (privKeyA.empty() || pubKeyA.empty() || pubKeyB.empty()) {
return "Missing input key parameters";
bytevec rawSharedKey(X25519_SHARED_KEY_LEN);
if (!::X25519(rawSharedKey.data(), privKeyA.data(), pubKeyB.data())) {
return "ECDH operation failed";
auto kdfContext = consructKdfContext(pubKeyA, privKeyA, pubKeyB, senderIsA);
if (!kdfContext) return kdfContext.moveMessage();
bytevec retval(SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
bytevec salt{};
if (!HKDF(retval.data(), retval.size(), //
EVP_sha256(), //
rawSharedKey.data(), rawSharedKey.size(), //
salt.data(), salt.size(), //
kdfContext->data(), kdfContext->size())) {
return "ECDH HKDF failed";
return retval;
ErrMsgOr<bytevec> aesGcmEncrypt(const bytevec& key, const bytevec& nonce, const bytevec& aad,
const bytevec& plaintext) {
auto ctx = aesGcmInitAndProcessAad(key, nonce, aad, true /* encrypt */);
if (!ctx) return ctx.moveMessage();
bytevec ciphertext(plaintext.size() + kAesGcmTagSize);
int outlen;
if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctx->get(), ciphertext.data(), &outlen, plaintext.data(),
plaintext.size())) {
return "Failed to encrypt plaintext";
assert(plaintext.size() == static_cast<uint64_t>(outlen));
if (!EVP_CipherFinal_ex(ctx->get(), ciphertext.data() + outlen, &outlen)) {
return "Failed to finalize encryption";
assert(outlen == 0);
if (!EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(ctx->get(), EVP_CTRL_GCM_GET_TAG, kAesGcmTagSize,
ciphertext.data() + plaintext.size())) {
return "Failed to retrieve tag";
return ciphertext;
ErrMsgOr<bytevec> aesGcmDecrypt(const bytevec& key, const bytevec& nonce, const bytevec& aad,
const bytevec& ciphertextWithTag) {
auto ctx = aesGcmInitAndProcessAad(key, nonce, aad, false /* encrypt */);
if (!ctx) return ctx.moveMessage();
if (ciphertextWithTag.size() < kAesGcmTagSize) return "Missing tag";
bytevec plaintext(ciphertextWithTag.size() - kAesGcmTagSize);
int outlen;
if (!EVP_CipherUpdate(ctx->get(), plaintext.data(), &outlen, ciphertextWithTag.data(),
ciphertextWithTag.size() - kAesGcmTagSize)) {
return "Failed to decrypt plaintext";
assert(plaintext.size() == static_cast<uint64_t>(outlen));
bytevec tag(ciphertextWithTag.end() - kAesGcmTagSize, ciphertextWithTag.end());
if (!EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(ctx->get(), EVP_CTRL_GCM_SET_TAG, kAesGcmTagSize, tag.data())) {
return "Failed to set tag: " + std::to_string(ERR_peek_last_error());
if (!EVP_CipherFinal_ex(ctx->get(), nullptr, &outlen)) {
return "Failed to finalize encryption";
assert(outlen == 0);
return plaintext;
bytevec sha256(const bytevec& data) {
bytevec ret(SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
SHA256_CTX ctx;
SHA256_Update(&ctx, data.data(), data.size());
SHA256_Final((unsigned char*)ret.data(), &ctx);
return ret;
bool verifyEcdsaDigest(const bytevec& key, const bytevec& digest, const bytevec& signature) {
const unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)signature.data();
auto sig = ECDSA_SIG_Ptr(d2i_ECDSA_SIG(nullptr, &p, signature.size()));
if (sig.get() == nullptr) {
return false;
auto group = EC_GROUP_Ptr(EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(NID_X9_62_prime256v1));
auto point = EC_POINT_Ptr(EC_POINT_new(group.get()));
if (EC_POINT_oct2point(group.get(), point.get(), key.data(), key.size(), nullptr) != 1) {
return false;
auto ecKey = EC_KEY_Ptr(EC_KEY_new());
if (ecKey.get() == nullptr) {
return false;
if (EC_KEY_set_group(ecKey.get(), group.get()) != 1) {
return false;
if (EC_KEY_set_public_key(ecKey.get(), point.get()) != 1) {
return false;
int rc = ECDSA_do_verify(digest.data(), digest.size(), sig.get(), ecKey.get());
if (rc != 1) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace cppcose