496 lines
21 KiB
496 lines
21 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* Not a Contribution.
* Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef __HWC_DISPLAY_H__
#define __HWC_DISPLAY_H__
#include <QService.h>
#include <android/hardware/graphics/common/1.1/types.h>
#include <core/core_interface.h>
#include <hardware/hwcomposer.h>
#include <private/color_params.h>
#include <qdMetaData.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "hwc_buffer_allocator.h"
#include "hwc_callbacks.h"
#include "hwc_layers.h"
#include "histogram_collector.h"
using android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_1::ColorMode;
using android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_1::Dataspace;
using android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_1::RenderIntent;
namespace sdm {
class BlitEngine;
class HWCToneMapper;
constexpr uint32_t kColorTransformMatrixCount = 16;
// Subclasses set this to their type. This has to be different from DisplayType.
// This is to avoid RTTI and dynamic_cast
enum DisplayClass {
class HWCColorMatrix {
HWCColorMatrix(const string &values) : key_values_(values){};
virtual ~HWCColorMatrix() = default;
virtual HWC2::Error SetEnabled(bool enabled);
bool GetEnabled() const { return enabled_; }
// Apply effect to input matrix
virtual void ApplyToMatrix(double *in) = 0;
bool ParseFloatValueByCommas(const string &values, uint32_t length,
std::vector<float> &elements) const;
bool enabled_ = false;
const string key_values_;
class WhiteCompensation : public HWCColorMatrix {
WhiteCompensation(const string &values) : HWCColorMatrix(values){};
int GetCompensatedRed() const { return compensated_red_; }
int GetCompensatedGreen() const { return compensated_green_; }
int GetCompensatedBlue() const { return compensated_blue_; }
HWC2::Error SetEnabled(bool enabled) override;
* Transform matrix is 4 x 4
* |r.r r.g r.b 0|
* |g.r g.g g.b 0|
* |b.r b.g b.b 0|
* |T.r T.g T.b 1|
* R_out = R_in * r.r + G_in * g.r + B_in * b.r + Tr
* G_out = R_in * r.g + G_in * g.g + B_in * b.g + Tg
* B_out = R_in * r.b + G_in * g.b + B_in * b.b + Tb
* Cr, Cg, Cb for white point compensation
* |r.r*Cr r.g*Cg r.b*Cb 0|
* |g.r*Cr g.g*Cg g.b*Cb 0|
* |b.r*Cr b.g*Cg b.b*Cb 0|
* |T.r*Cr T.g*Cg T.b*Cb 1|
* R_out = R_in * r.r * Cr + G_in * g.r * Cr + B_in * b.r * Cr + Tr * Cr
* G_out = R_in * r.g * Cg + G_in * g.g * Cg + B_in * b.g * Cg + Tg * Cg
* B_out = R_in * r.b * Cb + G_in * g.b * Cb + B_in * b.b * Cb + Tb * Cb
void ApplyToMatrix(double *in) override;
static constexpr int kCompensatedMaxRGB = 255;
static constexpr int kCompensatedMinRGB = 230;
static constexpr int kNumOfCompensationData = 3;
int compensated_red_ = kCompensatedMaxRGB;
int compensated_green_ = kCompensatedMaxRGB;
int compensated_blue_ = kCompensatedMaxRGB;
double compensated_red_ratio_ = 1.0;
double compensated_green_ratio_ = 1.0;
double compensated_blue_ratio_ = 1.0;
static constexpr int kCoefficientElements = 9;
float white_compensated_Coefficients_[kCoefficientElements] = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0};
bool ConfigCoefficients();
bool ParseWhitePointCalibrationData();
inline static constexpr bool CheckCompensatedRGB(int value) {
return ((value >= kCompensatedMinRGB) && (value <= kCompensatedMaxRGB));
void CalculateRGBRatio();
class SaturationCompensation : public HWCColorMatrix {
SaturationCompensation(const string &values) : HWCColorMatrix(values){};
HWC2::Error SetEnabled(bool enabled) override;
/* Saturated matrix is 4 x 4
* | s0 s1 s2 s3|
* | s4 s5 s6 s7|
* | s8 s9 s10 s11|
* | s12 s13 s14 s15|
* Transform matrix is 4 x 4
* |a0 a1 a2 a3|
* |a4 a5 a6 a7|
* |a8 a9 a10 a11|
* |a12 a13 a14 a15|
* Saturated matrix[] X Transform matrix[]
void ApplyToMatrix(double *in) override;
static constexpr int kSaturationParameters = 9;
static constexpr int kNumOfRows = 4;
static constexpr int kColumnsPerRow = 4;
static_assert(kNumOfRows * kColumnsPerRow == kColorTransformMatrixCount,
"Rows x Columns should be equal to matrix count");
float saturated_matrix_[kColorTransformMatrixCount] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
bool ConfigSaturationParameter();
class HWCColorMode {
explicit HWCColorMode(DisplayInterface *display_intf);
~HWCColorMode() {}
HWC2::Error Init();
HWC2::Error DeInit();
void Dump(std::ostringstream* os);
uint32_t GetColorModeCount();
uint32_t GetRenderIntentCount(ColorMode mode);
HWC2::Error GetColorModes(uint32_t *out_num_modes, ColorMode *out_modes);
HWC2::Error GetRenderIntents(ColorMode mode, uint32_t *out_num_intents, RenderIntent *out_modes);
HWC2::Error SetColorModeWithRenderIntent(ColorMode mode, RenderIntent intent);
HWC2::Error SetColorModeById(int32_t color_mode_id);
HWC2::Error SetColorTransform(const float *matrix, android_color_transform_t hint);
HWC2::Error RestoreColorTransform();
PrimariesTransfer GetWorkingColorSpace();
ColorMode GetCurrentColorMode() { return current_color_mode_; }
HWC2::Error SetWhiteCompensation(bool enabled);
void PopulateColorModes();
void FindRenderIntent(const ColorMode &mode, const std::string &mode_string);
template <class T>
void CopyColorTransformMatrix(const T *input_matrix, double *output_matrix) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kColorTransformMatrixCount; i++) {
output_matrix[i] = static_cast<double>(input_matrix[i]);
HWC2::Error ApplyDefaultColorMode();
DisplayInterface *display_intf_ = NULL;
ColorMode current_color_mode_ = ColorMode::NATIVE;
RenderIntent current_render_intent_ = RenderIntent::COLORIMETRIC;
typedef std::map<RenderIntent, std::string> RenderIntentMap;
// Initialize supported mode/render intent combination
std::map<ColorMode, RenderIntentMap> color_mode_map_ = {};
double color_matrix_[kColorTransformMatrixCount] = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, \
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, \
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, \
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
void InitColorCompensation();
std::unique_ptr<WhiteCompensation> adaptive_white_;
std::unique_ptr<SaturationCompensation> adaptive_saturation_;
double compensated_color_matrix_[kColorTransformMatrixCount] = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, \
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, \
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, \
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
bool HasWhiteCompensation() { return (adaptive_white_ && adaptive_white_->GetEnabled()); }
bool HasSaturationCompensation() {
return (adaptive_saturation_ && adaptive_saturation_->GetEnabled());
const double *PickTransferMatrix();
class HWCDisplay : public DisplayEventHandler {
enum DisplayStatus {
kDisplayStatusInvalid = -1,
enum DisplayValidateState {
virtual ~HWCDisplay() {}
virtual int Init();
virtual int Deinit();
// Framebuffer configurations
virtual void SetIdleTimeoutMs(uint32_t timeout_ms);
virtual HWC2::Error SetFrameDumpConfig(uint32_t count, uint32_t bit_mask_layer_type,
int32_t format, bool post_processed);
virtual DisplayError SetMaxMixerStages(uint32_t max_mixer_stages);
virtual DisplayError ControlPartialUpdate(bool enable, uint32_t *pending) {
return kErrorNotSupported;
virtual HWC2::PowerMode GetLastPowerMode();
virtual int SetFrameBufferResolution(uint32_t x_pixels, uint32_t y_pixels);
virtual void GetFrameBufferResolution(uint32_t *x_pixels, uint32_t *y_pixels);
virtual int SetDisplayStatus(DisplayStatus display_status);
virtual int OnMinHdcpEncryptionLevelChange(uint32_t min_enc_level);
virtual int Perform(uint32_t operation, ...);
virtual void SetSecureDisplay(bool secure_display_active);
virtual DisplayError SetMixerResolution(uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
virtual DisplayError GetMixerResolution(uint32_t *width, uint32_t *height);
virtual void GetPanelResolution(uint32_t *width, uint32_t *height);
virtual std::string Dump();
virtual DisplayError TeardownConcurrentWriteback(void) {
return kErrorNotSupported;
// Captures frame output in the buffer specified by output_buffer_info. The API is
// non-blocking and the client is expected to check operation status later on.
// Returns -1 if the input is invalid.
virtual int FrameCaptureAsync(const BufferInfo &output_buffer_info, bool post_processed) {
return -1;
// Client gets release fence of the frame capture, requested with FrameCaptureAsync().
// True : Frame capture configured and client gets release fence.
// False: Frame capture is not valid and has not been configured.
virtual bool GetFrameCaptureFence(int32_t *release_fence) { return false; }
virtual DisplayError SetDetailEnhancerConfig(const DisplayDetailEnhancerData &de_data) {
return kErrorNotSupported;
virtual HWC2::Error SetReadbackBuffer(const native_handle_t *buffer, int32_t acquire_fence,
bool post_processed_output) {
return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
virtual HWC2::Error GetReadbackBufferFence(int32_t *release_fence) {
return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
// Display Configurations
virtual int SetActiveDisplayConfig(uint32_t config);
virtual int GetActiveDisplayConfig(uint32_t *config);
virtual int GetDisplayConfigCount(uint32_t *count);
virtual int GetDisplayAttributesForConfig(int config,
DisplayConfigVariableInfo *display_attributes);
virtual int SetState(bool connected) {
return kErrorNotSupported;
virtual DisplayError Flush() {
return kErrorNotSupported;
int SetPanelBrightness(int level);
int GetPanelBrightness(int *level);
int ToggleScreenUpdates(bool enable);
int ColorSVCRequestRoute(const PPDisplayAPIPayload &in_payload, PPDisplayAPIPayload *out_payload,
PPPendingParams *pending_action);
void SolidFillPrepare();
void SolidFillCommit();
DisplayClass GetDisplayClass();
int GetVisibleDisplayRect(hwc_rect_t *rect);
void BuildLayerStack(void);
void BuildSolidFillStack(void);
HWCLayer *GetHWCLayer(hwc2_layer_t layer_id);
void ResetValidation() { validated_ = false; }
uint32_t GetGeometryChanges() { return geometry_changes_; }
bool CanSkipValidate();
bool HasClientComposition() { return has_client_composition_; }
bool IsSkipValidateState() { return (validate_state_ == kSkipValidate); }
bool IsInternalValidateState() { return (validated_ && (validate_state_ == kInternalValidate)); }
void SetValidationState(DisplayValidateState state) { validate_state_ = state; }
ColorMode GetCurrentColorMode() { return current_color_mode_; }
// HWC2 APIs
virtual HWC2::Error AcceptDisplayChanges(void);
virtual HWC2::Error GetActiveConfig(hwc2_config_t *out_config);
virtual HWC2::Error SetActiveConfig(hwc2_config_t config);
virtual HWC2::Error SetClientTarget(buffer_handle_t target, int32_t acquire_fence,
int32_t dataspace, hwc_region_t damage);
virtual HWC2::Error SetColorMode(ColorMode mode) { return HWC2::Error::Unsupported; }
virtual HWC2::Error SetWhiteCompensation(bool enabled) { return HWC2::Error::Unsupported; }
virtual HWC2::Error SetColorModeWithRenderIntent(ColorMode mode, RenderIntent intent) {
return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
virtual HWC2::Error SetColorModeById(int32_t color_mode_id) {
return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
virtual HWC2::Error RestoreColorTransform() {
return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
virtual HWC2::Error SetColorTransform(const float *matrix, android_color_transform_t hint) {
return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
virtual HWC2::Error HandleColorModeTransform(android_color_mode_t mode,
android_color_transform_t hint,
const double *matrix) {
return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
virtual HWC2::Error GetDisplayConfigs(uint32_t *out_num_configs, hwc2_config_t *out_configs);
virtual HWC2::Error GetDisplayAttribute(hwc2_config_t config, HWC2::Attribute attribute,
int32_t *out_value);
virtual HWC2::Error GetClientTargetSupport(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, int32_t format,
int32_t dataspace);
virtual HWC2::Error GetColorModes(uint32_t *outNumModes, ColorMode *outModes);
virtual HWC2::Error GetRenderIntents(ColorMode mode, uint32_t *out_num_intents,
RenderIntent *out_intents);
virtual HWC2::Error GetChangedCompositionTypes(uint32_t *out_num_elements,
hwc2_layer_t *out_layers, int32_t *out_types);
virtual HWC2::Error GetDisplayRequests(int32_t *out_display_requests, uint32_t *out_num_elements,
hwc2_layer_t *out_layers, int32_t *out_layer_requests);
virtual HWC2::Error GetDisplayName(uint32_t *out_size, char *out_name);
virtual HWC2::Error GetDisplayType(int32_t *out_type);
virtual HWC2::Error SetCursorPosition(hwc2_layer_t layer, int x, int y);
virtual HWC2::Error SetVsyncEnabled(HWC2::Vsync enabled);
virtual HWC2::Error SetPowerMode(HWC2::PowerMode mode);
virtual HWC2::Error CreateLayer(hwc2_layer_t *out_layer_id);
virtual HWC2::Error DestroyLayer(hwc2_layer_t layer_id);
virtual HWC2::Error SetLayerZOrder(hwc2_layer_t layer_id, uint32_t z);
virtual HWC2::Error Validate(uint32_t *out_num_types, uint32_t *out_num_requests) = 0;
virtual HWC2::Error GetReleaseFences(uint32_t *out_num_elements, hwc2_layer_t *out_layers,
int32_t *out_fences);
virtual HWC2::Error Present(int32_t *out_retire_fence) = 0;
virtual HWC2::Error GetHdrCapabilities(uint32_t *out_num_types, int32_t* out_types,
float* out_max_luminance,
float* out_max_average_luminance,
float* out_min_luminance);
virtual HWC2::Error GetPerFrameMetadataKeys(uint32_t *out_num_keys,
PerFrameMetadataKey *out_keys);
virtual HWC2::Error SetDisplayAnimating(bool animating) {
animating_ = animating;
validated_ = false;
return HWC2::Error::None;
virtual HWC2::Error GetValidateDisplayOutput(uint32_t *out_num_types, uint32_t *out_num_requests);
virtual HWC2::Error ControlIdlePowerCollapse(bool enable, bool synchronous) {
return HWC2::Error::Unsupported;
virtual HWC2::Error SetDisplayedContentSamplingEnabledVndService(bool enabled);
virtual HWC2::Error SetDisplayedContentSamplingEnabled(int32_t enabled, uint8_t component_mask, uint64_t max_frames);
virtual HWC2::Error GetDisplayedContentSamplingAttributes(int32_t* format,
int32_t* dataspace,
uint8_t* supported_components);
virtual HWC2::Error GetDisplayedContentSample(uint64_t max_frames,
uint64_t timestamp,
uint64_t* numFrames,
// Maximum number of layers supported by display manager.
static const uint32_t kMaxLayerCount = 32;
HWCDisplay(CoreInterface *core_intf, HWCCallbacks *callbacks, DisplayType type, hwc2_display_t id,
bool needs_blit, qService::QService *qservice, DisplayClass display_class,
BufferAllocator *buffer_allocator);
// DisplayEventHandler methods
virtual DisplayError VSync(const DisplayEventVSync &vsync);
virtual DisplayError Refresh();
virtual DisplayError CECMessage(char *message);
virtual DisplayError HandleEvent(DisplayEvent event);
virtual void DumpOutputBuffer(const BufferInfo &buffer_info, void *base, int fence);
virtual HWC2::Error PrepareLayerStack(uint32_t *out_num_types, uint32_t *out_num_requests);
virtual HWC2::Error CommitLayerStack(void);
virtual HWC2::Error PostCommitLayerStack(int32_t *out_retire_fence);
virtual DisplayError DisablePartialUpdateOneFrame() {
return kErrorNotSupported;
LayerBufferFormat GetSDMFormat(const int32_t &source, const int flags);
const char *GetDisplayString();
void MarkLayersForGPUBypass(void);
void MarkLayersForClientComposition(void);
virtual void ApplyScanAdjustment(hwc_rect_t *display_frame);
uint32_t GetUpdatingLayersCount(void);
bool IsLayerUpdating(HWCLayer *layer);
uint32_t SanitizeRefreshRate(uint32_t req_refresh_rate);
virtual void GetUnderScanConfig() { }
enum {
bool validated_ = false;
bool layer_stack_invalid_ = true;
CoreInterface *core_intf_ = nullptr;
HWCCallbacks *callbacks_ = nullptr;
HWCBufferAllocator *buffer_allocator_ = NULL;
DisplayType type_;
hwc2_display_t id_;
bool needs_blit_ = false;
DisplayInterface *display_intf_ = NULL;
LayerStack layer_stack_;
HWCLayer *client_target_ = nullptr; // Also known as framebuffer target
std::map<hwc2_layer_t, HWCLayer *> layer_map_; // Look up by Id - TODO
std::multiset<HWCLayer *, SortLayersByZ> layer_set_; // Maintain a set sorted by Z
std::map<hwc2_layer_t, HWC2::Composition> layer_changes_;
std::map<hwc2_layer_t, HWC2::LayerRequest> layer_requests_;
bool flush_on_error_ = false;
bool flush_ = false;
uint32_t dump_frame_count_ = 0;
uint32_t dump_frame_index_ = 0;
bool dump_input_layers_ = false;
HWC2::PowerMode last_power_mode_;
bool swap_interval_zero_ = false;
bool display_paused_ = false;
uint32_t min_refresh_rate_ = 0;
uint32_t max_refresh_rate_ = 0;
uint32_t current_refresh_rate_ = 0;
bool use_metadata_refresh_rate_ = false;
uint32_t metadata_refresh_rate_ = 0;
uint32_t force_refresh_rate_ = 0;
bool boot_animation_completed_ = false;
bool shutdown_pending_ = false;
bool use_blit_comp_ = false;
bool secure_display_active_ = false;
bool skip_prepare_ = false;
bool solid_fill_enable_ = false;
Layer *solid_fill_layer_ = NULL;
LayerRect solid_fill_rect_ = {};
LayerSolidFill solid_fill_color_ = {};
LayerRect display_rect_;
bool color_tranform_failed_ = false;
HWCColorMode *color_mode_ = NULL;
HWCToneMapper *tone_mapper_ = nullptr;
uint32_t num_configs_ = 0;
int disable_hdr_handling_ = 0; // disables HDR handling.
uint32_t display_config_ = 0;
bool config_pending_ = false;
bool pending_commit_ = false;
ColorMode current_color_mode_ = ColorMode::NATIVE;
ColorPrimaries working_primaries_ = ColorPrimaries_BT709_5;
GammaTransfer working_transfer_ = Transfer_sRGB;
float hdr_largest_layer_px_ = 0.0f;
void DumpInputBuffers(void);
void UpdateRefreshRate();
bool CanSkipSdmPrepare(uint32_t *num_types, uint32_t *num_requests);
qService::QService *qservice_ = NULL;
DisplayClass display_class_;
uint32_t geometry_changes_ = GeometryChanges::kNone;
bool animating_ = false;
bool has_client_composition_ = false;
DisplayValidateState validate_state_ = kNormalValidate;
bool partial_update_enabled_ = false;
inline int HWCDisplay::Perform(uint32_t operation, ...) {
return 0;
} // namespace sdm
#endif // __HWC_DISPLAY_H__