# Ansible for Survey Tool These are ansible scripts for setup and maintenance of the Survey Tool. ## Scope Right now, the test setup mostly controls OpenLiberty, but not the nginx proxy due to public port issues (https). ## Setup ### Setup: Control system This is your local system, where you control the others from. - Install Ansible - Install some prereqs: ```shell ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml ``` - Make sure you can `ssh` into all of the needed systems. For example, `ssh cldr-ref.unicode.org` should succeed without needing a password. - You should be able to run `ansible all -m ping` and get something back like the following: ```shell cldr-ref.unicode.org | SUCCESS => { "ansible_facts": { "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python" }, "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } ``` ### Setup: Managed systems - Install python3. Make sure `python --version` or `python3 --version` returns "Python 3…" - TODO: these shouldn't be needed, but they are. Here's the entire install command: ```shell sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3 python-apt python3-pymysql ``` ### Setup: surveytool keypair Create a RSA keypair with no password for the buildbot: ```shell mkdir -p ./local-vars ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ./local-vars/surveytool -P '' -C 'surveytool deploy' ``` The contents of the `local-vars/surveytool.pub` file is used for the `key:` parameter below in `local.yml`. The `local-vars/surveytool` private key is used in the secret `RSA_KEY_SURVEYTOOL`. Then setup github secrets as shown: - `SMOKETEST_HOST` - hostname of smoketest - `SMOKETEST_PORT` - port of smoketest - `RSA_KEY_SURVEYTOOL` - contents of `local-vars/surveytool` (the secret key) - `SMOKETEST_KNOWNHOSTS` - run `ssh-keyscan smoketest.example.com` where _smoketest.example.com_ is the name of the smoketest server. Put the results into this secret. One of these lines should match `~/.ssh/known_hosts` on your own system when you ssh into smoketest. Try `grep -i smoke ~/.ssh/known_hosts` Create a folder "cldrbackup" inside local-vars ```shell mkdir -p ./local-vars/cldrbackup ``` Add three files inside local-vars/cldrbackup-vars: id_rsa, id_rsa.pub, and known_hosts. These must correspond to the public key for cldrbackup on corp.unicode.org. Copy existing versions if you have them. Otherwise, create new ones with `ssh-keygen -t rsa` and copy the public key to corp.unicode.org with `ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa cldrbackup@corp.unicode.org` ### Setup: Config file - Create a file `local-vars/local.yml` matching the example values in [test-local-vars/local.yml](test-local-vars/local.yml) but with secure passwords instead of `hunter42`, ...! ```yaml cldradmin_pw: hunter46 # needs to match cldradmin pw below mysql_users: # this is the account used by the survey tool itself # password will match /var/lib/openliberty/usr/servers/cldr/server.env - name: surveytool host: localhost password: hunter42 priv: 'cldrdb.*:ALL' # this is the account used for administrative tasks # password will match /home/cldradmin/.my.sql - name: cldradmin password: hunter46 priv: 'cldrdb.*:ALL/*.*:PROCESS' append_privs: yes # this is the account used for deployment surveytooldeploy: # TODO: surveytooldeploy.password appears to be unused? password: hunter43 # vap will match CLDR_VAP in /srv/st/config/cldr.properties vap: hunter44 # testpw will match CLDR_TESTPW in /srv/st/config/cldr.properties testpw: hunter45 oldversion: 39 newversion: 40 key: ssh-rsa …  ( SSH key goes here) certbot_admin_email: surveytool@unicode.org certbot_certs: - domains: - cldr-ref.unicode.org ``` ## Setup: cldrcc ```shell mkdir -p local-vars/cldrcc ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C 'CLDR Commit Checker' -f local-vars/cldrcc/id_rsa ``` ## Configure Run the setup playbook. ```shell ansible-playbook --check setup-playbook.yml ``` This is in dry run mode. When it looks good to you, take the `--check` out and run it again. You can also use the `-l cldr-smoke.unicode.org` option to limit the operation to a single host. ## Local Test - install vagrant and some provider such as virtualbox or libvirt ```shell vagrant up ``` - To log into the new host, run `vagrant ssh` - To iterate, trying to reapply ansible, run `vagrant provision --provision-with=ansible` - to deploy ST to this, use the following: ```shell (cd ../.. ; mvn package) # go to the tools folder and build ST (cldr-apps.war, etc.) if not already built vagrant ssh -- sudo -u surveytool /usr/local/bin/deploy-to-tomcat.sh $(git rev-parse HEAD) < ../../cldr-apps/target/cldr-apps.war ``` - Now you should be able to login at - If you need to get directly to the tomcat server, use: ```shell vagrant ssh -- -L 9080: # leave this shell window open. ``` Then, you can go to and directly access tomcat.