parking_lot ============ ![Rust]( [![](]( [Documentation (synchronization primitives)]( [Documentation (core parking lot API)]( [Documentation (type-safe lock API)]( This library provides implementations of `Mutex`, `RwLock`, `Condvar` and `Once` that are smaller, faster and more flexible than those in the Rust standard library, as well as a `ReentrantMutex` type which supports recursive locking. It also exposes a low-level API for creating your own efficient synchronization primitives. When tested on x86_64 Linux, `parking_lot::Mutex` was found to be 1.5x faster than `std::sync::Mutex` when uncontended, and up to 5x faster when contended from multiple threads. The numbers for `RwLock` vary depending on the number of reader and writer threads, but are almost always faster than the standard library `RwLock`, and even up to 50x faster in some cases. ## Features The primitives provided by this library have several advantages over those in the Rust standard library: 1. `Mutex` and `Once` only require 1 byte of storage space, while `Condvar` and `RwLock` only require 1 word of storage space. On the other hand the standard library primitives require a dynamically allocated `Box` to hold OS-specific synchronization primitives. The small size of `Mutex` in particular encourages the use of fine-grained locks to increase parallelism. 2. Since they consist of just a single atomic variable, have constant initializers and don't need destructors, these primitives can be used as `static` global variables. The standard library primitives require dynamic initialization and thus need to be lazily initialized with `lazy_static!`. 3. Uncontended lock acquisition and release is done through fast inline paths which only require a single atomic operation. 4. Microcontention (a contended lock with a short critical section) is efficiently handled by spinning a few times while trying to acquire a lock. 5. The locks are adaptive and will suspend a thread after a few failed spin attempts. This makes the locks suitable for both long and short critical sections. 6. `Condvar`, `RwLock` and `Once` work on Windows XP, unlike the standard library versions of those types. 7. `RwLock` takes advantage of hardware lock elision on processors that support it, which can lead to huge performance wins with many readers. This must be enabled with the `hardware-lock-elision` feature. 8. `RwLock` uses a task-fair locking policy, which avoids reader and writer starvation, whereas the standard library version makes no guarantees. 9. `Condvar` is guaranteed not to produce spurious wakeups. A thread will only be woken up if it timed out or it was woken up by a notification. 10. `Condvar::notify_all` will only wake up a single thread and requeue the rest to wait on the associated `Mutex`. This avoids a thundering herd problem where all threads try to acquire the lock at the same time. 11. `RwLock` supports atomically downgrading a write lock into a read lock. 12. `Mutex` and `RwLock` allow raw unlocking without a RAII guard object. 13. `Mutex<()>` and `RwLock<()>` allow raw locking without a RAII guard object. 14. `Mutex` and `RwLock` support [eventual fairness]( which allows them to be fair on average without sacrificing performance. 15. A `ReentrantMutex` type which supports recursive locking. 16. An *experimental* deadlock detector that works for `Mutex`, `RwLock` and `ReentrantMutex`. This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled via the `deadlock_detection` feature. 17. `RwLock` supports atomically upgrading an "upgradable" read lock into a write lock. 18. Optional support for [serde]( Enable via the feature `serde`. **NOTE!** this support is for `Mutex`, `ReentrantMutex`, and `RwLock` only; `Condvar` and `Once` are not currently supported. 19. Lock guards can be sent to other threads when the `send_guard` feature is enabled. ## The parking lot To keep these primitives small, all thread queuing and suspending functionality is offloaded to the *parking lot*. The idea behind this is based on the Webkit [`WTF::ParkingLot`]( class, which essentially consists of a hash table mapping of lock addresses to queues of parked (sleeping) threads. The Webkit parking lot was itself inspired by Linux [futexes](, but it is more powerful since it allows invoking callbacks while holding a queue lock. ## Nightly vs stable There are a few restrictions when using this library on stable Rust: - You will have to use the `const_*` functions (e.g. `const_mutex(val)`) to statically initialize the locking primitives. Using e.g. `Mutex::new(val)` does not work on stable Rust yet. - The `wasm32-unknown-unknown` target is only supported on nightly and requires `-C target-feature=+atomics` in `RUSTFLAGS`. To enable nightly-only functionality, you need to enable the `nightly` feature in Cargo (see below). ## Usage Add this to your `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [dependencies] parking_lot = "0.11" ``` To enable nightly-only features, add this to your `Cargo.toml` instead: ```toml [dependencies] parking_lot = { version = "0.11", features = ["nightly"] } ``` The experimental deadlock detector can be enabled with the `deadlock_detection` Cargo feature. To allow sending `MutexGuard`s and `RwLock*Guard`s to other threads, enable the `send_guard` option. Note that the `deadlock_detection` and `send_guard` features are incompatible and cannot be used together. Hardware lock elision support for x86 can be enabled with the `hardware-lock-elision` feature. This requires Rust 1.59 due to the use of inline assembly. The core parking lot API is provided by the `parking_lot_core` crate. It is separate from the synchronization primitives in the `parking_lot` crate so that changes to the core API do not cause breaking changes for users of `parking_lot`. ## Minimum Rust version The current minimum required Rust version is 1.49. Any change to this is considered a breaking change and will require a major version bump. ## License Licensed under either of * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or at your option. ### Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.