/* * Copyright 2015 Rockchip Electronics Co. LTD * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __RK_MPI_CMD_H__ #define __RK_MPI_CMD_H__ /* * Command id bit usage is defined as follows: * bit 20 - 23 - module id * bit 16 - 19 - contex id * bit 0 - 15 - command id */ #define CMD_MODULE_ID_MASK (0x00F00000) #define CMD_MODULE_OSAL (0x00100000) #define CMD_MODULE_MPP (0x00200000) #define CMD_MODULE_CODEC (0x00300000) #define CMD_MODULE_HAL (0x00400000) #define CMD_CTX_ID_MASK (0x000F0000) #define CMD_CTX_ID_DEC (0x00010000) #define CMD_CTX_ID_ENC (0x00020000) #define CMD_CTX_ID_ISP (0x00030000) /* separate encoder / decoder control command to different segment */ #define CMD_CFG_ID_MASK (0x0000FF00) /* mpp status control command */ #define CMD_STATE_OPS (0x00000100) /* decoder control command */ #define CMD_DEC_CFG_ALL (0x00000000) #define CMD_DEC_QUERY (0x00000100) #define CMD_DEC_CFG (0x00000200) /* encoder control command */ #define CMD_ENC_CFG_ALL (0x00000000) #define CMD_ENC_CFG_RC_API (0x00000100) #define CMD_ENC_CFG_MISC (0x00008000) #define CMD_ENC_CFG_SPLIT (0x00008100) #define CMD_ENC_CFG_REF (0x00008200) #define CMD_ENC_CFG_ROI (0x00008300) #define CMD_ENC_CFG_OSD (0x00008400) typedef enum { MPP_OSAL_CMD_BASE = CMD_MODULE_OSAL, MPP_OSAL_CMD_END, MPP_CMD_BASE = CMD_MODULE_MPP, MPP_ENABLE_DEINTERLACE, MPP_SET_INPUT_BLOCK, /* deprecated */ MPP_SET_INTPUT_BLOCK_TIMEOUT, /* deprecated */ MPP_SET_OUTPUT_BLOCK, /* deprecated */ MPP_SET_OUTPUT_BLOCK_TIMEOUT, /* deprecated */ /* * timeout setup, refer to MPP_TIMEOUT_XXX * zero - non block * negative - block with no timeout * positive - timeout in milisecond */ MPP_SET_INPUT_TIMEOUT, /* parameter type RK_S64 */ MPP_SET_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT, /* parameter type RK_S64 */ MPP_STATE_CMD_BASE = CMD_MODULE_MPP | CMD_STATE_OPS, MPP_START, MPP_STOP, MPP_PAUSE, MPP_RESUME, MPP_CMD_END, MPP_CODEC_CMD_BASE = CMD_MODULE_CODEC, MPP_CODEC_GET_FRAME_INFO, MPP_CODEC_CMD_END, MPP_DEC_CMD_BASE = CMD_MODULE_CODEC | CMD_CTX_ID_DEC, MPP_DEC_SET_FRAME_INFO, /* vpu api legacy control for buffer slot dimension init */ MPP_DEC_SET_EXT_BUF_GROUP, /* IMPORTANT: set external buffer group to mpp decoder */ MPP_DEC_SET_INFO_CHANGE_READY, MPP_DEC_SET_PRESENT_TIME_ORDER, /* use input time order for output */ MPP_DEC_SET_PARSER_SPLIT_MODE, /* Need to setup before init */ MPP_DEC_SET_PARSER_FAST_MODE, /* Need to setup before init */ MPP_DEC_GET_STREAM_COUNT, MPP_DEC_GET_VPUMEM_USED_COUNT, MPP_DEC_SET_VC1_EXTRA_DATA, MPP_DEC_SET_OUTPUT_FORMAT, MPP_DEC_SET_DISABLE_ERROR, /* When set it will disable sw/hw error (H.264 / H.265) */ MPP_DEC_SET_IMMEDIATE_OUT, MPP_DEC_SET_ENABLE_DEINTERLACE, /* MPP enable deinterlace by default. Vpuapi can disable it */ MPP_DEC_CMD_QUERY = CMD_MODULE_CODEC | CMD_CTX_ID_DEC | CMD_DEC_QUERY, /* query decoder runtime information for decode stage */ MPP_DEC_QUERY, /* set and get MppDecQueryCfg structure */ CMD_DEC_CMD_CFG = CMD_MODULE_CODEC | CMD_CTX_ID_DEC | CMD_DEC_CFG, MPP_DEC_SET_CFG, /* set MppDecCfg structure */ MPP_DEC_GET_CFG, /* get MppDecCfg structure */ MPP_DEC_CMD_END, MPP_ENC_CMD_BASE = CMD_MODULE_CODEC | CMD_CTX_ID_ENC, /* basic encoder setup control */ MPP_ENC_SET_CFG, /* set MppEncCfg structure */ MPP_ENC_GET_CFG, /* get MppEncCfg structure */ MPP_ENC_SET_PREP_CFG, /* deprecated set MppEncPrepCfg structure, use MPP_ENC_SET_CFG instead */ MPP_ENC_GET_PREP_CFG, /* deprecated get MppEncPrepCfg structure, use MPP_ENC_GET_CFG instead */ MPP_ENC_SET_RC_CFG, /* deprecated set MppEncRcCfg structure, use MPP_ENC_SET_CFG instead */ MPP_ENC_GET_RC_CFG, /* deprecated get MppEncRcCfg structure, use MPP_ENC_GET_CFG instead */ MPP_ENC_SET_CODEC_CFG, /* deprecated set MppEncCodecCfg structure, use MPP_ENC_SET_CFG instead */ MPP_ENC_GET_CODEC_CFG, /* deprecated get MppEncCodecCfg structure, use MPP_ENC_GET_CFG instead */ /* runtime encoder setup control */ MPP_ENC_SET_IDR_FRAME, /* next frame will be encoded as intra frame */ MPP_ENC_SET_OSD_LEGACY_0, /* deprecated */ MPP_ENC_SET_OSD_LEGACY_1, /* deprecated */ MPP_ENC_SET_OSD_LEGACY_2, /* deprecated */ MPP_ENC_GET_HDR_SYNC, /* get vps / sps / pps which has better sync behavior parameter is MppPacket */ MPP_ENC_GET_EXTRA_INFO, /* deprecated */ MPP_ENC_SET_SEI_CFG, /* SEI: Supplement Enhancemant Information, parameter is MppSeiMode */ MPP_ENC_GET_SEI_DATA, /* SEI: Supplement Enhancemant Information, parameter is MppPacket */ MPP_ENC_PRE_ALLOC_BUFF, /* deprecated */ MPP_ENC_SET_QP_RANGE, /* used for adjusting qp range, the parameter can be 1 or 2 */ MPP_ENC_SET_ROI_CFG, /* set MppEncROICfg structure */ MPP_ENC_SET_CTU_QP, /* for H265 Encoder,set CTU's size and QP */ /* User define rate control stategy API control */ MPP_ENC_CFG_RC_API = CMD_MODULE_CODEC | CMD_CTX_ID_ENC | CMD_ENC_CFG_RC_API, /* * Get RcApiQueryAll structure * Get all available rate control stategy string and count */ MPP_ENC_GET_RC_API_ALL = MPP_ENC_CFG_RC_API + 1, /* * Get RcApiQueryType structure * Get available rate control stategy string with certain type */ MPP_ENC_GET_RC_API_BY_TYPE = MPP_ENC_CFG_RC_API + 2, /* * Set RcImplApi structure * Add new or update rate control stategy function pointers */ MPP_ENC_SET_RC_API_CFG = MPP_ENC_CFG_RC_API + 3, /* * Get RcApiBrief structure * Get current used rate control stategy brief information (type and name) */ MPP_ENC_GET_RC_API_CURRENT = MPP_ENC_CFG_RC_API + 4, /* * Set RcApiBrief structure * Set current used rate control stategy brief information (type and name) */ MPP_ENC_SET_RC_API_CURRENT = MPP_ENC_CFG_RC_API + 5, MPP_ENC_CFG_MISC = CMD_MODULE_CODEC | CMD_CTX_ID_ENC | CMD_ENC_CFG_MISC, MPP_ENC_SET_HEADER_MODE, /* set MppEncHeaderMode */ MPP_ENC_GET_HEADER_MODE, /* get MppEncHeaderMode */ MPP_ENC_CFG_SPLIT = CMD_MODULE_CODEC | CMD_CTX_ID_ENC | CMD_ENC_CFG_SPLIT, MPP_ENC_SET_SPLIT, /* set MppEncSliceSplit structure */ MPP_ENC_GET_SPLIT, /* get MppEncSliceSplit structure */ MPP_ENC_CFG_REF = CMD_MODULE_CODEC | CMD_CTX_ID_ENC | CMD_ENC_CFG_REF, MPP_ENC_SET_REF_CFG, /* set MppEncRefCfg structure */ MPP_ENC_CFG_OSD = CMD_MODULE_CODEC | CMD_CTX_ID_ENC | CMD_ENC_CFG_OSD, MPP_ENC_SET_OSD_PLT_CFG, /* set OSD palette, parameter should be pointer to MppEncOSDPltCfg */ MPP_ENC_GET_OSD_PLT_CFG, /* get OSD palette, parameter should be pointer to MppEncOSDPltCfg */ MPP_ENC_SET_OSD_DATA_CFG, /* set OSD data with at most 8 regions, parameter should be pointer to MppEncOSDData */ MPP_ENC_CMD_END, MPP_ISP_CMD_BASE = CMD_MODULE_CODEC | CMD_CTX_ID_ISP, MPP_ISP_CMD_END, MPP_HAL_CMD_BASE = CMD_MODULE_HAL, MPP_HAL_CMD_END, MPI_CMD_BUTT, } MpiCmd; #include "rk_vdec_cmd.h" #include "rk_vdec_cfg.h" #include "rk_venc_cmd.h" #include "rk_venc_cfg.h" #include "rk_venc_ref.h" #endif /*__RK_MPI_CMD_H__*/