# Module Guide KernelSU provides a module mechanism that achieves the effect of modifying the system directory while maintaining the integrity of the system partition. This mechanism is commonly known as "systemless". The module mechanism of KernelSU is almost the same as that of Magisk. If you are familiar with Magisk module development, developing KernelSU modules is very similar. You can skip the introduction of modules below and only need to read [difference-with-magisk](difference-with-magisk.md). ## WebUI KernelSU's modules support displaying interfaces and interacting with users. For more, please refer to [WebUI documentation](module-webui.md). ## Busybox KernelSU ships with a feature-complete BusyBox binary (including full SELinux support). The executable is located at `/data/adb/ksu/bin/busybox`. KernelSU's BusyBox supports runtime toggle-able "ASH Standalone Shell Mode". What this standalone mode means is that when running in the `ash` shell of BusyBox, every single command will directly use the applet within BusyBox, regardless of what is set as `PATH`. For example, commands like `ls`, `rm`, `chmod` will **NOT** use what is in `PATH` (in the case of Android by default it will be `/system/bin/ls`, `/system/bin/rm`, and `/system/bin/chmod` respectively), but will instead directly call internal BusyBox applets. This makes sure that scripts always run in a predictable environment and always have the full suite of commands no matter which Android version it is running on. To force a command _not_ to use BusyBox, you have to call the executable with full paths. Every single shell script running in the context of KernelSU will be executed in BusyBox's `ash` shell with standalone mode enabled. For what is relevant to 3rd party developers, this includes all boot scripts and module installation scripts. For those who want to use this "Standalone Mode" feature outside of KernelSU, there are 2 ways to enable it: 1. Set environment variable `ASH_STANDALONE` to `1`
Example: `ASH_STANDALONE=1 /data/adb/ksu/bin/busybox sh