#!/bin/bash set -e ARG_COMMIT=$1 DIFF_SUBSET="scripts/.diff_*" DIFF_DOC_ALL="scripts/.diff_all.txt" DIFF_DOC_FIXED="scripts/.diff_fixed.txt" LAST_SEVERITY= LAST_DOC= function check_doc() { local TOP_SEVERITY LANGUAGE=$1 if [ "${LANGUAGE}" == "EN" ] ; then SVT_CRITIAL="critical" SVT_IMPORTANT="important" SVT_MODERATE="moderate" DOC=`git log ${ARG_COMMIT} -1 --name-only | sed -n "/_EN\.md/p"` else SVT_CRITIAL="紧急" SVT_IMPORTANT="重要" SVT_MODERATE="普通" DOC=`git log ${ARG_COMMIT} -1 --name-only | sed -n "/_CN\.md/p"` fi echo "Checking doc: ${DOC}" # check DOS encoding git show ${ARG_COMMIT} -1 ${DOC} | sed -n "/^+/p" > ${DIFF_DOC_ALL} git show ${ARG_COMMIT} -1 ${DOC} | sed -n "/^+/p" > ${DIFF_DOC_ALL}.dos dos2unix ${DIFF_DOC_ALL}.dos >/dev/null 2>&1 CSUM1=`md5sum ${DIFF_DOC_ALL} | awk '{ print $1 }'` CSUM2=`md5sum ${DIFF_DOC_ALL}.dos | awk '{ print $1 }'` if [ "${CSUM1}" != "${CSUM2}" ]; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC} is DOS encoding. Fix it by: 'dos2unix ${DOC}'" exit 1 fi TITLE=`sed -n "/^+## /p" ${DIFF_DOC_ALL} | tr -d " +#"` DATE=`sed -n "/^+| 20[0-9][0-9]-/p" ${DIFF_DOC_ALL} | tr -d " " | awk -F "|" '{ print $2 }'` YEAR=`sed -n "/^+| 20[0-9][0-9]-/p" ${DIFF_DOC_ALL} | tr -d " " | awk -F "|" '{ print $2 }' | awk -F "-" '{ print $1 }'` MON=`sed -n "/^+| 20[0-9][0-9]-/p" ${DIFF_DOC_ALL} | tr -d " " | awk -F "|" '{ print $2 }' | awk -F "-" '{ print $2 }'` FILE=`sed -n "/^+| 20[0-9][0-9]-/p" ${DIFF_DOC_ALL} | tr -d " " | awk -F "|" '{ print $3 }'` COMMIT=`sed -n "/^+| 20[0-9][0-9]-/p" ${DIFF_DOC_ALL} | tr -d " " | awk -F "|" '{ print $4 }'` SEVERITY=`sed -n "/^+| 20[0-9][0-9]-/p" ${DIFF_DOC_ALL} | tr -d " " | awk -F "|" '{ print $5 }'` END_LINE_3=`tail -n 3 ${DIFF_DOC_ALL} | sed -n '1p'` END_LINE_2=`tail -n 3 ${DIFF_DOC_ALL} | sed -n '2p'` END_LINE_1=`tail -n 3 ${DIFF_DOC_ALL} | sed -n '3p'` HOST_YEAR=`date +%Y` HOST_MON=`date +%m` # echo "### ${COMMIT}, ${SEVERITY}, ${TITLE}, ${FILE}" # check blank line after Heading 1 HEADING_1=`sed -n '1p' ${DOC}` if sed -n '2p' ${DOC} | grep -q [a-z,A-Z] ; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: Please add blank line after '${HEADING_1}'" exit 1 fi # check space if sed -n "/##/p" ${DOC} | grep -v '## [a-z,A-Z]' ; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: Please only 1 space between '#' and word" exit 1 fi # check new content location if ! git show ${ARG_COMMIT} -1 ${DOC} | grep -q 'Release Note' ; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: Please add new content at the top but not bottom" exit 1 fi # check title if grep -Eq '### WARN|### WARNING|### Warning|### warn|### warning' ${DIFF_DOC_ALL} ; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: Please use '### Warn'" exit 1 fi if grep -Eq '### NEW|### new' ${DIFF_DOC_ALL} ; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: Please use '### New'" exit 1 fi if grep -Eq '### FIXED|### fixed' ${DIFF_DOC_ALL} ; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: Please use '### Fixed'" exit 1 fi # check year/month if [ "${HOST_YEAR}" != "${YEAR}" ]; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: '${DATE}' is wrong, the year should be ${HOST_YEAR}" exit 1 fi if [ "${HOST_MON}" != "${MON}" ]; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: '${DATE}' is wrong, the month should be ${HOST_MON}" exit 1 fi # check TAB before index of 'New' body if grep -q $'\t[0-9]' ${DOC} ; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: Don't add TAB before index:" grep $'\t[0-9]' ${DOC} exit 1 fi # check upper case and line end if [ "${LANGUAGE}" == "EN" ] ; then if grep -q '^[0-9]\. [a-z]' ${DOC} ; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: Please use upper case of first word(i.e. \"1. add ..\" => \"1. Add ...\"):" grep '^[0-9]\. [a-z]' ${DOC} exit 1 fi # check end with '.' if sed -n '/^[0-9]\. [A-Z]/p' ${DOC} | grep -q '[^.]$' ; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: Please end line with '.'" grep '^[0-9]\. [A-Z]' ${DOC} | grep '[^.]$' exit 1 fi # check Chinese language if grep -P '[\x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}]' ${DOC} ; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: The Chinese language was found" exit 1 fi else # check end with '。' if sed -n '/^[0-9]\. /p' ${DOC} | grep -q '[^。]$' ; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: Please end line with '。'" grep '^[0-9]\. ' ${DOC} | grep '[^。]$' exit 1 fi fi # check space after index of 'New' body SUM1=`grep '^[0-9]\.' ${DOC} | wc -l` SUM2=`grep '^[0-9]\.[[:blank:]]' ${DOC} | wc -l` if [ "$SUM1" != "$SUM2" ]; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: Please add space after index (e.g: '1. ' but not '1.'):" grep '^+[0-9]\.' ${DIFF_DOC_ALL} exit 1 fi # check standalone file if ! echo ${FILE} | grep -Eq '\.bin|\.elf|\.img' ; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: '${FILE}' missing the file format suffix" exit 1 fi if ! echo ${FILE} | grep -q { ; then if ! git log ${ARG_COMMIT} -1 --name-only | grep -q ${FILE}; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: '${FILE}' is not updated in this patch" exit 1 fi fi # check title if [ "${TITLE}" != "${FILE}" ]; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: Title '${TITLE}' is not match with '${FILE}'" exit 1 fi # check commit COMMIT=${COMMIT//#/ } for LIST in ${COMMIT}; do CMT=`echo ${LIST} | cut -d : -f 2` if ! git log ${ARG_COMMIT} -1 | grep -q ${CMT} ; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: '${CMT}' is not match in commit message" exit 1 fi if ! echo ${FILE} | grep -q { ; then if echo ${FILE} | grep -Eq 'spl_|tpl_|bl31_|bl32_|tee_' ; then FILE_PATH=`find -name ${FILE}` if [ -z "${FILE_PATH}" ]; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: No ${FILE}" exit 1 fi if ! strings ${FILE_PATH} | grep -q ${CMT} ; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: ${FILE} is not build from '${CMT}'" exit 1 fi fi fi done # check severity if [ "${SEVERITY}" != "${SVT_CRITIAL}" -a "${SEVERITY}" != "${SVT_IMPORTANT}" -a "${SEVERITY}" != "${SVT_MODERATE}" ]; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: Unknown main severity: ${SEVERITY}" exit 1 fi # check horizontal line if [ "${END_LINE_2}" != "+------" ]; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: Please add horizontal line '------' at the last of new content" exit 1 fi if [ "${END_LINE_3}" != "+" ]; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: Please add blank line before horizontal line '------'" exit 1 fi if [ "${END_LINE_1}" != "+" ]; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: Please add blank line after horizontal line '------'" exit 1 fi # check 'Fixed' content if grep -q "^+### Fixed" ${DIFF_DOC_ALL} ; then awk -v RS='### Fixed' 'END{printf "%s", $0}' ${DIFF_DOC_ALL} > ${DIFF_DOC_FIXED} sed -i "/^$/d" ${DIFF_DOC_FIXED} sed -i "/Index/d" ${DIFF_DOC_FIXED} sed -i "/---/d" ${DIFF_DOC_FIXED} sed -i "/^+$/d" ${DIFF_DOC_FIXED} while read LINE do EACH_SEVERITY=`echo "${LINE}" | awk -F "|" '{ print $3 }' | tr -d " "` if [ "${EACH_SEVERITY}" != "${SVT_CRITIAL}" -a "${EACH_SEVERITY}" != "${SVT_IMPORTANT}" -a "${EACH_SEVERITY}" != "${SVT_MODERATE}" ]; then if [ -z "${EACH_SEVERITY}" ]; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: No severity found, please use Table to list what you '### Fixed'" else echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: Unknown severity: ${EACH_SEVERITY}" fi exit 1 fi # echo "## EACH: $EACH_SEVERITY" if [ -z "${TOP_SEVERITY}" ]; then TOP_SEVERITY="${EACH_SEVERITY}" elif [ "${TOP_SEVERITY}" == "${SVT_MODERATE}" ]; then if [ "${EACH_SEVERITY}" == "${SVT_CRITIAL}" -o "${EACH_SEVERITY}" == "${SVT_IMPORTANT}" ]; then TOP_SEVERITY="${EACH_SEVERITY}" fi elif [ "${TOP_SEVERITY}" == "${SVT_IMPORTANT}" ]; then if [ "${EACH_SEVERITY}" == "${SVT_CRITIAL}" ]; then TOP_SEVERITY="${EACH_SEVERITY}" fi fi done < ${DIFF_DOC_FIXED} if [ "${SEVERITY}" != "${TOP_SEVERITY}" ]; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: Top severity should be '${TOP_SEVERITY}' as it's the highest level of all sub severity" exit 1 fi # check top severity miss match if [ ! -z ${LAST_SEVERITY} ]; then if [ "${LAST_SEVERITY}" == "普通" -a "${TOP_SEVERITY}" != "moderate" ]; then MISS_MATCH="y" elif [ "${LAST_SEVERITY}" == "重要" -a "${TOP_SEVERITY}" != "important" ]; then MISS_MATCH="y" elif [ "${LAST_SEVERITY}" == "紧急" -a "${TOP_SEVERITY}" != "critical" ]; then MISS_MATCH="y" elif [ "${LAST_SEVERITY}" == "moderate" -a "${TOP_SEVERITY}" != "普通" ]; then MISS_MATCH="y" elif [ "${LAST_SEVERITY}" == "important" -a "${TOP_SEVERITY}" != "重要" ]; then MISS_MATCH="y" elif [ "${LAST_SEVERITY}" == "critical" -a "${TOP_SEVERITY}" != "紧急" ]; then MISS_MATCH="y" fi if [ "${MISS_MATCH}" == "y" ]; then echo "ERROR: ${DOC}: top Severity is '${SEVERITY}', while ${LAST_DOC}: top Severity is '${LAST_SEVERITY}'" echo " Available Severity types are: moderate(普通), important(重要), critical(紧急)" exit 1 fi fi LAST_SEVERITY="${SEVERITY}" LAST_DOC="${DOC}" fi } function check_docs() { if git log ${ARG_COMMIT} -1 --name-only | sed -n '5p' | grep -Eq '^ Revert "' ; then return; fi if git log ${ARG_COMMIT} -1 --name-only | grep -Eq '\.bin|\.elf' ; then DOC_CN=`git log ${ARG_COMMIT} -1 --name-only | sed -n "/_CN\.md/p"` DOC_EN=`git log ${ARG_COMMIT} -1 --name-only | sed -n "/_EN\.md/p"` if [ -z "${DOC_CN}" -o -z "${DOC_EN}" ]; then echo "ERROR: Should update CN and EN Release-Note when .bin/elf changed" exit 1 fi NUM=`git log ${ARG_COMMIT} -1 --name-only | sed -n "/\.md/p" | wc -l` if [ ${NUM} -gt 2 ]; then echo "ERROR: More than 2 release note are updated" exit 1 fi if ! which dos2unix > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "ERROR: No 'dos2unix'. Fix by: sudo apt-get install dos2unix" exit 1 fi check_doc CN check_doc EN fi rm -f ${DIFF_SUBSET} } function pack_loader_image() { for FILE in `ls ./RKBOOT/*MINIALL*.ini` do if [ "${FILE}" = "./RKBOOT/RK302AMINIALL.ini" -o \ "${FILE}" = "./RKBOOT/RK30BMINIALL.ini" -o \ "${FILE}" = "./RKBOOT/RK30MINIALL.ini" -o \ "${FILE}" = "./RKBOOT/RK310BMINIALL.ini" ]; then continue; fi if grep -q '^PATH=img/' ${FILE}; then continue; fi echo "Pack loader: ${FILE}" ./tools/boot_merger ${FILE} rm -f *loader*.bin *download*.bin *idblock*.img echo done } function pack_trust_image() { # Pack 32-bit trust for FILE in `ls ./RKTRUST/*TOS*.ini` do if ! test -s ${FILE}; then continue; elif ! grep -q 'TOS' ${FILE}; then continue; elif grep -q '^PATH=img/' ${FILE}; then continue; fi echo "Pack trust: ${FILE}" # Parse orignal path TOS=`sed -n "/TOS=/s/TOS=//p" ${FILE}|tr -d '\r'` TOS_TA=`sed -n "/TOSTA=/s/TOSTA=//p" ${FILE}|tr -d '\r'` # replace "./tools/rk_tools/" with "./" to compatible legacy ini content of rkdevelop branch TOS=$(echo ${TOS} | sed "s/tools\/rk_tools\//\.\//g") TOS_TA=$(echo ${TOS_TA} | sed "s/tools\/rk_tools\//\.\//g") if [ x${TOS_TA} != x -a x${TOS} != x ]; then ./tools/loaderimage --pack --trustos ${TOS} ./trust.img 0x68400000 ./tools/loaderimage --pack --trustos ${TOS_TA} ./trust_with_ta.img 0x68400000 elif [ ${TOS} ]; then ./tools/loaderimage --pack --trustos ${TOS} ./trust.img 0x68400000 elif [ ${TOS_TA} ]; then ./tools/loaderimage --pack --trustos ${TOS_TA} ./trust.img 0x68400000 else exit 1 fi rm -f trust*.img echo done # Pack 64-bit trust for FILE in `ls ./RKTRUST/*TRUST*.ini` do if grep -q '^PATH=img/' ${FILE}; then continue; fi echo "Pack trust: ${FILE}" ./tools/trust_merger ${FILE} rm -f trust*.img echo done } function check_dirty() { for FILE in `find -name '*spl*.bin' -o -name '*tpl*.bin' -o -name '*usbplug*.bin' -o -name '*bl31*.elf' -o -name '*bl32*.bin'`; do echo "Checking clean: ${FILE}" if strings ${FILE} | grep '\-dirty ' ; then echo "ERROR: ${FILE} is dirty" exit 1 fi done } function check_stripped() { for FILE in `find -name '*bl31*.elf'`; do echo "Checking strip: ${FILE}" INFO=`file ${FILE}` if echo ${INFO} | grep -q "not stripped" ; then echo "ERROR: ${FILE} is not stripped" exit 1 fi done } function check_mode() { echo "Checking file mode..." if git whatchanged ${ARG_COMMIT} -1 --oneline | sed -n '/RKBOOT\//p; /RKTRUST\//p; /bin\//p; /doc\//p;' | awk '{ print $2 }' | grep -q 755 ; then git whatchanged ${ARG_COMMIT} -1 --oneline | sed -n '/RKBOOT\//p; /RKTRUST\//p; /bin\//p; /doc\//p;' | grep 755 echo "ERROR: Set 644 file permission but not 755." exit 1 fi } function check_version() { echo "Checking fwver..." git whatchanged -1 --name-only | sed -n '/bin\//p' | sed -n '/ddr/p; /tpl/p; /spl/p; /bl31/p; /bl32/p; /tee/p;' | while read FILE; do if ! test -f ${FILE}; then continue fi NAME_VER=`echo ${FILE} | grep -o 'v[0-9][.][0-9][0-9]'` # ignore version < v1.00 if [[ "${NAME_VER}" == *v0.* ]]; then continue fi if ! strings ${FILE} | grep -q 'fwver: ' ; then echo "ERROR: ${FILE}: No \"fwver: \" string found in binary" exit 1 fi FW_VER=`strings ${FILE} | grep -o 'fwver: v[1-9][.][0-9][0-9]' | awk '{ print $2 }'` if [ "${NAME_VER}" != "${FW_VER}" ] ; then echo "ERROR: ${FILE}: file version is ${NAME_VER}, but fw version is ${FW_VER}." exit 1 fi done } function finish() { echo "OK, everything is nice." echo } check_mode check_version check_docs check_dirty check_stripped pack_loader_image pack_trust_image finish