#include "UserTestTraits.hpp" #include "t051lexer.hpp" #include #include #include #include using namespace Antlr3Test; using namespace std; static t051lexer* lxr; static string slurp(string const& fileName); static void parseFile(const char* fName); int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2 || argv[1] == NULL) { parseFile("./t051.input"); // Note in VS2005 debug, working directory must be configured } else { for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { parseFile(argv[i]); } } printf("finished parsing OK\n"); // Finnish parking is pretty good - I think it is all the snow return 0; } void parseFile(const char* fName) { t051lexerTraits::InputStreamType* input; t051lexerTraits::TokenStreamType* tstream; string data = slurp(fName); input = new t051lexerTraits::InputStreamType((const ANTLR_UINT8 *)data.c_str(), ANTLR_ENC_8BIT, data.length(), //strlen(data.c_str()), (ANTLR_UINT8*)fName); input->setUcaseLA(true); // Our input stream is now open and all set to go, so we can create a new instance of our // lexer and set the lexer input to our input stream: // (file | memory | ?) --> inputstream -> lexer --> tokenstream --> parser ( --> treeparser )? // if (lxr == NULL) { lxr = new t051lexer(input); // javaLexerNew is generated by ANTLR } else { lxr->setCharStream(input); } tstream = new t051lexerTraits::TokenStreamType(ANTLR_SIZE_HINT, lxr->get_tokSource()); putc('L', stdout); fflush(stdout); { ANTLR_INT32 T = 0; while (T != t051lexer::EOF_TOKEN) { T = tstream->_LA(1); t051lexerTraits::CommonTokenType const* token = tstream->_LT(1); printf("%d\t\"%s\"\n", T, tstream->_LT(1)->getText().c_str() ); tstream->consume(); } } tstream->_LT(1); // Don't do this mormally, just causes lexer to run for timings here delete tstream; delete lxr; lxr = NULL; delete input; } string slurp(string const& fileName) { ifstream ifs(fileName.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary | ios::ate); ifstream::pos_type fileSize = ifs.tellg(); ifs.seekg(0, ios::beg); stringstream sstr; sstr << ifs.rdbuf(); return sstr.str(); }