- hosts: surveytool become: yes vars_files: - vars/main.yml - local-vars/local.yml tasks: - name: Create CLDR dir file: path: "{{ cldr_path }}" state: directory owner: "{{ cldr_openliberty_user }}" group: "{{ cldr_openliberty_group }}" mode: 0775 - name: Rotate CLDR logs blockinfile: path: "/etc/logrotate.d/surveytool-logs" owner: root mode: "0644" block: | {{ cldr_path }}/cldrmail.log {{ cldr_path }}/exception.log { su {{ cldr_openliberty_user }} {{ cldr_openliberty_group }} daily rotate 14 compress missingok notifempty dateext create } create: true - name: create st/README.md template: dest: "{{ cldr_st_path }}/README.md" src: templates/st-readme.j2 force: yes # want this to reflect the latest owner: "{{ cldr_openliberty_user }}" group: "{{ cldr_openliberty_group }}" mode: "0644" - name: Create cldr.properties template: dest: "{{ cldr_path }}/cldr.properties" src: templates/cldr-properties.j2 force: no owner: "{{ cldr_openliberty_user }}" group: "{{ cldr_openliberty_group }}" mode: "0644" notify: Restart OpenLiberty - name: Checkout CLDR trunk become: yes become_user: "{{ cldr_surveytool_user }}" git: repo: https://github.com/unicode-org/cldr.git dest: "{{ cldr_trunk_path }}" force: no update: no version: master # this is deep because we will need to keep updating # it with history. It does not include LFS as that # is not needed for the surveytool. handlers: - name: Restart OpenLiberty service: name: "{{ cldr_openliberty_service }}" state: restarted