- hosts: surveytool become: yes vars_files: - vars/main.yml - local-vars/local.yml tasks: - name: Install server packages apt: pkg: - unzip # needed for deploy # for monitoring - prometheus-mysqld-exporter # - prometheus-nginx-exporter # (not there yet) - name: Setup surveytool user for deploy user: name: "{{ cldr_surveytool_user }}" shell: /bin/bash group: "{{ cldr_surveytool_group }}" - name: Give access to surveytool user file: path: "{{ cldr_trunk_path }}" owner: surveytool recurse: yes - name: Setup surveytool auth authorized_key: user: surveytool key: '{{ surveytooldeploy.key }}' - name: ensure cldradmin group is there group: name: cldradmin state: present - name: ensure cldradmin user is there user: name: cldradmin comment: CLDR Admin groups: - cldradmin append: yes # add to the groups, do not remove state: present create_home: true - name: make sure /home/cldradmin/.ssh/ exists file: path: /home/cldradmin/.ssh/ owner: cldradmin group: cldradmin mode: '0700' state: directory - name: make sure /home/cldradmin/.ssh/authorized_keys exists file: dest: /home/cldradmin/.ssh/authorized_keys owner: cldradmin group: cldradmin mode: '0600' state: touch #https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/7490#issuecomment-497373505 modification_time: preserve access_time: preserve - name: add cldradmin to sudoers template: dest: /etc/sudoers.d/55-cldradmin-users owner: root group: root mode: '440' src: templates/55-cldradmin.conf