const fs = require("fs").promises; const marked = require("marked"); const jsdom = require("jsdom"); const { JSDOM } = jsdom; const path = require("path"); marked.setOptions({ renderer: new marked.Renderer(), highlight: function (code, forlanguage) { const hljs = require("highlight.js"); language = hljs.getLanguage(forlanguage) ? forlanguage : "plaintext"; return hljs.highlight(code, { language }).value; }, pedantic: false, gfm: true, breaks: false, sanitize: false, smartLists: true, smartypants: false, xhtml: false, }); async function renderit(infile) { console.log(`Reading ${infile}`); basename = path.basename(infile, ".md"); const outfile = path.join(path.dirname(infile), `${basename}.html`); let f1 = await fs.readFile(infile, "utf-8"); // oh the irony if (f1.charCodeAt(0) == 0xfeff) { f1 = f1.substring(3); } // render const rawHtml = marked(f1); // now fix const dom = new JSDOM(rawHtml); const document = dom.window.document; // // setup doctype // if (document.doctype) { // console.log("have a doctype " + document.doctype); // } else { // document.doctype = document.implementation.createDocumentType("html","",""); // document.insertBefore(document.childNodes[0], document.doctype); // } const head = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; // add CSS head.innerHTML = head.innerHTML + `` + ``; // Is there a title? if (dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("title").length >= 1) { console.log("Already had a … not changing."); } else { const title = document.createElement("title"); const first_h1_text = document.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0].textContent.replace(')Part', ') Part'); title.appendChild(document.createTextNode(first_h1_text)) head.appendChild(title); } // calculate the header object const header = dom.window.document.createElement("div"); header.setAttribute("class", "header"); // taken from prior TRs header.innerHTML = `<table class="header" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="icon"><a href=""><img style="vertical-align:middle;border:0" alt="[Unicode]" src="" height="33" width="34" /></a>  <a class="bar" href="">Technical Reports</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="gray"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>`; // Move all elements out of the top level body and into a subelement const body = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; const bp = body.parentNode; div = dom.window.document.createElement("div"); div.setAttribute("class", "body"); let sawFirstTable = false; for (const e of body.childNodes) { body.removeChild(e); if (div.childNodes.length === 0 && e.tagName === 'P') { // update title element to <h2 class="uaxtitle"/> const newTitle = document.createElement('h2'); newTitle.setAttribute("class", "uaxtitle"); newTitle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e.textContent)); div.appendChild(newTitle); } else { if (!sawFirstTable && e.tagName === 'TABLE') { // Update first table to simple width=90% e.setAttribute("class", "simple"); e.setAttribute("width", "90%"); sawFirstTable = true; } div.appendChild(e); } } body.appendChild(header); body.appendChild(div); // now, fix all links from ….md#… to ….html#… for (const e of dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("a")) { const href = e.getAttribute("href"); let m; if ((m = /^(.*)\.md#(.*)$/.exec(href))) { e.setAttribute("href", `${m[1]}.html#${m[2]}`); } else if ((m = /^(.*)\.md$/.exec(href))) { e.setAttribute("href", `${m[1]}.html`); } } // OK, done munging the DOM, write it out. console.log(`Writing ${outfile}`); // TODO: assume that DOCTYPE is not written. await fs.writeFile(outfile, `<!DOCTYPE html>\n` + dom.serialize()); return outfile; } async function fixall() { outbox = "./dist"; // TODO: move source file copy into JavaScript? // srcbox = '../../../docs/ldml'; const fileList = (await fs.readdir(outbox)) .filter((f) => /\.md$/.test(f)) .map((f) => path.join(outbox, f)); return Promise.all(; } fixall().then( (x) => console.dir(x), (e) => { console.error(e); process.exitCode = 1; } );