## Custom Actions To add custom actions to the WebRTC control panel: * Create a custom action config JSON file in your virtual device product makefile directory. * Create a `prebuilt_etc_host` module for the JSON file with `sub_dir` `cvd_custom_action_config` * Set the Soong config variable `custom_action_config` in the `cvd` namespace to the name of that module. For example: ``` Android.bp: prebuilt_etc_host { name: "my_custom_action_config.json", src: "my_custom_action_config.json", // The sub_dir must always equal the following value: sub_dir: "cvd_custom_action_config", } my_virtual_device.mk: $(call soong_config_set, cvd, custom_action_config, my_custom_action_config.json) ``` TODO(b/171709037): Add documentation to source.android.com See https://source.android.com/setup/create/cuttlefish-control-panel for detailed information about the format of the config file.