# Dynamic Load UiMode
## Overview
In Box,some app didn't display normal.Because globals UiMode is Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_TELEVISION.Some App didn't support Tv Device. Now we provider the means that load UiMode dynamic for each App by White List Config(device/rockchip/common/uimode/package_uimode_config.xml in source, vendor/etc/package_uimode_config.xml in device, Read-write file path /data/system/package_uimode_config.xml). After the device is running, you can dynamically set the UIMode value of the app through TvSettings, which is convenient for debugging. Now this means only support box device.
## Usage
+ Before compiling,you must to amend the config.
+ First, you need to know this app needs what config.Such as Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_NORMAL(1), Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_TELEVISION(4).
+ Second, you can edit the config in device/rockchip/common/uimode/package_uimode_config.xml.
Such as add Amazon Prime Video
+ Last, save this config and compile the sources.
+ After the device is started, it can be set in TvSettings-Apps-See all apps-xxx App-UiMode to debug the application.
# 动态加载UiMode
## 概述
在盒子里,有部分App无法正常显示。因为全局的UIMode是Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_TELEVISION,这部分App不支持Tv端的显示。现在我们提供了一种方式,通过白名单配置来动态的为App加载UIMode(源码路径:device/rockchip/common/uimode/package_uimode_config.xml,设备路径:vendor/etc/package_uimode_config.xml, 可读写文件路径/data/system/package_uimode_config.xml)。设备运行后可以通过TvSettings动态设置App的UIMode值,以此方便调试。目前此方式仅支持box设备。
## 使用说明
+ 在编译前,必须要对白名单文件进行修改。
+ 需要了解应用需要哪个配置,哪个配置能够使应用显示正常。例如:Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_NORMAL(1),Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_TELEVISION(4)。
+ 编辑白名单配置文件device/rockchip/common/uimode/package_uimode_config.xml。
例如添加Amazon Prime Video:
+ 保存文件后开始编译。
+ 设备启动后,可在TvSettings-Apps-See all apps-xxx App-UiMode进行设置,方便对应用进行调试。