/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "hwc-resource-manager" #include "ResourceManager.h" #include #include #include #include #include "bufferinfo/BufferInfoGetter.h" #include "drm/DrmAtomicStateManager.h" #include "drm/DrmDevice.h" #include "drm/DrmDisplayPipeline.h" #include "drm/DrmPlane.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/properties.h" namespace android { ResourceManager::ResourceManager( PipelineToFrontendBindingInterface *p2f_bind_interface) : frontend_interface_(p2f_bind_interface) { if (uevent_listener_.Init() != 0) { ALOGE("Can't initialize event listener"); } } ResourceManager::~ResourceManager() { uevent_listener_.Exit(); } void ResourceManager::Init() { if (initialized_) { ALOGE("Already initialized"); return; } char path_pattern[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; // Could be a valid path or it can have at the end of it the wildcard % // which means that it will try open all devices until an error is met. int path_len = property_get("vendor.hwc.drm.device", path_pattern, "/dev/dri/card%"); if (path_pattern[path_len - 1] != '%') { AddDrmDevice(std::string(path_pattern)); } else { path_pattern[path_len - 1] = '\0'; for (int idx = 0;; ++idx) { std::ostringstream path; path << path_pattern << idx; struct stat buf {}; if (stat(path.str().c_str(), &buf) != 0) break; if (DrmDevice::IsKMSDev(path.str().c_str())) { AddDrmDevice(path.str()); } } } char scale_with_gpu[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("vendor.hwc.drm.scale_with_gpu", scale_with_gpu, "0"); scale_with_gpu_ = bool(strncmp(scale_with_gpu, "0", 1)); if (BufferInfoGetter::GetInstance() == nullptr) { ALOGE("Failed to initialize BufferInfoGetter"); return; } uevent_listener_.RegisterHotplugHandler([this] { const std::lock_guard lock(GetMainLock()); UpdateFrontendDisplays(); }); UpdateFrontendDisplays(); initialized_ = true; } void ResourceManager::DeInit() { if (!initialized_) { ALOGE("Not initialized"); return; } uevent_listener_.RegisterHotplugHandler([] {}); DetachAllFrontendDisplays(); drms_.clear(); initialized_ = false; } int ResourceManager::AddDrmDevice(const std::string &path) { auto drm = std::make_unique(); int ret = drm->Init(path.c_str()); drms_.push_back(std::move(drm)); return ret; } auto ResourceManager::GetTimeMonotonicNs() -> int64_t { struct timespec ts {}; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); constexpr int64_t kNsInSec = 1000000000LL; return int64_t(ts.tv_sec) * kNsInSec + int64_t(ts.tv_nsec); } void ResourceManager::UpdateFrontendDisplays() { auto ordered_connectors = GetOrderedConnectors(); for (auto *conn : ordered_connectors) { conn->UpdateModes(); bool connected = conn->IsConnected(); bool attached = attached_pipelines_.count(conn) != 0; if (connected != attached) { ALOGI("%s connector %s", connected ? "Attaching" : "Detaching", conn->GetName().c_str()); if (connected) { auto pipeline = DrmDisplayPipeline::CreatePipeline(*conn); frontend_interface_->BindDisplay(pipeline.get()); attached_pipelines_[conn] = std::move(pipeline); } else { auto &pipeline = attached_pipelines_[conn]; frontend_interface_->UnbindDisplay(pipeline.get()); attached_pipelines_.erase(conn); } } } frontend_interface_->FinalizeDisplayBinding(); } void ResourceManager::DetachAllFrontendDisplays() { for (auto &p : attached_pipelines_) { frontend_interface_->UnbindDisplay(p.second.get()); } attached_pipelines_.clear(); frontend_interface_->FinalizeDisplayBinding(); } auto ResourceManager::GetOrderedConnectors() -> std::vector { /* Put internal displays first then external to * ensure Internal will take Primary slot */ std::vector ordered_connectors; for (auto &drm : drms_) { for (const auto &conn : drm->GetConnectors()) { if (conn->IsInternal()) { ordered_connectors.emplace_back(conn.get()); } } } for (auto &drm : drms_) { for (const auto &conn : drm->GetConnectors()) { if (conn->IsExternal()) { ordered_connectors.emplace_back(conn.get()); } } } return ordered_connectors; } } // namespace android