#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This script is used to update audio policy configuration files # to comply with the updated audio_policy_configuration.xsd from V7.0. # # The main difference is the separator used in lists for attributes. # Since the XML Schema Definition standard only allows space to be # used as a separator (see https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-2/#list-datatypes) # the previous versions used a regular expression to validate lists # in attribute values. E.g. the channel masks were validated using # the following regexp: [_A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*(,[_A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*)* # This has an obvious drawback of missing typos in the config file. # # The V7.0 has shifted to defining most of the frequently changed # types in the XSD schema only. This allows for verifying all the values # in lists, but in order to comply with XML Schema requirements # list elements must be separated by space. # # Since the APM config files typically use include directives, # the script must be pointed to the main APM config file and will # take care all the included files automatically. # If the included file is a shared version from 'frameworks/av', # instead of updating it the script checks if there is a newer # version with the corresponding name suffix (e.g. # 'a2dp_audio_policy_configuration_7_0.xml') and updates the include # path instead. set -euo pipefail if (echo "$@" | grep -qe "^-h"); then echo "This script will update Audio Policy Manager config file" echo "to the format required by V7.0 XSD schema from a previous" echo "version." echo echo "USAGE: $0 [APM_XML_FILE] [OLD_VERSION]" echo " APM_XML_FILE specifies the path to audio_policy_configuration.xml" echo " relative to Android repository root" echo " OLD_VERSION specifies the version of schema currently used" echo echo "Example: $0 device/generic/goldfish/audio/policy/audio_policy_configuration.xml 6.0" exit fi readonly HAL_DIRECTORY=hardware/interfaces/audio readonly SHARED_CONFIGS_DIRECTORY=frameworks/av/services/audiopolicy/config readonly OLD_VERSION=${2:-$(ls ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/${HAL_DIRECTORY} | grep -E '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | sort -n | tail -n1)} readonly NEW_VERSION=7.0 readonly NEW_VERSION_UNDERSCORE=7_0 readonly SOURCE_CONFIG=${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/$1 # First, validate the input using the schema of the current version echo Validating the source against the $OLD_VERSION schema xmllint --noout --xinclude \ --nofixup-base-uris --path "$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/$SHARED_CONFIGS_DIRECTORY" \ --schema ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/${HAL_DIRECTORY}/${OLD_VERSION}/config/audio_policy_configuration.xsd \ ${SOURCE_CONFIG} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo echo "Config file fails validation for the specified version $OLD_VERSION--unsafe to update" exit 1 fi # Find all the source files recursively SOURCE_FILES=${SOURCE_CONFIG} SHARED_FILES= findIncludes() { local FILES_TO_CHECK= for F in $1; do local FOUND_INCLUDES=$(grep -Po ' 7.0 in the main file sed -i -r -e 's/(audioPolicyConfiguration version=")1.0/\17.0/' ${SOURCE_CONFIG} updateFile() { FILE=$1 ATTR=$2 SEPARATOR=$3 SRC_LINES=$(grep -nPo "$ATTR=\"[^\"]+\"" ${FILE} || true) for S in $SRC_LINES; do # Prepare instruction for 'sed' for in-place editing of specified line R=$(echo ${S} | sed -e 's/^[0-9]\+:/\//' | sed -e "s/$SEPARATOR/ /g") S=$(echo ${S} | sed -e 's/:/s\//')${R}/ echo ${S} | sed -i -f - ${FILE} done } for F in $SOURCE_FILES; do updateFile ${F} "channelMasks" "," updateFile ${F} "samplingRates" "," updateFile ${F} "flags" "|" done; updateIncludes() { FILE=$1 for I in $SHARED_FILES; do NEW_VERSION_I=${I%.*}_${NEW_VERSION_UNDERSCORE}.${I##*.} if [ -e "$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/$SHARED_CONFIGS_DIRECTORY/$NEW_VERSION_I" ]; then echo "s/$I/$NEW_VERSION_I/g" | sed -i -f - ${FILE} fi done } for F in $SOURCE_FILES; do updateIncludes ${F} done # Validate the results against the new schema echo Validating the result against the $NEW_VERSION schema xmllint --noout --xinclude \ --nofixup-base-uris --path "$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/$SHARED_CONFIGS_DIRECTORY" \ --schema ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/${HAL_DIRECTORY}/${NEW_VERSION}/config/audio_policy_configuration.xsd \ ${SOURCE_CONFIG} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo echo "Config file fails validation for the specified version $NEW_VERSION--please check the changes" exit 1 fi echo echo "Please check the diff and update path to APM shared files in the device makefile!"