# Rule to support Bazel in copying its output files to the dist dir outside of # the standard Bazel output user root. load("@bazel_skylib//rules:copy_file.bzl", "copy_file") def _label_list_to_manifest(lst): """Convert the outputs of a label list to manifest content.""" all_dist_files = [] for f in lst: all_dist_files += f[DefaultInfo].files.to_list() return all_dist_files, "\n".join([dist_file.short_path for dist_file in all_dist_files]) def _generate_dist_manifest_impl(ctx): # Create a manifest of dist files to differentiate them from other runfiles. dist_manifest = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.attr.name + "_dist_manifest.txt") all_dist_files, dist_manifest_content = _label_list_to_manifest(ctx.attr.data) ctx.actions.write( output = dist_manifest, content = dist_manifest_content, ) dist_archives_manifest = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.attr.name + "_dist_archives_manifest.txt") all_dist_archives, dist_archives_manifest_content = _label_list_to_manifest(ctx.attr.archives) ctx.actions.write( output = dist_archives_manifest, content = dist_archives_manifest_content, ) # Create the runfiles object. runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = all_dist_files + all_dist_archives + [ dist_manifest, dist_archives_manifest, ]) return [DefaultInfo(runfiles = runfiles)] _generate_dist_manifest = rule( implementation = _generate_dist_manifest_impl, doc = """Generate a manifest of files to be dist to a directory.""", attrs = { "data": attr.label_list( allow_files = True, doc = """Files or targets to copy to the dist dir. In the case of targets, the rule copies the list of `files` from the target's DefaultInfo provider. """, ), "archives": attr.label_list( allow_files = [".tar.gz", ".tar"], doc = """Files or targets to be extracted to the dist dir. In the case of targets, the rule copies the list of `files` from the target's DefaultInfo provider. """, ), }, ) def copy_to_dist_dir( name, data = None, archives = None, flat = None, prefix = None, archive_prefix = None, dist_dir = None): """A dist rule to copy files out of Bazel's output directory into a custom location. Example: ``` bazel run //path/to/my:dist_target -- --dist_dir=/tmp/dist ``` Run `bazel run //path/to/my:dist_target -- --help` for explanations of options. Args: name: name of this rule data: A list of labels, whose outputs are copied to `--dist_dir`. archives: A list of labels, whose outputs are treated as tarballs and extracted to `--dist_dir`. flat: If true, `--flat` is provided to the script by default. Flatten the distribution directory. prefix: If specified, `--prefix ` is provided to the script by default. Path prefix to apply within dist_dir for copied files. archive_prefix: If specified, `--archive_prefix ` is provided to the script by default. Path prefix to apply within dist_dir for extracted archives. dist_dir: If specified, `--dist_dir ` is provided to the script by default. In particular, if this is a relative path, it is interpreted as a relative path under workspace root when the target is executed with `bazel run`. See details by running the target with `--help`. """ default_args = [] if flat: default_args.append("--flat") if prefix != None: default_args += ["--prefix", prefix] if archive_prefix != None: default_args += ["--archive_prefix", archive_prefix] if dist_dir != None: default_args += ["--dist_dir", dist_dir] _generate_dist_manifest( name = name + "_dist_manifest", data = data, archives = archives, ) copy_file( name = name + "_dist_tool", src = "//build/bazel_common_rules/dist:dist.py", out = name + "_dist.py", ) # The dist py_binary tool must be colocated in the same package as the # dist_manifest so that the runfiles directory is the same, and that the # dist_manifest is in the data runfiles of the dist tool. native.py_binary( name = name, main = name + "_dist.py", srcs = [name + "_dist.py"], python_version = "PY3", visibility = ["//visibility:public"], data = [name + "_dist_manifest"], args = default_args, )