#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """Gerrit Restful API client library.""" from __future__ import print_function import argparse import base64 import json import os import sys import xml.dom.minidom try: # PY3 from urllib.error import HTTPError from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlparse from urllib.request import ( HTTPBasicAuthHandler, Request, build_opener ) except ImportError: # PY2 from urllib import urlencode from urllib2 import ( HTTPBasicAuthHandler, HTTPError, Request, build_opener ) from urlparse import urlparse try: # PY3.5 from subprocess import PIPE, run except ImportError: from subprocess import CalledProcessError, PIPE, Popen class CompletedProcess(object): """Process execution result returned by subprocess.run().""" # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, args, returncode, stdout, stderr): self.args = args self.returncode = returncode self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr def run(*args, **kwargs): """Run a command with subprocess.Popen() and redirect input/output.""" check = kwargs.pop('check', False) try: stdin = kwargs.pop('input') assert 'stdin' not in kwargs kwargs['stdin'] = PIPE except KeyError: stdin = None proc = Popen(*args, **kwargs) try: stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(stdin) except: proc.kill() proc.wait() raise returncode = proc.wait() if check and returncode: raise CalledProcessError(returncode, args, stdout) return CompletedProcess(args, returncode, stdout, stderr) def load_auth_credentials_from_file(cookie_file): """Load credentials from an opened .gitcookies file.""" credentials = {} for line in cookie_file: if line.startswith('#HttpOnly_'): line = line[len('#HttpOnly_'):] if not line or line[0] == '#': continue row = line.split('\t') if len(row) != 7: continue domain = row[0] cookie = row[6] sep = cookie.find('=') if sep == -1: continue username = cookie[0:sep] password = cookie[sep + 1:] credentials[domain] = (username, password) return credentials def load_auth_credentials(cookie_file_path): """Load credentials from a .gitcookies file path.""" with open(cookie_file_path, 'r') as cookie_file: return load_auth_credentials_from_file(cookie_file) def create_url_opener(cookie_file_path, domain): """Load username and password from .gitcookies and return a URL opener with an authentication handler.""" # Load authentication credentials credentials = load_auth_credentials(cookie_file_path) username, password = credentials[domain] # Create URL opener with authentication handler auth_handler = HTTPBasicAuthHandler() auth_handler.add_password(domain, domain, username, password) return build_opener(auth_handler) def create_url_opener_from_args(args): """Create URL opener from command line arguments.""" domain = urlparse(args.gerrit).netloc try: return create_url_opener(args.gitcookies, domain) except KeyError: print('error: Cannot find the domain "{}" in "{}". ' .format(domain, args.gitcookies), file=sys.stderr) print('error: Please check the Gerrit Code Review URL or follow the ' 'instructions in ' 'https://android.googlesource.com/platform/development/' '+/master/tools/repo_pull#installation', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) def _decode_xssi_json(data): """Trim XSSI protector and decode JSON objects. Returns: An object returned by json.loads(). Raises: ValueError: If data doesn't start with a XSSI token. json.JSONDecodeError: If data failed to decode. """ # Decode UTF-8 data = data.decode('utf-8') # Trim cross site script inclusion (XSSI) protector if data[0:4] != ')]}\'': raise ValueError('unexpected responsed content: ' + data) data = data[4:] # Parse JSON objects return json.loads(data) def _query_change_lists(url_opener, gerrit, query_string, start, count): """Query change lists from the Gerrit server with a single request. This function performs a single query of the Gerrit server based on the input parameters for a list of changes. The server may return less than the number of changes requested. The caller should check the last record returned for the _more_changes attribute to determine if more changes are available and perform additional queries adjusting the start index. Args: url_opener: URL opener for request gerrit: Gerrit server URL query_string: Gerrit query string to select changes start: Number of changes to be skipped from the beginning count: Maximum number of changes to return Returns: List of changes """ data = [ ('q', query_string), ('o', 'CURRENT_REVISION'), ('o', 'CURRENT_COMMIT'), ('start', str(start)), ('n', str(count)), ] url = gerrit + '/a/changes/?' + urlencode(data) response_file = url_opener.open(url) try: return _decode_xssi_json(response_file.read()) finally: response_file.close() def query_change_lists(url_opener, gerrit, query_string, start, count): """Query change lists from the Gerrit server. This function queries the Gerrit server based on the input parameters for a list of changes. This function handles querying the server multiple times if necessary and combining the results that are returned to the caller. Args: url_opener: URL opener for request gerrit: Gerrit server URL query_string: Gerrit query string to select changes start: Number of changes to be skipped from the beginning count: Maximum number of changes to return Returns: List of changes """ changes = [] while len(changes) < count: chunk = _query_change_lists(url_opener, gerrit, query_string, start + len(changes), count - len(changes)) if not chunk: break changes += chunk # The last change object contains a _more_changes attribute if the # number of changes exceeds the query parameter or the internal server # limit. Stop iteration if `_more_changes` attribute doesn't exist. if '_more_changes' not in chunk[-1]: break return changes def _make_json_post_request(url_opener, url, data, method='POST'): """Open an URL request and decode its response. Returns a 3-tuple of (code, body, json). code: A numerical value, the HTTP status code of the response. body: A bytes, the response body. json: An object, the parsed JSON response. """ data = json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8') headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', } request = Request(url, data, headers) request.get_method = lambda: method try: response_file = url_opener.open(request) except HTTPError as error: response_file = error with response_file: res_code = response_file.getcode() res_body = response_file.read() try: res_json = _decode_xssi_json(res_body) except ValueError: # The response isn't JSON if it doesn't start with a XSSI token. # Possibly a plain text error message or empty body. res_json = None return (res_code, res_body, res_json) def set_review(url_opener, gerrit_url, change_id, labels, message): """Set review votes to a change list.""" url = '{}/a/changes/{}/revisions/current/review'.format( gerrit_url, change_id) data = {} if labels: data['labels'] = labels if message: data['message'] = message return _make_json_post_request(url_opener, url, data) def submit(url_opener, gerrit_url, change_id): """Submit a change list.""" url = '{}/a/changes/{}/submit'.format(gerrit_url, change_id) return _make_json_post_request(url_opener, url, {}) def abandon(url_opener, gerrit_url, change_id, message): """Abandon a change list.""" url = '{}/a/changes/{}/abandon'.format(gerrit_url, change_id) data = {} if message: data['message'] = message return _make_json_post_request(url_opener, url, data) def restore(url_opener, gerrit_url, change_id): """Restore a change list.""" url = '{}/a/changes/{}/restore'.format(gerrit_url, change_id) return _make_json_post_request(url_opener, url, {}) def set_topic(url_opener, gerrit_url, change_id, name): """Set the topic name.""" url = '{}/a/changes/{}/topic'.format(gerrit_url, change_id) data = {'topic': name} return _make_json_post_request(url_opener, url, data, method='PUT') def delete_topic(url_opener, gerrit_url, change_id): """Delete the topic name.""" url = '{}/a/changes/{}/topic'.format(gerrit_url, change_id) return _make_json_post_request(url_opener, url, {}, method='DELETE') def set_hashtags(url_opener, gerrit_url, change_id, add_tags=None, remove_tags=None): """Add or remove hash tags.""" url = '{}/a/changes/{}/hashtags'.format(gerrit_url, change_id) data = {} if add_tags: data['add'] = add_tags if remove_tags: data['remove'] = remove_tags return _make_json_post_request(url_opener, url, data) def add_reviewers(url_opener, gerrit_url, change_id, reviewers): """Add reviewers.""" url = '{}/a/changes/{}/revisions/current/review'.format( gerrit_url, change_id) data = {} if reviewers: data['reviewers'] = reviewers return _make_json_post_request(url_opener, url, data) def delete_reviewer(url_opener, gerrit_url, change_id, name): """Delete reviewer.""" url = '{}/a/changes/{}/reviewers/{}/delete'.format( gerrit_url, change_id, name) return _make_json_post_request(url_opener, url, {}) def get_patch(url_opener, gerrit_url, change_id, revision_id='current'): """Download the patch file.""" url = '{}/a/changes/{}/revisions/{}/patch'.format( gerrit_url, change_id, revision_id) response_file = url_opener.open(url) try: return base64.b64decode(response_file.read()) finally: response_file.close() def find_gerrit_name(): """Find the gerrit instance specified in the default remote.""" manifest_cmd = ['repo', 'manifest'] raw_manifest_xml = run(manifest_cmd, stdout=PIPE, check=True).stdout manifest_xml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(raw_manifest_xml) default_remote = manifest_xml.getElementsByTagName('default')[0] default_remote_name = default_remote.getAttribute('remote') for remote in manifest_xml.getElementsByTagName('remote'): name = remote.getAttribute('name') review = remote.getAttribute('review') if review and name == default_remote_name: return review.rstrip('/') raise ValueError('cannot find gerrit URL from manifest') def normalize_gerrit_name(gerrit): """Strip the trailing slashes because Gerrit will return 404 when there are redundant trailing slashes.""" return gerrit.rstrip('/') def _parse_args(): """Parse command line options.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('query', help='Change list query string') parser.add_argument('-g', '--gerrit', help='Gerrit review URL') parser.add_argument('--gitcookies', default=os.path.expanduser('~/.gitcookies'), help='Gerrit cookie file') parser.add_argument('--limits', default=1000, type=int, help='Max number of change lists') parser.add_argument('--start', default=0, type=int, help='Skip first N changes in query') parser.add_argument('--format', default='json', choices=['json', 'oneline'], help='Print format') return parser.parse_args() def main(): """Main function""" args = _parse_args() if args.gerrit: args.gerrit = normalize_gerrit_name(args.gerrit) else: try: args.gerrit = find_gerrit_name() # pylint: disable=bare-except except: print('gerrit instance not found, use [-g GERRIT]') sys.exit(1) # Query change lists url_opener = create_url_opener_from_args(args) change_lists = query_change_lists( url_opener, args.gerrit, args.query, args.start, args.limits) # Print the result if args.format == 'json': json.dump(change_lists, sys.stdout, indent=4, separators=(', ', ': ')) print() # Print the end-of-line elif args.format == 'oneline': for i, change in enumerate(change_lists): print('{i:<8} {number:<16} {status:<20} ' \ '{change_id:<60} {project:<120} ' \ '{subject}'.format(i=i, project=change['project'], change_id=change['change_id'], status=change['status'], number=change['_number'], subject=change['subject'])) if __name__ == '__main__': main()