#ifndef _DERANDOM_HPP #define _DERANDOM_HPP /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drawElements C++ Base Library * ----------------------------- * * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief Random number generator utilities. *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "deDefs.hpp" #include "deRandom.h" #include // std::distance() #include // std::swap() namespace de { //! Random self-test - compare returned values against hard-coded values. void Random_selfTest (void); class Random { public: Random (deUint32 seed) { deRandom_init(&m_rnd, seed); } ~Random (void) {} float getFloat (void) { return deRandom_getFloat(&m_rnd); } double getDouble (void) { return deRandom_getDouble(&m_rnd); } bool getBool (void) { return deRandom_getBool(&m_rnd) == DE_TRUE; } float getFloat (float min, float max); double getDouble (double min, double max); int getInt (int min, int max); deInt64 getInt64 (void) { deUint32 upper = getUint32(); return static_cast((deUint64)upper << 32ull | (deUint64)getUint32() ); } deUint64 getUint64 (void) { deUint32 upper = getUint32(); return (deUint64)upper << 32ull | (deUint64)getUint32(); } deInt32 getInt32 (void) { return static_cast(getUint32()); } deUint32 getUint32 (void) { return deRandom_getUint32(&m_rnd); } deUint16 getUint16 (void) { return (deUint16)deRandom_getUint32(&m_rnd); } deUint8 getUint8 (void) { return (deUint8)deRandom_getUint32(&m_rnd); } template void choose (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter result, int numItems); template T choose (InputIter first, InputIter last); // \note Weights must be floats template T chooseWeighted (InputIter first, InputIter last, WeightIter weight); template void shuffle (Iterator first, Iterator last); bool operator== (const Random& other) const; bool operator!= (const Random& other) const; private: deRandom m_rnd; } DE_WARN_UNUSED_TYPE; // Inline implementations inline float Random::getFloat (float min, float max) { DE_ASSERT(min <= max); return min + (max-min)*getFloat(); } inline double Random::getDouble (double min, double max) { DE_ASSERT(min <= max); return min + (max-min)*getDouble(); } inline int Random::getInt (int min, int max) { DE_ASSERT(min <= max); if (min == (int)0x80000000 && max == (int)0x7fffffff) return (int)getUint32(); else return min + (int)(getUint32() % ((deUint32)max - (deUint32)min + 1u)); } // Template implementations template void Random::choose (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter result, int numItems) { // Algorithm: Reservoir sampling // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reservoir_sampling // \note Will not work for suffling an array. Use suffle() instead. int ndx; for (ndx = 0; first != last; ++first, ++ndx) { if (ndx < numItems) *(result + ndx) = *first; else { int r = getInt(0, ndx); if (r < numItems) *(result + r) = *first; } } DE_ASSERT(ndx >= numItems); } template T Random::choose (InputIter first, InputIter last) { T val = T(); DE_ASSERT(first != last); choose(first, last, &val, 1); return val; } template T Random::chooseWeighted (InputIter first, InputIter last, WeightIter weight) { // Compute weight sum float weightSum = 0.0f; int ndx; for (ndx = 0; (first + ndx) != last; ndx++) weightSum += *(weight + ndx); // Random point in 0..weightSum float p = getFloat(0.0f, weightSum); // Find item in range InputIter lastNonZero = last; float curWeight = 0.0f; for (ndx = 0; (first + ndx) != last; ndx++) { float w = *(weight + ndx); curWeight += w; if (p < curWeight) return *(first + ndx); else if (w > 0.0f) lastNonZero = first + ndx; } DE_ASSERT(lastNonZero != last); return *lastNonZero; } template void Random::shuffle (Iterator first, Iterator last) { using std::swap; // Fisher-Yates suffle int numItems = (int)std::distance(first, last); for (int i = numItems-1; i >= 1; i--) { int j = getInt(0, i); swap(*(first + i), *(first + j)); } } template T randomScalar (de::Random& rnd, T minValue, T maxValue); template<> inline float randomScalar (de::Random& rnd, float minValue, float maxValue) { return rnd.getFloat(minValue, maxValue); } template<> inline deInt32 randomScalar (de::Random& rnd, deInt32 minValue, deInt32 maxValue) { return rnd.getInt(minValue, maxValue); } template<> inline deUint32 randomScalar (de::Random& rnd, deUint32 minValue, deUint32 maxValue) { if (minValue == 0 && maxValue == 0xffffffff) return rnd.getUint32(); return minValue + rnd.getUint32() % (maxValue - minValue + 1); } template<> inline deInt16 randomScalar (de::Random& rnd, deInt16 minValue, deInt16 maxValue) { return (deInt16)rnd.getInt(minValue, maxValue); } template<> inline deUint16 randomScalar (de::Random& rnd, deUint16 minValue, deUint16 maxValue) { return (deUint16)(minValue + rnd.getUint16() % (maxValue - minValue + 1)); } template<> inline deInt8 randomScalar (de::Random& rnd, deInt8 minValue, deInt8 maxValue) { return (deInt8)rnd.getInt(minValue, maxValue); } template<> inline deUint8 randomScalar (de::Random& rnd, deUint8 minValue, deUint8 maxValue) { return (deUint8)(minValue + rnd.getUint8() % (maxValue - minValue + 1)); } } // de #endif // _DERANDOM_HPP