// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html /******************************************************************** * COPYRIGHT: * Copyright (c) 2005-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and * others. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************************/ #include "unicode/utypes.h" #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING #include "unicode/unum.h" #include "unicode/ucurr.h" #include "unicode/ustring.h" #include "cintltst.h" #include "cmemory.h" #include "cstring.h" static void expectInList(const char *isoCurrency, uint32_t currencyType, UBool isExpected) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const char *foundCurrency = NULL; const char *currentCurrency; UEnumeration *en = ucurr_openISOCurrencies(currencyType, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Error: ucurr_openISOCurrencies returned %s\n", myErrorName(status)); return; } while ((currentCurrency = uenum_next(en, NULL, &status)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(isoCurrency, currentCurrency) == 0) { foundCurrency = currentCurrency; break; } } if ((foundCurrency != NULL) != isExpected) { log_err("Error: could not find %s as expected. isExpected = %s type=0x%X\n", isoCurrency, isExpected ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", currencyType); } uenum_close(en); } static void TestEnumList(void) { expectInList("ADP", UCURR_ALL, TRUE); /* First in list */ expectInList("ZWD", UCURR_ALL, TRUE); /* Last in list */ expectInList("USD", UCURR_ALL, TRUE); expectInList("USD", UCURR_COMMON, TRUE); expectInList("USD", UCURR_UNCOMMON, FALSE); expectInList("USD", UCURR_DEPRECATED, FALSE); expectInList("USD", UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED, TRUE); expectInList("USD", UCURR_COMMON|UCURR_DEPRECATED, FALSE); expectInList("USD", UCURR_COMMON|UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED, TRUE); expectInList("USD", UCURR_UNCOMMON|UCURR_DEPRECATED, FALSE); expectInList("USD", UCURR_UNCOMMON|UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED, FALSE); expectInList("USN", UCURR_ALL, TRUE); expectInList("USN", UCURR_COMMON, FALSE); expectInList("USN", UCURR_UNCOMMON, TRUE); expectInList("USN", UCURR_DEPRECATED, FALSE); expectInList("USN", UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED, TRUE); expectInList("USN", UCURR_COMMON|UCURR_DEPRECATED, FALSE); expectInList("USN", UCURR_COMMON|UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED, FALSE); expectInList("USN", UCURR_UNCOMMON|UCURR_DEPRECATED, FALSE); expectInList("USN", UCURR_UNCOMMON|UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED, TRUE); expectInList("DEM", UCURR_ALL, TRUE); expectInList("DEM", UCURR_COMMON, TRUE); expectInList("DEM", UCURR_UNCOMMON, FALSE); expectInList("DEM", UCURR_DEPRECATED, TRUE); expectInList("DEM", UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED, FALSE); expectInList("DEM", UCURR_COMMON|UCURR_DEPRECATED, TRUE); expectInList("DEM", UCURR_COMMON|UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED, FALSE); expectInList("DEM", UCURR_UNCOMMON|UCURR_DEPRECATED, FALSE); expectInList("DEM", UCURR_UNCOMMON|UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED, FALSE); expectInList("XEU", UCURR_ALL, TRUE); expectInList("XEU", UCURR_COMMON, FALSE); expectInList("XEU", UCURR_UNCOMMON, TRUE); expectInList("XEU", UCURR_DEPRECATED, TRUE); expectInList("XEU", UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED, FALSE); expectInList("XEU", UCURR_COMMON|UCURR_DEPRECATED, FALSE); expectInList("XEU", UCURR_COMMON|UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED, FALSE); expectInList("XEU", UCURR_UNCOMMON|UCURR_DEPRECATED, TRUE); expectInList("XEU", UCURR_UNCOMMON|UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED, FALSE); // ICU-21622 expectInList("UYW", UCURR_ALL, TRUE); expectInList("UYW", UCURR_COMMON, FALSE); expectInList("UYW", UCURR_UNCOMMON, TRUE); expectInList("UYW", UCURR_DEPRECATED, FALSE); expectInList("UYW", UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED, TRUE); // ICU-21685 expectInList("VES", UCURR_ALL, TRUE); expectInList("VES", UCURR_COMMON, TRUE); expectInList("VES", UCURR_UNCOMMON, FALSE); expectInList("VES", UCURR_DEPRECATED, FALSE); expectInList("VES", UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED, TRUE); expectInList("EQE", UCURR_ALL, FALSE); } static void TestEnumListReset(void) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const char *currency1; const char *currency2; UEnumeration *en = ucurr_openISOCurrencies(UCURR_ALL, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Error: ucurr_openISOCurrencies returned %s\n", myErrorName(status)); return; } currency1 = uenum_next(en, NULL, &status); uenum_reset(en, &status); currency2 = uenum_next(en, NULL, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Error: uenum_next or uenum_reset returned %s\n", myErrorName(status)); return; } /* The first item's pointer in the list should be the same between resets. */ if (currency1 != currency2) { log_err("Error: reset doesn't work %s != %s\n", currency1, currency2); } uenum_close(en); } static int32_t checkItemCount(uint32_t currencyType) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t originalCount, count; UEnumeration *en = ucurr_openISOCurrencies(currencyType, &status); int32_t expectedLen = 3, len; if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Error: ucurr_openISOCurrencies returned %s\n", myErrorName(status)); return -1; } originalCount = uenum_count(en, &status); for (count=0;;count++) { const char *str = uenum_next(en, &len, &status); if (str == NULL || len != expectedLen || (int32_t)strlen(str) != expectedLen) { break; } } if (originalCount != count) { log_err("Error: uenum_count returned the wrong value (type = 0x%X). Got: %d Expected %d\n", currencyType, count, originalCount); } if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Error: uenum_next got an error: %s\n", u_errorName(status)); } uenum_close(en); return count; } static void TestEnumListCount(void) { checkItemCount(UCURR_ALL); checkItemCount(UCURR_COMMON); checkItemCount(UCURR_UNCOMMON); checkItemCount(UCURR_DEPRECATED); checkItemCount(UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED); checkItemCount(UCURR_COMMON|UCURR_DEPRECATED); checkItemCount(UCURR_COMMON|UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED); checkItemCount(UCURR_UNCOMMON|UCURR_DEPRECATED); checkItemCount(UCURR_UNCOMMON|UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED); if (checkItemCount(UCURR_DEPRECATED|UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED) != 0) { log_err("Error: UCURR_DEPRECATED|UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED should return 0 items\n"); } if (checkItemCount(UCURR_COMMON|UCURR_UNCOMMON) != 0) { log_err("Error: UCURR_DEPRECATED|UCURR_NON_DEPRECATED should return 0 items\n"); } } static void TestFractionDigitOverride(void) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UNumberFormat *fmt = unum_open(UNUM_CURRENCY, NULL, 0, "hu_HU", NULL, &status); UChar buffer[256]; UChar expectedBuf[256]; const char expectedFirst[] = "123,46\\u00A0Ft"; /* changed to use 2 fraction digits */ const char expectedSecond[] = "123,46\\u00A0Ft"; const char expectedThird[] = "123,456\\u00A0Ft"; if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_data_err("Error: unum_open returned %s (Are you missing data?)\n", myErrorName(status)); return; } /* Make sure that you can format normal fraction digits. */ unum_formatDouble(fmt, 123.456, buffer, UPRV_LENGTHOF(buffer), NULL, &status); u_unescape(expectedFirst, expectedBuf, (int32_t)strlen(expectedFirst)+1); if (u_strcmp(buffer, expectedBuf) != 0) { log_err("Error: unum_formatDouble didn't return %s\n", expectedFirst); } /* Make sure that you can format 2 fraction digits. */ unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_FRACTION_DIGITS, 2); unum_formatDouble(fmt, 123.456, buffer, UPRV_LENGTHOF(buffer), NULL, &status); u_unescape(expectedSecond, expectedBuf, (int32_t)strlen(expectedSecond)+1); if (u_strcmp(buffer, expectedBuf) != 0) { log_err("Error: unum_formatDouble didn't return %s\n", expectedSecond); } /* Make sure that you can format more fraction digits. */ unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_FRACTION_DIGITS, 3); unum_formatDouble(fmt, 123.456, buffer, UPRV_LENGTHOF(buffer), NULL, &status); u_unescape(expectedThird, expectedBuf, (int32_t)strlen(expectedThird)+1); if (u_strcmp(buffer, expectedBuf) != 0) { log_err("Error: unum_formatDouble didn't return %s\n", expectedThird); } unum_close(fmt); } static void TestPrefixSuffix(void) { int32_t pos; UErrorCode status; double result1 = 0.0, result2 = 0.0; UNumberFormat* parser; UChar buffer[4]; static const UChar TEST_NUMBER[] = {0x0024,0x0031,0x0032,0x002E,0x0030,0x0030,0}; /* $12.00 */ static const UChar NEG_PREFIX[] = {0x005B,0}; /* "[" */ static const UChar NEG_SUFFIX[] = {0x005D,0}; /* "]" */ status = U_ZERO_ERROR; parser = unum_open(UNUM_CURRENCY, NULL, -1, "en_US", NULL, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_data_err("Error: unum_open returned %s (Are you missing data?)\n", u_errorName(status)); return; } pos = 0; status = U_ZERO_ERROR; result1 = unum_parseDoubleCurrency(parser, TEST_NUMBER, -1, &pos, buffer, &status); unum_setTextAttribute(parser, UNUM_NEGATIVE_SUFFIX, NEG_SUFFIX, -1, &status); unum_setTextAttribute(parser, UNUM_NEGATIVE_PREFIX, NEG_PREFIX, -1, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Error: unum_setTextAttribute returned %s\n", u_errorName(status)); return; } pos = 0; result2 = unum_parseDoubleCurrency(parser, TEST_NUMBER, -1, &pos, buffer, &status); if (result1 != result2 || U_FAILURE(status)) { log_err("Error: unum_parseDoubleCurrency didn't return the same value for same string %f %f %s\n", result1, result2, u_errorName(status)); } unum_close(parser); } typedef struct { const char* alphaCode; int32_t numericCode; } NumCodeTestEntry; static const NumCodeTestEntry NUMCODE_TESTDATA[] = { {"USD", 840}, {"Usd", 840}, /* mixed casing */ {"EUR", 978}, {"JPY", 392}, {"XFU", 0}, /* XFU: no numeric code */ {"ZZZ", 0}, /* ZZZ: undefined ISO currency code */ {"bogus", 0}, /* bogus code */ {0, 0}, }; static void TestNumericCode(void) { UChar code[8]; // at least one longer than the longest alphaCode int32_t i; int32_t numCode; for (i = 0; NUMCODE_TESTDATA[i].alphaCode; i++) { int32_t length = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(NUMCODE_TESTDATA[i].alphaCode); u_charsToUChars(NUMCODE_TESTDATA[i].alphaCode, code, length + 1); // +1 includes the NUL numCode = ucurr_getNumericCode(code); if (numCode != NUMCODE_TESTDATA[i].numericCode) { log_data_err("Error: ucurr_getNumericCode returned %d for currency %s, expected - %d\n", numCode, NUMCODE_TESTDATA[i].alphaCode, NUMCODE_TESTDATA[i].numericCode); } } } void addCurrencyTest(TestNode** root); #define TESTCASE(x) addTest(root, &x, "tsformat/currtest/" #x) void addCurrencyTest(TestNode** root) { TESTCASE(TestEnumList); TESTCASE(TestEnumListReset); TESTCASE(TestEnumListCount); TESTCASE(TestFractionDigitOverride); TESTCASE(TestPrefixSuffix); TESTCASE(TestNumericCode); } #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */