// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html /******************************************************************** * COPYRIGHT: * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and * others. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************************/ // // dcfmtest.cpp // // Decimal Formatter tests, data driven. // #include "intltest.h" #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING && !UCONFIG_NO_REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS #include "unicode/regex.h" #include "unicode/uchar.h" #include "unicode/ustring.h" #include "unicode/unistr.h" #include "unicode/dcfmtsym.h" #include "unicode/decimfmt.h" #include "unicode/locid.h" #include "cmemory.h" #include "dcfmtest.h" #include "util.h" #include "cstring.h" #include #include #include #if defined(__GLIBCXX__) namespace std { class type_info; } // WORKAROUND: http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=13364 #endif #include #include //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Test class boilerplate // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- DecimalFormatTest::DecimalFormatTest() { } DecimalFormatTest::~DecimalFormatTest() { } void DecimalFormatTest::runIndexedTest( int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &name, char* /*par*/ ) { if (exec) logln("TestSuite DecimalFormatTest: "); switch (index) { #if !UCONFIG_NO_FILE_IO case 0: name = "DataDrivenTests"; if (exec) DataDrivenTests(); break; #else case 0: name = "skip"; break; #endif default: name = ""; break; //needed to end loop } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Error Checking / Reporting macros used in all of the tests. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define DF_CHECK_STATUS UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { \ dataerrln("DecimalFormatTest failure at line %d. status=%s", \ __LINE__, u_errorName(status)); \ return 0; \ } \ } UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_END #define DF_ASSERT(expr) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \ if ((expr)==FALSE) { \ errln("DecimalFormatTest failure at line %d.\n", __LINE__); \ } \ } UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_END #define DF_ASSERT_FAIL(expr, errcode) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \ UErrorCode status=U_ZERO_ERROR; \ (expr); \ if (status!=errcode) { \ dataerrln("DecimalFormatTest failure at line %d. Expected status=%s, got %s", \ __LINE__, u_errorName(errcode), u_errorName(status)); \ } \ } UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_END #define DF_CHECK_STATUS_L(line) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { \ errln("DecimalFormatTest failure at line %d, from %d. status=%d\n",__LINE__, (line), status); \ } \ } UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_END #define DF_ASSERT_L(expr, line) UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_BEGIN { \ if ((expr)==FALSE) { \ errln("DecimalFormatTest failure at line %d, from %d.", __LINE__, (line)); \ return; \ } \ } UPRV_BLOCK_MACRO_END // // InvariantStringPiece // Wrap a StringPiece around the extracted invariant data of a UnicodeString. // The data is guaranteed to be nul terminated. (This is not true of StringPiece // in general, but is true of InvariantStringPiece) // class InvariantStringPiece: public StringPiece { public: InvariantStringPiece(const UnicodeString &s); ~InvariantStringPiece() {} private: MaybeStackArray buf; }; InvariantStringPiece::InvariantStringPiece(const UnicodeString &s) { int32_t len = s.length(); if (len+1 > buf.getCapacity()) { buf.resize(len+1); } // Buffer size is len+1 so that s.extract() will nul-terminate the string. s.extract(0, len, buf.getAlias(), len+1, US_INV); this->set(buf.getAlias(), len); } // UnicodeStringPiece // Wrap a StringPiece around the extracted (to the default charset) data of // a UnicodeString. The extracted data is guaranteed to be nul terminated. // (This is not true of StringPiece in general, but is true of UnicodeStringPiece) // class UnicodeStringPiece: public StringPiece { public: UnicodeStringPiece(const UnicodeString &s); ~UnicodeStringPiece() {} private: MaybeStackArray buf; }; UnicodeStringPiece::UnicodeStringPiece(const UnicodeString &s) { int32_t len = s.length(); int32_t capacity = buf.getCapacity(); int32_t requiredCapacity = s.extract(0, len, buf.getAlias(), capacity) + 1; if (capacity < requiredCapacity) { buf.resize(requiredCapacity); capacity = requiredCapacity; s.extract(0, len, buf.getAlias(), capacity); } this->set(buf.getAlias(), requiredCapacity - 1); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // DataDrivenTests // The test cases are in a separate data file, // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Translate a Formattable::type enum value to a string, for error message formatting. static const char *formattableType(Formattable::Type typ) { static const char *types[] = {"kDate", "kDouble", "kLong", "kString", "kArray", "kInt64", "kObject" }; if (typ<0 || typ>Formattable::kObject) { return "Unknown"; } return types[typ]; } const char * DecimalFormatTest::getPath(char *buffer, const char *filename) { UErrorCode status=U_ZERO_ERROR; const char *testDataDirectory = IntlTest::getSourceTestData(status); DF_CHECK_STATUS; strcpy(buffer, testDataDirectory); strcat(buffer, filename); return buffer; } void DecimalFormatTest::DataDrivenTests() { char tdd[2048]; const char *srcPath; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t lineNum = 0; // // Open and read the test data file. // srcPath=getPath(tdd, "dcfmtest.txt"); if(srcPath==NULL) { return; /* something went wrong, error already output */ } int32_t len; UChar *testData = ReadAndConvertFile(srcPath, len, "utf-8", status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; /* something went wrong, error already output */ } // // Put the test data into a UnicodeString // UnicodeString testString(FALSE, testData, len); RegexMatcher parseLineMat(UnicodeString( "(?i)\\s*parse\\s+" "\"([^\"]*)\"\\s+" // Capture group 1: input text "([ild])\\s+" // Capture group 2: expected parsed type "\"([^\"]*)\"\\s+" // Capture group 3: expected parsed decimal "\\s*(?:#.*)?"), // Trailing comment 0, status); RegexMatcher formatLineMat(UnicodeString( "(?i)\\s*format\\s+" "(\\S+)\\s+" // Capture group 1: pattern "(ceiling|floor|down|up|halfeven|halfdown|halfup|default|unnecessary)\\s+" // Capture group 2: Rounding Mode "\"([^\"]*)\"\\s+" // Capture group 3: input "\"([^\"]*)\"" // Capture group 4: expected output "\\s*(?:#.*)?"), // Trailing comment 0, status); RegexMatcher commentMat (UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("\\s*(#.*)?$"), 0, status); RegexMatcher lineMat(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("(?m)^(.*?)$"), testString, 0, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)){ dataerrln("Construct RegexMatcher() error."); delete [] testData; return; } // // Loop over the test data file, once per line. // while (lineMat.find()) { lineNum++; if (U_FAILURE(status)) { dataerrln("File dcfmtest.txt, line %d: ICU Error \"%s\"", lineNum, u_errorName(status)); } status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UnicodeString testLine = lineMat.group(1, status); // printf("%s\n", UnicodeStringPiece(testLine).data()); if (testLine.length() == 0) { continue; } // // Parse the test line. Skip blank and comment only lines. // Separate out the three main fields - pattern, flags, target. // commentMat.reset(testLine); if (commentMat.lookingAt(status)) { // This line is a comment, or blank. continue; } // // Handle "parse" test case line from file // parseLineMat.reset(testLine); if (parseLineMat.lookingAt(status)) { execParseTest(lineNum, parseLineMat.group(1, status), // input parseLineMat.group(2, status), // Expected Type parseLineMat.group(3, status), // Expected Decimal String status ); continue; } // // Handle "format" test case line // formatLineMat.reset(testLine); if (formatLineMat.lookingAt(status)) { execFormatTest(lineNum, formatLineMat.group(1, status), // Pattern formatLineMat.group(2, status), // rounding mode formatLineMat.group(3, status), // input decimal number formatLineMat.group(4, status), // expected formatted result kFormattable, status); execFormatTest(lineNum, formatLineMat.group(1, status), // Pattern formatLineMat.group(2, status), // rounding mode formatLineMat.group(3, status), // input decimal number formatLineMat.group(4, status), // expected formatted result kStringPiece, status); continue; } // // Line is not a recognizable test case. // errln("Badly formed test case at line %d.\n%s\n", lineNum, UnicodeStringPiece(testLine).data()); } delete [] testData; } void DecimalFormatTest::execParseTest(int32_t lineNum, const UnicodeString &inputText, const UnicodeString &expectedType, const UnicodeString &expectedDecimal, UErrorCode &status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } DecimalFormatSymbols symbols(Locale::getUS(), status); UnicodeString pattern = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("####"); DecimalFormat format(pattern, symbols, status); Formattable result; if (U_FAILURE(status)) { dataerrln("file dcfmtest.txt, line %d: %s error creating the formatter.", lineNum, u_errorName(status)); return; } ParsePosition pos; int32_t expectedParseEndPosition = inputText.length(); format.parse(inputText, result, pos); if (expectedParseEndPosition != pos.getIndex()) { errln("file dcfmtest.txt, line %d: Expected parse position afeter parsing: %d. " "Actual parse position: %d", expectedParseEndPosition, pos.getIndex()); return; } char expectedTypeC[2]; expectedType.extract(0, 1, expectedTypeC, 2, US_INV); Formattable::Type expectType = Formattable::kDate; switch (expectedTypeC[0]) { case 'd': expectType = Formattable::kDouble; break; case 'i': expectType = Formattable::kLong; break; case 'l': expectType = Formattable::kInt64; break; default: errln("file dcfmtest.tx, line %d: unrecognized expected type \"%s\"", lineNum, InvariantStringPiece(expectedType).data()); return; } if (result.getType() != expectType) { errln("file dcfmtest.txt, line %d: expectedParseType(%s) != actual parseType(%s)", lineNum, formattableType(expectType), formattableType(result.getType())); return; } StringPiece decimalResult = result.getDecimalNumber(status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("File %s, line %d: error %s. Line in file dcfmtest.txt: %d:", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status), lineNum); return; } InvariantStringPiece expectedResults(expectedDecimal); if (decimalResult != expectedResults) { errln("file dcfmtest.txt, line %d: expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"", lineNum, expectedResults.data(), decimalResult.data()); } return; } void DecimalFormatTest::execFormatTest(int32_t lineNum, const UnicodeString &pattern, // Pattern const UnicodeString &round, // rounding mode const UnicodeString &input, // input decimal number const UnicodeString &expected, // expected formatted result EFormatInputType inType, // input number type UErrorCode &status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; } DecimalFormatSymbols symbols(Locale::getUS(), status); // printf("Pattern = %s\n", UnicodeStringPiece(pattern).data()); DecimalFormat fmtr(pattern, symbols, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { dataerrln("file dcfmtest.txt, line %d: %s error creating the formatter.", lineNum, u_errorName(status)); return; } if (round=="ceiling") { fmtr.setRoundingMode(DecimalFormat::kRoundCeiling); } else if (round=="floor") { fmtr.setRoundingMode(DecimalFormat::kRoundFloor); } else if (round=="down") { fmtr.setRoundingMode(DecimalFormat::kRoundDown); } else if (round=="up") { fmtr.setRoundingMode(DecimalFormat::kRoundUp); } else if (round=="halfeven") { fmtr.setRoundingMode(DecimalFormat::kRoundHalfEven); } else if (round=="halfdown") { fmtr.setRoundingMode(DecimalFormat::kRoundHalfDown); } else if (round=="halfup") { fmtr.setRoundingMode(DecimalFormat::kRoundHalfUp); } else if (round=="default") { // don't set any value. } else if (round=="unnecessary") { fmtr.setRoundingMode(DecimalFormat::kRoundUnnecessary); } else { fmtr.setRoundingMode(DecimalFormat::kRoundFloor); errln("file dcfmtest.txt, line %d: Bad rounding mode \"%s\"", lineNum, UnicodeStringPiece(round).data()); } const char *typeStr = "Unknown"; UnicodeString result; UnicodeStringPiece spInput(input); switch (inType) { case kFormattable: { typeStr = "Formattable"; Formattable fmtbl; fmtbl.setDecimalNumber(spInput, status); fmtr.format(fmtbl, result, NULL, status); } break; case kStringPiece: typeStr = "StringPiece"; fmtr.format(spInput, result, NULL, status); break; } if ((status == U_FORMAT_INEXACT_ERROR) && (result == "") && (expected == "Inexact")) { // Test succeeded. status = U_ZERO_ERROR; return; } if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("[%s] file dcfmtest.txt, line %d: format() returned %s.", typeStr, lineNum, u_errorName(status)); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; return; } if (result != expected) { errln("[%s] file dcfmtest.txt, line %d: expected \"%s\", got \"%s\", %s", typeStr, lineNum, UnicodeStringPiece(expected).data(), UnicodeStringPiece(result).data(), u_errorName(status)); } } #endif /* !UCONFIG_NO_REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS */