// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html /* ******************************************************************************* * * Copyright (C) 2002-2016, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* * file name: strcase.cpp * encoding: UTF-8 * tab size: 8 (not used) * indentation:4 * * created on: 2002mar12 * created by: Markus W. Scherer * * Test file for string casing C++ API functions. */ #include "unicode/std_string.h" #include "unicode/brkiter.h" #include "unicode/casemap.h" #include "unicode/edits.h" #include "unicode/uchar.h" #include "unicode/ures.h" #include "unicode/uloc.h" #include "unicode/locid.h" #include "unicode/ubrk.h" #include "unicode/unistr.h" #include "unicode/ucasemap.h" #include "unicode/ustring.h" #include "ucase.h" #include "ustrtest.h" #include "unicode/tstdtmod.h" #include "cmemory.h" #include "testutil.h" class StringCaseTest: public IntlTest { public: StringCaseTest(); virtual ~StringCaseTest(); void runIndexedTest(int32_t index, UBool exec, const char *&name, char *par=0) override; void TestCaseConversion(); void TestCasingImpl(const UnicodeString &input, const UnicodeString &output, int32_t whichCase, void *iter, const char *localeID, uint32_t options); void TestCasing(); void TestTitleOptions(); void TestFullCaseFoldingIterator(); void TestGreekUpper(); void TestArmenian(); void TestLongUpper(); void TestMalformedUTF8(); void TestBufferOverflow(); void TestEdits(); void TestCopyMoveEdits(); void TestEditsFindFwdBwd(); void TestMergeEdits(); void TestCaseMapWithEdits(); void TestCaseMapUTF8WithEdits(); void TestCaseMapToString(); void TestCaseMapUTF8ToString(); void TestLongUnicodeString(); void TestBug13127(); void TestInPlaceTitle(); void TestCaseMapEditsIteratorDocs(); void TestCaseMapGreekExtended(); private: void assertGreekUpper(const char16_t *s, const char16_t *expected); Locale GREEK_LOCALE_; }; StringCaseTest::StringCaseTest() : GREEK_LOCALE_("el") {} StringCaseTest::~StringCaseTest() {} extern IntlTest *createStringCaseTest() { return new StringCaseTest(); } void StringCaseTest::runIndexedTest(int32_t index, UBool exec, const char *&name, char * /*par*/) { if(exec) { logln("TestSuite StringCaseTest: "); } TESTCASE_AUTO_BEGIN; TESTCASE_AUTO(TestCaseConversion); #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION && !UCONFIG_NO_FILE_IO && !UCONFIG_NO_LEGACY_CONVERSION TESTCASE_AUTO(TestCasing); TESTCASE_AUTO(TestTitleOptions); #endif TESTCASE_AUTO(TestFullCaseFoldingIterator); TESTCASE_AUTO(TestGreekUpper); TESTCASE_AUTO(TestArmenian); TESTCASE_AUTO(TestLongUpper); TESTCASE_AUTO(TestMalformedUTF8); TESTCASE_AUTO(TestBufferOverflow); TESTCASE_AUTO(TestEdits); TESTCASE_AUTO(TestCopyMoveEdits); TESTCASE_AUTO(TestEditsFindFwdBwd); TESTCASE_AUTO(TestMergeEdits); TESTCASE_AUTO(TestCaseMapWithEdits); TESTCASE_AUTO(TestCaseMapUTF8WithEdits); TESTCASE_AUTO(TestCaseMapToString); TESTCASE_AUTO(TestCaseMapUTF8ToString); TESTCASE_AUTO(TestLongUnicodeString); #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION TESTCASE_AUTO(TestBug13127); TESTCASE_AUTO(TestInPlaceTitle); #endif TESTCASE_AUTO(TestCaseMapEditsIteratorDocs); TESTCASE_AUTO(TestCaseMapGreekExtended); TESTCASE_AUTO_END; } void StringCaseTest::TestCaseConversion() { static const UChar uppercaseGreek[] = { 0x399, 0x395, 0x3a3, 0x3a5, 0x3a3, 0x20, 0x03a7, 0x3a1, 0x399, 0x3a3, 0x3a4, 0x39f, 0x3a3, 0 }; // "IESUS CHRISTOS" static const UChar lowercaseGreek[] = { 0x3b9, 0x3b5, 0x3c3, 0x3c5, 0x3c2, 0x20, 0x03c7, 0x3c1, 0x3b9, 0x3c3, 0x3c4, 0x3bf, 0x3c2, 0 }; // "iesus christos" static const UChar lowercaseTurkish[] = { 0x69, 0x73, 0x74, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x62, 0x75, 0x6c, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x20, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x74, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x0131, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x21, 0 }; static const UChar uppercaseTurkish[] = { 0x54, 0x4f, 0x50, 0x4b, 0x41, 0x50, 0x49, 0x20, 0x50, 0x41, 0x4c, 0x41, 0x43, 0x45, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x0130, 0x53, 0x54, 0x41, 0x4e, 0x42, 0x55, 0x4c, 0 }; UnicodeString expectedResult; UnicodeString test3; test3 += (UChar32)0x0130; test3 += "STANBUL, NOT CONSTANTINOPLE!"; UnicodeString test4(test3); test4.toLower(Locale("")); expectedResult = UnicodeString("i\\u0307stanbul, not constantinople!", "").unescape(); if (test4 != expectedResult) errln("1. toLower failed: expected \"" + expectedResult + "\", got \"" + test4 + "\"."); test4 = test3; test4.toLower(Locale("tr", "TR")); expectedResult = lowercaseTurkish; if (test4 != expectedResult) errln("2. toLower failed: expected \"" + expectedResult + "\", got \"" + test4 + "\"."); test3 = "topkap"; test3 += (UChar32)0x0131; test3 += " palace, istanbul"; test4 = test3; test4.toUpper(Locale("")); expectedResult = "TOPKAPI PALACE, ISTANBUL"; if (test4 != expectedResult) errln("toUpper failed: expected \"" + expectedResult + "\", got \"" + test4 + "\"."); test4 = test3; test4.toUpper(Locale("tr", "TR")); expectedResult = uppercaseTurkish; if (test4 != expectedResult) errln("toUpper failed: expected \"" + expectedResult + "\", got \"" + test4 + "\"."); test3 = CharsToUnicodeString("S\\u00FC\\u00DFmayrstra\\u00DFe"); test3.toUpper(Locale("de", "DE")); expectedResult = CharsToUnicodeString("S\\u00DCSSMAYRSTRASSE"); if (test3 != expectedResult) errln("toUpper failed: expected \"" + expectedResult + "\", got \"" + test3 + "\"."); test4.replace(0, test4.length(), uppercaseGreek); test4.toLower(Locale("el", "GR")); expectedResult = lowercaseGreek; if (test4 != expectedResult) errln("toLower failed: expected \"" + expectedResult + "\", got \"" + test4 + "\"."); test4.replace(0, test4.length(), lowercaseGreek); test4.toUpper(); expectedResult = uppercaseGreek; if (test4 != expectedResult) errln("toUpper failed: expected \"" + expectedResult + "\", got \"" + test4 + "\"."); // more string case mapping tests with the new implementation { static const UChar beforeLower[]= { 0x61, 0x42, 0x49, 0x3a3, 0xdf, 0x3a3, 0x2f, 0xd93f, 0xdfff }, lowerRoot[]= { 0x61, 0x62, 0x69, 0x3c3, 0xdf, 0x3c2, 0x2f, 0xd93f, 0xdfff }, lowerTurkish[]={ 0x61, 0x62, 0x131, 0x3c3, 0xdf, 0x3c2, 0x2f, 0xd93f, 0xdfff }, beforeUpper[]= { 0x61, 0x42, 0x69, 0x3c2, 0xdf, 0x3c3, 0x2f, 0xfb03, 0xfb03, 0xfb03, 0xd93f, 0xdfff }, upperRoot[]= { 0x41, 0x42, 0x49, 0x3a3, 0x53, 0x53, 0x3a3, 0x2f, 0x46, 0x46, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46, 0x49, 0xd93f, 0xdfff }, upperTurkish[]={ 0x41, 0x42, 0x130, 0x3a3, 0x53, 0x53, 0x3a3, 0x2f, 0x46, 0x46, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46, 0x49, 0xd93f, 0xdfff }, beforeMiniUpper[]= { 0xdf, 0x61 }, miniUpper[]= { 0x53, 0x53, 0x41 }; UnicodeString s; /* lowercase with root locale */ s=UnicodeString(FALSE, beforeLower, UPRV_LENGTHOF(beforeLower)); s.toLower(""); if( s.length()!=UPRV_LENGTHOF(lowerRoot) || s!=UnicodeString(FALSE, lowerRoot, s.length()) ) { errln("error in toLower(root locale)=\"" + s + "\" expected \"" + UnicodeString(FALSE, lowerRoot, UPRV_LENGTHOF(lowerRoot)) + "\""); } /* lowercase with turkish locale */ s=UnicodeString(FALSE, beforeLower, UPRV_LENGTHOF(beforeLower)); s.setCharAt(0, beforeLower[0]).toLower(Locale("tr")); if( s.length()!=UPRV_LENGTHOF(lowerTurkish) || s!=UnicodeString(FALSE, lowerTurkish, s.length()) ) { errln("error in toLower(turkish locale)=\"" + s + "\" expected \"" + UnicodeString(FALSE, lowerTurkish, UPRV_LENGTHOF(lowerTurkish)) + "\""); } /* uppercase with root locale */ s=UnicodeString(FALSE, beforeUpper, UPRV_LENGTHOF(beforeUpper)); s.setCharAt(0, beforeUpper[0]).toUpper(Locale("")); if( s.length()!=UPRV_LENGTHOF(upperRoot) || s!=UnicodeString(FALSE, upperRoot, s.length()) ) { errln("error in toUpper(root locale)=\"" + s + "\" expected \"" + UnicodeString(FALSE, upperRoot, UPRV_LENGTHOF(upperRoot)) + "\""); } /* uppercase with turkish locale */ s=UnicodeString(FALSE, beforeUpper, UPRV_LENGTHOF(beforeUpper)); s.toUpper(Locale("tr")); if( s.length()!=UPRV_LENGTHOF(upperTurkish) || s!=UnicodeString(FALSE, upperTurkish, s.length()) ) { errln("error in toUpper(turkish locale)=\"" + s + "\" expected \"" + UnicodeString(FALSE, upperTurkish, UPRV_LENGTHOF(upperTurkish)) + "\""); } /* uppercase a short string with root locale */ s=UnicodeString(FALSE, beforeMiniUpper, UPRV_LENGTHOF(beforeMiniUpper)); s.setCharAt(0, beforeMiniUpper[0]).toUpper(""); if( s.length()!=UPRV_LENGTHOF(miniUpper) || s!=UnicodeString(FALSE, miniUpper, s.length()) ) { errln("error in toUpper(root locale)=\"" + s + "\" expected \"" + UnicodeString(FALSE, miniUpper, UPRV_LENGTHOF(miniUpper)) + "\""); } } // test some supplementary characters (>= Unicode 3.1) { UnicodeString t; UnicodeString deseretInput=UnicodeString("\\U0001043C\\U00010414", "").unescape(), deseretLower=UnicodeString("\\U0001043C\\U0001043C", "").unescape(), deseretUpper=UnicodeString("\\U00010414\\U00010414", "").unescape(); (t=deseretInput).toLower(); if(t!=deseretLower) { errln("error lowercasing Deseret (plane 1) characters"); } (t=deseretInput).toUpper(); if(t!=deseretUpper) { errln("error uppercasing Deseret (plane 1) characters"); } } // test some more cases that looked like problems { UnicodeString t; UnicodeString ljInput=UnicodeString("ab'cD \\uFB00i\\u0131I\\u0130 \\u01C7\\u01C8\\u01C9 \\U0001043C\\U00010414", "").unescape(), ljLower=UnicodeString("ab'cd \\uFB00i\\u0131ii\\u0307 \\u01C9\\u01C9\\u01C9 \\U0001043C\\U0001043C", "").unescape(), ljUpper=UnicodeString("AB'CD FFIII\\u0130 \\u01C7\\u01C7\\u01C7 \\U00010414\\U00010414", "").unescape(); (t=ljInput).toLower("en"); if(t!=ljLower) { errln("error lowercasing LJ characters"); } (t=ljInput).toUpper("en"); if(t!=ljUpper) { errln("error uppercasing LJ characters"); } } #if !UCONFIG_NO_NORMALIZATION // some context-sensitive casing depends on normalization data being present // Unicode 3.1.1 SpecialCasing tests { UnicodeString t; // sigmas preceded and/or followed by cased letters UnicodeString sigmas=UnicodeString("i\\u0307\\u03a3\\u0308j \\u0307\\u03a3\\u0308j i\\u00ad\\u03a3\\u0308 \\u0307\\u03a3\\u0308 ", "").unescape(), sigmasLower=UnicodeString("i\\u0307\\u03c3\\u0308j \\u0307\\u03c3\\u0308j i\\u00ad\\u03c2\\u0308 \\u0307\\u03c3\\u0308 ", "").unescape(), sigmasUpper=UnicodeString("I\\u0307\\u03a3\\u0308J \\u0307\\u03a3\\u0308J I\\u00ad\\u03a3\\u0308 \\u0307\\u03a3\\u0308 ", "").unescape(); (t=sigmas).toLower(); if(t!=sigmasLower) { errln("error in sigmas.toLower()=\"" + t + "\" expected \"" + sigmasLower + "\""); } (t=sigmas).toUpper(Locale("")); if(t!=sigmasUpper) { errln("error in sigmas.toUpper()=\"" + t + "\" expected \"" + sigmasUpper + "\""); } // turkish & azerbaijani dotless i & dotted I // remove dot above if there was a capital I before and there are no more accents above UnicodeString dots=UnicodeString("I \\u0130 I\\u0307 I\\u0327\\u0307 I\\u0301\\u0307 I\\u0327\\u0307\\u0301", "").unescape(), dotsTurkish=UnicodeString("\\u0131 i i i\\u0327 \\u0131\\u0301\\u0307 i\\u0327\\u0301", "").unescape(), dotsDefault=UnicodeString("i i\\u0307 i\\u0307 i\\u0327\\u0307 i\\u0301\\u0307 i\\u0327\\u0307\\u0301", "").unescape(); (t=dots).toLower("tr"); if(t!=dotsTurkish) { errln("error in dots.toLower(tr)=\"" + t + "\" expected \"" + dotsTurkish + "\""); } (t=dots).toLower("de"); if(t!=dotsDefault) { errln("error in dots.toLower(de)=\"" + t + "\" expected \"" + dotsDefault + "\""); } } // more Unicode 3.1.1 tests { UnicodeString t; // lithuanian dot above in uppercasing UnicodeString dots=UnicodeString("a\\u0307 \\u0307 i\\u0307 j\\u0327\\u0307 j\\u0301\\u0307", "").unescape(), dotsLithuanian=UnicodeString("A\\u0307 \\u0307 I J\\u0327 J\\u0301\\u0307", "").unescape(), dotsDefault=UnicodeString("A\\u0307 \\u0307 I\\u0307 J\\u0327\\u0307 J\\u0301\\u0307", "").unescape(); (t=dots).toUpper("lt"); if(t!=dotsLithuanian) { errln("error in dots.toUpper(lt)=\"" + t + "\" expected \"" + dotsLithuanian + "\""); } (t=dots).toUpper("de"); if(t!=dotsDefault) { errln("error in dots.toUpper(de)=\"" + t + "\" expected \"" + dotsDefault + "\""); } // lithuanian adds dot above to i in lowercasing if there are more above accents UnicodeString i=UnicodeString("I I\\u0301 J J\\u0301 \\u012e \\u012e\\u0301 \\u00cc\\u00cd\\u0128", "").unescape(), iLithuanian=UnicodeString("i i\\u0307\\u0301 j j\\u0307\\u0301 \\u012f \\u012f\\u0307\\u0301 i\\u0307\\u0300i\\u0307\\u0301i\\u0307\\u0303", "").unescape(), iDefault=UnicodeString("i i\\u0301 j j\\u0301 \\u012f \\u012f\\u0301 \\u00ec\\u00ed\\u0129", "").unescape(); (t=i).toLower("lt"); if(t!=iLithuanian) { errln("error in i.toLower(lt)=\"" + t + "\" expected \"" + iLithuanian + "\""); } (t=i).toLower("de"); if(t!=iDefault) { errln("error in i.toLower(de)=\"" + t + "\" expected \"" + iDefault + "\""); } } #endif // test case folding { UnicodeString s=UnicodeString("A\\u00df\\u00b5\\ufb03\\U0001040c\\u0130\\u0131", "").unescape(), f=UnicodeString("ass\\u03bcffi\\U00010434i\\u0307\\u0131", "").unescape(), g=UnicodeString("ass\\u03bcffi\\U00010434i\\u0131", "").unescape(), t; (t=s).foldCase(); if(f!=t) { errln("error in foldCase(\"" + s + "\", default)=\"" + t + "\" but expected \"" + f + "\""); } // alternate handling for dotted I/dotless i (U+0130, U+0131) (t=s).foldCase(U_FOLD_CASE_EXCLUDE_SPECIAL_I); if(g!=t) { errln("error in foldCase(\"" + s + "\", U_FOLD_CASE_EXCLUDE_SPECIAL_I)=\"" + t + "\" but expected \"" + g + "\""); } } } // data-driven case mapping tests ------------------------------------------ *** enum { TEST_LOWER, TEST_UPPER, TEST_TITLE, TEST_FOLD, TEST_COUNT }; // names of TestData children in casing.txt static const char *const dataNames[TEST_COUNT+1]={ "lowercasing", "uppercasing", "titlecasing", "casefolding", "" }; void StringCaseTest::TestCasingImpl(const UnicodeString &input, const UnicodeString &output, int32_t whichCase, void *iter, const char *localeID, uint32_t options) { // UnicodeString UnicodeString result; const char *name; Locale locale(localeID); result=input; switch(whichCase) { case TEST_LOWER: name="toLower"; result.toLower(locale); break; case TEST_UPPER: name="toUpper"; result.toUpper(locale); break; #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION case TEST_TITLE: name="toTitle"; result.toTitle((BreakIterator *)iter, locale, options); break; #endif case TEST_FOLD: name="foldCase"; result.foldCase(options); break; default: name=""; break; // won't happen } if(result!=output) { dataerrln("error: UnicodeString.%s() got a wrong result for a test case from casing.res", name); } #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION if(whichCase==TEST_TITLE && options==0) { result=input; result.toTitle((BreakIterator *)iter, locale); if(result!=output) { dataerrln("error: UnicodeString.toTitle(options=0) got a wrong result for a test case from casing.res"); } } #endif // UTF-8 char utf8In[100], utf8Out[100]; int32_t utf8InLength, utf8OutLength, resultLength; UChar *buffer; IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestCasingImpl"); LocalUCaseMapPointer csm(ucasemap_open(localeID, options, errorCode)); #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION if(iter!=NULL) { // Clone the break iterator so that the UCaseMap can safely adopt it. UBreakIterator *clone=ubrk_safeClone((UBreakIterator *)iter, NULL, NULL, errorCode); ucasemap_setBreakIterator(csm.getAlias(), clone, errorCode); } #endif u_strToUTF8(utf8In, (int32_t)sizeof(utf8In), &utf8InLength, input.getBuffer(), input.length(), errorCode); switch(whichCase) { case TEST_LOWER: name="ucasemap_utf8ToLower"; utf8OutLength=ucasemap_utf8ToLower(csm.getAlias(), utf8Out, (int32_t)sizeof(utf8Out), utf8In, utf8InLength, errorCode); break; case TEST_UPPER: name="ucasemap_utf8ToUpper"; utf8OutLength=ucasemap_utf8ToUpper(csm.getAlias(), utf8Out, (int32_t)sizeof(utf8Out), utf8In, utf8InLength, errorCode); break; #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION case TEST_TITLE: name="ucasemap_utf8ToTitle"; utf8OutLength=ucasemap_utf8ToTitle(csm.getAlias(), utf8Out, (int32_t)sizeof(utf8Out), utf8In, utf8InLength, errorCode); break; #endif case TEST_FOLD: name="ucasemap_utf8FoldCase"; utf8OutLength=ucasemap_utf8FoldCase(csm.getAlias(), utf8Out, (int32_t)sizeof(utf8Out), utf8In, utf8InLength, errorCode); break; default: name=""; utf8OutLength=0; break; // won't happen } buffer=result.getBuffer(utf8OutLength); u_strFromUTF8(buffer, result.getCapacity(), &resultLength, utf8Out, utf8OutLength, errorCode); result.releaseBuffer(errorCode.isSuccess() ? resultLength : 0); if(errorCode.isFailure()) { errcheckln(errorCode, "error: %s() got an error for a test case from casing.res - %s", name, u_errorName(errorCode)); errorCode.reset(); } else if(result!=output) { errln("error: %s() got a wrong result for a test case from casing.res", name); errln("expected \"" + output + "\" got \"" + result + "\"" ); } } void StringCaseTest::TestCasing() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION LocalUBreakIteratorPointer iter; #endif char cLocaleID[100]; UnicodeString locale, input, output, optionsString, result; uint32_t options; int32_t whichCase, type; LocalPointer driver(TestDataModule::getTestDataModule("casing", *this, status)); if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { for(whichCase=0; whichCase casingTest(driver->createTestData(dataNames[whichCase], status)); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("TestCasing failed to createTestData(%s) - %s", dataNames[whichCase], u_errorName(status)); break; } const DataMap *myCase = NULL; while(casingTest->nextCase(myCase, status)) { input = myCase->getString("Input", status); output = myCase->getString("Output", status); if(whichCase!=TEST_FOLD) { locale = myCase->getString("Locale", status); } locale.extract(0, 0x7fffffff, cLocaleID, sizeof(cLocaleID), ""); #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION if(whichCase==TEST_TITLE) { type = myCase->getInt("Type", status); if(type>=0) { iter.adoptInstead(ubrk_open((UBreakIteratorType)type, cLocaleID, NULL, 0, &status)); } else if(type==-2) { // Open a trivial break iterator that only delivers { 0, length } // or even just { 0 } as boundaries. static const UChar rules[] = { 0x2e, 0x2a, 0x3b }; // ".*;" UParseError parseError; iter.adoptInstead(ubrk_openRules(rules, UPRV_LENGTHOF(rules), NULL, 0, &parseError, &status)); } } #endif options = 0; if(whichCase==TEST_TITLE || whichCase==TEST_FOLD) { optionsString = myCase->getString("Options", status); if(optionsString.indexOf((UChar)0x54)>=0) { // T options|=U_FOLD_CASE_EXCLUDE_SPECIAL_I; } if(optionsString.indexOf((UChar)0x4c)>=0) { // L options|=U_TITLECASE_NO_LOWERCASE; } if(optionsString.indexOf((UChar)0x41)>=0) { // A options|=U_TITLECASE_NO_BREAK_ADJUSTMENT; } } if(U_FAILURE(status)) { dataerrln("error: TestCasing() setup failed for %s test case from casing.res: %s", dataNames[whichCase], u_errorName(status)); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; } else { #if UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION LocalPointer iter; #endif TestCasingImpl(input, output, whichCase, iter.getAlias(), cLocaleID, options); } #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION iter.adoptInstead(NULL); #endif } } } #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION // more tests for API coverage status=U_ZERO_ERROR; input=UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("sTrA\\u00dfE").unescape(); (result=input).toTitle(NULL); if(result!=UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("Stra\\u00dfe").unescape()) { dataerrln("UnicodeString::toTitle(NULL) failed."); } #endif } void StringCaseTest::TestTitleOptions() { // New options in ICU 60. TestCasingImpl(u"ʻcAt! ʻeTc.", u"ʻCat! ʻetc.", TEST_TITLE, nullptr, "", U_TITLECASE_WHOLE_STRING); TestCasingImpl(u"a ʻCaT. A ʻdOg! ʻeTc.", u"A ʻCaT. A ʻdOg! ʻETc.", TEST_TITLE, nullptr, "", U_TITLECASE_SENTENCES|U_TITLECASE_NO_LOWERCASE); TestCasingImpl(u"49eRs", u"49ers", TEST_TITLE, nullptr, "", U_TITLECASE_WHOLE_STRING); TestCasingImpl(u"«丰(aBc)»", u"«丰(abc)»", TEST_TITLE, nullptr, "", U_TITLECASE_WHOLE_STRING); TestCasingImpl(u"49eRs", u"49Ers", TEST_TITLE, nullptr, "", U_TITLECASE_WHOLE_STRING|U_TITLECASE_ADJUST_TO_CASED); TestCasingImpl(u"«丰(aBc)»", u"«丰(Abc)»", TEST_TITLE, nullptr, "", U_TITLECASE_WHOLE_STRING|U_TITLECASE_ADJUST_TO_CASED); TestCasingImpl(u" john. Smith", u" John. Smith", TEST_TITLE, nullptr, "", U_TITLECASE_WHOLE_STRING|U_TITLECASE_NO_LOWERCASE); TestCasingImpl(u" john. Smith", u" john. smith", TEST_TITLE, nullptr, "", U_TITLECASE_WHOLE_STRING|U_TITLECASE_NO_BREAK_ADJUSTMENT); TestCasingImpl(u"«ijs»", u"«IJs»", TEST_TITLE, nullptr, "nl-BE", U_TITLECASE_WHOLE_STRING); TestCasingImpl(u"«ijs»", u"«İjs»", TEST_TITLE, nullptr, "tr-DE", U_TITLECASE_WHOLE_STRING); #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION // Test conflicting settings. // If & when we add more options, then the ORed combinations may become // indistinguishable from valid values. IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestTitleOptions"); CaseMap::toTitle("", U_TITLECASE_NO_BREAK_ADJUSTMENT|U_TITLECASE_ADJUST_TO_CASED, nullptr, u"", 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, errorCode); if (errorCode.get() != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { errln("CaseMap::toTitle(multiple adjustment options) -> %s not illegal argument", errorCode.errorName()); } errorCode.reset(); CaseMap::toTitle("", U_TITLECASE_WHOLE_STRING|U_TITLECASE_SENTENCES, nullptr, u"", 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, errorCode); if (errorCode.get() != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { errln("CaseMap::toTitle(multiple iterator options) -> %s not illegal argument", errorCode.errorName()); } errorCode.reset(); LocalPointer iter( BreakIterator::createCharacterInstance(Locale::getRoot(), errorCode)); CaseMap::toTitle("", U_TITLECASE_WHOLE_STRING, iter.getAlias(), u"", 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, errorCode); if (errorCode.get() != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { errln("CaseMap::toTitle(iterator option + iterator) -> %s not illegal argument", errorCode.errorName()); } errorCode.reset(); #endif } void StringCaseTest::TestFullCaseFoldingIterator() { UnicodeString ffi=UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("ffi"); UnicodeString ss=UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("ss"); FullCaseFoldingIterator iter; int32_t count=0; int32_t countSpecific=0; UChar32 c; UnicodeString full; while((c=iter.next(full))>=0) { ++count; // Check that the full Case_Folding has more than 1 code point. if(!full.hasMoreChar32Than(0, 0x7fffffff, 1)) { errln("error: FullCaseFoldingIterator.next()=U+%04lX full Case_Folding has at most 1 code point", (long)c); continue; } // Check that full == Case_Folding(c). UnicodeString cf(c); cf.foldCase(); if(full!=cf) { errln("error: FullCaseFoldingIterator.next()=U+%04lX full Case_Folding != cf(c)", (long)c); continue; } // Spot-check a couple of specific cases. if((full==ffi && c==0xfb03) || (full==ss && (c==0xdf || c==0x1e9e))) { ++countSpecific; } } if(countSpecific!=3) { errln("error: FullCaseFoldingIterator did not yield exactly the expected specific cases"); } if(count<70) { errln("error: FullCaseFoldingIterator yielded only %d (cp, full) pairs", (int)count); } } void StringCaseTest::assertGreekUpper(const char16_t *s, const char16_t *expected) { UnicodeString s16(s); UnicodeString expected16(expected); UnicodeString msg = UnicodeString("UnicodeString::toUpper/Greek(\"") + s16 + "\")"; UnicodeString result16(s16); result16.toUpper(GREEK_LOCALE_); assertEquals(msg, expected16, result16); msg = UnicodeString("u_strToUpper/Greek(\"") + s16 + "\") cap="; int32_t length = expected16.length(); int32_t capacities[] = { // Keep in sync with the UTF-8 capacities near the bottom of this function. 0, length / 2, length - 1, length, length + 1 }; for (int32_t i = 0; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(capacities); ++i) { int32_t cap = capacities[i]; UChar *dest16 = result16.getBuffer(expected16.length() + 1); u_memset(dest16, 0x55AA, result16.getCapacity()); UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR; length = u_strToUpper(dest16, cap, s16.getBuffer(), s16.length(), "el", &errorCode); assertEquals(msg + cap, expected16.length(), length); UErrorCode expectedErrorCode; if (cap < expected16.length()) { expectedErrorCode = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR; } else if (cap == expected16.length()) { expectedErrorCode = U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING; } else { expectedErrorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR; assertEquals(msg + cap + " NUL", 0, dest16[length]); } assertEquals(msg + cap + " errorCode", expectedErrorCode, errorCode); result16.releaseBuffer(length); if (cap >= expected16.length()) { assertEquals(msg + cap, expected16, result16); } } UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR; LocalUCaseMapPointer csm(ucasemap_open("el", 0, &errorCode)); assertSuccess("ucasemap_open", errorCode); std::string s8; s16.toUTF8String(s8); msg = UnicodeString("ucasemap_utf8ToUpper/Greek(\"") + s16 + "\")"; char dest8[1000]; length = ucasemap_utf8ToUpper(csm.getAlias(), dest8, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest8), s8.data(), static_cast(s8.length()), &errorCode); assertSuccess("ucasemap_utf8ToUpper", errorCode); StringPiece result8(dest8, length); UnicodeString result16From8 = UnicodeString::fromUTF8(result8); assertEquals(msg, expected16, result16From8); msg += " cap="; capacities[1] = length / 2; capacities[2] = length - 1; capacities[3] = length; capacities[4] = length + 1; char dest8b[1000]; int32_t expected8Length = length; // Assuming the previous call worked. for (int32_t i = 0; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(capacities); ++i) { int32_t cap = capacities[i]; memset(dest8b, 0x5A, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest8b)); UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR; length = ucasemap_utf8ToUpper(csm.getAlias(), dest8b, cap, s8.data(), static_cast(s8.length()), &errorCode); assertEquals(msg + cap, expected8Length, length); UErrorCode expectedErrorCode; if (cap < expected8Length) { expectedErrorCode = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR; } else if (cap == expected8Length) { expectedErrorCode = U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING; } else { expectedErrorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR; // Casts to int32_t to avoid matching UBool. assertEquals(msg + cap + " NUL", (int32_t)0, (int32_t)dest8b[length]); } assertEquals(msg + cap + " errorCode", expectedErrorCode, errorCode); if (cap >= expected8Length) { assertEquals(msg + cap + " (memcmp)", 0, memcmp(dest8, dest8b, expected8Length)); } } } void StringCaseTest::TestGreekUpper() { // https://unicode-org.atlassian.net/browse/ICU-5456 assertGreekUpper(u"άδικος, κείμενο, ίριδα", u"ΑΔΙΚΟΣ, ΚΕΙΜΕΝΟ, ΙΡΙΔΑ"); // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=307039 // https://bug307039.bmoattachments.org/attachment.cgi?id=194893 assertGreekUpper(u"Πατάτα", u"ΠΑΤΑΤΑ"); assertGreekUpper(u"Αέρας, Μυστήριο, Ωραίο", u"ΑΕΡΑΣ, ΜΥΣΤΗΡΙΟ, ΩΡΑΙΟ"); assertGreekUpper(u"Μαΐου, Πόρος, Ρύθμιση", u"ΜΑΪΟΥ, ΠΟΡΟΣ, ΡΥΘΜΙΣΗ"); assertGreekUpper(u"ΰ, Τηρώ, Μάιος", u"Ϋ, ΤΗΡΩ, ΜΑΪΟΣ"); assertGreekUpper(u"άυλος", u"ΑΫΛΟΣ"); assertGreekUpper(u"ΑΫΛΟΣ", u"ΑΫΛΟΣ"); assertGreekUpper(u"Άκλιτα ρήματα ή άκλιτες μετοχές", u"ΑΚΛΙΤΑ ΡΗΜΑΤΑ Ή ΑΚΛΙΤΕΣ ΜΕΤΟΧΕΣ"); // http://www.unicode.org/udhr/d/udhr_ell_monotonic.html assertGreekUpper(u"Επειδή η αναγνώριση της αξιοπρέπειας", u"ΕΠΕΙΔΗ Η ΑΝΑΓΝΩΡΙΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΑΞΙΟΠΡΕΠΕΙΑΣ"); assertGreekUpper(u"νομικού ή διεθνούς", u"ΝΟΜΙΚΟΥ Ή ΔΙΕΘΝΟΥΣ"); // http://unicode.org/udhr/d/udhr_ell_polytonic.html assertGreekUpper(u"Ἐπειδὴ ἡ ἀναγνώριση", u"ΕΠΕΙΔΗ Η ΑΝΑΓΝΩΡΙΣΗ"); assertGreekUpper(u"νομικοῦ ἢ διεθνοῦς", u"ΝΟΜΙΚΟΥ Ή ΔΙΕΘΝΟΥΣ"); // From Google bug report assertGreekUpper(u"Νέο, Δημιουργία", u"ΝΕΟ, ΔΗΜΙΟΥΡΓΙΑ"); // http://crbug.com/234797 assertGreekUpper(u"Ελάτε να φάτε τα καλύτερα παϊδάκια!", u"ΕΛΑΤΕ ΝΑ ΦΑΤΕ ΤΑ ΚΑΛΥΤΕΡΑ ΠΑΪΔΑΚΙΑ!"); assertGreekUpper(u"Μαΐου, τρόλεϊ", u"ΜΑΪΟΥ, ΤΡΟΛΕΪ"); assertGreekUpper(u"Το ένα ή το άλλο.", u"ΤΟ ΕΝΑ Ή ΤΟ ΑΛΛΟ."); // http://multilingualtypesetting.co.uk/blog/greek-typesetting-tips/ assertGreekUpper(u"ρωμέικα", u"ΡΩΜΕΪΚΑ"); assertGreekUpper(u"ή.", u"Ή."); } void StringCaseTest::TestArmenian() { Locale hy("hy"); // Eastern Armenian Locale hyw("hyw"); // Western Armenian Locale root = Locale::getRoot(); // See ICU-13416: // և ligature ech-yiwn // uppercases to ԵՒ=ech+yiwn by default and in Western Armenian, // but to ԵՎ=ech+vew in Eastern Armenian. UnicodeString s(u"և Երևանի"); assertEquals("upper root", u"ԵՒ ԵՐԵՒԱՆԻ", UnicodeString(s).toUpper(root)); assertEquals("upper hy", u"ԵՎ ԵՐԵՎԱՆԻ", UnicodeString(s).toUpper(hy)); assertEquals("upper hyw", u"ԵՒ ԵՐԵՒԱՆԻ", UnicodeString(s).toUpper(hyw)); #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION assertEquals("title root", u"Եւ Երևանի", UnicodeString(s).toTitle(nullptr, root)); assertEquals("title hy", u"Եվ Երևանի", UnicodeString(s).toTitle(nullptr, hy)); assertEquals("title hyw", u"Եւ Երևանի", UnicodeString(s).toTitle(nullptr, hyw)); #endif } void StringCaseTest::TestLongUpper() { if (quick) { logln("not exhaustive mode: skipping this test"); return; } // Ticket #12663, crash with an extremely long string where // U+0390 maps to 0399 0308 0301 so that the result is three times as long // and overflows an int32_t. int32_t length = 0x40000004; // more than 1G UChars UnicodeString s(length, (UChar32)0x390, length); UnicodeString result; UChar *dest = result.getBuffer(length + 1); if (s.isBogus() || dest == NULL) { logln("Out of memory, unable to run this test on this machine."); return; } IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestLongUpper"); int32_t destLength = u_strToUpper(dest, result.getCapacity(), s.getBuffer(), s.length(), "", errorCode); result.releaseBuffer(destLength); if (errorCode.reset() != U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR) { errln("expected U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR, got %s (destLength is undefined, got %ld)", errorCode.errorName(), (long)destLength); } } void StringCaseTest::TestMalformedUTF8() { // ticket #12639 IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestMalformedUTF8"); LocalUCaseMapPointer csm(ucasemap_open("en", U_TITLECASE_NO_BREAK_ADJUSTMENT, errorCode)); if (errorCode.isFailure()) { errln("ucasemap_open(English) failed - %s", errorCode.errorName()); return; } char src[1] = { (char)0x85 }; // malformed UTF-8 char dest[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; int32_t destLength; #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION destLength = ucasemap_utf8ToTitle(csm.getAlias(), dest, 3, src, 1, errorCode); if (errorCode.isFailure() || destLength != 1 || dest[0] != src[0]) { errln("ucasemap_utf8ToTitle(\\x85) failed: %s destLength=%d dest[0]=0x%02x", errorCode.errorName(), (int)destLength, dest[0]); } #endif errorCode.reset(); dest[0] = 0; destLength = ucasemap_utf8ToLower(csm.getAlias(), dest, 3, src, 1, errorCode); if (errorCode.isFailure() || destLength != 1 || dest[0] != src[0]) { errln("ucasemap_utf8ToLower(\\x85) failed: %s destLength=%d dest[0]=0x%02x", errorCode.errorName(), (int)destLength, dest[0]); } errorCode.reset(); dest[0] = 0; destLength = ucasemap_utf8ToUpper(csm.getAlias(), dest, 3, src, 1, errorCode); if (errorCode.isFailure() || destLength != 1 || dest[0] != src[0]) { errln("ucasemap_utf8ToUpper(\\x85) failed: %s destLength=%d dest[0]=0x%02x", errorCode.errorName(), (int)destLength, dest[0]); } errorCode.reset(); dest[0] = 0; destLength = ucasemap_utf8FoldCase(csm.getAlias(), dest, 3, src, 1, errorCode); if (errorCode.isFailure() || destLength != 1 || dest[0] != src[0]) { errln("ucasemap_utf8FoldCase(\\x85) failed: %s destLength=%d dest[0]=0x%02x", errorCode.errorName(), (int)destLength, dest[0]); } } void StringCaseTest::TestBufferOverflow() { // Ticket #12849, incorrect result from Title Case preflight operation, // when buffer overflow error is expected. IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestBufferOverflow"); LocalUCaseMapPointer csm(ucasemap_open("en", 0, errorCode)); if (errorCode.isFailure()) { errln("ucasemap_open(English) failed - %s", errorCode.errorName()); return; } UnicodeString data("hello world"); int32_t result; #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION result = ucasemap_toTitle(csm.getAlias(), NULL, 0, data.getBuffer(), data.length(), errorCode); if (errorCode.get() != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR || result != data.length()) { errln("%s:%d ucasemap_toTitle(\"hello world\") failed: " "expected (U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, %d), got (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, data.length(), errorCode.errorName(), result); } #endif errorCode.reset(); std::string data_utf8; data.toUTF8String(data_utf8); #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION result = ucasemap_utf8ToTitle(csm.getAlias(), NULL, 0, data_utf8.c_str(), static_cast(data_utf8.length()), errorCode); if (errorCode.get() != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR || result != (int32_t)data_utf8.length()) { errln("%s:%d ucasemap_toTitle(\"hello world\") failed: " "expected (U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, %d), got (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, data_utf8.length(), errorCode.errorName(), result); } #endif errorCode.reset(); } void StringCaseTest::TestEdits() { IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestEdits"); Edits edits; assertFalse("new Edits hasChanges", edits.hasChanges()); assertEquals("new Edits numberOfChanges", 0, edits.numberOfChanges()); assertEquals("new Edits", 0, edits.lengthDelta()); edits.addUnchanged(1); // multiple unchanged ranges are combined edits.addUnchanged(10000); // too long, and they are split edits.addReplace(0, 0); edits.addUnchanged(2); assertFalse("unchanged 10003 hasChanges", edits.hasChanges()); assertEquals("unchanged 10003 numberOfChanges", 0, edits.numberOfChanges()); assertEquals("unchanged 10003", 0, edits.lengthDelta()); edits.addReplace(2, 1); // multiple short equal-lengths edits are compressed edits.addUnchanged(0); edits.addReplace(2, 1); edits.addReplace(2, 1); edits.addReplace(0, 10); edits.addReplace(100, 0); edits.addReplace(3000, 4000); // variable-length encoding edits.addReplace(100000, 100000); assertTrue("some edits hasChanges", edits.hasChanges()); assertEquals("some edits numberOfChanges", 7, edits.numberOfChanges()); assertEquals("some edits", -3 + 10 - 100 + 1000, edits.lengthDelta()); UErrorCode outErrorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR; assertFalse("edits done: copyErrorTo", edits.copyErrorTo(outErrorCode)); static const EditChange coarseExpectedChanges[] = { { FALSE, 10003, 10003 }, { TRUE, 103106, 104013 } }; TestUtility::checkEditsIter(*this, u"coarse", edits.getCoarseIterator(), edits.getCoarseIterator(), coarseExpectedChanges, UPRV_LENGTHOF(coarseExpectedChanges), TRUE, errorCode); TestUtility::checkEditsIter(*this, u"coarse changes", edits.getCoarseChangesIterator(), edits.getCoarseChangesIterator(), coarseExpectedChanges, UPRV_LENGTHOF(coarseExpectedChanges), FALSE, errorCode); static const EditChange fineExpectedChanges[] = { { FALSE, 10003, 10003 }, { TRUE, 2, 1 }, { TRUE, 2, 1 }, { TRUE, 2, 1 }, { TRUE, 0, 10 }, { TRUE, 100, 0 }, { TRUE, 3000, 4000 }, { TRUE, 100000, 100000 } }; TestUtility::checkEditsIter(*this, u"fine", edits.getFineIterator(), edits.getFineIterator(), fineExpectedChanges, UPRV_LENGTHOF(fineExpectedChanges), TRUE, errorCode); TestUtility::checkEditsIter(*this, u"fine changes", edits.getFineChangesIterator(), edits.getFineChangesIterator(), fineExpectedChanges, UPRV_LENGTHOF(fineExpectedChanges), FALSE, errorCode); edits.reset(); assertFalse("reset hasChanges", edits.hasChanges()); assertEquals("reset numberOfChanges", 0, edits.numberOfChanges()); assertEquals("reset", 0, edits.lengthDelta()); Edits::Iterator ei = edits.getCoarseChangesIterator(); assertFalse("reset then iterator", ei.next(errorCode)); } void StringCaseTest::TestCopyMoveEdits() { IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestCopyMoveEdits"); // Exceed the stack array capacity. Edits a; for (int32_t i = 0; i < 250; ++i) { a.addReplace(i % 10, (i % 10) + 1); } assertEquals("a: many edits, length delta", 250, a.lengthDelta()); // copy Edits b(a); assertEquals("b: copy of many edits, length delta", 250, b.lengthDelta()); assertEquals("a remains: many edits, length delta", 250, a.lengthDelta()); TestUtility::checkEqualEdits(*this, u"b copy of a", a, b, errorCode); // assign Edits c; c.addUnchanged(99); c.addReplace(88, 77); c = b; assertEquals("c: assigned many edits, length delta", 250, c.lengthDelta()); assertEquals("b remains: many edits, length delta", 250, b.lengthDelta()); TestUtility::checkEqualEdits(*this, u"c = b", b, c, errorCode); // std::move trouble on these platforms. // See https://unicode-org.atlassian.net/browse/ICU-13393 #if !(U_PLATFORM == U_PF_AIX || U_PLATFORM == U_PF_OS390) // move constructor empties object with heap array Edits d(std::move(a)); assertEquals("d: move-constructed many edits, length delta", 250, d.lengthDelta()); assertFalse("a moved away: no more hasChanges", a.hasChanges()); TestUtility::checkEqualEdits(*this, u"d() <- a", d, b, errorCode); Edits empty; TestUtility::checkEqualEdits(*this, u"a moved away", empty, a, errorCode); // move assignment empties object with heap array Edits e; e.addReplace(0, 1000); e = std::move(b); assertEquals("e: move-assigned many edits, length delta", 250, e.lengthDelta()); assertFalse("b moved away: no more hasChanges", b.hasChanges()); TestUtility::checkEqualEdits(*this, u"e <- b", e, c, errorCode); TestUtility::checkEqualEdits(*this, u"b moved away", empty, b, errorCode); // Edits::Iterator default constructor. Edits::Iterator iter; assertFalse("Edits::Iterator().next()", iter.next(errorCode)); assertSuccess("Edits::Iterator().next()", errorCode); iter = e.getFineChangesIterator(); assertTrue("iter.next()", iter.next(errorCode)); assertSuccess("iter.next()", errorCode); assertTrue("iter.hasChange()", iter.hasChange()); assertEquals("iter.newLength()", 1, iter.newLength()); #endif } void StringCaseTest::TestEditsFindFwdBwd() { IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestEditsFindFwdBwd"); // Some users need index mappings to be efficient when they are out of order. // The most interesting failure case for this test is it taking a very long time. Edits e; constexpr int32_t N = 200000; for (int32_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { e.addUnchanged(1); e.addReplace(3, 1); } Edits::Iterator iter = e.getFineIterator(); for (int32_t i = 0; i <= N; i += 2) { assertEquals("ascending", i * 2, iter.sourceIndexFromDestinationIndex(i, errorCode)); assertEquals("ascending", i * 2 + 1, iter.sourceIndexFromDestinationIndex(i + 1, errorCode)); } for (int32_t i = N; i >= 0; i -= 2) { assertEquals("descending", i * 2 + 1, iter.sourceIndexFromDestinationIndex(i + 1, errorCode)); assertEquals("descending", i * 2, iter.sourceIndexFromDestinationIndex(i, errorCode)); } } void StringCaseTest::TestMergeEdits() { // For debugging, set -v to see matching edits up to a failure. IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestMergeEdits"); Edits ab, bc, ac, expected_ac; // Simple: Two parallel non-changes. ab.addUnchanged(2); bc.addUnchanged(2); expected_ac.addUnchanged(2); // Simple: Two aligned changes. ab.addReplace(3, 2); bc.addReplace(2, 1); expected_ac.addReplace(3, 1); // Unequal non-changes. ab.addUnchanged(5); bc.addUnchanged(3); expected_ac.addUnchanged(3); // ab ahead by 2 // Overlapping changes accumulate until they share a boundary. ab.addReplace(4, 3); bc.addReplace(3, 2); ab.addReplace(4, 3); bc.addReplace(3, 2); ab.addReplace(4, 3); bc.addReplace(3, 2); bc.addUnchanged(4); expected_ac.addReplace(14, 8); // bc ahead by 2 // Balance out intermediate-string lengths. ab.addUnchanged(2); expected_ac.addUnchanged(2); // Insert something and delete it: Should disappear. ab.addReplace(0, 5); ab.addReplace(0, 2); bc.addReplace(7, 0); // Parallel change to make a new boundary. ab.addReplace(1, 2); bc.addReplace(2, 3); expected_ac.addReplace(1, 3); // Multiple ab deletions should remain separate at the boundary. ab.addReplace(1, 0); ab.addReplace(2, 0); ab.addReplace(3, 0); expected_ac.addReplace(1, 0); expected_ac.addReplace(2, 0); expected_ac.addReplace(3, 0); // Unequal non-changes can be split for another boundary. ab.addUnchanged(2); bc.addUnchanged(1); expected_ac.addUnchanged(1); // ab ahead by 1 // Multiple bc insertions should create a boundary and remain separate. bc.addReplace(0, 4); bc.addReplace(0, 5); bc.addReplace(0, 6); expected_ac.addReplace(0, 4); expected_ac.addReplace(0, 5); expected_ac.addReplace(0, 6); // ab ahead by 1 // Multiple ab deletions in the middle of a bc change are merged. bc.addReplace(2, 2); // bc ahead by 1 ab.addReplace(1, 0); ab.addReplace(2, 0); ab.addReplace(3, 0); ab.addReplace(4, 1); expected_ac.addReplace(11, 2); // Multiple bc insertions in the middle of an ab change are merged. ab.addReplace(5, 6); bc.addReplace(3, 3); // ab ahead by 3 bc.addReplace(0, 4); bc.addReplace(0, 5); bc.addReplace(0, 6); bc.addReplace(3, 7); expected_ac.addReplace(5, 25); // Delete around a deletion. ab.addReplace(4, 4); ab.addReplace(3, 0); ab.addUnchanged(2); bc.addReplace(2, 2); bc.addReplace(4, 0); expected_ac.addReplace(9, 2); // Insert into an insertion. ab.addReplace(0, 2); bc.addReplace(1, 1); bc.addReplace(0, 8); bc.addUnchanged(4); expected_ac.addReplace(0, 10); // bc ahead by 3 // Balance out intermediate-string lengths. ab.addUnchanged(3); expected_ac.addUnchanged(3); // Deletions meet insertions. // Output order is arbitrary in principle, but we expect insertions first // and want to keep it that way. ab.addReplace(2, 0); ab.addReplace(4, 0); ab.addReplace(6, 0); bc.addReplace(0, 1); bc.addReplace(0, 3); bc.addReplace(0, 5); expected_ac.addReplace(0, 1); expected_ac.addReplace(0, 3); expected_ac.addReplace(0, 5); expected_ac.addReplace(2, 0); expected_ac.addReplace(4, 0); expected_ac.addReplace(6, 0); // End with a non-change, so that further edits are never reordered. ab.addUnchanged(1); bc.addUnchanged(1); expected_ac.addUnchanged(1); ac.mergeAndAppend(ab, bc, errorCode); assertSuccess("ab+bc", errorCode); if (!TestUtility::checkEqualEdits(*this, u"ab+bc", expected_ac, ac, errorCode)) { return; } // Append more Edits. Edits ab2, bc2; ab2.addUnchanged(5); bc2.addReplace(1, 2); bc2.addUnchanged(4); expected_ac.addReplace(1, 2); expected_ac.addUnchanged(4); ac.mergeAndAppend(ab2, bc2, errorCode); assertSuccess("ab2+bc2", errorCode); if (!TestUtility::checkEqualEdits(*this, u"ab2+bc2", expected_ac, ac, errorCode)) { return; } // Append empty edits. Edits empty; ac.mergeAndAppend(empty, empty, errorCode); assertSuccess("empty+empty", errorCode); if (!TestUtility::checkEqualEdits(*this, u"empty+empty", expected_ac, ac, errorCode)) { return; } // Error: Append more edits with mismatched intermediate-string lengths. Edits mismatch; mismatch.addReplace(1, 1); ac.mergeAndAppend(ab2, mismatch, errorCode); assertEquals("ab2+mismatch", U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, errorCode.get()); errorCode.reset(); ac.mergeAndAppend(mismatch, bc2, errorCode); assertEquals("mismatch+bc2", U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, errorCode.get()); errorCode.reset(); } void StringCaseTest::TestCaseMapWithEdits() { IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestCaseMapWithEdits"); UChar dest[20]; Edits edits; int32_t length = CaseMap::toLower("tr", U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT, u"IstanBul", 8, dest, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest), &edits, errorCode); assertEquals(u"toLower(IstanBul)", UnicodeString(u"ıb"), UnicodeString(TRUE, dest, length)); static const EditChange lowerExpectedChanges[] = { { TRUE, 1, 1 }, { FALSE, 4, 4 }, { TRUE, 1, 1 }, { FALSE, 2, 2 } }; TestUtility::checkEditsIter(*this, u"toLower(IstanBul)", edits.getFineIterator(), edits.getFineIterator(), lowerExpectedChanges, UPRV_LENGTHOF(lowerExpectedChanges), TRUE, errorCode); edits.reset(); length = CaseMap::toUpper("el", U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT, u"Πατάτα", 6, dest, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest), &edits, errorCode); assertEquals(u"toUpper(Πατάτα)", UnicodeString(u"ΑΤΑΤΑ"), UnicodeString(TRUE, dest, length)); static const EditChange upperExpectedChanges[] = { { FALSE, 1, 1 }, { TRUE, 1, 1 }, { TRUE, 1, 1 }, { TRUE, 1, 1 }, { TRUE, 1, 1 }, { TRUE, 1, 1 } }; TestUtility::checkEditsIter(*this, u"toUpper(Πατάτα)", edits.getFineIterator(), edits.getFineIterator(), upperExpectedChanges, UPRV_LENGTHOF(upperExpectedChanges), TRUE, errorCode); edits.reset(); #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION length = CaseMap::toTitle("nl", U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT | U_TITLECASE_NO_BREAK_ADJUSTMENT | U_TITLECASE_NO_LOWERCASE, nullptr, u"IjssEL IglOo", 12, dest, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest), &edits, errorCode); assertEquals(u"toTitle(IjssEL IglOo)", UnicodeString(u"J"), UnicodeString(TRUE, dest, length)); static const EditChange titleExpectedChanges[] = { { FALSE, 1, 1 }, { TRUE, 1, 1 }, { FALSE, 10, 10 } }; TestUtility::checkEditsIter(*this, u"toTitle(IjssEL IglOo)", edits.getFineIterator(), edits.getFineIterator(), titleExpectedChanges, UPRV_LENGTHOF(titleExpectedChanges), TRUE, errorCode); #endif // No explicit nor automatic edits.reset(). Edits should be appended. length = CaseMap::fold(U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT | U_EDITS_NO_RESET | U_FOLD_CASE_EXCLUDE_SPECIAL_I, u"IßtanBul", 8, dest, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest), &edits, errorCode); assertEquals(u"foldCase(IßtanBul)", UnicodeString(u"ıssb"), UnicodeString(TRUE, dest, length)); static const EditChange foldExpectedChanges[] = { #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION // From titlecasing. { FALSE, 1, 1 }, { TRUE, 1, 1 }, { FALSE, 10, 10 }, #endif // From case folding. { TRUE, 1, 1 }, { TRUE, 1, 2 }, { FALSE, 3, 3 }, { TRUE, 1, 1 }, { FALSE, 2, 2 } }; TestUtility::checkEditsIter(*this, u"foldCase(no Edits reset, IßtanBul)", edits.getFineIterator(), edits.getFineIterator(), foldExpectedChanges, UPRV_LENGTHOF(foldExpectedChanges), TRUE, errorCode); } void StringCaseTest::TestCaseMapUTF8WithEdits() { IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestCaseMapUTF8WithEdits"); char dest[50]; Edits edits; int32_t length = CaseMap::utf8ToLower("tr", U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT, reinterpret_cast(u8"IstanBul"), 8, dest, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest), &edits, errorCode); assertEquals(u"toLower(IstanBul)", UnicodeString(u"ıb"), UnicodeString::fromUTF8(StringPiece(dest, length))); static const EditChange lowerExpectedChanges[] = { { TRUE, 1, 2 }, { FALSE, 4, 4 }, { TRUE, 1, 1 }, { FALSE, 2, 2 } }; TestUtility::checkEditsIter(*this, u"toLower(IstanBul)", edits.getFineIterator(), edits.getFineIterator(), lowerExpectedChanges, UPRV_LENGTHOF(lowerExpectedChanges), TRUE, errorCode); edits.reset(); length = CaseMap::utf8ToUpper("el", U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT, reinterpret_cast(u8"Πατάτα"), 6 * 2, dest, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest), &edits, errorCode); assertEquals(u"toUpper(Πατάτα)", UnicodeString(u"ΑΤΑΤΑ"), UnicodeString::fromUTF8(StringPiece(dest, length))); static const EditChange upperExpectedChanges[] = { { FALSE, 2, 2 }, { TRUE, 2, 2 }, { TRUE, 2, 2 }, { TRUE, 2, 2 }, { TRUE, 2, 2 }, { TRUE, 2, 2 } }; TestUtility::checkEditsIter(*this, u"toUpper(Πατάτα)", edits.getFineIterator(), edits.getFineIterator(), upperExpectedChanges, UPRV_LENGTHOF(upperExpectedChanges), TRUE, errorCode); edits.reset(); #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION length = CaseMap::utf8ToTitle("nl", U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT | U_TITLECASE_NO_BREAK_ADJUSTMENT | U_TITLECASE_NO_LOWERCASE, nullptr, reinterpret_cast(u8"IjssEL IglOo"), 12, dest, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest), &edits, errorCode); assertEquals(u"toTitle(IjssEL IglOo)", UnicodeString(u"J"), UnicodeString::fromUTF8(StringPiece(dest, length))); static const EditChange titleExpectedChanges[] = { { FALSE, 1, 1 }, { TRUE, 1, 1 }, { FALSE, 10, 10 } }; TestUtility::checkEditsIter(*this, u"toTitle(IjssEL IglOo)", edits.getFineIterator(), edits.getFineIterator(), titleExpectedChanges, UPRV_LENGTHOF(titleExpectedChanges), TRUE, errorCode); #endif // No explicit nor automatic edits.reset(). Edits should be appended. length = CaseMap::utf8Fold(U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT | U_EDITS_NO_RESET | U_FOLD_CASE_EXCLUDE_SPECIAL_I, reinterpret_cast(u8"IßtanBul"), 1 + 2 + 6, dest, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest), &edits, errorCode); assertEquals(u"foldCase(IßtanBul)", UnicodeString(u"ıssb"), UnicodeString::fromUTF8(StringPiece(dest, length))); static const EditChange foldExpectedChanges[] = { #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION // From titlecasing. { FALSE, 1, 1 }, { TRUE, 1, 1 }, { FALSE, 10, 10 }, #endif // From case folding. { TRUE, 1, 2 }, { TRUE, 2, 2 }, { FALSE, 3, 3 }, { TRUE, 1, 1 }, { FALSE, 2, 2 } }; TestUtility::checkEditsIter(*this, u"foldCase(IßtanBul)", edits.getFineIterator(), edits.getFineIterator(), foldExpectedChanges, UPRV_LENGTHOF(foldExpectedChanges), TRUE, errorCode); } void StringCaseTest::TestCaseMapToString() { // This test function name is parallel with one in UCharacterCaseTest.java. // It is a bit of a misnomer until we have CaseMap API that writes to // a UnicodeString, at which point we should change this code here. IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestCaseMapToString"); UChar dest[20]; // Omit unchanged text. int32_t length = CaseMap::toLower("tr", U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT, u"IstanBul", 8, dest, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest), nullptr, errorCode); assertEquals(u"toLower(IstanBul)", UnicodeString(u"ıb"), UnicodeString(TRUE, dest, length)); length = CaseMap::toUpper("el", U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT, u"Πατάτα", 6, dest, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest), nullptr, errorCode); assertEquals(u"toUpper(Πατάτα)", UnicodeString(u"ΑΤΑΤΑ"), UnicodeString(TRUE, dest, length)); #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION length = CaseMap::toTitle("nl", U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT | U_TITLECASE_NO_BREAK_ADJUSTMENT | U_TITLECASE_NO_LOWERCASE, nullptr, u"IjssEL IglOo", 12, dest, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest), nullptr, errorCode); assertEquals(u"toTitle(IjssEL IglOo)", UnicodeString(u"J"), UnicodeString(TRUE, dest, length)); #endif length = CaseMap::fold(U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT | U_FOLD_CASE_EXCLUDE_SPECIAL_I, u"IßtanBul", 8, dest, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest), nullptr, errorCode); assertEquals(u"foldCase(IßtanBul)", UnicodeString(u"ıssb"), UnicodeString(TRUE, dest, length)); // Return the whole result string. length = CaseMap::toLower("tr", 0, u"IstanBul", 8, dest, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest), nullptr, errorCode); assertEquals(u"toLower(IstanBul)", UnicodeString(u"ıstanbul"), UnicodeString(TRUE, dest, length)); length = CaseMap::toUpper("el", 0, u"Πατάτα", 6, dest, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest), nullptr, errorCode); assertEquals(u"toUpper(Πατάτα)", UnicodeString(u"ΠΑΤΑΤΑ"), UnicodeString(TRUE, dest, length)); #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION length = CaseMap::toTitle("nl", U_TITLECASE_NO_BREAK_ADJUSTMENT | U_TITLECASE_NO_LOWERCASE, nullptr, u"IjssEL IglOo", 12, dest, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest), nullptr, errorCode); assertEquals(u"toTitle(IjssEL IglOo)", UnicodeString(u"IJssEL IglOo"), UnicodeString(TRUE, dest, length)); #endif length = CaseMap::fold(U_FOLD_CASE_EXCLUDE_SPECIAL_I, u"IßtanBul", 8, dest, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest), nullptr, errorCode); assertEquals(u"foldCase(IßtanBul)", UnicodeString(u"ısstanbul"), UnicodeString(TRUE, dest, length)); } void StringCaseTest::TestCaseMapUTF8ToString() { IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestCaseMapUTF8ToString"); std::string dest; StringByteSink sink(&dest); // Omit unchanged text. CaseMap::utf8ToLower("tr", U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT, u8"IstanBul", sink, nullptr, errorCode); assertEquals(u"toLower(IstanBul)", UnicodeString(u"ıb"), UnicodeString::fromUTF8(dest)); dest.clear(); CaseMap::utf8ToUpper("el", U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT, u8"Πατάτα", sink, nullptr, errorCode); assertEquals(u"toUpper(Πατάτα)", UnicodeString(u"ΑΤΑΤΑ"), UnicodeString::fromUTF8(dest)); #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION dest.clear(); CaseMap::utf8ToTitle( "nl", U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT | U_TITLECASE_NO_BREAK_ADJUSTMENT | U_TITLECASE_NO_LOWERCASE, nullptr, u8"IjssEL IglOo", sink, nullptr, errorCode); assertEquals(u"toTitle(IjssEL IglOo)", UnicodeString(u"J"), UnicodeString::fromUTF8(dest)); #endif dest.clear(); CaseMap::utf8Fold(U_OMIT_UNCHANGED_TEXT | U_FOLD_CASE_EXCLUDE_SPECIAL_I, u8"IßtanBul", sink, nullptr, errorCode); assertEquals(u"foldCase(IßtanBul)", UnicodeString(u"ıssb"), UnicodeString::fromUTF8(dest)); // Return the whole result string. dest.clear(); CaseMap::utf8ToLower("tr", 0, u8"IstanBul", sink, nullptr, errorCode); assertEquals(u"toLower(IstanBul)", UnicodeString(u"ıstanbul"), UnicodeString::fromUTF8(dest)); dest.clear(); CaseMap::utf8ToUpper("el", 0, u8"Πατάτα", sink, nullptr, errorCode); assertEquals(u"toUpper(Πατάτα)", UnicodeString(u"ΠΑΤΑΤΑ"), UnicodeString::fromUTF8(dest)); #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION dest.clear(); CaseMap::utf8ToTitle("nl", U_TITLECASE_NO_BREAK_ADJUSTMENT | U_TITLECASE_NO_LOWERCASE, nullptr, u8"IjssEL IglOo", sink, nullptr, errorCode); assertEquals(u"toTitle(IjssEL IglOo)", UnicodeString(u"IJssEL IglOo"), UnicodeString::fromUTF8(dest)); #endif dest.clear(); CaseMap::utf8Fold(U_FOLD_CASE_EXCLUDE_SPECIAL_I, u8"IßtanBul", sink, nullptr, errorCode); assertEquals(u"foldCase(IßtanBul)", UnicodeString(u"ısstanbul"), UnicodeString::fromUTF8(dest)); } void StringCaseTest::TestLongUnicodeString() { // Code coverage for UnicodeString case mapping code handling // long strings or many changes in a string. UnicodeString s(TRUE, (const UChar *) u"aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbccccccccccddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeF" u"aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbccccccccccddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeF" u"aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbccccccccccddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeF" u"aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbccccccccccddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeF" u"aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbccccccccccddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeF" u"aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbccccccccccddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeF", 6 * 51); UnicodeString expected(TRUE, (const UChar *) u"AAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEEF" u"AAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEEF" u"AAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEEF" u"AAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEEF" u"AAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEEF" u"AAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEEF", 6 * 51); s.toUpper(Locale::getRoot()); assertEquals("string length 306", expected, s); } #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION void StringCaseTest::TestBug13127() { // Test case crashed when the bug was present. const char16_t *s16 = u"日本語"; UnicodeString s(TRUE, s16, -1); s.toTitle(0, Locale::getEnglish()); } void StringCaseTest::TestInPlaceTitle() { // Similar to TestBug13127. u_strToTitle() can modify the buffer in-place. IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestInPlaceTitle"); char16_t s[32] = u"ß ß ß日本語 abcdef"; const char16_t *expected = u"Ss Ss Ss日本語 Abcdef"; int32_t length = u_strToTitle(s, UPRV_LENGTHOF(s), s, -1, nullptr, "", errorCode); assertEquals("u_strToTitle(in-place) length", u_strlen(expected), length); assertEquals("u_strToTitle(in-place)", expected, s); } #endif void StringCaseTest::TestCaseMapEditsIteratorDocs() { IcuTestErrorCode status(*this, "TestCaseMapEditsIteratorDocs"); const char16_t* input = u"abcßDeF"; int32_t inputLength = u_strlen(input); // output: "abcssdef" char16_t output[10]; Edits edits; CaseMap::fold(0, input, -1, output, 10, &edits, status); static const char16_t* fineIteratorExpected[] = { u"{ src[0..3] ≡ dest[0..3] (no-change) }", u"{ src[3..4] ⇝ dest[3..5], repl[0..2] }", u"{ src[4..5] ⇝ dest[5..6], repl[2..3] }", u"{ src[5..6] ≡ dest[6..7] (no-change) }", u"{ src[6..7] ⇝ dest[7..8], repl[3..4] }", }; static const char16_t* fineChangesIteratorExpected[] = { u"{ src[3..4] ⇝ dest[3..5], repl[0..2] }", u"{ src[4..5] ⇝ dest[5..6], repl[2..3] }", u"{ src[6..7] ⇝ dest[7..8], repl[3..4] }", }; static const char16_t* coarseIteratorExpected[] = { u"{ src[0..3] ≡ dest[0..3] (no-change) }", u"{ src[3..5] ⇝ dest[3..6], repl[0..3] }", u"{ src[5..6] ≡ dest[6..7] (no-change) }", u"{ src[6..7] ⇝ dest[7..8], repl[3..4] }", }; static const char16_t* coarseChangesIteratorExpected[] = { u"{ src[3..5] ⇝ dest[3..6], repl[0..3] }", u"{ src[6..7] ⇝ dest[7..8], repl[3..4] }", }; // Expected destination indices when source index is queried static int32_t expectedDestFineEditIndices[] = {0, 0, 0, 3, 5, 6, 7}; static int32_t expectedDestCoarseEditIndices[] = {0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 6, 7}; static int32_t expectedDestFineStringIndices[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7}; static int32_t expectedDestCoarseStringIndices[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 6, 7}; // Expected source indices when destination index is queried static int32_t expectedSrcFineEditIndices[] = { 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; static int32_t expectedSrcCoarseEditIndices[] = { 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 5, 6 }; static int32_t expectedSrcFineStringIndices[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6 }; static int32_t expectedSrcCoarseStringIndices[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 5, 6 }; // Demonstrate the iterator next() method: Edits::Iterator fineIterator = edits.getFineIterator(); int i = 0; UnicodeString toString; while (fineIterator.next(status)) { UnicodeString expected = fineIteratorExpected[i++]; assertEquals(UnicodeString(u"Iteration #") + i, expected, fineIterator.toString(toString.remove())); } Edits::Iterator fineChangesIterator = edits.getFineChangesIterator(); i = 0; while (fineChangesIterator.next(status)) { UnicodeString expected = fineChangesIteratorExpected[i++]; assertEquals(UnicodeString(u"Iteration #") + i, expected, fineChangesIterator.toString(toString.remove())); } Edits::Iterator coarseIterator = edits.getCoarseIterator(); i = 0; while (coarseIterator.next(status)) { UnicodeString expected = coarseIteratorExpected[i++]; assertEquals(UnicodeString(u"Iteration #") + i, expected, coarseIterator.toString(toString.remove())); } Edits::Iterator coarseChangesIterator = edits.getCoarseChangesIterator(); i = 0; while (coarseChangesIterator.next(status)) { UnicodeString expected = coarseChangesIteratorExpected[i++]; assertEquals(UnicodeString(u"Iteration #") + i, expected, coarseChangesIterator.toString(toString.remove())); } // Demonstrate the iterator indexing methods: // fineIterator should have the same behavior as fineChangesIterator, and // coarseIterator should have the same behavior as coarseChangesIterator. for (int32_t srcIndex=0; srcIndex