// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html /******************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 1997-2016, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************************/ #include "unicode/utypes.h" #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING #include "unicode/simpletz.h" #include "unicode/smpdtfmt.h" #include "unicode/strenum.h" #include "unicode/gregocal.h" #include "tzregts.h" #include "calregts.h" #include "cmemory.h" // ***************************************************************************** // class TimeZoneRegressionTest // ***************************************************************************** #define CASE(id,test) case id: name = #test; if (exec) { logln(#test "---"); logln((UnicodeString)""); test(); } break void TimeZoneRegressionTest::runIndexedTest( int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &name, char* /*par*/ ) { // if (exec) logln((UnicodeString)"TestSuite NumberFormatRegressionTest"); switch (index) { CASE(0, Test4052967); CASE(1, Test4073209); CASE(2, Test4073215); CASE(3, Test4084933); CASE(4, Test4096952); CASE(5, Test4109314); CASE(6, Test4126678); CASE(7, Test4151406); CASE(8, Test4151429); CASE(9, Test4154537); CASE(10, Test4154542); CASE(11, Test4154650); CASE(12, Test4154525); CASE(13, Test4162593); CASE(14, TestJ186); CASE(15, TestJ449); CASE(16, TestJDK12API); CASE(17, Test4176686); CASE(18, Test4184229); CASE(19, TestNegativeDaylightSaving); default: name = ""; break; } } UBool TimeZoneRegressionTest::failure(UErrorCode status, const char* msg) { if(U_FAILURE(status)) { errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: ") + msg + " failed, error " + u_errorName(status)); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * @bug 4052967 */ void TimeZoneRegressionTest:: Test4052967() { // {sfb} not applicable in C++ ? /*logln("*** CHECK TIMEZONE AGAINST HOST OS SETTING ***"); logln("user.timezone:" + System.getProperty("user.timezone", "")); logln(new Date().toString()); logln("*** THE RESULTS OF THIS TEST MUST BE VERIFIED MANUALLY ***");*/ } /** * @bug 4073209 */ void TimeZoneRegressionTest:: Test4073209() { TimeZone *z1 = TimeZone::createTimeZone("PST"); TimeZone *z2 = TimeZone::createTimeZone("PST"); if (z1 == z2) errln("Fail: TimeZone should return clones"); delete z1; delete z2; } UDate TimeZoneRegressionTest::findTransitionBinary(const SimpleTimeZone& tz, UDate min, UDate max) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UBool startsInDST = tz.inDaylightTime(min, status); if (failure(status, "SimpleTimeZone::inDaylightTime")) return 0; if (tz.inDaylightTime(max, status) == startsInDST) { logln((UnicodeString)"Error: inDaylightTime() != " + ((!startsInDST)?"TRUE":"FALSE")); return 0; } if (failure(status, "SimpleTimeZone::inDaylightTime")) return 0; while ((max - min) > 100) { // Min accuracy in ms UDate mid = (min + max) / 2; if (tz.inDaylightTime(mid, status) == startsInDST) { min = mid; } else { max = mid; } if (failure(status, "SimpleTimeZone::inDaylightTime")) return 0; } return (min + max) / 2; } UDate TimeZoneRegressionTest::findTransitionStepwise(const SimpleTimeZone& tz, UDate min, UDate max) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UBool startsInDST = tz.inDaylightTime(min, status); if (failure(status, "SimpleTimeZone::inDaylightTime")) return 0; while (min < max) { if (tz.inDaylightTime(min, status) != startsInDST) { return min; } if (failure(status, "SimpleTimeZone::inDaylightTime")) return 0; min += (UDate)24*60*60*1000; // one day } return 0; } /** * @bug 4073215 */ // {sfb} will this work using a Calendar? void TimeZoneRegressionTest:: Test4073215() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UnicodeString str, str2; LocalPointer z(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT"), status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("Fail: Failed to create SimpleTimeZone %s", u_errorName(status)); return; } if (z->useDaylightTime()) { errln("Fail: Fix test to start with non-DST zone"); } z->setStartRule(UCAL_FEBRUARY, 1, UCAL_SUNDAY, 0, status); failure(status, "z->setStartRule()"); z->setEndRule(UCAL_MARCH, -1, UCAL_SUNDAY, 0, status); failure(status, "z->setStartRule()"); if (!z->useDaylightTime()) { errln("Fail: DST not active"); } GregorianCalendar cal(1997, UCAL_JANUARY, 31, status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { dataerrln("Error creating calendar %s", u_errorName(status)); return; } failure(status, "new GregorianCalendar"); cal.adoptTimeZone(z.orphan()); SimpleDateFormat sdf((UnicodeString)"E d MMM yyyy G HH:mm", status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { dataerrln("Error creating date format %s", u_errorName(status)); return; } sdf.setCalendar(cal); failure(status, "new SimpleDateFormat"); UDate jan31, mar1, mar31; UBool indt = cal.getTimeZone().inDaylightTime(jan31 = cal.getTime(status), status); failure(status, "inDaylightTime or getTime call on Jan 31"); if (indt) { errln("Fail: Jan 31 inDaylightTime=TRUE, exp FALSE"); } cal.set(1997, UCAL_MARCH, 1); indt = cal.getTimeZone().inDaylightTime(mar1 = cal.getTime(status), status); failure(status, "inDaylightTime or getTime call on Mar 1"); if (!indt) { UnicodeString str; sdf.format(cal.getTime(status), str); failure(status, "getTime"); errln((UnicodeString)"Fail: " + str + " inDaylightTime=FALSE, exp TRUE"); } cal.set(1997, UCAL_MARCH, 31); indt = cal.getTimeZone().inDaylightTime(mar31 = cal.getTime(status), status); failure(status, "inDaylightTime or getTime call on Mar 31"); if (indt) { errln("Fail: Mar 31 inDaylightTime=TRUE, exp FALSE"); } /* cal.set(1997, Calendar::DECEMBER, 31); UDate dec31 = cal.getTime(status); failure(status, "getTime"); UDate trans = findTransitionStepwise(*z, jan31, dec31); logln((UnicodeString)"Stepwise from " + sdf.format(jan31, str.remove()) + "; transition at " + (trans?sdf.format(trans, str2.remove()):(UnicodeString)"NONE")); trans = findTransitionStepwise(*z, mar1, dec31); logln((UnicodeString)"Stepwise from " + sdf.format(mar1, str.remove()) + "; transition at " + (trans?sdf.format(trans, str2.remove()):(UnicodeString)"NONE")); trans = findTransitionStepwise(*z, mar31, dec31); logln((UnicodeString)"Stepwise from " + sdf.format(mar31, str.remove()) + "; transition at " + (trans?sdf.format(trans, str2.remove()):(UnicodeString)"NONE")); */ } /** * @bug 4084933 * The expected behavior of TimeZone around the boundaries is: * (Assume transition time of 2:00 AM) * day of onset 1:59 AM STD = display name 1:59 AM ST * 2:00 AM STD = display name 3:00 AM DT * day of end 0:59 AM STD = display name 1:59 AM DT * 1:00 AM STD = display name 1:00 AM ST */ void TimeZoneRegressionTest:: Test4084933() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; TimeZone *tz = TimeZone::createTimeZone("PST"); int32_t offset1 = tz->getOffset(1, 1997, UCAL_OCTOBER, 26, UCAL_SUNDAY, (2*60*60*1000), status); int32_t offset2 = tz->getOffset(1, 1997, UCAL_OCTOBER, 26, UCAL_SUNDAY, (2*60*60*1000)-1, status); int32_t offset3 = tz->getOffset(1, 1997, UCAL_OCTOBER, 26, UCAL_SUNDAY, (1*60*60*1000), status); int32_t offset4 = tz->getOffset(1, 1997, UCAL_OCTOBER, 26, UCAL_SUNDAY, (1*60*60*1000)-1, status); /* * The following was added just for consistency. It shows that going *to* Daylight * Savings Time (PDT) does work at 2am. */ int32_t offset5 = tz->getOffset(1, 1997, UCAL_APRIL, 6, UCAL_SUNDAY, (2*60*60*1000), status); int32_t offset6 = tz->getOffset(1, 1997, UCAL_APRIL, 6, UCAL_SUNDAY, (2*60*60*1000)-1, status); int32_t offset5a = tz->getOffset(1, 1997, UCAL_APRIL, 6, UCAL_SUNDAY, (3*60*60*1000), status); int32_t offset6a = tz->getOffset(1, 1997, UCAL_APRIL, 6, UCAL_SUNDAY, (3*60*60*1000)-1, status); int32_t offset7 = tz->getOffset(1, 1997, UCAL_APRIL, 6, UCAL_SUNDAY, (1*60*60*1000), status); int32_t offset8 = tz->getOffset(1, 1997, UCAL_APRIL, 6, UCAL_SUNDAY, (1*60*60*1000)-1, status); int32_t SToffset = (int32_t)(-8 * 60*60*1000L); int32_t DToffset = (int32_t)(-7 * 60*60*1000L); #define ERR_IF_FAIL(x) if(x) { dataerrln("FAIL: TimeZone misbehaving - %s", #x); } ERR_IF_FAIL(U_FAILURE(status)) ERR_IF_FAIL(offset1 != SToffset) ERR_IF_FAIL(offset2 != SToffset) ERR_IF_FAIL(offset3 != SToffset) ERR_IF_FAIL(offset4 != DToffset) ERR_IF_FAIL(offset5 != DToffset) ERR_IF_FAIL(offset6 != SToffset) ERR_IF_FAIL(offset5a != DToffset) ERR_IF_FAIL(offset6a != DToffset) ERR_IF_FAIL(offset7 != SToffset) ERR_IF_FAIL(offset8 != SToffset) #undef ERR_IF_FAIL delete tz; } /** * @bug 4096952 */ void TimeZoneRegressionTest:: Test4096952() { // {sfb} serialization not applicable /* UnicodeString ZONES [] = { UnicodeString("GMT"), UnicodeString("MET"), UnicodeString("IST") }; UBool pass = TRUE; //try { for (int32_t i=0; i < ZONES.length; ++i) { TimeZone *zone = TimeZone::createTimeZone(ZONES[i]); UnicodeString id; if (zone->getID(id) != ZONES[i]) errln("Fail: Test broken; zones not instantiating"); ByteArrayOutputStream baos; ObjectOutputStream ostream = new ObjectOutputStream(baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()); ostream.writeObject(zone); ostream.close(); baos.close(); ObjectInputStream istream = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray())); TimeZone frankenZone = (TimeZone) istream.readObject(); //logln("Zone: " + zone); //logln("FrankenZone: " + frankenZone); if (!zone.equals(frankenZone)) { logln("TimeZone " + zone.getID() + " not equal to serialized/deserialized one"); pass = false; } } if (!pass) errln("Fail: TimeZone serialization/equality bug"); } catch (IOException e) { errln("Fail: " + e); e.print32_tStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { errln("Fail: " + e); e.print32_tStackTrace(); } */ } /** * @bug 4109314 */ void TimeZoneRegressionTest:: Test4109314() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; GregorianCalendar *testCal = (GregorianCalendar*)Calendar::createInstance(status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { dataerrln("Error creating calendar %s", u_errorName(status)); delete testCal; return; } failure(status, "Calendar::createInstance"); TimeZone *PST = TimeZone::createTimeZone("PST"); /*Object[] testData = { PST, new Date(98,Calendar.APRIL,4,22,0), new Date(98, Calendar.APRIL, 5,6,0), PST, new Date(98,Calendar.OCTOBER,24,22,0), new Date(98,Calendar.OCTOBER,25,6,0), };*/ UDate testData [] = { CalendarRegressionTest::makeDate(98,UCAL_APRIL,4,22,0), CalendarRegressionTest::makeDate(98, UCAL_APRIL,5,6,0), CalendarRegressionTest::makeDate(98,UCAL_OCTOBER,24,22,0), CalendarRegressionTest::makeDate(98,UCAL_OCTOBER,25,6,0) }; UBool pass = TRUE; for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i+=2) { //testCal->setTimeZone((TimeZone) testData[i]); testCal->setTimeZone(*PST); UDate t = testData[i]; UDate end = testData[i+1]; while(testCal->getTime(status) < end) { testCal->setTime(t, status); if ( ! checkCalendar314(testCal, PST)) pass = FALSE; t += 60*60*1000.0; } } if ( ! pass) errln("Fail: TZ API inconsistent"); delete testCal; delete PST; } UBool TimeZoneRegressionTest::checkCalendar314(GregorianCalendar *testCal, TimeZone *testTZ) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; // GregorianCalendar testCal = aCal.clone(); int32_t tzOffset, tzRawOffset; float tzOffsetFloat,tzRawOffsetFloat; // Here is where the user made an error. They were passing in the value of // the MILLSECOND field; you need to pass in the millis in the day in STANDARD // time. UDate millis = testCal->get(UCAL_MILLISECOND, status) + 1000.0 * (testCal->get(UCAL_SECOND, status) + 60.0 * (testCal->get(UCAL_MINUTE, status) + 60.0 * (testCal->get(UCAL_HOUR_OF_DAY, status)))) - testCal->get(UCAL_DST_OFFSET, status); /* Fix up millis to be in range. ASSUME THAT WE ARE NOT AT THE * BEGINNING OR END OF A MONTH. We must add this code because * getOffset() has been changed to be more strict about the parameters * it receives -- it turns out that this test was passing in illegal * values. */ int32_t date = testCal->get(UCAL_DATE, status); int32_t dow = testCal->get(UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK, status); while(millis < 0) { millis += U_MILLIS_PER_DAY; --date; dow = UCAL_SUNDAY + ((dow - UCAL_SUNDAY + 6) % 7); } while (millis >= U_MILLIS_PER_DAY) { millis -= U_MILLIS_PER_DAY; ++date; dow = UCAL_SUNDAY + ((dow - UCAL_SUNDAY + 1) % 7); } tzOffset = testTZ->getOffset((uint8_t)testCal->get(UCAL_ERA, status), testCal->get(UCAL_YEAR, status), testCal->get(UCAL_MONTH, status), date, (uint8_t)dow, (int32_t)millis, status); tzRawOffset = testTZ->getRawOffset(); tzOffsetFloat = (float)tzOffset/(float)3600000; tzRawOffsetFloat = (float)tzRawOffset/(float)3600000; UDate testDate = testCal->getTime(status); UBool inDaylightTime = testTZ->inDaylightTime(testDate, status); LocalPointer sdf(new SimpleDateFormat((UnicodeString) "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm", status), status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("Error creating SimpleDateFormat %s", u_errorName(status)); return false; } sdf->setCalendar(*testCal); UnicodeString inDaylightTimeString; UBool passed; if(inDaylightTime) { inDaylightTimeString = " DST "; passed = (tzOffset == (tzRawOffset + 3600000)); } else { inDaylightTimeString = " "; passed = (tzOffset == tzRawOffset); } UnicodeString output; FieldPosition pos(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE); output = testTZ->getID(output) + " " + sdf->format(testDate, output, pos) + " Offset(" + tzOffsetFloat + ")" + " RawOffset(" + tzRawOffsetFloat + ")" + " " + millis/(float)3600000 + " " + inDaylightTimeString; if (passed) output += " "; else output += "ERROR"; if (passed) logln(output); else errln(output); return passed; } /** * @bug 4126678 * CANNOT REPRODUDE * * Yet another _alleged_ bug in TimeZone::getOffset(), a method that never * should have been made public. It's simply too hard to use correctly. * * The original test code failed to do the following: * (1) Call Calendar::setTime() before getting the fields! * (2) Use the right millis (as usual) for getOffset(); they were passing * in the MILLIS field, instead of the STANDARD MILLIS IN DAY. * When you fix these two problems, the test passes, as expected. */ void TimeZoneRegressionTest:: Test4126678() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; Calendar *cal = Calendar::createInstance(status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { dataerrln("Error creating calendar %s", u_errorName(status)); delete cal; return; } failure(status, "Calendar::createInstance"); TimeZone *tz = TimeZone::createTimeZone("PST"); cal->adoptTimeZone(tz); cal->set(1998, UCAL_APRIL, 5, 10, 0); if (! tz->useDaylightTime() || U_FAILURE(status)) dataerrln("We're not in Daylight Savings Time and we should be. - %s", u_errorName(status)); //cal.setTime(dt); int32_t era = cal->get(UCAL_ERA, status); int32_t year = cal->get(UCAL_YEAR, status); int32_t month = cal->get(UCAL_MONTH, status); int32_t day = cal->get(UCAL_DATE, status); int32_t dayOfWeek = cal->get(UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK, status); int32_t millis = cal->get(UCAL_MILLISECOND, status) + (cal->get(UCAL_SECOND, status) + (cal->get(UCAL_MINUTE, status) + (cal->get(UCAL_HOUR, status) * 60) * 60) * 1000) - cal->get(UCAL_DST_OFFSET, status); failure(status, "cal->get"); int32_t offset = tz->getOffset((uint8_t)era, year, month, day, (uint8_t)dayOfWeek, millis, status); int32_t raw_offset = tz->getRawOffset(); if (offset == raw_offset) dataerrln("Offsets should match"); delete cal; } /** * @bug 4151406 * TimeZone::getAvailableIDs(int32_t) throws exception for certain values, * due to a faulty constant in TimeZone::java. */ void TimeZoneRegressionTest:: Test4151406() { int32_t max = 0; for (int32_t h=-28; h<=30; ++h) { // h is in half-hours from GMT; rawoffset is in millis int32_t rawoffset = h * 1800000; int32_t hh = (h<0) ? -h : h; UnicodeString hname = UnicodeString((h<0) ? "GMT-" : "GMT+") + ((hh/2 < 10) ? "0" : "") + (hh/2) + ':' + ((hh%2==0) ? "00" : "30"); //try { UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t count; StringEnumeration* ids = TimeZone::createEnumerationForRawOffset(rawoffset, ec); if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { dataerrln("Fail: TimeZone::createEnumeration(rawoffset)"); continue; } count = ids->count(ec); if (count> max) max = count; if (count > 0) { logln(hname + ' ' + (UnicodeString)count + (UnicodeString)" e.g. " + *ids->snext(ec)); } else { logln(hname + ' ' + count); } // weiv 11/27/2002: why uprv_free? This should be a delete delete ids; //delete [] ids; //uprv_free(ids); /*} catch (Exception e) { errln(hname + ' ' + "Fail: " + e); }*/ } logln("Maximum zones per offset = %d", max); } /** * @bug 4151429 */ void TimeZoneRegressionTest:: Test4151429() { // {sfb} silly test in C++, since we are using an enum and not an int //try { /*TimeZone *tz = TimeZone::createTimeZone("GMT"); UnicodeString name; tz->getDisplayName(TRUE, TimeZone::LONG, Locale.getDefault(), name); errln("IllegalArgumentException not thrown by TimeZone::getDisplayName()");*/ //} catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {} } /** * @bug 4154537 * SimpleTimeZone::hasSameRules() doesn't work for zones with no DST * and different DST parameters. */ void TimeZoneRegressionTest:: Test4154537() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; // tz1 and tz2 have no DST and different rule parameters LocalPointer tz1(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "1", 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, status), status); LocalPointer tz2(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "2", 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, status), status); // tza and tzA have the same rule params LocalPointer tza(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "a", 0, 1, 0, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, status), status); LocalPointer tzA(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "A", 0, 1, 0, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, status), status); // tzb differs from tza LocalPointer tzb(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "b", 0, 1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, 0, status), status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("Couldn't create TimeZones %s", u_errorName(status)); return; } if (tz1->useDaylightTime() || tz2->useDaylightTime() || !tza->useDaylightTime() || !tzA->useDaylightTime() || !tzb->useDaylightTime()) { errln("Test is broken -- rewrite it"); } if (!tza->hasSameRules(*tzA) || tza->hasSameRules(*tzb)) { errln("Fail: hasSameRules() broken for zones with rules"); } if (!tz1->hasSameRules(*tz2)) { errln("Fail: hasSameRules() returns false for zones without rules"); //errln("zone 1 = " + tz1); //errln("zone 2 = " + tz2); } } /** * @bug 4154542 * SimpleTimeZOne constructors, setStartRule(), and setEndRule() don't * check for out-of-range arguments. */ void TimeZoneRegressionTest:: Test4154542() { const int32_t GOOD = 1; const int32_t BAD = 0; const int32_t GOOD_MONTH = UCAL_JANUARY; const int32_t GOOD_DAY = 1; const int32_t GOOD_DAY_OF_WEEK = UCAL_SUNDAY; const int32_t GOOD_TIME = 0; int32_t DATA [] = { GOOD, INT32_MIN, 0, INT32_MAX, INT32_MIN, GOOD, UCAL_JANUARY, -5, UCAL_SUNDAY, 0, GOOD, UCAL_DECEMBER, 5, UCAL_SATURDAY, 24*60*60*1000, BAD, UCAL_DECEMBER, 5, UCAL_SATURDAY, 24*60*60*1000+1, BAD, UCAL_DECEMBER, 5, UCAL_SATURDAY, -1, BAD, UCAL_JANUARY, -6, UCAL_SUNDAY, 0, BAD, UCAL_DECEMBER, 6, UCAL_SATURDAY, 24*60*60*1000, GOOD, UCAL_DECEMBER, 1, 0, 0, GOOD, UCAL_DECEMBER, 31, 0, 0, BAD, UCAL_APRIL, 31, 0, 0, BAD, UCAL_DECEMBER, 32, 0, 0, BAD, UCAL_JANUARY-1, 1, UCAL_SUNDAY, 0, BAD, UCAL_DECEMBER+1, 1, UCAL_SUNDAY, 0, GOOD, UCAL_DECEMBER, 31, -UCAL_SUNDAY, 0, GOOD, UCAL_DECEMBER, 31, -UCAL_SATURDAY, 0, BAD, UCAL_DECEMBER, 32, -UCAL_SATURDAY, 0, BAD, UCAL_DECEMBER, -32, -UCAL_SATURDAY, 0, BAD, UCAL_DECEMBER, 31, -UCAL_SATURDAY-1, 0, }; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; LocalPointer zone(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Z"), status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("Fail: failed to create SimpleTimeZone %s", u_errorName(status)); return; } for (int32_t i=0; i < 18*5; i+=5) { UBool shouldBeGood = (DATA[i] == GOOD); int32_t month = DATA[i+1]; int32_t day = DATA[i+2]; int32_t dayOfWeek = DATA[i+3]; int32_t time = DATA[i+4]; status = U_ZERO_ERROR; //Exception ex = null; //try { zone->setStartRule(month, day, dayOfWeek, time, status); //} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // ex = e; //} if (U_SUCCESS(status) != shouldBeGood) { errln(UnicodeString("setStartRule(month=") + month + ", day=" + day + ", dayOfWeek=" + dayOfWeek + ", time=" + time + (shouldBeGood ? (") should work") : ") should fail but doesn't")); } //ex = null; //try { status = U_ZERO_ERROR; zone->setEndRule(month, day, dayOfWeek, time, status); //} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // ex = e; //} if (U_SUCCESS(status) != shouldBeGood) { errln(UnicodeString("setEndRule(month=") + month + ", day=" + day + ", dayOfWeek=" + dayOfWeek + ", time=" + time + (shouldBeGood ? (") should work") : ") should fail but doesn't")); } //ex = null; //try { // {sfb} need to look into ctor problems! (UErrorCode vs. dst signature confusion) status = U_ZERO_ERROR; SimpleTimeZone *temp = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Z", (int8_t)month, (int8_t)day, (int8_t)dayOfWeek, time, (int8_t)GOOD_MONTH, (int8_t)GOOD_DAY, (int8_t)GOOD_DAY_OF_WEEK, GOOD_TIME,status); if (temp == nullptr) { errln("Fail: failed to create SimpleTimeZone %s", u_errorName(status)); return; } //} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // ex = e; //} if (U_SUCCESS(status) != shouldBeGood) { errln(UnicodeString("SimpleTimeZone(month=") + month + ", day=" + day + ", dayOfWeek=" + dayOfWeek + ", time=" + time + (shouldBeGood ? (", ) should work")// + ex) : ", ) should fail but doesn't")); } delete temp; //ex = null; //try { status = U_ZERO_ERROR; temp = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Z", (int8_t)GOOD_MONTH, (int8_t)GOOD_DAY, (int8_t)GOOD_DAY_OF_WEEK, GOOD_TIME, (int8_t)month, (int8_t)day, (int8_t)dayOfWeek, time,status); if (temp == nullptr) { errln("Fail: failed to create SimpleTimeZone %s", u_errorName(status)); return; } //} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // ex = e; //} if (U_SUCCESS(status) != shouldBeGood) { errln(UnicodeString("SimpleTimeZone(, month=") + month + ", day=" + day + ", dayOfWeek=" + dayOfWeek + ", time=" + time + (shouldBeGood ? (") should work")// + ex) : ") should fail but doesn't")); } delete temp; } } /** * @bug 4154525 * SimpleTimeZone accepts illegal DST savings values. These values * must be non-zero. There is no upper limit at this time. */ void TimeZoneRegressionTest::Test4154525() { const int32_t GOOD = 1, BAD = 0; int32_t DATA [] = { 1, GOOD, 0, BAD, -1, GOOD, // #13566 updates SimpleTimeZone to support negative DST saving amount 60*60*1000, GOOD, INT32_MAX, GOOD, // no upper limit on DST savings at this time INT32_MIN, GOOD // no lower limit as well }; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; for(int32_t i = 0; i < 10; i+=2) { int32_t savings = DATA[i]; UBool valid = DATA[i+1] == GOOD; UnicodeString method; for(int32_t j=0; j < 2; ++j) { LocalPointer z; switch (j) { case 0: method = "constructor"; z.adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "id", UCAL_JANUARY, 1, 0, 0, UCAL_MARCH, 1, 0, 0, savings, status), status); // <- what we're interested in break; case 1: method = "setDSTSavings()"; z.adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT"), status); if (z.isValid()) { z->setDSTSavings(savings, status); } break; } if(U_FAILURE(status)) { if(valid) { errln(UnicodeString("Fail: DST savings of ") + savings + " to " + method + " gave " + u_errorName(status)); } else { logln(UnicodeString("Pass: DST savings of ") + savings + " to " + method + " gave " + u_errorName(status)); } } else { if(valid) { logln(UnicodeString("Pass: DST savings of ") + savings + " accepted by " + method); } else { errln(UnicodeString("Fail: DST savings of ") + savings + " accepted by " + method); } } status = U_ZERO_ERROR; } } } /** * @bug 4154650 * SimpleTimeZone.getOffset accepts illegal arguments. */ void TimeZoneRegressionTest::Test4154650() { const int32_t GOOD = 1, BAD = 0; const int32_t GOOD_ERA = GregorianCalendar::AD, GOOD_YEAR = 1998, GOOD_MONTH = UCAL_AUGUST; const int32_t GOOD_DAY = 2, GOOD_DOW = UCAL_SUNDAY, GOOD_TIME = 16*3600000; int32_t DATA []= { GOOD, GOOD_ERA, GOOD_YEAR, GOOD_MONTH, GOOD_DAY, GOOD_DOW, GOOD_TIME, GOOD, GregorianCalendar::BC, GOOD_YEAR, GOOD_MONTH, GOOD_DAY, GOOD_DOW, GOOD_TIME, GOOD, GregorianCalendar::AD, GOOD_YEAR, GOOD_MONTH, GOOD_DAY, GOOD_DOW, GOOD_TIME, BAD, GregorianCalendar::BC-1, GOOD_YEAR, GOOD_MONTH, GOOD_DAY, GOOD_DOW, GOOD_TIME, BAD, GregorianCalendar::AD+1, GOOD_YEAR, GOOD_MONTH, GOOD_DAY, GOOD_DOW, GOOD_TIME, GOOD, GOOD_ERA, GOOD_YEAR, UCAL_JANUARY, GOOD_DAY, GOOD_DOW, GOOD_TIME, GOOD, GOOD_ERA, GOOD_YEAR, UCAL_DECEMBER, GOOD_DAY, GOOD_DOW, GOOD_TIME, BAD, GOOD_ERA, GOOD_YEAR, UCAL_JANUARY-1, GOOD_DAY, GOOD_DOW, GOOD_TIME, BAD, GOOD_ERA, GOOD_YEAR, UCAL_DECEMBER+1, GOOD_DAY, GOOD_DOW, GOOD_TIME, GOOD, GOOD_ERA, GOOD_YEAR, UCAL_JANUARY, 1, GOOD_DOW, GOOD_TIME, GOOD, GOOD_ERA, GOOD_YEAR, UCAL_JANUARY, 31, GOOD_DOW, GOOD_TIME, BAD, GOOD_ERA, GOOD_YEAR, UCAL_JANUARY, 0, GOOD_DOW, GOOD_TIME, BAD, GOOD_ERA, GOOD_YEAR, UCAL_JANUARY, 32, GOOD_DOW, GOOD_TIME, GOOD, GOOD_ERA, GOOD_YEAR, GOOD_MONTH, GOOD_DAY, UCAL_SUNDAY, GOOD_TIME, GOOD, GOOD_ERA, GOOD_YEAR, GOOD_MONTH, GOOD_DAY, UCAL_SATURDAY, GOOD_TIME, BAD, GOOD_ERA, GOOD_YEAR, GOOD_MONTH, GOOD_DAY, UCAL_SUNDAY-1, GOOD_TIME, BAD, GOOD_ERA, GOOD_YEAR, GOOD_MONTH, GOOD_DAY, UCAL_SATURDAY+1, GOOD_TIME, GOOD, GOOD_ERA, GOOD_YEAR, GOOD_MONTH, GOOD_DAY, GOOD_DOW, 0, GOOD, GOOD_ERA, GOOD_YEAR, GOOD_MONTH, GOOD_DAY, GOOD_DOW, 24*3600000-1, BAD, GOOD_ERA, GOOD_YEAR, GOOD_MONTH, GOOD_DAY, GOOD_DOW, -1, BAD, GOOD_ERA, GOOD_YEAR, GOOD_MONTH, GOOD_DAY, GOOD_DOW, 24*3600000, }; int32_t dataLen = UPRV_LENGTHOF(DATA); UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; TimeZone *tz = TimeZone::createDefault(); for(int32_t i = 0; i < dataLen; i += 7) { UBool good = DATA[i] == GOOD; //IllegalArgumentException e = null; //try { /*int32_t offset = */ tz->getOffset((uint8_t)DATA[i+1], DATA[i+2], DATA[i+3], DATA[i+4], (uint8_t)DATA[i+5], DATA[i+6], status); //} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // e = ex; //} if(good != U_SUCCESS(status)) { UnicodeString errMsg; if (good) { errMsg = (UnicodeString(") threw ") + u_errorName(status)); } else { errMsg = UnicodeString(") accepts invalid args", ""); } errln(UnicodeString("Fail: getOffset(") + DATA[i+1] + ", " + DATA[i+2] + ", " + DATA[i+3] + ", " + DATA[i+4] + ", " + DATA[i+5] + ", " + DATA[i+6] + errMsg); } status = U_ZERO_ERROR; // reset } delete tz; } /** * @bug 4162593 * TimeZone broken at midnight. The TimeZone code fails to handle * transitions at midnight correctly. */ void TimeZoneRegressionTest::Test4162593() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; LocalPointer fmt(new SimpleDateFormat("z", Locale::getUS(), status), status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { dataerrln("Error creating SimpleDateFormat %s", u_errorName(status)); return; } const int32_t ONE_HOUR = 60*60*1000; LocalPointer asuncion(new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Asuncion" /*PY%sT*/, UCAL_OCTOBER, 1, 0 /*DOM*/, 0*ONE_HOUR, UCAL_MARCH, 1, 0 /*DOM*/, 0*ONE_HOUR, 1*ONE_HOUR, status), status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { dataerrln("Error creating SimpleTimeZone %s", u_errorName(status)); return; } /* Zone * Starting time * Transition expected between start+1H and start+2H */ TimeZone *DATA_TZ [] = { 0, 0, 0 }; int32_t DATA_INT [] [5] = { // These years must be AFTER the Gregorian cutover {1998, UCAL_SEPTEMBER, 30, 22, 0}, {2000, UCAL_FEBRUARY, 28, 22, 0}, {2000, UCAL_FEBRUARY, 29, 22, 0}, }; bool DATA_BOOL [] = { true, false, true, }; UnicodeString zone [4];// = new String[4]; DATA_TZ[0] = new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Damascus" /*EE%sT*/, UCAL_APRIL, 1, 0 /*DOM*/, 0*ONE_HOUR, UCAL_OCTOBER, 1, 0 /*DOM*/, 0*ONE_HOUR, 1*ONE_HOUR, status); DATA_TZ[1] = asuncion.getAlias(); DATA_TZ[2] = asuncion.getAlias(); if (DATA_TZ[0] == nullptr || U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("Error creating DATA_TZ[0] %s", u_errorName(status)); return; } for(int32_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) { TimeZone *tz = (TimeZone*)DATA_TZ[j]; TimeZone::setDefault(*tz); fmt->setTimeZone(*tz); // Must construct the Date object AFTER setting the default zone int32_t *p = (int32_t*)DATA_INT[j]; UDate d = CalendarRegressionTest::makeDate(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4]); bool transitionExpected = DATA_BOOL[j]; UnicodeString temp; logln(tz->getID(temp) + ":"); for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { FieldPosition pos(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE); zone[i].remove(); zone[i] = fmt->format(d+ i*ONE_HOUR, zone[i], pos); logln(UnicodeString("") + i + ": " + d + " / " + zone[i]); //d += (double) ONE_HOUR; } if(zone[0] == zone[1] && (zone[1] == zone[2]) != transitionExpected && zone[2] == zone[3]) { logln(UnicodeString("Ok: transition ") + transitionExpected); } else { errln("Fail: boundary transition incorrect"); } } delete DATA_TZ[0]; } /** * getDisplayName doesn't work with unusual savings/offsets. */ void TimeZoneRegressionTest::Test4176686() { // Construct a zone that does not observe DST but // that does have a DST savings (which should be ignored). UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t offset = 90 * 60000; // 1:30 SimpleTimeZone z1(offset, "_std_zone_"); z1.setDSTSavings(45 * 60000, status); // 0:45 // Construct a zone that observes DST for the first 6 months. SimpleTimeZone z2(offset, "_dst_zone_"); z2.setDSTSavings(45 * 60000, status); // 0:45 z2.setStartRule(UCAL_JANUARY, 1, 0, status); z2.setEndRule(UCAL_JULY, 1, 0, status); // Also check DateFormat SimpleDateFormat fmt1(UnicodeString(u"z"), status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { dataerrln("Failure trying to construct: %s", u_errorName(status)); return; } fmt1.setTimeZone(z1); // Format uses standard zone SimpleDateFormat fmt2(UnicodeString(u"z"), status); if(!assertSuccess("trying to construct", status))return; fmt2.setTimeZone(z2); // Format uses DST zone LocalPointer tempcal(Calendar::createInstance(status)); tempcal->clear(); tempcal->set(1970, UCAL_FEBRUARY, 1); UDate dst = tempcal->getTime(status); // Time in DST tempcal->set(1970, UCAL_AUGUST, 1); UDate std = tempcal->getTime(status); // Time in standard // Description, Result, Expected Result UnicodeString a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l; UnicodeString DATA[] = { "z1.getDisplayName(false, SHORT)/std zone", z1.getDisplayName(FALSE, TimeZone::SHORT, a), "GMT+1:30", "z1.getDisplayName(false, LONG)/std zone", z1.getDisplayName(FALSE, TimeZone::LONG, b), "GMT+01:30", "z1.getDisplayName(true, SHORT)/std zone", z1.getDisplayName(TRUE, TimeZone::SHORT, c), "GMT+1:30", "z1.getDisplayName(true, LONG)/std zone", z1.getDisplayName(TRUE, TimeZone::LONG, d ), "GMT+01:30", "z2.getDisplayName(false, SHORT)/dst zone", z2.getDisplayName(FALSE, TimeZone::SHORT, e), "GMT+1:30", "z2.getDisplayName(false, LONG)/dst zone", z2.getDisplayName(FALSE, TimeZone::LONG, f ), "GMT+01:30", "z2.getDisplayName(true, SHORT)/dst zone", z2.getDisplayName(TRUE, TimeZone::SHORT, g), "GMT+2:15", "z2.getDisplayName(true, LONG)/dst zone", z2.getDisplayName(TRUE, TimeZone::LONG, h ), "GMT+02:15", "DateFormat.format(std)/std zone", fmt1.format(std, i), "GMT+1:30", "DateFormat.format(dst)/std zone", fmt1.format(dst, j), "GMT+1:30", "DateFormat.format(std)/dst zone", fmt2.format(std, k), "GMT+1:30", "DateFormat.format(dst)/dst zone", fmt2.format(dst, l), "GMT+2:15", }; for (int32_t idx=0; idx " + DATA[idx+1] + ", exp " + DATA[idx+2]); } } } /** * Make sure setStartRule and setEndRule set the DST savings to nonzero * if it was zero. */ void TimeZoneRegressionTest::TestJ186() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; // NOTE: Setting the DST savings to zero is illegal, so we // are limited in the testing we can do here. This is why // lines marked //~ are commented out. SimpleTimeZone z(0, "ID"); //~z.setDSTSavings(0, status); // Must do this! z.setStartRule(UCAL_FEBRUARY, 1, UCAL_SUNDAY, 0, status); failure(status, "setStartRule()"); if (z.useDaylightTime()) { errln("Fail: useDaylightTime true with start rule only"); } //~if (z.getDSTSavings() != 0) { //~ errln("Fail: dst savings != 0 with start rule only"); //~} z.setEndRule(UCAL_MARCH, -1, UCAL_SUNDAY, 0, status); failure(status, "setStartRule()"); if (!z.useDaylightTime()) { errln("Fail: useDaylightTime false with rules set"); } if (z.getDSTSavings() == 0) { errln("Fail: dst savings == 0 with rules set"); } } /** * Test to see if DateFormat understands zone equivalency groups. It * might seem that this should be a DateFormat test, but it's really a * TimeZone test -- the changes to DateFormat are minor. * * We use two known, stable zones that shouldn't change much over time * -- America/Vancouver and America/Los_Angeles. However, they MAY * change at some point -- if that happens, replace them with any two * zones in an equivalency group where one zone has localized name * data, and the other doesn't, in some locale. */ void TimeZoneRegressionTest::TestJ449() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UnicodeString str; // Modify the following three as necessary. The two IDs must // specify two zones in the same equivalency group. One must have // locale data in 'loc'; the other must not. const char* idWithLocaleData = "America/Los_Angeles"; const char* idWithoutLocaleData = "US/Pacific"; const Locale loc("en", "", ""); TimeZone *zoneWith = TimeZone::createTimeZone(idWithLocaleData); TimeZone *zoneWithout = TimeZone::createTimeZone(idWithoutLocaleData); // Make sure we got valid zones if (zoneWith->getID(str) != UnicodeString(idWithLocaleData) || zoneWithout->getID(str) != UnicodeString(idWithoutLocaleData)) { dataerrln(UnicodeString("Fail: Unable to create zones - wanted ") + idWithLocaleData + ", got " + zoneWith->getID(str) + ", and wanted " + idWithoutLocaleData + " but got " + zoneWithout->getID(str)); } else { GregorianCalendar calWith(*zoneWith, status); GregorianCalendar calWithout(*zoneWithout, status); SimpleDateFormat fmt("MMM d yyyy hh:mm a zzz", loc, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("Fail: Unable to create GregorianCalendar/SimpleDateFormat"); } else { UDate date = 0; UnicodeString strWith, strWithout; fmt.setCalendar(calWith); fmt.format(date, strWith); fmt.setCalendar(calWithout); fmt.format(date, strWithout); if (strWith == strWithout) { logln((UnicodeString)"Ok: " + idWithLocaleData + " -> " + strWith + "; " + idWithoutLocaleData + " -> " + strWithout); } else { errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: " + idWithLocaleData + " -> " + strWith + "; " + idWithoutLocaleData + " -> " + strWithout); } } } delete zoneWith; delete zoneWithout; } // test new API for JDK 1.2 8/31 putback void TimeZoneRegressionTest::TestJDK12API() { // TimeZone *pst = TimeZone::createTimeZone("PST"); // TimeZone *cst1 = TimeZone::createTimeZone("CST"); UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; //d,-28800,3,1,-1,120,w,9,-1,1,120,w,60 LocalPointer pst(new SimpleTimeZone(-28800*U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND, "PST", 3,1,-1,120*U_MILLIS_PER_MINUTE, SimpleTimeZone::WALL_TIME, 9,-1,1,120*U_MILLIS_PER_MINUTE, SimpleTimeZone::WALL_TIME, 60*U_MILLIS_PER_MINUTE,ec), ec); //d,-21600,3,1,-1,120,w,9,-1,1,120,w,60 LocalPointer cst1(new SimpleTimeZone(-21600*U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND, "CST", 3,1,-1,120*U_MILLIS_PER_MINUTE, SimpleTimeZone::WALL_TIME, 9,-1,1,120*U_MILLIS_PER_MINUTE, SimpleTimeZone::WALL_TIME, 60*U_MILLIS_PER_MINUTE,ec), ec); if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { errln("FAIL: SimpleTimeZone constructor"); return; } SimpleTimeZone *cst = dynamic_cast(cst1.getAlias()); if(pst->hasSameRules(*cst)) { errln("FAILURE: PST and CST have same rules"); } UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t offset1 = pst->getOffset(1, 1997, UCAL_OCTOBER, 26, UCAL_SUNDAY, (2*60*60*1000), status); failure(status, "getOffset() failed"); int32_t offset2 = cst->getOffset(1, 1997, UCAL_OCTOBER, 26, UCAL_SUNDAY, (2*60*60*1000), 31, status); failure(status, "getOffset() failed"); if(offset1 == offset2) errln("FAILURE: Sunday Oct. 26 1997 2:00 has same offset for PST and CST"); // verify error checking pst->getOffset(1, 1997, UCAL_FIELD_COUNT+1, 26, UCAL_SUNDAY, (2*60*60*1000), status); if(U_SUCCESS(status)) errln("FAILURE: getOffset() succeeded with -1 for month"); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; cst->setDSTSavings(60*60*1000, status); failure(status, "setDSTSavings() failed"); int32_t savings = cst->getDSTSavings(); if(savings != 60*60*1000) { errln("setDSTSavings() failed"); } } /** * SimpleTimeZone allows invalid DOM values. */ void TimeZoneRegressionTest::Test4184229() { SimpleTimeZone* zone = NULL; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; zone = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "A", 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, status); if(U_SUCCESS(status)){ errln("Failed. No exception has been thrown for DOM -1 startDay"); }else{ logln("(a) " + UnicodeString( u_errorName(status))); } status = U_ZERO_ERROR; delete zone; zone = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "A", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, status); if(U_SUCCESS(status)){ errln("Failed. No exception has been thrown for DOM -1 endDay"); }else{ logln("(b) " + UnicodeString(u_errorName(status))); } status = U_ZERO_ERROR; delete zone; zone = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "A", 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1000, status); if(U_SUCCESS(status)){ errln("Failed. No exception has been thrown for DOM -1 startDay+savings"); }else{ logln("(c) " + UnicodeString(u_errorName(status))); } status = U_ZERO_ERROR; delete zone; zone = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "A", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1000, status); if(U_SUCCESS(status)){ errln("Failed. No exception has been thrown for DOM -1 endDay+ savings"); }else{ logln("(d) " + UnicodeString(u_errorName(status))); } status = U_ZERO_ERROR; delete zone; // Make a valid constructor call for subsequent tests. zone = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "A", 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, status); zone->setStartRule(0, -1, 0, 0, status); if(U_SUCCESS(status)){ errln("Failed. No exception has been thrown for DOM -1 setStartRule +savings"); } else{ logln("(e) " + UnicodeString(u_errorName(status))); } zone->setStartRule(0, -1, 0, status); if(U_SUCCESS(status)){ errln("Failed. No exception has been thrown for DOM -1 setStartRule"); } else{ logln("(f) " + UnicodeString(u_errorName(status))); } zone->setEndRule(0, -1, 0, 0, status); if(U_SUCCESS(status)){ errln("Failed. No exception has been thrown for DOM -1 setEndRule+savings"); } else{ logln("(g) " + UnicodeString(u_errorName(status))); } zone->setEndRule(0, -1, 0, status); if(U_SUCCESS(status)){ errln("Failed. No exception has been thrown for DOM -1 setEndRule"); } else{ logln("(h) " + UnicodeString(u_errorName(status))); } delete zone; } void TimeZoneRegressionTest::TestNegativeDaylightSaving() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t stdOff = 1 * 60*60*1000; // Standard offset UTC+1 int save = -1 * 60*60*1000; // DST saving amount -1 hour SimpleTimeZone stzDublin(stdOff, "Dublin-2018", UCAL_OCTOBER, -1, -UCAL_SUNDAY, 2*60*60*1000, UCAL_MARCH, -1, -UCAL_SUNDAY, 1*60*60*1000, save, status); failure(status, "SimpleTimeZone constructor"); if (save != stzDublin.getDSTSavings()) { errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: DST saving is not " + save); } GregorianCalendar cal(* TimeZone::getGMT(), status); failure(status, "GregorianCalendar constructor"); UDate testDate; int32_t rawOffset; int32_t dstOffset; cal.set(2018, UCAL_JANUARY, 15, 0, 0, 0); testDate = cal.getTime(status); failure(status, "calendar getTime() - Jan 15"); if (!stzDublin.inDaylightTime(testDate, status)) { errln("FAIL: The test date (Jan 15) must be in DST."); } failure(status, "inDaylightTime() - Jan 15"); stzDublin.getOffset(testDate, FALSE, rawOffset, dstOffset, status); failure(status, "getOffset() - Jan 15"); if (rawOffset != stdOff || dstOffset != save) { errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: Expected [stdoff=" + stdOff + ",save=" + save + "] on the test date (Jan 15), actual[stdoff=" + rawOffset + ",save=" + dstOffset + "]"); } cal.set(2018, UCAL_JULY, 15, 0, 0, 0); testDate = cal.getTime(status); failure(status, "calendar getTime() - Jul 15"); if (stzDublin.inDaylightTime(testDate, status)) { errln("FAIL: The test date (Jul 15) must be in DST."); } failure(status, "inDaylightTime() - Jul 15"); stzDublin.getOffset(testDate, FALSE, rawOffset, dstOffset, status); failure(status, "getOffset() - Jul 15"); if (rawOffset != stdOff || dstOffset != 0) { errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: Expected [stdoff=" + stdOff + ",save=" + 0 + "] on the test date (Jul 15), actual[stdoff=" + rawOffset + ",save=" + dstOffset + "]"); } } #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */