// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html /* ******************************************************************************* * * Copyright (C) 1999-2013, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* * file name: gendata.cpp * * created on: 11/03/2000 * created by: Eric R. Mader */ #include #include #include #include "unicode/utypes.h" #include "unicode/unistr.h" #include "unicode/uscript.h" #include "unicode/ubidi.h" #include "unicode/ustring.h" #include "layout/LETypes.h" #include "layout/LEScripts.h" #include "layout/LayoutEngine.h" #include "PortableFontInstance.h" #include "SimpleFontInstance.h" #include "xmlparser.h" #include "letsutil.h" #include "letest.h" U_NAMESPACE_USE static LEErrorCode overallStatus = LE_NO_ERROR; struct TestInput { const char *fontName; LEUnicode *text; le_int32 textLength; le_int32 scriptCode; le_bool rightToLeft; }; /* Returns the path to icu/source/test/testdata/ */ const char *getSourceTestData() { const char *srcDataDir = NULL; #ifdef U_TOPSRCDIR srcDataDir = U_TOPSRCDIR U_FILE_SEP_STRING "test" U_FILE_SEP_STRING "testdata" U_FILE_SEP_STRING; #else srcDataDir = ".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING"test"U_FILE_SEP_STRING"testdata"U_FILE_SEP_STRING; FILE *f = fopen(".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING"test"U_FILE_SEP_STRING"testdata"U_FILE_SEP_STRING"rbbitst.txt", "r"); if (f != NULL) { /* We're in icu/source/test/letest/ */ fclose(f); } else { /* We're in icu/source/test/letest/(Debug|Release) */ srcDataDir = ".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING".."U_FILE_SEP_STRING"test"U_FILE_SEP_STRING"testdata"U_FILE_SEP_STRING; } #endif return srcDataDir; } const char *getPath(char buffer[2048], const char *filename) { const char *testDataDirectory = getSourceTestData(); strcpy(buffer, testDataDirectory); strcat(buffer, filename); return buffer; } /* * FIXME: should use the output file name and the current date. */ const char *header = "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n"; void dumpLongs(FILE *file, const char *tag, le_int32 *longs, le_int32 count) { char lineBuffer[8 * 12 + 2]; le_int32 bufp = 0; fprintf(file, " <%s>\n", tag); for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { if (i % 8 == 0 && bufp != 0) { fprintf(file, " %s\n", lineBuffer); bufp = 0; } bufp += sprintf(&lineBuffer[bufp], "0x%8.8X, ", longs[i]); } if (bufp != 0) { lineBuffer[bufp - 2] = '\0'; fprintf(file, " %s\n", lineBuffer); } fprintf(file, " \n\n", tag); } void dumpFloats(FILE *file, const char *tag, float *floats, le_int32 count) { char lineBuffer[8 * 16 + 2]; le_int32 bufp = 0; fprintf(file, " <%s>\n", tag); for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { if (i % 8 == 0 && bufp != 0) { fprintf(file, " %s\n", lineBuffer); bufp = 0; } bufp += sprintf(&lineBuffer[bufp], "%f, ", floats[i]); } if (bufp != 0) { lineBuffer[bufp - 2] = '\0'; fprintf(file, " %s\n", lineBuffer); } fprintf(file, " \n", tag); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const char *gendataFile = "gendata.xml"; FILE *outputFile = fopen(argv[1], "w"); if(argc>2) { gendataFile = argv[2]; } time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm *local = localtime(&now); const char *tmFormat = "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p %Z"; char tmString[64]; le_uint32 count = 0; strftime(tmString, 64, tmFormat, local); fprintf(outputFile, header, local->tm_year + 1900, tmString); UXMLParser *parser = UXMLParser::createParser(status); UXMLElement *root = parser->parseFile(gendataFile, status); if (root == NULL) { printf("Error: Could not open %s\n", gendataFile); delete parser; return -1; } else if(U_FAILURE(status)) { printf("Error reading %s: %s\n", gendataFile, u_errorName(status)); return -2; } else { printf("Reading %s\n", gendataFile); } UnicodeString test_case = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("test-case"); UnicodeString test_text = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("test-text"); UnicodeString test_font = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("test-font"); // test-case attributes UnicodeString id_attr = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("id"); UnicodeString script_attr = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("script"); UnicodeString lang_attr = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("lang"); // test-font attributes UnicodeString name_attr = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("name"); const UXMLElement *testCase; int32_t tc = 0; while((testCase = root->nextChildElement(tc)) != NULL) { if (testCase->getTagName().compare(test_case) == 0) { char *id = getCString(testCase->getAttribute(id_attr)); char *script = getCString(testCase->getAttribute(script_attr)); char *lang = getCString(testCase->getAttribute(lang_attr)); ++count; printf("\n ID %s\n", id); LEFontInstance *font = NULL; const UXMLElement *element; int32_t ec = 0; int32_t charCount = 0; int32_t typoFlags = LayoutEngine::kTypoFlagKern | LayoutEngine::kTypoFlagLiga; // kerning + ligatures... UScriptCode scriptCode; le_int32 languageCode = -1; UnicodeString text; int32_t glyphCount = 0; LEErrorCode leStatus = LE_NO_ERROR; LayoutEngine *engine = NULL; LEGlyphID *glyphs = NULL; le_int32 *indices = NULL; float *positions = NULL; uscript_getCode(script, &scriptCode, 1, &status); if (LE_FAILURE(status)) { printf("Error: invalid script name: %s.\n", script); goto free_c_strings; } if (lang != NULL) { languageCode = getLanguageCode(lang); if (languageCode < 0) { printf("Error: invalid language name: %s.\n", lang); goto free_c_strings; } fprintf(outputFile, " \n", id, script, lang); } else { fprintf(outputFile, " \n", id, script); } while((element = testCase->nextChildElement(ec)) != NULL) { UnicodeString tag = element->getTagName(); // TODO: make sure that each element is only used once. if (tag.compare(test_font) == 0) { char *fontName = getCString(element->getAttribute(name_attr)); const char *version = NULL; char buf[2048]; PortableFontInstance *pfi = new PortableFontInstance(getPath(buf,fontName), 12, leStatus); if (LE_FAILURE(leStatus)) { printf("Error: could not open font: %s (path: %s)\n", fontName, buf); freeCString(fontName); goto free_c_strings; } printf(" Generating: %s, %s, %s, %s\n", id, script, lang, fontName); version = pfi->getNameString(NAME_VERSION_STRING, PLATFORM_MACINTOSH, MACINTOSH_ROMAN, MACINTOSH_ENGLISH); // The standard recommends that the Macintosh Roman/English name string be present, but // if it's not, try the Microsoft Unicode/English string. if (version == NULL) { const LEUnicode16 *uversion = pfi->getUnicodeNameString(NAME_VERSION_STRING, PLATFORM_MICROSOFT, MICROSOFT_UNICODE_BMP, MICROSOFT_ENGLISH); if (uversion != NULL) { char uversion_utf8[300]; UErrorCode status2 = U_ZERO_ERROR; u_strToUTF8(uversion_utf8, 300, NULL, uversion, -1, &status2); if(U_FAILURE(status2)) { uversion_utf8[0]=0; } fprintf(outputFile, " \n\n", fontName, uversion_utf8, pfi->getFontChecksum(), pfi->getRawChecksum()); pfi->deleteNameString(uversion); } else { fprintf(outputFile, " \n\n", fontName, pfi->getFontChecksum(), pfi->getFontChecksum(), pfi->getRawChecksum()); } } else { fprintf(outputFile, " \n\n", fontName, version, pfi->getFontChecksum(), pfi->getRawChecksum()); pfi->deleteNameString(version); } fflush(outputFile); freeCString(fontName); font = pfi; } else if (tag.compare(test_text) == 0) { char *utf8 = NULL; text = element->getText(true); charCount = text.length(); utf8 = getUTF8String(&text); fprintf(outputFile, " %s\n\n", utf8); fflush(outputFile); freeCString(utf8); } else { // an unknown tag... char *cTag = getCString(&tag); printf("Test %s: unknown element with tag \"%s\"\n", id, cTag); freeCString(cTag); } } if (font == NULL) { LEErrorCode fontStatus = LE_NO_ERROR; font = new SimpleFontInstance(12, fontStatus); typoFlags |= 0x80000000L; // use CharSubstitutionFilter... } engine = LayoutEngine::layoutEngineFactory(font, scriptCode, languageCode, typoFlags, leStatus); if (LE_FAILURE(leStatus)) { printf("Error for test %s: could not create a LayoutEngine.\n", id); goto delete_font; } glyphCount = engine->layoutChars(text.getBuffer(), 0, charCount, charCount, getRTL(text), 0, 0, leStatus); glyphs = NEW_ARRAY(LEGlyphID, glyphCount); indices = NEW_ARRAY(le_int32, glyphCount); positions = NEW_ARRAY(float, glyphCount * 2 + 2); engine->getGlyphs(glyphs, leStatus); engine->getCharIndices(indices, leStatus); engine->getGlyphPositions(positions, leStatus); if(LE_FAILURE(leStatus)) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LO returned error: %s\n", u_errorName((UErrorCode)leStatus)); overallStatus = leStatus; fprintf(outputFile, "\n", leStatus); fflush(outputFile); leStatus = LE_NO_ERROR; } else { dumpLongs(outputFile, "result-glyphs", (le_int32 *) glyphs, glyphCount); dumpLongs(outputFile, "result-indices", indices, glyphCount); dumpFloats(outputFile, "result-positions", positions, glyphCount * 2 + 2); fflush(outputFile); } DELETE_ARRAY(positions); DELETE_ARRAY(indices); DELETE_ARRAY(glyphs); delete engine; delete_font: fprintf(outputFile, " \n\n"); fflush(outputFile); delete font; free_c_strings: freeCString(lang); freeCString(script); freeCString(id); } } delete root; delete parser; fprintf(outputFile, "\n"); if(count==0) { fprintf(stderr, "No cases processed!\n"); return 1; } if(LE_FAILURE(overallStatus)) { fprintf(outputFile, "\n", overallStatus); fprintf(stderr, "!!! FAILED. %d\n", overallStatus); fclose(outputFile); return 0; // return 1; } else { printf("Generated.\n"); fclose(outputFile); return 0; } }