// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html /* ******************************************************************************* * * Copyright (C) 2002-2015, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* * * File wrtxml.cpp * * Modification History: * * Date Name Description * 10/01/02 Ram Creation. * 02/07/08 Spieth Correct XLIFF generation on EBCDIC platform * ******************************************************************************* */ // Safer use of UnicodeString. #ifndef UNISTR_FROM_CHAR_EXPLICIT # define UNISTR_FROM_CHAR_EXPLICIT explicit #endif // Less important, but still a good idea. #ifndef UNISTR_FROM_STRING_EXPLICIT # define UNISTR_FROM_STRING_EXPLICIT explicit #endif #include "reslist.h" #include "unewdata.h" #include "unicode/ures.h" #include "errmsg.h" #include "filestrm.h" #include "cstring.h" #include "unicode/ucnv.h" #include "genrb.h" #include "rle.h" #include "uhash.h" #include "uresimp.h" #include "unicode/ustring.h" #include "unicode/uchar.h" #include "ustr.h" #include "prscmnts.h" #include "unicode/unistr.h" #include "unicode/utf8.h" #include "unicode/utf16.h" #include U_NAMESPACE_USE static int tabCount = 0; static FileStream* out=NULL; static struct SRBRoot* srBundle ; static const char* outDir = NULL; static const char* enc =""; static UConverter* conv = NULL; const char* const* ISOLanguages; const char* const* ISOCountries; const char* textExt = ".txt"; const char* xliffExt = ".xlf"; static int32_t write_utf8_file(FileStream* fileStream, UnicodeString outString) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t len = 0; // preflight to get the destination buffer size u_strToUTF8(NULL, 0, &len, toUCharPtr(outString.getBuffer()), outString.length(), &status); // allocate the buffer char* dest = (char*)uprv_malloc(len); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; // convert the data u_strToUTF8(dest, len, &len, toUCharPtr(outString.getBuffer()), outString.length(), &status); // write data to out file int32_t ret = T_FileStream_write(fileStream, dest, len); uprv_free(dest); return (ret); } /*write indentation for formatting*/ static void write_tabs(FileStream* os){ int i=0; for(;i<=tabCount;i++){ write_utf8_file(os,UnicodeString(" ")); } } /*get ID for each element. ID is globally unique.*/ static char* getID(const char* id, const char* curKey, char* result) { if(curKey == NULL) { result = (char *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(char)*uprv_strlen(id) + 1); uprv_memset(result, 0, sizeof(char)*uprv_strlen(id) + 1); uprv_strcpy(result, id); } else { result = (char *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(char)*(uprv_strlen(id) + 1 + uprv_strlen(curKey)) + 1); uprv_memset(result, 0, sizeof(char)*(uprv_strlen(id) + 1 + uprv_strlen(curKey)) + 1); if(id[0]!='\0'){ uprv_strcpy(result, id); uprv_strcat(result, "_"); } uprv_strcat(result, curKey); } return result; } /*compute CRC for binary code*/ /* The code is from http://www.theorem.com/java/CRC32.java * Calculates the CRC32 - 32 bit Cyclical Redundancy Check *

This check is used in numerous systems to verify the integrity * of information. It's also used as a hashing function. Unlike a regular * checksum, it's sensitive to the order of the characters. * It produces a 32 bit * * @author Michael Lecuyer (mjl@theorem.com) * @version 1.1 August 11, 1998 */ /* ICU is not endian portable, because ICU data generated on big endian machines can be * ported to big endian machines but not to little endian machines and vice versa. The * conversion is not portable across platforms with different endianness. */ uint32_t computeCRC(const char *ptr, uint32_t len, uint32_t lastcrc){ int32_t crc; uint32_t temp1; uint32_t temp2; int32_t crc_ta[256]; int i = 0; int j = 0; uint32_t crc2 = 0; #define CRC32_POLYNOMIAL 0xEDB88320 /*build crc table*/ for (i = 0; i <= 255; i++) { crc2 = i; for (j = 8; j > 0; j--) { if ((crc2 & 1) == 1) { crc2 = (crc2 >> 1) ^ CRC32_POLYNOMIAL; } else { crc2 >>= 1; } } crc_ta[i] = crc2; } crc = lastcrc; while(len--!=0) { temp1 = (uint32_t)crc>>8; temp2 = crc_ta[(crc^*ptr) & 0xFF]; crc = temp1^temp2; ptr++; } return(crc); } static void strnrepchr(char* src, int32_t srcLen, char s, char r){ int32_t i = 0; for(i=0;i\n"; #if 0 static const char* bundleStart = "\n"; #else static const char* bundleStart = "\n"; #endif static const char* bundleEnd = "\n"; void res_write_xml(struct SResource *res, const char* id, const char* language, UBool isTopLevel, UErrorCode *status); static char* convertAndEscape(char** pDest, int32_t destCap, int32_t* destLength, const UChar* src, int32_t srcLen, UErrorCode* status){ int32_t srcIndex=0; char* dest=NULL; char* temp=NULL; int32_t destLen=0; UChar32 c = 0; if(status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status) || pDest==NULL || srcLen==0 || src == NULL){ return NULL; } dest =*pDest; if(dest==NULL || destCap <=0){ destCap = srcLen * 8; dest = (char*) uprv_malloc(sizeof(char) * destCap); if(dest==NULL){ *status=U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return NULL; } } dest[0]=0; while(srcIndex= 0; i--){ switch(s[i]){ case ASTERISK: case SPACE: case CR: case LF: s[i] = 0; continue; default: break; } break; } *len = i+1; } static void print(UChar* src, int32_t srcLen,const char *tagStart,const char *tagEnd, UErrorCode *status){ int32_t bufCapacity = srcLen*4; char *buf = NULL; int32_t bufLen = 0; if(U_FAILURE(*status)){ return; } buf = (char*) (uprv_malloc(bufCapacity)); if(buf==0){ fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate memory!!"); exit(U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } buf = convertAndEscape(&buf, bufCapacity, &bufLen, src, srcLen,status); if(U_SUCCESS(*status)){ trim(&buf,&bufLen); write_utf8_file(out,UnicodeString(tagStart)); write_utf8_file(out,UnicodeString(buf, bufLen, "UTF-8")); write_utf8_file(out,UnicodeString(tagEnd)); write_utf8_file(out,UnicodeString("\n")); } } #endif static void printNoteElements(const UString *src, UErrorCode *status){ #if UCONFIG_NO_REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS==0 /* donot compile when no RegularExpressions are available */ int32_t capacity = 0; UChar* note = NULL; int32_t noteLen = 0; int32_t count = 0,i; if(src == NULL){ return; } capacity = src->fLength; note = (UChar*) uprv_malloc(U_SIZEOF_UCHAR * capacity); count = getCount(src->fChars,src->fLength, UPC_NOTE, status); if(U_FAILURE(*status)){ uprv_free(note); return; } for(i=0; i < count; i++){ noteLen = getAt(src->fChars,src->fLength, ¬e, capacity, i, UPC_NOTE, status); if(U_FAILURE(*status)){ uprv_free(note); return; } if(noteLen > 0){ write_tabs(out); print(note, noteLen,"", "", status); } } uprv_free(note); #else fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Could not output comments to XLIFF file. ICU has been built without RegularExpression support.\n"); #endif /* UCONFIG_NO_REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS */ } static void printAttribute(const char *name, const char *value, int32_t /*len*/) { write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(" ")); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(name)); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(" = \"")); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(value)); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString("\"")); } #if UCONFIG_NO_REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS==0 /* donot compile when no RegularExpressions are available */ static void printAttribute(const char *name, const UnicodeString value, int32_t /*len*/) { write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(" ")); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(name)); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(" = \"")); write_utf8_file(out, value); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString("\"")); } #endif static void printComments(struct UString *src, const char *resName, UBool printTranslate, UErrorCode *status){ #if UCONFIG_NO_REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS==0 /* donot compile when no RegularExpressions are available */ if(status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)){ return; } int32_t capacity = src->fLength + 1; char* buf = NULL; int32_t bufLen = 0; UChar* desc = (UChar*) uprv_malloc(U_SIZEOF_UCHAR * capacity); UChar* trans = (UChar*) uprv_malloc(U_SIZEOF_UCHAR * capacity); int32_t descLen = 0, transLen=0; if(desc==NULL || trans==NULL){ *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; uprv_free(desc); uprv_free(trans); return; } // TODO: make src const, stop modifying it in-place, make printContainer() take const resource, etc. src->fLength = removeCmtText(src->fChars, src->fLength, status); descLen = getDescription(src->fChars,src->fLength, &desc, capacity, status); transLen = getTranslate(src->fChars,src->fLength, &trans, capacity, status); /* first print translate attribute */ if(transLen > 0){ if(printTranslate){ /* print translate attribute */ buf = convertAndEscape(&buf, 0, &bufLen, trans, transLen, status); if(U_SUCCESS(*status)){ printAttribute("translate", UnicodeString(buf, bufLen, "UTF-8"), bufLen); write_utf8_file(out,UnicodeString(">\n")); } }else if(getShowWarning()){ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Translate attribute for resource %s cannot be set. XLIFF prohibits it.\n", resName); /* no translate attribute .. just close the tag */ write_utf8_file(out,UnicodeString(">\n")); } }else{ /* no translate attribute .. just close the tag */ write_utf8_file(out,UnicodeString(">\n")); } if(descLen > 0){ write_tabs(out); print(desc, descLen, "", status); } uprv_free(desc); uprv_free(trans); #else fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Could not output comments to XLIFF file. ICU has been built without RegularExpression support.\n"); #endif /* UCONFIG_NO_REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS */ } /* * Print out a containing element, like: * * */ static char *printContainer(SResource *res, const char *container, const char *restype, const char *mimetype, const char *id, UErrorCode *status) { const char *resname = NULL; char *sid = NULL; write_tabs(out); resname = res->getKeyString(srBundle); if (resname != NULL && *resname != 0) { sid = getID(id, resname, sid); } else { sid = getID(id, NULL, sid); } write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString("<")); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(container)); printAttribute("id", sid, (int32_t) uprv_strlen(sid)); if (resname != NULL) { printAttribute("resname", resname, (int32_t) uprv_strlen(resname)); } if (mimetype != NULL) { printAttribute("mime-type", mimetype, (int32_t) uprv_strlen(mimetype)); } if (restype != NULL) { printAttribute("restype", restype, (int32_t) uprv_strlen(restype)); } tabCount += 1; if (res->fComment.fLength > 0) { /* printComments will print the closing ">\n" */ printComments(&res->fComment, resname, TRUE, status); } else { write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(">\n")); } return sid; } /* Writing Functions */ static const char *trans_unit = "trans-unit"; static const char *close_trans_unit = "\n"; static const char *source = ""; static const char *close_source = "\n"; static const char *group = "group"; static const char *close_group = "\n"; static const char *bin_unit = "bin-unit"; static const char *close_bin_unit = "\n"; static const char *bin_source = "\n"; static const char *close_bin_source = "\n"; static const char *external_file = "getBuffer(), res->length(), status); if (U_FAILURE(*status)) { return; } write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(buf, bufLen, "UTF-8")); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(close_source)); printNoteElements(&res->fComment, status); tabCount -= 1; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(close_trans_unit)); uprv_free(buf); uprv_free(sid); } static void alias_write_xml(AliasResource *res, const char* id, const char* /*language*/, UErrorCode *status) { char *sid = NULL; char* buf = NULL; int32_t bufLen=0; sid = printContainer(res, trans_unit, alias_restype, NULL, id, status); write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(source)); buf = convertAndEscape(&buf, 0, &bufLen, res->getBuffer(), res->length(), status); if(U_FAILURE(*status)){ return; } write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(buf, bufLen, "UTF-8")); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(close_source)); printNoteElements(&res->fComment, status); tabCount -= 1; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(close_trans_unit)); uprv_free(buf); uprv_free(sid); } static void array_write_xml(ArrayResource *res, const char* id, const char* language, UErrorCode *status) { char* sid = NULL; int index = 0; struct SResource *current = NULL; sid = printContainer(res, group, array_restype, NULL, id, status); current = res->fFirst; while (current != NULL) { char c[256] = {0}; char* subId = NULL; itostr(c, index, 10, 0); index += 1; subId = getID(sid, c, subId); res_write_xml(current, subId, language, FALSE, status); uprv_free(subId); subId = NULL; if(U_FAILURE(*status)){ return; } current = current->fNext; } tabCount -= 1; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(close_group)); uprv_free(sid); } static void intvector_write_xml(IntVectorResource *res, const char* id, const char* /*language*/, UErrorCode *status) { char* sid = NULL; char* ivd = NULL; uint32_t i=0; uint32_t len=0; char buf[256] = {'0'}; sid = printContainer(res, group, intvector_restype, NULL, id, status); for(i = 0; i < res->fCount; i += 1) { char c[256] = {0}; itostr(c, i, 10, 0); ivd = getID(sid, c, ivd); len = itostr(buf, res->fArray[i], 10, 0); write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString("<")); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(trans_unit)); printAttribute("id", ivd, (int32_t)uprv_strlen(ivd)); printAttribute("restype", integer_restype, (int32_t) strlen(integer_restype)); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(">\n")); tabCount += 1; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(source)); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(buf, len)); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(close_source)); tabCount -= 1; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(close_trans_unit)); uprv_free(ivd); ivd = NULL; } tabCount -= 1; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(close_group)); uprv_free(sid); sid = NULL; } static void int_write_xml(IntResource *res, const char* id, const char* /*language*/, UErrorCode *status) { char* sid = NULL; char buf[256] = {0}; uint32_t len = 0; sid = printContainer(res, trans_unit, integer_restype, NULL, id, status); write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(source)); len = itostr(buf, res->fValue, 10, 0); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(buf, len)); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(close_source)); printNoteElements(&res->fComment, status); tabCount -= 1; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(close_trans_unit)); uprv_free(sid); sid = NULL; } static void bin_write_xml(BinaryResource *res, const char* id, const char* /*language*/, UErrorCode *status) { const char* m_type = application_mimetype; char* sid = NULL; uint32_t crc = 0xFFFFFFFF; char fileName[1024] ={0}; int32_t tLen = ( outDir == NULL) ? 0 :(int32_t)uprv_strlen(outDir); char* fn = (char*) uprv_malloc(sizeof(char) * (tLen+1024 + (res->fFileName !=NULL ? uprv_strlen(res->fFileName) :0))); const char* ext = NULL; char* f = NULL; fn[0]=0; if(res->fFileName != NULL){ uprv_strcpy(fileName, res->fFileName); f = uprv_strrchr(fileName, '\\'); if (f != NULL) { f++; } else { f = fileName; } ext = uprv_strrchr(fileName, '.'); if (ext == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s is an unknown binary filename type.\n", fileName); exit(U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR); } if(uprv_strcmp(ext, ".jpg")==0 || uprv_strcmp(ext, ".jpeg")==0 || uprv_strcmp(ext, ".gif")==0 ){ m_type = "image"; } else if(uprv_strcmp(ext, ".wav")==0 || uprv_strcmp(ext, ".au")==0 ){ m_type = "audio"; } else if(uprv_strcmp(ext, ".avi")==0 || uprv_strcmp(ext, ".mpg")==0 || uprv_strcmp(ext, ".mpeg")==0){ m_type = "video"; } else if(uprv_strcmp(ext, ".txt")==0 || uprv_strcmp(ext, ".text")==0){ m_type = "text"; } sid = printContainer(res, bin_unit, binary_restype, m_type, id, status); write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(bin_source)); tabCount+= 1; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(external_file)); printAttribute("href", f, (int32_t)uprv_strlen(f)); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString("/>\n")); tabCount -= 1; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(close_bin_source)); printNoteElements(&res->fComment, status); tabCount -= 1; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(close_bin_unit)); } else { char temp[256] = {0}; uint32_t i = 0; int32_t len=0; sid = printContainer(res, bin_unit, binary_restype, m_type, id, status); write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(bin_source)); tabCount += 1; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(internal_file)); printAttribute("form", application_mimetype, (int32_t) uprv_strlen(application_mimetype)); while(i fLength){ len = itostr(temp, res->fData[i], 16, 2); crc = computeCRC(temp, len, crc); i++; } len = itostr(temp, crc, 10, 0); printAttribute("crc", temp, len); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(">")); i = 0; while(i fLength){ len = itostr(temp, res->fData[i], 16, 2); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(temp)); i += 1; } write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(close_internal_file)); tabCount -= 2; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(close_bin_source)); printNoteElements(&res->fComment, status); tabCount -= 1; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(close_bin_unit)); uprv_free(sid); sid = NULL; } uprv_free(fn); } static void table_write_xml(TableResource *res, const char* id, const char* language, UBool isTopLevel, UErrorCode *status) { struct SResource *current = NULL; char* sid = NULL; if (U_FAILURE(*status)) { return ; } sid = printContainer(res, group, table_restype, NULL, id, status); if(isTopLevel) { sid[0] = '\0'; } current = res->fFirst; while (current != NULL) { res_write_xml(current, sid, language, FALSE, status); if(U_FAILURE(*status)){ return; } current = current->fNext; } tabCount -= 1; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(close_group)); uprv_free(sid); sid = NULL; } void res_write_xml(struct SResource *res, const char* id, const char* language, UBool isTopLevel, UErrorCode *status) { if (U_FAILURE(*status)) { return ; } if (res != NULL) { switch (res->fType) { case URES_STRING: string_write_xml (static_cast(res), id, language, status); return; case URES_ALIAS: alias_write_xml (static_cast(res), id, language, status); return; case URES_INT_VECTOR: intvector_write_xml (static_cast(res), id, language, status); return; case URES_BINARY: bin_write_xml (static_cast(res), id, language, status); return; case URES_INT: int_write_xml (static_cast(res), id, language, status); return; case URES_ARRAY: array_write_xml (static_cast(res), id, language, status); return; case URES_TABLE: table_write_xml (static_cast(res), id, language, isTopLevel, status); return; default: break; } } *status = U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR; } void bundle_write_xml(struct SRBRoot *bundle, const char *outputDir,const char* outputEnc, const char* filename, char *writtenFilename, int writtenFilenameLen, const char* language, const char* outFileName, UErrorCode *status) { char* xmlfileName = NULL; char* outputFileName = NULL; char* originalFileName = NULL; const char* fileStart = "fLocale) != 0) { fprintf(stdout, "Warning: The file name is not same as the resource name!\n"); } temp = originalFileName; originalFileName = (char *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(char)* (uprv_strlen(temp)+uprv_strlen(textExt)) + 1); uprv_memset(originalFileName, 0, sizeof(char)* (uprv_strlen(temp)+uprv_strlen(textExt)) + 1); uprv_strcat(originalFileName, temp); uprv_strcat(originalFileName, textExt); uprv_free(temp); temp = NULL; if (language == NULL) { /* lang = parseFilename(filename, lang); if (lang == NULL) {*/ /* now check if locale name is valid or not * this is to cater for situation where * pegasusServer.txt contains * * en{ * .. * } */ lang = parseFilename(srBundle->fLocale, lang); /* * Neither the file name nor the table name inside the * txt file contain a valid country and language codes * throw an error. * pegasusServer.txt contains * * testelements{ * .... * } */ if(lang==NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Error: The file name and table name do not contain a valid language code. Please use -l option to specify it.\n"); exit(U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR); } /* }*/ } else { lang = (char *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(char)*uprv_strlen(language) +1); uprv_memset(lang, 0, sizeof(char)*uprv_strlen(language) +1); uprv_strcpy(lang, language); } if(outFileName) { outputFileName = (char *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(char)*uprv_strlen(outFileName) + 1); uprv_memset(outputFileName, 0, sizeof(char)*uprv_strlen(outFileName) + 1); uprv_strcpy(outputFileName,outFileName); } else { outputFileName = (char *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(char)*uprv_strlen(srBundle->fLocale) + 1); uprv_memset(outputFileName, 0, sizeof(char)*uprv_strlen(srBundle->fLocale) + 1); uprv_strcpy(outputFileName,srBundle->fLocale); } if(outputDir) { xmlfileName = (char *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(char)*(uprv_strlen(outputDir) + uprv_strlen(outputFileName) + uprv_strlen(xliffExt) + 1) +1); uprv_memset(xmlfileName, 0, sizeof(char)*(uprv_strlen(outputDir)+ uprv_strlen(outputFileName) + uprv_strlen(xliffExt) + 1) +1); } else { xmlfileName = (char *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(char)*(uprv_strlen(outputFileName) + uprv_strlen(xliffExt)) +1); uprv_memset(xmlfileName, 0, sizeof(char)*(uprv_strlen(outputFileName) + uprv_strlen(xliffExt)) +1); } if(outputDir){ uprv_strcpy(xmlfileName, outputDir); if(outputDir[uprv_strlen(outputDir)-1] !=U_FILE_SEP_CHAR){ uprv_strcat(xmlfileName,U_FILE_SEP_STRING); } } uprv_strcat(xmlfileName,outputFileName); uprv_strcat(xmlfileName,xliffExt); if (writtenFilename) { uprv_strncpy(writtenFilename, xmlfileName, writtenFilenameLen); } if (U_FAILURE(*status)) { goto cleanup_bundle_write_xml; } out= T_FileStream_open(xmlfileName,"w"); if(out==NULL){ *status = U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR; goto cleanup_bundle_write_xml; } write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(xmlHeader)); if(outputEnc && *outputEnc!='\0'){ /* store the output encoding */ enc = outputEnc; conv=ucnv_open(enc,status); if(U_FAILURE(*status)){ goto cleanup_bundle_write_xml; } } write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(bundleStart)); write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(fileStart)); /* check if lang and language are the same */ if(language != NULL && uprv_strcmp(lang, srBundle->fLocale)!=0){ fprintf(stderr,"Warning: The top level tag in the resource and language specified are not the same. Please check the input.\n"); } write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(lang)); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(file1)); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(file2)); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(originalFileName)); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(file4)); time(&currTime); strftime(timeBuf, sizeof(timeBuf), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", gmtime(&currTime)); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(timeBuf)); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString("\">\n")); tabCount += 1; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(headerStart)); tabCount += 1; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(tool_start)); printAttribute("tool-id", tool_id, (int32_t) uprv_strlen(tool_id)); printAttribute("tool-name", tool_name, (int32_t) uprv_strlen(tool_name)); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString("/>\n")); tabCount -= 1; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(headerEnd)); write_tabs(out); tabCount += 1; write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(bodyStart)); res_write_xml(bundle->fRoot, bundle->fLocale, lang, TRUE, status); tabCount -= 1; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(bodyEnd)); tabCount--; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(fileEnd)); tabCount--; write_tabs(out); write_utf8_file(out, UnicodeString(bundleEnd)); T_FileStream_close(out); ucnv_close(conv); cleanup_bundle_write_xml: uprv_free(originalFileName); uprv_free(lang); if(xmlfileName != NULL) { uprv_free(xmlfileName); } if(outputFileName != NULL){ uprv_free(outputFileName); } }