// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html /****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2009-2015, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. ******************************************************************************* */ #include "flagparser.h" #include "filestrm.h" #include "cstring.h" #include "cmemory.h" #define DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE 512 static int32_t currentBufferSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; static int32_t extractFlag(char* buffer, int32_t bufferSize, char* flag, int32_t flagSize, const char ** flagNames, int32_t numOfFlags, UErrorCode *status); static int32_t getFlagOffset(const char *buffer, int32_t bufferSize); /* * Opens the given fileName and reads in the information storing the data in flagBuffer. */ U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 parseFlagsFile(const char *fileName, char **flagBuffer, int32_t flagBufferSize, const char ** flagNames, int32_t numOfFlags, UErrorCode *status) { char* buffer = NULL; char* tmpFlagBuffer = NULL; UBool allocateMoreSpace = FALSE; int32_t idx, i; int32_t result = 0; FileStream *f = T_FileStream_open(fileName, "r"); if (f == NULL) { *status = U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR; goto parseFlagsFile_cleanup; } buffer = (char *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(char) * currentBufferSize); tmpFlagBuffer = (char *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(char) * flagBufferSize); if (buffer == NULL || tmpFlagBuffer == NULL) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; goto parseFlagsFile_cleanup; } do { if (allocateMoreSpace) { allocateMoreSpace = FALSE; currentBufferSize *= 2; uprv_free(buffer); buffer = (char *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(char) * currentBufferSize); if (buffer == NULL) { *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; goto parseFlagsFile_cleanup; } } for (i = 0; i < numOfFlags;) { if (T_FileStream_readLine(f, buffer, currentBufferSize) == NULL) { /* End of file reached. */ break; } if (buffer[0] == '#') { continue; } if ((int32_t)uprv_strlen(buffer) == (currentBufferSize - 1) && buffer[currentBufferSize-2] != '\n') { /* Allocate more space for buffer if it did not read the entire line */ allocateMoreSpace = TRUE; T_FileStream_rewind(f); break; } else { idx = extractFlag(buffer, currentBufferSize, tmpFlagBuffer, flagBufferSize, flagNames, numOfFlags, status); if (U_FAILURE(*status)) { if (*status == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { result = currentBufferSize; } else { result = -1; } break; } else { if (flagNames != NULL) { if (idx >= 0) { uprv_strcpy(flagBuffer[idx], tmpFlagBuffer); } else { /* No match found. Skip it. */ continue; } } else { uprv_strcpy(flagBuffer[i++], tmpFlagBuffer); } } } } } while (allocateMoreSpace && U_SUCCESS(*status)); parseFlagsFile_cleanup: uprv_free(tmpFlagBuffer); uprv_free(buffer); T_FileStream_close(f); if (U_FAILURE(*status) && *status != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { return -1; } if (U_SUCCESS(*status) && result == 0) { currentBufferSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; } return result; } /* * Extract the setting after the '=' and store it in flag excluding the newline character. */ static int32_t extractFlag(char* buffer, int32_t bufferSize, char* flag, int32_t flagSize, const char **flagNames, int32_t numOfFlags, UErrorCode *status) { int32_t i, idx = -1; char *pBuffer; int32_t offset=0; UBool bufferWritten = FALSE; if (buffer[0] != 0) { /* Get the offset (i.e. position after the '=') */ offset = getFlagOffset(buffer, bufferSize); pBuffer = buffer+offset; for(i = 0;;i++) { if (i >= flagSize) { *status = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR; return -1; } if (pBuffer[i+1] == 0) { /* Indicates a new line character. End here. */ flag[i] = 0; break; } flag[i] = pBuffer[i]; if (i == 0) { bufferWritten = TRUE; } } } if (!bufferWritten) { flag[0] = 0; } if (flagNames != NULL && offset>0) { offset--; /* Move offset back 1 because of '='*/ for (i = 0; i < numOfFlags; i++) { if (uprv_strncmp(buffer, flagNames[i], offset) == 0) { idx = i; break; } } } return idx; } /* * Get the position after the '=' character. */ static int32_t getFlagOffset(const char *buffer, int32_t bufferSize) { int32_t offset = 0; for (offset = 0; offset < bufferSize;offset++) { if (buffer[offset] == '=') { offset++; break; } } if (offset == bufferSize || (offset - 1) == bufferSize) { offset = 0; } return offset; }