// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html /* ******************************************************************************* * * Copyright (C) 2005-2012, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* * file name: writesrc.c * encoding: UTF-8 * tab size: 8 (not used) * indentation:4 * * created on: 2005apr23 * created by: Markus W. Scherer * * Helper functions for writing source code for data. */ #include #include #include "unicode/utypes.h" #include "unicode/putil.h" #include "unicode/ucptrie.h" #include "unicode/errorcode.h" #include "unicode/uniset.h" #include "unicode/usetiter.h" #include "unicode/utf16.h" #include "utrie2.h" #include "cstring.h" #include "writesrc.h" #include "util.h" U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN ValueNameGetter::~ValueNameGetter() {} U_NAMESPACE_END U_NAMESPACE_USE static FILE * usrc_createWithoutHeader(const char *path, const char *filename) { char buffer[1024]; const char *p; char *q; FILE *f; char c; if(path==NULL) { p=filename; } else { /* concatenate path and filename, with U_FILE_SEP_CHAR in between if necessary */ uprv_strcpy(buffer, path); q=buffer+uprv_strlen(buffer); if(q>buffer && (c=*(q-1))!=U_FILE_SEP_CHAR && c!=U_FILE_ALT_SEP_CHAR) { *q++=U_FILE_SEP_CHAR; } uprv_strcpy(q, filename); p=buffer; } f=fopen(p, "w"); if (f==NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "usrc_create(%s, %s): unable to create file\n", path!=NULL ? path : "", filename); } return f; } U_CAPI FILE * U_EXPORT2 usrc_create(const char *path, const char *filename, int32_t copyrightYear, const char *generator) { FILE *f = usrc_createWithoutHeader(path, filename); if (f == NULL) { return f; } usrc_writeCopyrightHeader(f, "//", copyrightYear); usrc_writeFileNameGeneratedBy(f, "//", filename, generator); return f; } U_CAPI FILE * U_EXPORT2 usrc_createTextData(const char *path, const char *filename, int32_t copyrightYear, const char *generator) { FILE *f = usrc_createWithoutHeader(path, filename); if (f == NULL) { return f; } usrc_writeCopyrightHeader(f, "#", copyrightYear); usrc_writeFileNameGeneratedBy(f, "#", filename, generator); return f; } U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 usrc_writeCopyrightHeader(FILE *f, const char *prefix, int32_t copyrightYear) { fprintf(f, "%s Copyright (C) %d and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.\n" "%s License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html\n", prefix, copyrightYear, prefix); if (copyrightYear <= 2016) { fprintf(f, "%s Copyright (C) 1999-2016, International Business Machines\n" "%s Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.\n", prefix, prefix); } } U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 usrc_writeFileNameGeneratedBy( FILE *f, const char *prefix, const char *filename, const char *generator) { char buffer[1024]; const struct tm *lt; time_t t; const char *pattern = "%s\n" "%s file name: %s\n" "%s\n" "%s machine-generated by: %s\n" "\n"; time(&t); lt=localtime(&t); if(generator==NULL) { strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%Y-%m-%d", lt); fprintf(f, pattern, prefix, prefix, filename, prefix, prefix, buffer); } else { fprintf(f, pattern, prefix, prefix, filename, prefix, prefix, generator); } } U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 usrc_writeArray(FILE *f, const char *prefix, const void *p, int32_t width, int32_t length, const char *indent, const char *postfix) { const uint8_t *p8; const uint16_t *p16; const uint32_t *p32; uint32_t value; int32_t i, col; p8=NULL; p16=NULL; p32=NULL; switch(width) { case 8: p8=(const uint8_t *)p; break; case 16: p16=(const uint16_t *)p; break; case 32: p32=(const uint32_t *)p; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "usrc_writeArray(width=%ld) unrecognized width\n", (long)width); return; } if(prefix!=NULL) { fprintf(f, prefix, (long)length); } for(i=col=0; i0) { if(col<16) { fputc(',', f); } else { fputs(",\n", f); fputs(indent, f); col=0; } } switch(width) { case 8: value=p8[i]; break; case 16: value=p16[i]; break; case 32: value=p32[i]; break; default: value=0; /* unreachable */ break; } fprintf(f, value<=9 ? "%lu" : "0x%lx", (unsigned long)value); } if(postfix!=NULL) { fputs(postfix, f); } } U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 usrc_writeUTrie2Arrays(FILE *f, const char *indexPrefix, const char *data32Prefix, const UTrie2 *pTrie, const char *postfix) { if(pTrie->data32==NULL) { /* 16-bit trie */ usrc_writeArray(f, indexPrefix, pTrie->index, 16, pTrie->indexLength+pTrie->dataLength, "", postfix); } else { /* 32-bit trie */ usrc_writeArray(f, indexPrefix, pTrie->index, 16, pTrie->indexLength, "", postfix); usrc_writeArray(f, data32Prefix, pTrie->data32, 32, pTrie->dataLength, "", postfix); } } U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 usrc_writeUTrie2Struct(FILE *f, const char *prefix, const UTrie2 *pTrie, const char *indexName, const char *data32Name, const char *postfix) { if(prefix!=NULL) { fputs(prefix, f); } if(pTrie->data32==NULL) { /* 16-bit trie */ fprintf( f, " %s,\n" /* index */ " %s+%ld,\n" /* data16 */ " NULL,\n", /* data32 */ indexName, indexName, (long)pTrie->indexLength); } else { /* 32-bit trie */ fprintf( f, " %s,\n" /* index */ " NULL,\n" /* data16 */ " %s,\n", /* data32 */ indexName, data32Name); } fprintf( f, " %ld,\n" /* indexLength */ " %ld,\n" /* dataLength */ " 0x%hx,\n" /* index2NullOffset */ " 0x%hx,\n" /* dataNullOffset */ " 0x%lx,\n" /* initialValue */ " 0x%lx,\n" /* errorValue */ " 0x%lx,\n" /* highStart */ " 0x%lx,\n" /* highValueIndex */ " NULL, 0, FALSE, FALSE, 0, NULL\n", (long)pTrie->indexLength, (long)pTrie->dataLength, (short)pTrie->index2NullOffset, (short)pTrie->dataNullOffset, (long)pTrie->initialValue, (long)pTrie->errorValue, (long)pTrie->highStart, (long)pTrie->highValueIndex); if(postfix!=NULL) { fputs(postfix, f); } } U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 usrc_writeUCPTrieArrays(FILE *f, const char *indexPrefix, const char *dataPrefix, const UCPTrie *pTrie, const char *postfix, UTargetSyntax syntax) { const char* indent = (syntax == UPRV_TARGET_SYNTAX_TOML) ? " " : ""; usrc_writeArray(f, indexPrefix, pTrie->index, 16, pTrie->indexLength, indent, postfix); int32_t width= pTrie->valueWidth==UCPTRIE_VALUE_BITS_16 ? 16 : pTrie->valueWidth==UCPTRIE_VALUE_BITS_32 ? 32 : pTrie->valueWidth==UCPTRIE_VALUE_BITS_8 ? 8 : 0; usrc_writeArray(f, dataPrefix, pTrie->data.ptr0, width, pTrie->dataLength, indent, postfix); } U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 usrc_writeUCPTrieStruct(FILE *f, const char *prefix, const UCPTrie *pTrie, const char *indexName, const char *dataName, const char *postfix, UTargetSyntax syntax) { if(prefix!=NULL) { fputs(prefix, f); } if (syntax == UPRV_TARGET_SYNTAX_CCODE) { fprintf( f, " %s,\n" // index " { %s },\n", // data (union) indexName, dataName); } const char* pattern = (syntax == UPRV_TARGET_SYNTAX_CCODE) ? " %ld, %ld,\n" // indexLength, dataLength " 0x%lx, 0x%x,\n" // highStart, shifted12HighStart " %d, %d,\n" // type, valueWidth " 0, 0,\n" // reserved32, reserved16 " 0x%x, 0x%lx,\n" // index3NullOffset, dataNullOffset " 0x%lx,\n" // nullValue : "indexLength = %ld\n" "dataLength = %ld\n" "highStart = 0x%lx\n" "shifted12HighStart = 0x%x\n" "type = %d\n" "valueWidth = %d\n" "index3NullOffset = 0x%x\n" "dataNullOffset = 0x%lx\n" "nullValue = 0x%lx\n" ; fprintf( f, pattern, (long)pTrie->indexLength, (long)pTrie->dataLength, (long)pTrie->highStart, pTrie->shifted12HighStart, pTrie->type, pTrie->valueWidth, pTrie->index3NullOffset, (long)pTrie->dataNullOffset, (long)pTrie->nullValue); if(postfix!=NULL) { fputs(postfix, f); } } U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 usrc_writeUCPTrie(FILE *f, const char *name, const UCPTrie *pTrie, UTargetSyntax syntax) { int32_t width= pTrie->valueWidth==UCPTRIE_VALUE_BITS_16 ? 16 : pTrie->valueWidth==UCPTRIE_VALUE_BITS_32 ? 32 : pTrie->valueWidth==UCPTRIE_VALUE_BITS_8 ? 8 : 0; char line[100], line2[100], line3[100], line4[100]; switch (syntax) { case UPRV_TARGET_SYNTAX_CCODE: sprintf(line, "static const uint16_t %s_trieIndex[%%ld]={\n", name); sprintf(line2, "static const uint%d_t %s_trieData[%%ld]={\n", (int)width, name); sprintf(line3, "\n};\n\n"); break; case UPRV_TARGET_SYNTAX_TOML: sprintf(line, "index = [\n "); sprintf(line2, "data_%d = [\n ", (int)width); sprintf(line3, "\n]\n"); break; default: UPRV_UNREACHABLE_EXIT; } usrc_writeUCPTrieArrays(f, line, line2, pTrie, line3, syntax); switch (syntax) { case UPRV_TARGET_SYNTAX_CCODE: sprintf(line, "static const UCPTrie %s_trie={\n", name); sprintf(line2, "%s_trieIndex", name); sprintf(line3, "%s_trieData", name); sprintf(line4, "};\n\n"); break; case UPRV_TARGET_SYNTAX_TOML: line[0] = 0; line2[0] = 0; line3[0] = 0; line4[0] = 0; break; default: UPRV_UNREACHABLE_EXIT; } usrc_writeUCPTrieStruct(f, line, pTrie, line2, line3, line4, syntax); } U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 usrc_writeUnicodeSet( FILE *f, const USet *pSet, UTargetSyntax syntax) { // ccode is not yet supported U_ASSERT(syntax == UPRV_TARGET_SYNTAX_TOML); // Write out a list of ranges const UnicodeSet* set = UnicodeSet::fromUSet(pSet); UnicodeSetIterator it(*set); fprintf(f, "# Inclusive ranges of the code points in the set.\n"); fprintf(f, "ranges = [\n"); bool seenFirstString = false; while (it.nextRange()) { if (it.isString()) { if (!seenFirstString) { seenFirstString = true; fprintf(f, "]\nstrings = [\n"); } const UnicodeString& str = it.getString(); fprintf(f, " "); usrc_writeStringAsASCII(f, str.getBuffer(), str.length(), syntax); fprintf(f, ",\n"); } else { U_ASSERT(!seenFirstString); UChar32 start = it.getCodepoint(); UChar32 end = it.getCodepointEnd(); fprintf(f, " [0x%x, 0x%x],\n", start, end); } } fprintf(f, "]\n"); } U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 usrc_writeUCPMap( FILE *f, const UCPMap *pMap, icu::ValueNameGetter *valueNameGetter, UTargetSyntax syntax) { // ccode is not yet supported U_ASSERT(syntax == UPRV_TARGET_SYNTAX_TOML); (void) syntax; // silence unused variable errors // Print out list of ranges UChar32 start = 0, end; uint32_t value; fprintf(f, "# Code points `a` through `b` have value `v`, corresponding to `name`.\n"); fprintf(f, "ranges = [\n"); while ((end = ucpmap_getRange(pMap, start, UCPMAP_RANGE_NORMAL, 0, nullptr, nullptr, &value)) >= 0) { if (valueNameGetter != nullptr) { const char *name = valueNameGetter->getName(value); fprintf(f, " {a=0x%x, b=0x%x, v=%u, name=\"%s\"},\n", start, end, value, name); } else { fprintf(f, " {a=0x%x, b=0x%x, v=%u},\n", start, end, value); } start = end + 1; } fprintf(f, "]\n"); } U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 usrc_writeArrayOfMostlyInvChars(FILE *f, const char *prefix, const char *p, int32_t length, const char *postfix) { int32_t i, col; int prev2, prev, c; if(prefix!=NULL) { fprintf(f, prefix, (long)length); } prev2=prev=-1; for(i=col=0; i0) { /* Break long lines. Try to break at interesting places, to minimize revision diffs. */ if( /* Very long line. */ col>=32 || /* Long line, break after terminating NUL. */ (col>=24 && prev2>=0x20 && prev==0) || /* Medium-long line, break before non-NUL, non-character byte. */ (col>=16 && (prev==0 || prev>=0x20) && 0(cp), 0}; fprintf(f, "%s", s); } } fprintf(f, "\""); }