/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.android.textclassifier; import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Java wrapper for Annotator native library interface. This library is used for detecting entities * in text. * * @hide */ public final class AnnotatorModel implements AutoCloseable { private final AtomicBoolean isClosed = new AtomicBoolean(false); static { System.loadLibrary("textclassifier"); } // Keep these in sync with the constants defined in AOSP. static final String TYPE_UNKNOWN = ""; static final String TYPE_OTHER = "other"; static final String TYPE_EMAIL = "email"; static final String TYPE_PHONE = "phone"; static final String TYPE_ADDRESS = "address"; static final String TYPE_URL = "url"; static final String TYPE_DATE = "date"; static final String TYPE_DATE_TIME = "datetime"; static final String TYPE_FLIGHT_NUMBER = "flight"; public static final double INVALID_LATITUDE = 180; public static final double INVALID_LONGITUDE = 360; public static final float INVALID_LOCATION_ACCURACY_METERS = 0; private long annotatorPtr; // To tell GC to keep the LangID model alive at least as long as this object. @Nullable private LangIdModel langIdModel; /** Enumeration for specifying the usecase of the annotations. */ public static enum AnnotationUsecase { /** Results are optimized for Smart{Select,Share,Linkify}. */ SMART(0), /** * Results are optimized for using TextClassifier as an infrastructure that annotates as much as * possible. */ RAW(1); private final int value; AnnotationUsecase(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } }; /** Enumeration for specifying the annotate mode. */ public static enum AnnotateMode { /** Result contains entity annotation for each input fragment. */ ENTITY_ANNOTATION(0), /** Result will include both entity annotation and topicality annotation. */ ENTITY_AND_TOPICALITY_ANNOTATION(1); private final int value; AnnotateMode(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValue() { return value; } }; /** * Creates a new instance of SmartSelect predictor, using the provided model image, given as a * file descriptor. */ public AnnotatorModel(int fileDescriptor) { annotatorPtr = nativeNewAnnotator(fileDescriptor); if (annotatorPtr == 0L) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't initialize TC from file descriptor."); } } /** * Creates a new instance of SmartSelect predictor, using the provided model image, given as a * file path. */ public AnnotatorModel(String path) { annotatorPtr = nativeNewAnnotatorFromPath(path); if (annotatorPtr == 0L) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't initialize TC from given file."); } } /** * Creates a new instance of SmartSelect predictor, using the provided model image, given as an * {@link AssetFileDescriptor}. */ public AnnotatorModel(AssetFileDescriptor assetFileDescriptor) { annotatorPtr = nativeNewAnnotatorWithOffset( assetFileDescriptor.getParcelFileDescriptor().getFd(), assetFileDescriptor.getStartOffset(), assetFileDescriptor.getLength()); if (annotatorPtr == 0L) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't initialize TC from asset file descriptor."); } } /** Initializes the knowledge engine, passing the given serialized config to it. */ public void initializeKnowledgeEngine(byte[] serializedConfig) { if (!nativeInitializeKnowledgeEngine(annotatorPtr, serializedConfig)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't initialize the KG engine"); } } /** Initializes the contact engine, passing the given serialized config to it. */ public void initializeContactEngine(byte[] serializedConfig) { if (!nativeInitializeContactEngine(annotatorPtr, serializedConfig)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't initialize the contact engine"); } } /** Initializes the installed app engine, passing the given serialized config to it. */ public void initializeInstalledAppEngine(byte[] serializedConfig) { if (!nativeInitializeInstalledAppEngine(annotatorPtr, serializedConfig)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't initialize the installed app engine"); } } /** * Sets the LangId model to the annotator. Do not call close on the given LangIdModel object * before this object is closed. Also, this object does not take the memory ownership of the given * LangIdModel object. */ public void setLangIdModel(@Nullable LangIdModel langIdModel) { this.langIdModel = langIdModel; nativeSetLangId(annotatorPtr, langIdModel == null ? 0 : langIdModel.getNativePointer()); } /** * Initializes the person name engine, using the provided model image, given as an {@link * AssetFileDescriptor}. */ public void initializePersonNameEngine(AssetFileDescriptor assetFileDescriptor) { if (!nativeInitializePersonNameEngine( annotatorPtr, assetFileDescriptor.getParcelFileDescriptor().getFd(), assetFileDescriptor.getStartOffset(), assetFileDescriptor.getLength())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't initialize the person name engine"); } } /** * Given a string context and current selection, computes the selection suggestion. * *
The begin and end are character indices into the context UTF8 string. selectionBegin is the * character index where the selection begins, and selectionEnd is the index of one character past * the selection span. * *
The return value is an array of two ints: suggested selection beginning and end, with the * same semantics as the input selectionBeginning and selectionEnd. */ public int[] suggestSelection( String context, int selectionBegin, int selectionEnd, SelectionOptions options) { return nativeSuggestSelection(annotatorPtr, context, selectionBegin, selectionEnd, options); } /** * Given a string context and current selection, classifies the type of the selected text. * *
The begin and end params are character indices in the context string. * *
Returns an array of ClassificationResult objects with the probability scores for different
* collections.
public ClassificationResult[] classifyText(
String context, int selectionBegin, int selectionEnd, ClassificationOptions options) {
return classifyText(
/*appContext=*/ null,
/*resourcesLocale=*/ null);
public ClassificationResult[] classifyText(
String context,
int selectionBegin,
int selectionEnd,
ClassificationOptions options,
Object appContext,
String resourcesLocale) {
return nativeClassifyText(
annotatorPtr, context, selectionBegin, selectionEnd, options, appContext, resourcesLocale);
* Annotates given input text. The annotations should cover the whole input context except for
* whitespaces, and are sorted by their position in the context string.
public AnnotatedSpan[] annotate(String text, AnnotationOptions options) {
return nativeAnnotate(annotatorPtr, text, options);
* Annotates multiple fragments of text at once. There will be one AnnotatedSpan array for each
* input fragment to annotate.
public Annotations annotateStructuredInput(InputFragment[] fragments, AnnotationOptions options) {
return nativeAnnotateStructuredInput(annotatorPtr, fragments, options);
* Looks up a knowledge entity by its identifier. Returns null if the entity is not found or on
* error.
public byte[] lookUpKnowledgeEntity(String id) {
return nativeLookUpKnowledgeEntity(annotatorPtr, id);
/** Frees up the allocated memory. */
public void close() {
if (isClosed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
annotatorPtr = 0L;
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
try {
} finally {
/** Returns a comma separated list of locales supported by the model as BCP 47 tags. */
public static String getLocales(int fd) {
return nativeGetLocales(fd);
/** Returns a comma separated list of locales supported by the model as BCP 47 tags. */
public static String getLocales(AssetFileDescriptor assetFileDescriptor) {
return nativeGetLocalesWithOffset(
/** Returns the version of the model. */
public static int getVersion(int fd) {
return nativeGetVersion(fd);
/** Returns the version of the model. */
public static int getVersion(AssetFileDescriptor assetFileDescriptor) {
return nativeGetVersionWithOffset(
/** Returns the name of the model. */
public static String getName(int fd) {
return nativeGetName(fd);
/** Returns the name of the model. */
public static String getName(AssetFileDescriptor assetFileDescriptor) {
return nativeGetNameWithOffset(
/** Information about a parsed time/date. */
public static final class DatetimeResult {
public static final int GRANULARITY_YEAR = 0;
public static final int GRANULARITY_MONTH = 1;
public static final int GRANULARITY_WEEK = 2;
public static final int GRANULARITY_DAY = 3;
public static final int GRANULARITY_HOUR = 4;
public static final int GRANULARITY_MINUTE = 5;
public static final int GRANULARITY_SECOND = 6;
private final long timeMsUtc;
private final int granularity;
public DatetimeResult(long timeMsUtc, int granularity) {
this.timeMsUtc = timeMsUtc;
this.granularity = granularity;
public long getTimeMsUtc() {
return timeMsUtc;
public int getGranularity() {
return granularity;
/** Classification result for classifyText method. */
public static final class ClassificationResult {
private final String collection;
private final float score;
@Nullable private final DatetimeResult datetimeResult;
@Nullable private final byte[] serializedKnowledgeResult;
@Nullable private final String contactName;
@Nullable private final String contactGivenName;
@Nullable private final String contactFamilyName;
@Nullable private final String contactNickname;
@Nullable private final String contactEmailAddress;
@Nullable private final String contactPhoneNumber;
@Nullable private final String contactAccountType;
@Nullable private final String contactAccountName;
@Nullable private final String contactId;
@Nullable private final String appName;
@Nullable private final String appPackageName;
@Nullable private final NamedVariant[] entityData;
@Nullable private final byte[] serializedEntityData;
@Nullable private final RemoteActionTemplate[] remoteActionTemplates;
private final long durationMs;
private final long numericValue;
private final double numericDoubleValue;
public ClassificationResult(
String collection,
float score,
@Nullable DatetimeResult datetimeResult,
@Nullable byte[] serializedKnowledgeResult,
@Nullable String contactName,
@Nullable String contactGivenName,
@Nullable String contactFamilyName,
@Nullable String contactNickname,
@Nullable String contactEmailAddress,
@Nullable String contactPhoneNumber,
@Nullable String contactAccountType,
@Nullable String contactAccountName,
@Nullable String contactId,
@Nullable String appName,
@Nullable String appPackageName,
@Nullable NamedVariant[] entityData,
@Nullable byte[] serializedEntityData,
@Nullable RemoteActionTemplate[] remoteActionTemplates,
long durationMs,
long numericValue,
double numericDoubleValue) {
this.collection = collection;
this.score = score;
this.datetimeResult = datetimeResult;
this.serializedKnowledgeResult = serializedKnowledgeResult;
this.contactName = contactName;
this.contactGivenName = contactGivenName;
this.contactFamilyName = contactFamilyName;
this.contactNickname = contactNickname;
this.contactEmailAddress = contactEmailAddress;
this.contactPhoneNumber = contactPhoneNumber;
this.contactAccountType = contactAccountType;
this.contactAccountName = contactAccountName;
this.contactId = contactId;
this.appName = appName;
this.appPackageName = appPackageName;
this.entityData = entityData;
this.serializedEntityData = serializedEntityData;
this.remoteActionTemplates = remoteActionTemplates;
this.durationMs = durationMs;
this.numericValue = numericValue;
this.numericDoubleValue = numericDoubleValue;
/** Returns the classified entity type. */
public String getCollection() {
return collection;
/** Confidence score between 0 and 1. */
public float getScore() {
return score;
public DatetimeResult getDatetimeResult() {
return datetimeResult;
public byte[] getSerializedKnowledgeResult() {
return serializedKnowledgeResult;
public String getContactName() {
return contactName;
public String getContactGivenName() {
return contactGivenName;
public String getContactFamilyName() {
return contactFamilyName;
public String getContactNickname() {
return contactNickname;
public String getContactEmailAddress() {
return contactEmailAddress;
public String getContactPhoneNumber() {
return contactPhoneNumber;
public String getContactAccountType() {
return contactAccountType;
public String getContactAccountName() {
return contactAccountName;
public String getContactId() {
return contactId;
public String getAppName() {
return appName;
public String getAppPackageName() {
return appPackageName;
public NamedVariant[] getEntityData() {
return entityData;
public byte[] getSerializedEntityData() {
return serializedEntityData;
public RemoteActionTemplate[] getRemoteActionTemplates() {
return remoteActionTemplates;
public long getDurationMs() {
return durationMs;
public long getNumericValue() {
return numericValue;
public double getNumericDoubleValue() {
return numericDoubleValue;
/** Represents a result of Annotate call. */
public static final class AnnotatedSpan {
private final int startIndex;
private final int endIndex;
private final ClassificationResult[] classification;
AnnotatedSpan(int startIndex, int endIndex, ClassificationResult[] classification) {
this.startIndex = startIndex;
this.endIndex = endIndex;
this.classification = classification;
public int getStartIndex() {
return startIndex;
public int getEndIndex() {
return endIndex;
public ClassificationResult[] getClassification() {
return classification;
* Represents a result of Annotate call, which will include both entity annotations and topicality
* annotations.
public static final class Annotations {
private final AnnotatedSpan[][] annotatedSpans;
private final ClassificationResult[] topicalityResults;
Annotations(AnnotatedSpan[][] annotatedSpans, ClassificationResult[] topicalityResults) {
this.annotatedSpans = annotatedSpans;
this.topicalityResults = topicalityResults;
public AnnotatedSpan[][] getAnnotatedSpans() {
return annotatedSpans;
public ClassificationResult[] getTopicalityResults() {
return topicalityResults;
/** Represents a fragment of text to the AnnotateStructuredInput call. */
public static final class InputFragment {
/** Encapsulates the data required to set the relative time of an InputFragment. */
public static final class DatetimeOptions {
private final String referenceTimezone;
private final Long referenceTimeMsUtc;
public DatetimeOptions(String referenceTimezone, Long referenceTimeMsUtc) {
this.referenceTimeMsUtc = referenceTimeMsUtc;
this.referenceTimezone = referenceTimezone;
public InputFragment(String text) {
this.text = text;
this.datetimeOptionsNullable = null;
this.boundingBoxTop = 0;
this.boundingBoxHeight = 0;
public InputFragment(
String text,
DatetimeOptions datetimeOptions,
float boundingBoxTop,
float boundingBoxHeight) {
this.text = text;
this.datetimeOptionsNullable = datetimeOptions;
this.boundingBoxTop = boundingBoxTop;
this.boundingBoxHeight = boundingBoxHeight;
private final String text;
// The DatetimeOptions can't be Optional because the _api16 build of the TCLib SDK does not
// support java.util.Optional.
private final DatetimeOptions datetimeOptionsNullable;
private final float boundingBoxTop;
private final float boundingBoxHeight;
public String getText() {
return text;
public float getBoundingBoxTop() {
return boundingBoxTop;
public float getBoundingBoxHeight() {
return boundingBoxHeight;
public boolean hasDatetimeOptions() {
return datetimeOptionsNullable != null;
public long getReferenceTimeMsUtc() {
return datetimeOptionsNullable.referenceTimeMsUtc;
public String getReferenceTimezone() {
return datetimeOptionsNullable.referenceTimezone;
/** Represents options for the suggestSelection call. */
public static final class SelectionOptions {
@Nullable private final String locales;
@Nullable private final String detectedTextLanguageTags;
private final int annotationUsecase;
private final double userLocationLat;
private final double userLocationLng;
private final float userLocationAccuracyMeters;
private final boolean usePodNer;
private final boolean useVocabAnnotator;
private SelectionOptions(
@Nullable String locales,
@Nullable String detectedTextLanguageTags,
int annotationUsecase,
double userLocationLat,
double userLocationLng,
float userLocationAccuracyMeters,
boolean usePodNer,
boolean useVocabAnnotator) {
this.locales = locales;
this.detectedTextLanguageTags = detectedTextLanguageTags;
this.annotationUsecase = annotationUsecase;
this.userLocationLat = userLocationLat;
this.userLocationLng = userLocationLng;
this.userLocationAccuracyMeters = userLocationAccuracyMeters;
this.usePodNer = usePodNer;
this.useVocabAnnotator = useVocabAnnotator;
/** Can be used to build a SelectionsOptions instance. */
public static class Builder {
@Nullable private String locales;
@Nullable private String detectedTextLanguageTags;
private int annotationUsecase = AnnotationUsecase.SMART.getValue();
private double userLocationLat = INVALID_LATITUDE;
private double userLocationLng = INVALID_LONGITUDE;
private float userLocationAccuracyMeters = INVALID_LOCATION_ACCURACY_METERS;
private boolean usePodNer = true;
private boolean useVocabAnnotator = true;
public Builder setLocales(@Nullable String locales) {
this.locales = locales;
return this;
public Builder setDetectedTextLanguageTags(@Nullable String detectedTextLanguageTags) {
this.detectedTextLanguageTags = detectedTextLanguageTags;
return this;
public Builder setAnnotationUsecase(int annotationUsecase) {
this.annotationUsecase = annotationUsecase;
return this;
public Builder setUserLocationLat(double userLocationLat) {
this.userLocationLat = userLocationLat;
return this;
public Builder setUserLocationLng(double userLocationLng) {
this.userLocationLng = userLocationLng;
return this;
public Builder setUserLocationAccuracyMeters(float userLocationAccuracyMeters) {
this.userLocationAccuracyMeters = userLocationAccuracyMeters;
return this;
public Builder setUsePodNer(boolean usePodNer) {
this.usePodNer = usePodNer;
return this;
public Builder setUseVocabAnnotator(boolean useVocabAnnotator) {
this.useVocabAnnotator = useVocabAnnotator;
return this;
public SelectionOptions build() {
return new SelectionOptions(
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public String getLocales() {
return locales;
/** Returns a comma separated list of BCP 47 language tags. */
public String getDetectedTextLanguageTags() {
return detectedTextLanguageTags;
public int getAnnotationUsecase() {
return annotationUsecase;
public double getUserLocationLat() {
return userLocationLat;
public double getUserLocationLng() {
return userLocationLng;
public float getUserLocationAccuracyMeters() {
return userLocationAccuracyMeters;
public boolean getUsePodNer() {
return usePodNer;
public boolean getUseVocabAnnotator() {
return useVocabAnnotator;
/** Represents options for the classifyText call. */
public static final class ClassificationOptions {
private final long referenceTimeMsUtc;
private final String referenceTimezone;
@Nullable private final String locales;
@Nullable private final String detectedTextLanguageTags;
private final int annotationUsecase;
private final double userLocationLat;
private final double userLocationLng;
private final float userLocationAccuracyMeters;
private final String userFamiliarLanguageTags;
private final boolean usePodNer;
private final boolean triggerDictionaryOnBeginnerWords;
private final boolean useVocabAnnotator;
private ClassificationOptions(
long referenceTimeMsUtc,
String referenceTimezone,
@Nullable String locales,
@Nullable String detectedTextLanguageTags,
int annotationUsecase,
double userLocationLat,
double userLocationLng,
float userLocationAccuracyMeters,
String userFamiliarLanguageTags,
boolean usePodNer,
boolean triggerDictionaryOnBeginnerWords,
boolean useVocabAnnotator) {
this.referenceTimeMsUtc = referenceTimeMsUtc;
this.referenceTimezone = referenceTimezone;
this.locales = locales;
this.detectedTextLanguageTags = detectedTextLanguageTags;
this.annotationUsecase = annotationUsecase;
this.userLocationLat = userLocationLat;
this.userLocationLng = userLocationLng;
this.userLocationAccuracyMeters = userLocationAccuracyMeters;
this.userFamiliarLanguageTags = userFamiliarLanguageTags;
this.usePodNer = usePodNer;
this.triggerDictionaryOnBeginnerWords = triggerDictionaryOnBeginnerWords;
this.useVocabAnnotator = useVocabAnnotator;
/** Can be used to build a ClassificationOptions instance. */
public static class Builder {
private long referenceTimeMsUtc;
@Nullable private String referenceTimezone;
@Nullable private String locales;
@Nullable private String detectedTextLanguageTags;
private int annotationUsecase = AnnotationUsecase.SMART.getValue();
private double userLocationLat = INVALID_LATITUDE;
private double userLocationLng = INVALID_LONGITUDE;
private float userLocationAccuracyMeters = INVALID_LOCATION_ACCURACY_METERS;
private String userFamiliarLanguageTags = "";
private boolean usePodNer = true;
private boolean triggerDictionaryOnBeginnerWords = false;
private boolean useVocabAnnotator = true;
public Builder setReferenceTimeMsUtc(long referenceTimeMsUtc) {
this.referenceTimeMsUtc = referenceTimeMsUtc;
return this;
public Builder setReferenceTimezone(String referenceTimezone) {
this.referenceTimezone = referenceTimezone;
return this;
public Builder setLocales(@Nullable String locales) {
this.locales = locales;
return this;
public Builder setDetectedTextLanguageTags(@Nullable String detectedTextLanguageTags) {
this.detectedTextLanguageTags = detectedTextLanguageTags;
return this;
public Builder setAnnotationUsecase(int annotationUsecase) {
this.annotationUsecase = annotationUsecase;
return this;
public Builder setUserLocationLat(double userLocationLat) {
this.userLocationLat = userLocationLat;
return this;
public Builder setUserLocationLng(double userLocationLng) {
this.userLocationLng = userLocationLng;
return this;
public Builder setUserLocationAccuracyMeters(float userLocationAccuracyMeters) {
this.userLocationAccuracyMeters = userLocationAccuracyMeters;
return this;
public Builder setUserFamiliarLanguageTags(String userFamiliarLanguageTags) {
this.userFamiliarLanguageTags = userFamiliarLanguageTags;
return this;
public Builder setUsePodNer(boolean usePodNer) {
this.usePodNer = usePodNer;
return this;
public Builder setTrigerringDictionaryOnBeginnerWords(
boolean triggerDictionaryOnBeginnerWords) {
this.triggerDictionaryOnBeginnerWords = triggerDictionaryOnBeginnerWords;
return this;
public Builder setUseVocabAnnotator(boolean useVocabAnnotator) {
this.useVocabAnnotator = useVocabAnnotator;
return this;
public ClassificationOptions build() {
return new ClassificationOptions(
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public long getReferenceTimeMsUtc() {
return referenceTimeMsUtc;
public String getReferenceTimezone() {
return referenceTimezone;
public String getLocale() {
return locales;
/** Returns a comma separated list of BCP 47 language tags. */
public String getDetectedTextLanguageTags() {
return detectedTextLanguageTags;
public int getAnnotationUsecase() {
return annotationUsecase;
public double getUserLocationLat() {
return userLocationLat;
public double getUserLocationLng() {
return userLocationLng;
public float getUserLocationAccuracyMeters() {
return userLocationAccuracyMeters;
public String getUserFamiliarLanguageTags() {
return userFamiliarLanguageTags;
public boolean getUsePodNer() {
return usePodNer;
public boolean getTriggerDictionaryOnBeginnerWords() {
return triggerDictionaryOnBeginnerWords;
public boolean getUseVocabAnnotator() {
return useVocabAnnotator;
/** Represents options for the annotate call. */
public static final class AnnotationOptions {
private final long referenceTimeMsUtc;
private final String referenceTimezone;
@Nullable private final String locales;
@Nullable private final String detectedTextLanguageTags;
private final String[] entityTypes;
private final int annotateMode;
private final int annotationUsecase;
private final boolean hasLocationPermission;
private final boolean hasPersonalizationPermission;
private final boolean isSerializedEntityDataEnabled;
private final double userLocationLat;
private final double userLocationLng;
private final float userLocationAccuracyMeters;
private final boolean usePodNer;
private final boolean triggerDictionaryOnBeginnerWords;
private final boolean useVocabAnnotator;
private AnnotationOptions(
long referenceTimeMsUtc,
String referenceTimezone,
@Nullable String locales,
@Nullable String detectedTextLanguageTags,
@Nullable Collection