/****************************************************************************** * * * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ***************************************************************************** * Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore */ #include #include "ixheaacd_type_def.h" #include "ixheaacd_bitbuffer.h" #include "ixheaacd_config.h" #include "ixheaacd_mps_polyphase.h" #include "ixheaacd_mps_dec.h" #include "ixheaacd_mps_interface.h" #define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define DIR_DIFF_IN 0 #define DOWNMIX_IN 1 #define LAMDA (4.0f) #define GES_ALPHA (0.99637864f) #define GES_BETA (0.9643691f) extern const WORD32 ixheaacd_hybrid_band_71_to_processing_band_20_map[MAX_HYBRID_BANDS_MPS]; VOID ixheaacd_mps_env_init(ia_mps_dec_state_struct *self) { WORD32 i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { self->guided_env_shaping.avg_energy_prev[i] = 32768.f * 32768.f; } } static VOID ixheaacd_mps_est_normalized_envelope(ia_mps_dec_state_struct *self, WORD32 inp, WORD32 ch, FLOAT32 *env) { FLOAT32 slot_energy[MAX_TIME_SLOTS][MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS] = {{0}}; FLOAT32 pb_energy[MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS] = {0}; FLOAT32 whitening_weight[MAX_PARAMETER_BANDS]; WORD32 ii, jj, param_band; WORD32 k_start = 10; WORD32 k_stop = 18; FLOAT32 total_energy = 0, avg_energy = 0; WORD32 ch_offset; switch (inp) { case DIR_DIFF_IN: ch_offset = 0; for (ii = 0; ii < self->time_slots; ii++) { for (jj = 0; jj < self->hyb_band_count; jj++) { slot_energy[ii] [ixheaacd_hybrid_band_71_to_processing_band_20_map[jj]] += ((self->hyb_dir_out[ch][ii][jj].re + self->hyb_diff_out[ch][ii][jj].re) * (self->hyb_dir_out[ch][ii][jj].re + self->hyb_diff_out[ch][ii][jj].re)) + ((self->hyb_dir_out[ch][ii][jj].im + self->hyb_diff_out[ch][ii][jj].im) * (self->hyb_dir_out[ch][ii][jj].im + self->hyb_diff_out[ch][ii][jj].im)); } } break; case DOWNMIX_IN: ch_offset = self->out_ch_count; for (ii = 0; ii < self->time_slots; ii++) { for (jj = 0; jj < self->hyb_band_count; jj++) { slot_energy[ii] [ixheaacd_hybrid_band_71_to_processing_band_20_map[jj]] += self->hyb_in[ch][ii][jj].re * self->hyb_in[ch][ii][jj].re + self->hyb_in[ch][ii][jj].im * self->hyb_in[ch][ii][jj].im; } } break; default: ch_offset = 0; break; } for (param_band = k_start; param_band <= k_stop; param_band++) pb_energy[param_band] = self->guided_env_shaping.pb_energy_prev[ch + ch_offset][param_band]; avg_energy = self->guided_env_shaping.avg_energy_prev[ch + ch_offset]; for (ii = 0; ii < self->time_slots; ii++) { total_energy = 0; for (param_band = k_start; param_band <= k_stop; param_band++) { pb_energy[param_band] = (1 - GES_ALPHA) * slot_energy[ii][param_band] + GES_ALPHA * pb_energy[param_band]; total_energy += slot_energy[ii][param_band]; } total_energy /= (k_stop - k_start + 1); total_energy = (1 - GES_ALPHA) * total_energy + GES_ALPHA * self->guided_env_shaping.frame_energy_prev[ch + ch_offset]; self->guided_env_shaping.frame_energy_prev[ch + ch_offset] = total_energy; for (param_band = k_start; param_band <= k_stop; param_band++) { whitening_weight[param_band] = total_energy / (pb_energy[param_band] + ABS_THR); } env[ii] = 0; for (param_band = k_start; param_band <= k_stop; param_band++) { env[ii] += slot_energy[ii][param_band] * whitening_weight[param_band]; } avg_energy = (1 - GES_BETA) * env[ii] + GES_BETA * avg_energy; env[ii] = (FLOAT32)sqrt(env[ii] / (avg_energy + ABS_THR)); } for (param_band = k_start; param_band <= k_stop; param_band++) self->guided_env_shaping.pb_energy_prev[ch + ch_offset][param_band] = pb_energy[param_band]; self->guided_env_shaping.avg_energy_prev[ch + ch_offset] = avg_energy; } VOID ixheaacd_mps_time_env_shaping(ia_mps_dec_state_struct *self) { FLOAT32 dir_energy[MAX_TIME_SLOTS]; FLOAT32 dmx_energy[MAX_TIME_SLOTS]; WORD32 ch, time_slot, jj; WORD32 band_start; FLOAT32 gain, ratio; FLOAT32 amp_direct = 0; FLOAT32 amp_diff = 0; FLOAT32 amp_ratio; band_start = 6; ixheaacd_mps_est_normalized_envelope(self, DOWNMIX_IN, 0, dmx_energy); for (ch = 0; ch < self->out_ch_count; ch++) { ixheaacd_mps_est_normalized_envelope(self, DIR_DIFF_IN, ch, dir_energy); if (self->temp_shape_enable_ch_ges[ch]) { for (time_slot = 0; time_slot < self->time_slots; time_slot++) { gain = self->env_shape_data[ch][time_slot] * dmx_energy[time_slot] / (dir_energy[time_slot] + 1e-9f); amp_direct = 0; amp_diff = 0; for (jj = band_start; jj < self->hyb_band_count; jj++) { amp_direct += self->hyb_dir_out[ch][time_slot][jj].re * self->hyb_dir_out[ch][time_slot][jj].re + self->hyb_dir_out[ch][time_slot][jj].im * self->hyb_dir_out[ch][time_slot][jj].im; amp_diff += self->hyb_diff_out[ch][time_slot][jj].re * self->hyb_diff_out[ch][time_slot][jj].re + self->hyb_diff_out[ch][time_slot][jj].im * self->hyb_diff_out[ch][time_slot][jj].im; } amp_ratio = (FLOAT32)sqrt(amp_diff / (amp_direct + ABS_THR)); ratio = min(max((gain + amp_ratio * (gain - 1)), 1 / LAMDA), LAMDA); for (jj = band_start; jj < self->hyb_band_count; jj++) { self->hyb_dir_out[ch][time_slot][jj].re *= ratio; self->hyb_dir_out[ch][time_slot][jj].im *= ratio; } } } } }