// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "fpdfsdk/fpdfxfa/cpdfxfa_context.h" #include #include #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_array.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_dictionary.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_document.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_seekablemultistream.h" #include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_formfillenvironment.h" #include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_pageview.h" #include "fpdfsdk/fpdfxfa/cpdfxfa_page.h" #include "fxjs/cjs_runtime.h" #include "fxjs/ijs_runtime.h" #include "public/fpdf_formfill.h" #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" #include "third_party/base/stl_util.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_eventparam.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_ffapp.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_ffdoc.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_ffdocview.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_ffpageview.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_ffwidgethandler.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_fontmgr.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_readynodeiterator.h" namespace { bool IsValidAlertButton(int type) { return type == JSPLATFORM_ALERT_BUTTON_OK || type == JSPLATFORM_ALERT_BUTTON_OKCANCEL || type == JSPLATFORM_ALERT_BUTTON_YESNO || type == JSPLATFORM_ALERT_BUTTON_YESNOCANCEL; } bool IsValidAlertIcon(int type) { return type == JSPLATFORM_ALERT_ICON_ERROR || type == JSPLATFORM_ALERT_ICON_WARNING || type == JSPLATFORM_ALERT_ICON_QUESTION || type == JSPLATFORM_ALERT_ICON_STATUS || type == JSPLATFORM_ALERT_ICON_ASTERISK; } RetainPtr CreateXFAMultiStream( const CPDF_Document* pPDFDoc) { const CPDF_Dictionary* pRoot = pPDFDoc->GetRoot(); if (!pRoot) return nullptr; const CPDF_Dictionary* pAcroForm = pRoot->GetDictFor("AcroForm"); if (!pAcroForm) return nullptr; const CPDF_Object* pElementXFA = pAcroForm->GetDirectObjectFor("XFA"); if (!pElementXFA) return nullptr; std::vector xfaStreams; if (pElementXFA->IsArray()) { const CPDF_Array* pXFAArray = pElementXFA->AsArray(); for (size_t i = 0; i < pXFAArray->size() / 2; i++) { if (const CPDF_Stream* pStream = pXFAArray->GetStreamAt(i * 2 + 1)) xfaStreams.push_back(pStream); } } else if (pElementXFA->IsStream()) { xfaStreams.push_back(pElementXFA->AsStream()); } if (xfaStreams.empty()) return nullptr; return pdfium::MakeRetain(xfaStreams); } } // namespace CPDFXFA_Context::CPDFXFA_Context(CPDF_Document* pPDFDoc) : m_pPDFDoc(pPDFDoc), m_pXFAApp(pdfium::MakeUnique(this)), m_DocEnv(this) { ASSERT(m_pPDFDoc); } CPDFXFA_Context::~CPDFXFA_Context() { m_nLoadStatus = FXFA_LOADSTATUS_CLOSING; // Must happen before we remove the form fill environment. CloseXFADoc(); if (m_pFormFillEnv) { m_pFormFillEnv->ClearAllFocusedAnnots(); // Once we're deleted the FormFillEnvironment will point at a bad underlying // doc so we need to reset it ... m_pFormFillEnv->GetPDFDocument()->SetExtension(nullptr); m_pFormFillEnv.Reset(); } m_nLoadStatus = FXFA_LOADSTATUS_CLOSED; } void CPDFXFA_Context::CloseXFADoc() { if (!m_pXFADoc) return; m_pXFADocView = nullptr; m_pXFADoc.reset(); } void CPDFXFA_Context::SetFormFillEnv( CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment* pFormFillEnv) { // The layout data can have pointers back into the script context. That // context will be different if the form fill environment closes, so, force // the layout data to clear. if (m_pXFADoc && m_pXFADoc->GetXFADoc()) { // The CPDF_XFADocView has a pointer to the CXFA_LayoutProcessor which is // owned by the CXFA_Document. The Layout Processor will be freed with the // ClearLayoutData() call. Make sure the doc view has already released the // pointer. if (m_pXFADocView) m_pXFADocView->ResetLayoutProcessor(); m_pXFADoc->GetXFADoc()->ClearLayoutData(); } m_pFormFillEnv.Reset(pFormFillEnv); } bool CPDFXFA_Context::LoadXFADoc() { m_nLoadStatus = FXFA_LOADSTATUS_LOADING; m_XFAPageList.clear(); auto stream = CreateXFAMultiStream(m_pPDFDoc.Get()); if (!stream) { FXSYS_SetLastError(FPDF_ERR_XFALOAD); return false; } m_pXFADoc = CXFA_FFDoc::CreateAndOpen(m_pXFAApp.get(), &m_DocEnv, m_pPDFDoc.Get(), stream); if (!m_pXFADoc) { FXSYS_SetLastError(FPDF_ERR_XFALOAD); return false; } CJS_Runtime* actual_runtime = GetCJSRuntime(); // Null if a stub. if (!actual_runtime) { FXSYS_SetLastError(FPDF_ERR_XFALOAD); return false; } m_pXFADoc->GetXFADoc()->InitScriptContext(actual_runtime); if (m_pXFADoc->GetFormType() == FormType::kXFAFull) m_FormType = FormType::kXFAFull; else m_FormType = FormType::kXFAForeground; m_pXFADocView = m_pXFADoc->CreateDocView(); if (m_pXFADocView->StartLayout() < 0) { CloseXFADoc(); FXSYS_SetLastError(FPDF_ERR_XFALAYOUT); return false; } m_pXFADocView->DoLayout(); m_pXFADocView->StopLayout(); m_nLoadStatus = FXFA_LOADSTATUS_LOADED; return true; } int CPDFXFA_Context::GetPageCount() const { switch (m_FormType) { case FormType::kNone: case FormType::kAcroForm: case FormType::kXFAForeground: return m_pPDFDoc->GetPageCount(); case FormType::kXFAFull: return m_pXFADoc ? m_pXFADocView->CountPageViews() : 0; } NOTREACHED(); return 0; } RetainPtr CPDFXFA_Context::GetXFAPage(int page_index) { if (page_index < 0) return nullptr; if (pdfium::IndexInBounds(m_XFAPageList, page_index)) { if (m_XFAPageList[page_index]) return m_XFAPageList[page_index]; } else { m_nPageCount = GetPageCount(); m_XFAPageList.resize(m_nPageCount); } auto pPage = pdfium::MakeRetain(GetPDFDoc(), page_index); if (!pPage->LoadPage()) return nullptr; if (pdfium::IndexInBounds(m_XFAPageList, page_index)) m_XFAPageList[page_index] = pPage; return pPage; } RetainPtr CPDFXFA_Context::GetXFAPage( CXFA_FFPageView* pPage) const { if (!pPage) return nullptr; if (!m_pXFADoc) return nullptr; if (m_FormType != FormType::kXFAFull) return nullptr; for (auto& pTempPage : m_XFAPageList) { if (pTempPage && pTempPage->GetXFAPageView() == pPage) return pTempPage; } return nullptr; } CPDF_Document* CPDFXFA_Context::GetPDFDoc() const { return m_pPDFDoc.Get(); } void CPDFXFA_Context::DeletePage(int page_index) { // Delete from the document first because, if GetPage was never called for // this |page_index| then |m_XFAPageList| may have size < |page_index| even // if it's a valid page in the document. m_pPDFDoc->DeletePage(page_index); if (pdfium::IndexInBounds(m_XFAPageList, page_index)) m_XFAPageList[page_index].Reset(); } uint32_t CPDFXFA_Context::GetUserPermissions() const { // See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/pdfium/issues/detail?id=499 return 0xFFFFFFFF; } bool CPDFXFA_Context::ContainsExtensionForm() const { return m_FormType == FormType::kXFAFull || m_FormType == FormType::kXFAForeground; } bool CPDFXFA_Context::ContainsExtensionFullForm() const { return m_FormType == FormType::kXFAFull; } bool CPDFXFA_Context::ContainsExtensionForegroundForm() const { return m_FormType == FormType::kXFAForeground; } void CPDFXFA_Context::ClearChangeMark() { if (m_pFormFillEnv) m_pFormFillEnv->ClearChangeMark(); } CJS_Runtime* CPDFXFA_Context::GetCJSRuntime() const { if (!m_pFormFillEnv) return nullptr; return m_pFormFillEnv->GetIJSRuntime()->AsCJSRuntime(); } WideString CPDFXFA_Context::GetAppTitle() const { return L"PDFium"; } WideString CPDFXFA_Context::GetAppName() { return m_pFormFillEnv ? m_pFormFillEnv->FFI_GetAppName() : WideString(); } WideString CPDFXFA_Context::GetLanguage() { return m_pFormFillEnv ? m_pFormFillEnv->GetLanguage() : WideString(); } WideString CPDFXFA_Context::GetPlatform() { return m_pFormFillEnv ? m_pFormFillEnv->GetPlatform() : WideString(); } void CPDFXFA_Context::Beep(uint32_t dwType) { if (m_pFormFillEnv) m_pFormFillEnv->JS_appBeep(dwType); } int32_t CPDFXFA_Context::MsgBox(const WideString& wsMessage, const WideString& wsTitle, uint32_t dwIconType, uint32_t dwButtonType) { if (!m_pFormFillEnv || m_nLoadStatus != FXFA_LOADSTATUS_LOADED) return -1; int iconType = IsValidAlertIcon(dwIconType) ? dwIconType : JSPLATFORM_ALERT_ICON_DEFAULT; int iButtonType = IsValidAlertButton(dwButtonType) ? dwButtonType : JSPLATFORM_ALERT_BUTTON_DEFAULT; return m_pFormFillEnv->JS_appAlert(wsMessage, wsTitle, iButtonType, iconType); } WideString CPDFXFA_Context::Response(const WideString& wsQuestion, const WideString& wsTitle, const WideString& wsDefaultAnswer, bool bMark) { if (!m_pFormFillEnv) return WideString(); int nLength = 2048; std::vector pBuff(nLength); nLength = m_pFormFillEnv->JS_appResponse(wsQuestion, wsTitle, wsDefaultAnswer, WideString(), bMark, pBuff.data(), nLength); if (nLength <= 0) return WideString(); nLength = std::min(2046, nLength); pBuff[nLength] = 0; pBuff[nLength + 1] = 0; return WideString::FromUTF16LE(reinterpret_cast(pBuff.data()), nLength / sizeof(uint16_t)); } RetainPtr CPDFXFA_Context::DownloadURL( const WideString& wsURL) { return m_pFormFillEnv ? m_pFormFillEnv->DownloadFromURL(wsURL) : nullptr; } bool CPDFXFA_Context::PostRequestURL(const WideString& wsURL, const WideString& wsData, const WideString& wsContentType, const WideString& wsEncode, const WideString& wsHeader, WideString& wsResponse) { if (!m_pFormFillEnv) return false; wsResponse = m_pFormFillEnv->PostRequestURL(wsURL, wsData, wsContentType, wsEncode, wsHeader); return true; } bool CPDFXFA_Context::PutRequestURL(const WideString& wsURL, const WideString& wsData, const WideString& wsEncode) { return m_pFormFillEnv && m_pFormFillEnv->PutRequestURL(wsURL, wsData, wsEncode); } TimerHandlerIface* CPDFXFA_Context::GetTimerHandler() const { return m_pFormFillEnv ? m_pFormFillEnv->GetTimerHandler() : nullptr; } bool CPDFXFA_Context::SaveDatasetsPackage( const RetainPtr& pStream) { return SavePackage(pStream, XFA_HASHCODE_Datasets); } bool CPDFXFA_Context::SaveFormPackage( const RetainPtr& pStream) { return SavePackage(pStream, XFA_HASHCODE_Form); } bool CPDFXFA_Context::SavePackage(const RetainPtr& pStream, XFA_HashCode code) { CXFA_FFDocView* pXFADocView = GetXFADocView(); if (!pXFADocView) return false; CXFA_FFDoc* ffdoc = pXFADocView->GetDoc(); return ffdoc->SavePackage(ToNode(ffdoc->GetXFADoc()->GetXFAObject(code)), pStream); } void CPDFXFA_Context::SendPostSaveToXFADoc() { if (!ContainsExtensionForm()) return; CXFA_FFDocView* pXFADocView = GetXFADocView(); if (!pXFADocView) return; CXFA_FFWidgetHandler* pWidgetHandler = pXFADocView->GetWidgetHandler(); auto it = pXFADocView->CreateReadyNodeIterator(); while (CXFA_Node* pNode = it->MoveToNext()) { CXFA_EventParam preParam; preParam.m_eType = XFA_EVENT_PostSave; pWidgetHandler->ProcessEvent(pNode, &preParam); } pXFADocView->UpdateDocView(); ClearChangeMark(); } void CPDFXFA_Context::SendPreSaveToXFADoc( std::vector>* fileList) { if (!ContainsExtensionForm()) return; CXFA_FFDocView* pXFADocView = GetXFADocView(); if (!pXFADocView) return; CXFA_FFWidgetHandler* pWidgetHandler = pXFADocView->GetWidgetHandler(); auto it = pXFADocView->CreateReadyNodeIterator(); while (CXFA_Node* pNode = it->MoveToNext()) { CXFA_EventParam preParam; preParam.m_eType = XFA_EVENT_PreSave; pWidgetHandler->ProcessEvent(pNode, &preParam); } pXFADocView->UpdateDocView(); return; }