/* * Copyright 2020 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "bench/Benchmark.h" #include "include/gpu/GrDirectContext.h" #include "src/core/SkPathPriv.h" #include "src/core/SkRectPriv.h" #include "src/gpu/GrDirectContextPriv.h" #include "src/gpu/mock/GrMockOpTarget.h" #include "src/gpu/tessellate/AffineMatrix.h" #include "src/gpu/tessellate/MiddleOutPolygonTriangulator.h" #include "src/gpu/tessellate/PathCurveTessellator.h" #include "src/gpu/tessellate/PathWedgeTessellator.h" #include "src/gpu/tessellate/StrokeFixedCountTessellator.h" #include "src/gpu/tessellate/StrokeHardwareTessellator.h" #include "src/gpu/tessellate/WangsFormula.h" #include "tools/ToolUtils.h" #include namespace skgpu { // This is the number of cubics in desk_chalkboard.skp. (There are no quadratics in the chalkboard.) constexpr static int kNumCubicsInChalkboard = 47182; static sk_sp make_mock_context() { GrMockOptions mockOptions; mockOptions.fDrawInstancedSupport = true; mockOptions.fMaxTessellationSegments = 64; mockOptions.fMapBufferFlags = GrCaps::kCanMap_MapFlag; mockOptions.fConfigOptions[(int)GrColorType::kAlpha_8].fRenderability = GrMockOptions::ConfigOptions::Renderability::kMSAA; mockOptions.fConfigOptions[(int)GrColorType::kAlpha_8].fTexturable = true; mockOptions.fIntegerSupport = true; GrContextOptions ctxOptions; ctxOptions.fGpuPathRenderers = GpuPathRenderers::kTessellation; ctxOptions.fEnableExperimentalHardwareTessellation = true; return GrDirectContext::MakeMock(&mockOptions, ctxOptions); } static SkPath make_cubic_path(int maxPow2) { SkRandom rand; SkPath path; for (int i = 0; i < kNumCubicsInChalkboard/2; ++i) { float x = std::ldexp(rand.nextF(), (i % maxPow2)) / 1e3f; path.cubicTo(111.625f*x, 308.188f*x, 764.62f*x, -435.688f*x, 742.63f*x, 85.187f*x); path.cubicTo(764.62f*x, -435.688f*x, 111.625f*x, 308.188f*x, 0, 0); } return path; } static SkPath make_conic_path() { SkRandom rand; SkPath path; for (int i = 0; i < kNumCubicsInChalkboard / 40; ++i) { for (int j = -10; j <= 10; j++) { const float x = std::ldexp(rand.nextF(), (i % 18)) / 1e3f; const float w = std::ldexp(1 + rand.nextF(), j); path.conicTo(111.625f * x, 308.188f * x, 764.62f * x, -435.688f * x, w); } } return path; } SK_MAYBE_UNUSED static SkPath make_quad_path(int maxPow2) { SkRandom rand; SkPath path; for (int i = 0; i < kNumCubicsInChalkboard; ++i) { float x = std::ldexp(rand.nextF(), (i % maxPow2)) / 1e3f; path.quadTo(111.625f * x, 308.188f * x, 764.62f * x, -435.688f * x); } return path; } SK_MAYBE_UNUSED static SkPath make_line_path(int maxPow2) { SkRandom rand; SkPath path; for (int i = 0; i < kNumCubicsInChalkboard; ++i) { float x = std::ldexp(rand.nextF(), (i % maxPow2)) / 1e3f; path.lineTo(764.62f * x, -435.688f * x); } return path; } // This serves as a base class for benchmarking individual methods on PathTessellateOp. class PathTessellateBenchmark : public Benchmark { public: PathTessellateBenchmark(const char* subName, const SkPath& p, const SkMatrix& m) : fPath(p), fMatrix(m) { fName.printf("tessellate_%s", subName); } const char* onGetName() override { return fName.c_str(); } bool isSuitableFor(Backend backend) final { return backend == kNonRendering_Backend; } protected: void onDelayedSetup() override { fTarget = std::make_unique(make_mock_context()); } void onDraw(int loops, SkCanvas*) final { if (!fTarget->mockContext()) { SkDebugf("ERROR: could not create mock context."); return; } for (int i = 0; i < loops; ++i) { this->runBench(); fTarget->resetAllocator(); } } virtual void runBench() = 0; SkString fName; std::unique_ptr fTarget; const SkPath fPath; const SkMatrix fMatrix; }; #define DEF_PATH_TESS_BENCH(NAME, PATH, MATRIX) \ class PathTessellateBenchmark_##NAME : public PathTessellateBenchmark { \ public: \ PathTessellateBenchmark_##NAME() : PathTessellateBenchmark(#NAME, (PATH), (MATRIX)) {} \ void runBench() override; \ }; \ DEF_BENCH( return new PathTessellateBenchmark_##NAME(); ); \ void PathTessellateBenchmark_##NAME::runBench() static const SkMatrix gAlmostIdentity = SkMatrix::MakeAll( 1.0001f, 0.0001f, 0.0001f, -.0001f, 0.9999f, -.0001f, 0, 0, 1); DEF_PATH_TESS_BENCH(GrPathCurveTessellator, make_cubic_path(8), SkMatrix::I()) { SkArenaAlloc arena(1024); GrPipeline noVaryingsPipeline(GrScissorTest::kDisabled, SkBlendMode::kSrcOver, skgpu::Swizzle::RGBA()); auto tess = PathCurveTessellator::Make(&arena, fTarget->caps().shaderCaps()->infinitySupport()); tess->prepare(fTarget.get(), 1 << PathCurveTessellator::kMaxFixedResolveLevel, fMatrix, {gAlmostIdentity, fPath, SK_PMColor4fTRANSPARENT}, fPath.countVerbs(), true); } DEF_PATH_TESS_BENCH(GrPathWedgeTessellator, make_cubic_path(8), SkMatrix::I()) { SkArenaAlloc arena(1024); GrPipeline noVaryingsPipeline(GrScissorTest::kDisabled, SkBlendMode::kSrcOver, skgpu::Swizzle::RGBA()); auto tess = PathWedgeTessellator::Make(&arena, fTarget->caps().shaderCaps()->infinitySupport()); tess->prepare(fTarget.get(), 1 << PathCurveTessellator::kMaxFixedResolveLevel, fMatrix, {gAlmostIdentity, fPath, SK_PMColor4fTRANSPARENT}, fPath.countVerbs(), true); } static void benchmark_wangs_formula_cubic_log2(const SkMatrix& matrix, const SkPath& path) { int sum = 0; wangs_formula::VectorXform xform(matrix); for (auto [verb, pts, w] : SkPathPriv::Iterate(path)) { if (verb == SkPathVerb::kCubic) { sum += wangs_formula::cubic_log2(4, pts, xform); } } // Don't let the compiler optimize away wangs_formula::cubic_log2. if (sum <= 0) { SK_ABORT("sum should be > 0."); } } DEF_PATH_TESS_BENCH(wangs_formula_cubic_log2, make_cubic_path(18), SkMatrix::I()) { benchmark_wangs_formula_cubic_log2(fMatrix, fPath); } DEF_PATH_TESS_BENCH(wangs_formula_cubic_log2_scale, make_cubic_path(18), SkMatrix::Scale(1.1f, 0.9f)) { benchmark_wangs_formula_cubic_log2(fMatrix, fPath); } DEF_PATH_TESS_BENCH(wangs_formula_cubic_log2_affine, make_cubic_path(18), SkMatrix::MakeAll(.9f,0.9f,0, 1.1f,1.1f,0, 0,0,1)) { benchmark_wangs_formula_cubic_log2(fMatrix, fPath); } static void benchmark_wangs_formula_conic(const SkMatrix& matrix, const SkPath& path) { int sum = 0; wangs_formula::VectorXform xform(matrix); for (auto [verb, pts, w] : SkPathPriv::Iterate(path)) { if (verb == SkPathVerb::kConic) { sum += wangs_formula::conic(4, pts, *w, xform); } } // Don't let the compiler optimize away wangs_formula::conic. if (sum <= 0) { SK_ABORT("sum should be > 0."); } } static void benchmark_wangs_formula_conic_log2(const SkMatrix& matrix, const SkPath& path) { int sum = 0; wangs_formula::VectorXform xform(matrix); for (auto [verb, pts, w] : SkPathPriv::Iterate(path)) { if (verb == SkPathVerb::kConic) { sum += wangs_formula::conic_log2(4, pts, *w, xform); } } // Don't let the compiler optimize away wangs_formula::conic. if (sum <= 0) { SK_ABORT("sum should be > 0."); } } DEF_PATH_TESS_BENCH(wangs_formula_conic, make_conic_path(), SkMatrix::I()) { benchmark_wangs_formula_conic(fMatrix, fPath); } DEF_PATH_TESS_BENCH(wangs_formula_conic_log2, make_conic_path(), SkMatrix::I()) { benchmark_wangs_formula_conic_log2(fMatrix, fPath); } DEF_PATH_TESS_BENCH(middle_out_triangulation, ToolUtils::make_star(SkRect::MakeWH(500, 500), kNumCubicsInChalkboard), SkMatrix::I()) { // Conservative estimate of triangulation (see PathStencilCoverOp) const int maxVerts = 3 * (PathTessellator::MaxCombinedFanEdgesInPathDrawList(kNumCubicsInChalkboard) - 2); sk_sp buffer; int baseVertex; VertexWriter vertexWriter = fTarget->makeVertexWriter( sizeof(SkPoint), maxVerts, &buffer, &baseVertex); AffineMatrix m(gAlmostIdentity); for (PathMiddleOutFanIter it(fPath); !it.done();) { for (auto [p0, p1, p2] : it.nextStack()) { vertexWriter << m.map2Points(p0, p1) << m.mapPoint(p2); } } } using PathStrokeList = StrokeTessellator::PathStrokeList; using MakeTessellatorFn = std::unique_ptr(*)(PatchAttribs); static std::unique_ptr make_hw_tessellator(PatchAttribs attribs) { return std::make_unique(attribs, 64); } static std::unique_ptr make_fixed_count_tessellator(PatchAttribs attribs) { return std::make_unique(attribs); } using MakePathStrokesFn = std::vector(*)(); static std::vector make_simple_cubic_path() { auto path = SkPath().moveTo(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < kNumCubicsInChalkboard/2; ++i) { path.cubicTo(100, 0, 50, 100, 100, 100); path.cubicTo(0, -100, 200, 100, 0, 0); } SkStrokeRec stroke(SkStrokeRec::kFill_InitStyle); stroke.setStrokeStyle(8); stroke.setStrokeParams(SkPaint::kButt_Cap, SkPaint::kMiter_Join, 4); return {{path, stroke, SK_PMColor4fWHITE}}; } // Generates a list of paths that resemble the MotionMark benchmark. static std::vector make_motionmark_paths() { std::vector pathStrokes; SkRandom rand; for (int i = 0; i < 8702; ++i) { // The number of paths with a given number of verbs in the MotionMark bench gets cut in half // every time the number of verbs increases by 1. int numVerbs = 28 - SkNextLog2(rand.nextRangeU(0, (1 << 27) - 1)); SkPath path; for (int j = 0; j < numVerbs; ++j) { switch (rand.nextU() & 3) { case 0: case 1: path.lineTo(rand.nextRangeF(0, 150), rand.nextRangeF(0, 150)); break; case 2: if (rand.nextULessThan(10) == 0) { // Cusp. auto [x, y] = (path.isEmpty()) ? SkPoint{0,0} : SkPathPriv::PointData(path)[path.countPoints() - 1]; path.quadTo(x + rand.nextRangeF(0, 150), y, x - rand.nextRangeF(0, 150), y); } else { path.quadTo(rand.nextRangeF(0, 150), rand.nextRangeF(0, 150), rand.nextRangeF(0, 150), rand.nextRangeF(0, 150)); } break; case 3: if (rand.nextULessThan(10) == 0) { // Cusp. float y = (path.isEmpty()) ? 0 : SkPathPriv::PointData(path)[path.countPoints() - 1].fY; path.cubicTo(rand.nextRangeF(0, 150), y, rand.nextRangeF(0, 150), y, rand.nextRangeF(0, 150), y); } else { path.cubicTo(rand.nextRangeF(0, 150), rand.nextRangeF(0, 150), rand.nextRangeF(0, 150), rand.nextRangeF(0, 150), rand.nextRangeF(0, 150), rand.nextRangeF(0, 150)); } break; } } SkStrokeRec stroke(SkStrokeRec::kFill_InitStyle); // The number of paths with a given stroke width in the MotionMark bench gets cut in half // every time the stroke width increases by 1. float strokeWidth = 21 - log2f(rand.nextRangeF(0, 1 << 20)); stroke.setStrokeStyle(strokeWidth); stroke.setStrokeParams(SkPaint::kButt_Cap, SkPaint::kBevel_Join, 0); pathStrokes.emplace_back(path, stroke, SK_PMColor4fWHITE); } return pathStrokes; } class TessPrepareBench : public Benchmark { public: TessPrepareBench(MakePathStrokesFn makePathStrokesFn, MakeTessellatorFn makeTessellatorFn, PatchAttribs attribs, float matrixScale, const char* suffix) : fMakePathStrokesFn(makePathStrokesFn) , fMakeTessellatorFn(makeTessellatorFn) , fPatchAttribs(attribs) , fMatrixScale(matrixScale) { fName.printf("tessellate_%s", suffix); } private: const char* onGetName() override { return fName.c_str(); } bool isSuitableFor(Backend backend) final { return backend == kNonRendering_Backend; } void onDelayedSetup() override { fTarget = std::make_unique(make_mock_context()); if (!fTarget->mockContext()) { SkDebugf("ERROR: could not create mock context."); return; } fPathStrokes = fMakePathStrokesFn(); for (size_t i = 0; i < fPathStrokes.size(); ++i) { if (i + 1 < fPathStrokes.size()) { fPathStrokes[i].fNext = &fPathStrokes[i + 1]; } fTotalVerbCount += fPathStrokes[i].fPath.countVerbs(); } fTessellator = fMakeTessellatorFn(fPatchAttribs); } void onDraw(int loops, SkCanvas*) final { for (int i = 0; i < loops; ++i) { fTessellator->prepare(fTarget.get(), SkMatrix::Scale(fMatrixScale, fMatrixScale), {fMatrixScale, fMatrixScale}, fPathStrokes.data(), fTotalVerbCount); fTarget->resetAllocator(); } } SkString fName; MakePathStrokesFn fMakePathStrokesFn; MakeTessellatorFn fMakeTessellatorFn; const PatchAttribs fPatchAttribs; float fMatrixScale; std::unique_ptr fTarget; std::vector fPathStrokes; std::unique_ptr fTessellator; SkArenaAlloc fPersistentArena{1024}; int fTotalVerbCount = 0; }; DEF_BENCH(return new TessPrepareBench( make_simple_cubic_path, make_hw_tessellator, PatchAttribs::kNone, 1, "GrStrokeHardwareTessellator"); ) DEF_BENCH(return new TessPrepareBench( make_simple_cubic_path, make_hw_tessellator, PatchAttribs::kNone, 5, "GrStrokeHardwareTessellator_one_chop"); ) DEF_BENCH(return new TessPrepareBench( make_motionmark_paths, make_hw_tessellator, PatchAttribs::kStrokeParams, 1, "GrStrokeHardwareTessellator_motionmark"); ) DEF_BENCH(return new TessPrepareBench( make_simple_cubic_path, make_fixed_count_tessellator, PatchAttribs::kNone, 1, "GrStrokeFixedCountTessellator"); ) DEF_BENCH(return new TessPrepareBench( make_simple_cubic_path, make_fixed_count_tessellator, PatchAttribs::kNone, 5, "GrStrokeFixedCountTessellator_one_chop"); ) DEF_BENCH(return new TessPrepareBench( make_motionmark_paths, make_fixed_count_tessellator, PatchAttribs::kStrokeParams, 1, "GrStrokeFixedCountTessellator_motionmark"); ) } // namespace skgpu