/* * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "UnwantedInteractionBlocker" #include "UnwantedInteractionBlocker.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ui/events/ozone/evdev/touch_filter/neural_stylus_palm_detection_filter.h" #include "ui/events/ozone/evdev/touch_filter/palm_model/onedevice_train_palm_detection_filter_model.h" using android::base::StringPrintf; /** * This type is declared here to ensure consistency between the instantiated type (used in the * constructor via std::make_unique) and the cast-to type (used in PalmRejector::dump() with * static_cast). Due to the lack of rtti support, dynamic_cast is not available, so this can't be * checked at runtime to avoid undefined behaviour. */ using PalmFilterImplementation = ::ui::NeuralStylusPalmDetectionFilter; namespace android { /** * Log detailed debug messages about each inbound motion event notification to the blocker. * Enable this via "adb shell setprop log.tag.UnwantedInteractionBlockerInboundMotion DEBUG" * (requires restart) */ const bool DEBUG_INBOUND_MOTION = __android_log_is_loggable(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG "InboundMotion", ANDROID_LOG_INFO); /** * Log detailed debug messages about each outbound motion event processed by the blocker. * Enable this via "adb shell setprop log.tag.UnwantedInteractionBlockerOutboundMotion DEBUG" * (requires restart) */ const bool DEBUG_OUTBOUND_MOTION = __android_log_is_loggable(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG "OutboundMotion", ANDROID_LOG_INFO); /** * Log the data sent to the model and received back from the model. * Enable this via "adb shell setprop log.tag.UnwantedInteractionBlockerModel DEBUG" * (requires restart) */ const bool DEBUG_MODEL = __android_log_is_loggable(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG "Model", ANDROID_LOG_INFO); // Category (=namespace) name for the input settings that are applied at boot time static const char* INPUT_NATIVE_BOOT = "input_native_boot"; /** * Feature flag name. This flag determines whether palm rejection is enabled. To enable, specify * 'true' (not case sensitive) or '1'. To disable, specify any other value. */ static const char* PALM_REJECTION_ENABLED = "palm_rejection_enabled"; static std::string toLower(std::string s) { std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), [](unsigned char c) { return std::tolower(c); }); return s; } static bool isFromTouchscreen(int32_t source) { return isFromSource(source, AINPUT_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN); } static ::base::TimeTicks toChromeTimestamp(nsecs_t eventTime) { return ::base::TimeTicks::UnixEpoch() + ::base::TimeDelta::FromNanosecondsD(eventTime); } /** * Return true if palm rejection is enabled via the server configurable flags. Return false * otherwise. */ static bool isPalmRejectionEnabled() { std::string value = toLower( server_configurable_flags::GetServerConfigurableFlag(INPUT_NATIVE_BOOT, PALM_REJECTION_ENABLED, "0")); if (value == "1") { return true; } return false; } static int getLinuxToolCode(int toolType) { if (toolType == AMOTION_EVENT_TOOL_TYPE_STYLUS) { return BTN_TOOL_PEN; } if (toolType == AMOTION_EVENT_TOOL_TYPE_FINGER) { return BTN_TOOL_FINGER; } ALOGW("Got tool type %" PRId32 ", converting to BTN_TOOL_FINGER", toolType); return BTN_TOOL_FINGER; } static int32_t getActionUpForPointerId(const NotifyMotionArgs& args, int32_t pointerId) { for (size_t i = 0; i < args.pointerCount; i++) { if (pointerId == args.pointerProperties[i].id) { return AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP | (i << AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT); } } LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Can't find pointerId %" PRId32 " in %s", pointerId, args.dump().c_str()); } /** * Find the action for individual pointer at the given pointer index. * This is always equal to MotionEvent::getActionMasked, except for * POINTER_UP or POINTER_DOWN events. For example, in a POINTER_UP event, the action for * the active pointer is ACTION_POINTER_UP, while the action for the other pointers is ACTION_MOVE. */ static int32_t resolveActionForPointer(uint8_t pointerIndex, int32_t action) { const int32_t actionMasked = MotionEvent::getActionMasked(action); if (actionMasked != AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN && actionMasked != AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP) { return actionMasked; } // This is a POINTER_DOWN or POINTER_UP event const uint8_t actionIndex = MotionEvent::getActionIndex(action); if (pointerIndex == actionIndex) { return actionMasked; } // When POINTER_DOWN or POINTER_UP happens, it's actually a MOVE for all of the other // pointers return AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MOVE; } NotifyMotionArgs removePointerIds(const NotifyMotionArgs& args, const std::set& pointerIds) { const uint8_t actionIndex = MotionEvent::getActionIndex(args.action); const int32_t actionMasked = MotionEvent::getActionMasked(args.action); const bool isPointerUpOrDownAction = actionMasked == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN || actionMasked == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP; NotifyMotionArgs newArgs{args}; newArgs.pointerCount = 0; int32_t newActionIndex = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < args.pointerCount; i++) { const int32_t pointerId = args.pointerProperties[i].id; if (pointerIds.find(pointerId) != pointerIds.end()) { // skip this pointer if (isPointerUpOrDownAction && i == actionIndex) { // The active pointer is being removed, so the action is no longer valid. // Set the action to 'UNKNOWN' here. The caller is responsible for updating this // action later to a proper value. newArgs.action = ACTION_UNKNOWN; } continue; } newArgs.pointerProperties[newArgs.pointerCount].copyFrom(args.pointerProperties[i]); newArgs.pointerCoords[newArgs.pointerCount].copyFrom(args.pointerCoords[i]); if (i == actionIndex) { newActionIndex = newArgs.pointerCount; } newArgs.pointerCount++; } // Update POINTER_DOWN or POINTER_UP actions if (isPointerUpOrDownAction && newArgs.action != ACTION_UNKNOWN) { newArgs.action = actionMasked | (newActionIndex << AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT); // Convert POINTER_DOWN and POINTER_UP to DOWN and UP if there's only 1 pointer remaining if (newArgs.pointerCount == 1) { if (actionMasked == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN) { newArgs.action = AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN; } else if (actionMasked == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP) { newArgs.action = AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_UP; } } } return newArgs; } /** * Remove stylus pointers from the provided NotifyMotionArgs. * * Return NotifyMotionArgs where the stylus pointers have been removed. * If this results in removal of the active pointer, then return nullopt. */ static std::optional removeStylusPointerIds(const NotifyMotionArgs& args) { std::set stylusPointerIds; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < args.pointerCount; i++) { if (args.pointerProperties[i].toolType == AMOTION_EVENT_TOOL_TYPE_STYLUS) { stylusPointerIds.insert(args.pointerProperties[i].id); } } NotifyMotionArgs withoutStylusPointers = removePointerIds(args, stylusPointerIds); if (withoutStylusPointers.pointerCount == 0 || withoutStylusPointers.action == ACTION_UNKNOWN) { return std::nullopt; } return withoutStylusPointers; } std::optional createPalmFilterDeviceInfo( const InputDeviceInfo& deviceInfo) { if (!isFromTouchscreen(deviceInfo.getSources())) { return std::nullopt; } AndroidPalmFilterDeviceInfo out; const InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange* axisX = deviceInfo.getMotionRange(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_X, AINPUT_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN); if (axisX != nullptr) { out.max_x = axisX->max; out.x_res = axisX->resolution; } else { ALOGW("Palm rejection is disabled for %s because AXIS_X is not supported", deviceInfo.getDisplayName().c_str()); return std::nullopt; } const InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange* axisY = deviceInfo.getMotionRange(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_Y, AINPUT_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN); if (axisY != nullptr) { out.max_y = axisY->max; out.y_res = axisY->resolution; } else { ALOGW("Palm rejection is disabled for %s because AXIS_Y is not supported", deviceInfo.getDisplayName().c_str()); return std::nullopt; } const InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange* axisMajor = deviceInfo.getMotionRange(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_TOUCH_MAJOR, AINPUT_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN); if (axisMajor != nullptr) { out.major_radius_res = axisMajor->resolution; out.touch_major_res = axisMajor->resolution; } else { return std::nullopt; } const InputDeviceInfo::MotionRange* axisMinor = deviceInfo.getMotionRange(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_TOUCH_MINOR, AINPUT_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN); if (axisMinor != nullptr) { out.minor_radius_res = axisMinor->resolution; out.touch_minor_res = axisMinor->resolution; out.minor_radius_supported = true; } else { out.minor_radius_supported = false; } return out; } /** * Synthesize CANCEL events for any new pointers that should be canceled, while removing pointers * that have already been canceled. * The flow of the function is as follows: * 1. Remove all already canceled pointers * 2. Cancel all newly suppressed pointers * 3. Decide what to do with the current event : keep it, or drop it * The pointers can never be "unsuppressed": once a pointer is canceled, it will never become valid. */ std::vector cancelSuppressedPointers( const NotifyMotionArgs& args, const std::set& oldSuppressedPointerIds, const std::set& newSuppressedPointerIds) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(args.pointerCount == 0, "0 pointers in %s", args.dump().c_str()); // First, let's remove the old suppressed pointers. They've already been canceled previously. NotifyMotionArgs oldArgs = removePointerIds(args, oldSuppressedPointerIds); // Cancel any newly suppressed pointers. std::vector out; const int32_t activePointerId = args.pointerProperties[MotionEvent::getActionIndex(args.action)].id; const int32_t actionMasked = MotionEvent::getActionMasked(args.action); // We will iteratively remove pointers from 'removedArgs'. NotifyMotionArgs removedArgs{oldArgs}; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < oldArgs.pointerCount; i++) { const int32_t pointerId = oldArgs.pointerProperties[i].id; if (newSuppressedPointerIds.find(pointerId) == newSuppressedPointerIds.end()) { // This is a pointer that should not be canceled. Move on. continue; } if (pointerId == activePointerId && actionMasked == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN) { // Remove this pointer, but don't cancel it. We'll just not send the POINTER_DOWN event removedArgs = removePointerIds(removedArgs, {pointerId}); continue; } if (removedArgs.pointerCount == 1) { // We are about to remove the last pointer, which means there will be no more gesture // remaining. This is identical to canceling all pointers, so just send a single CANCEL // event, without any of the preceding POINTER_UP with FLAG_CANCELED events. oldArgs.flags |= AMOTION_EVENT_FLAG_CANCELED; oldArgs.action = AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_CANCEL; return {oldArgs}; } // Cancel the current pointer out.push_back(removedArgs); out.back().flags |= AMOTION_EVENT_FLAG_CANCELED; out.back().action = getActionUpForPointerId(out.back(), pointerId); // Remove the newly canceled pointer from the args removedArgs = removePointerIds(removedArgs, {pointerId}); } // Now 'removedArgs' contains only pointers that are valid. if (removedArgs.pointerCount <= 0 || removedArgs.action == ACTION_UNKNOWN) { return out; } out.push_back(removedArgs); return out; } UnwantedInteractionBlocker::UnwantedInteractionBlocker(InputListenerInterface& listener) : UnwantedInteractionBlocker(listener, isPalmRejectionEnabled()){}; UnwantedInteractionBlocker::UnwantedInteractionBlocker(InputListenerInterface& listener, bool enablePalmRejection) : mQueuedListener(listener), mEnablePalmRejection(enablePalmRejection) {} void UnwantedInteractionBlocker::notifyConfigurationChanged( const NotifyConfigurationChangedArgs* args) { mQueuedListener.notifyConfigurationChanged(args); mQueuedListener.flush(); } void UnwantedInteractionBlocker::notifyKey(const NotifyKeyArgs* args) { mQueuedListener.notifyKey(args); mQueuedListener.flush(); } void UnwantedInteractionBlocker::notifyMotion(const NotifyMotionArgs* args) { ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_INBOUND_MOTION, "%s: %s", __func__, args->dump().c_str()); { // acquire lock std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); const std::vector processedArgs = mPreferStylusOverTouchBlocker.processMotion(*args); for (const NotifyMotionArgs& loopArgs : processedArgs) { notifyMotionLocked(&loopArgs); } } // release lock // Call out to the next stage without holding the lock mQueuedListener.flush(); } void UnwantedInteractionBlocker::enqueueOutboundMotionLocked(const NotifyMotionArgs& args) { ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_OUTBOUND_MOTION, "%s: %s", __func__, args.dump().c_str()); mQueuedListener.notifyMotion(&args); } void UnwantedInteractionBlocker::notifyMotionLocked(const NotifyMotionArgs* args) { auto it = mPalmRejectors.find(args->deviceId); const bool sendToPalmRejector = it != mPalmRejectors.end() && isFromTouchscreen(args->source); if (!sendToPalmRejector) { enqueueOutboundMotionLocked(*args); return; } std::vector processedArgs = it->second.processMotion(*args); for (const NotifyMotionArgs& loopArgs : processedArgs) { enqueueOutboundMotionLocked(loopArgs); } } void UnwantedInteractionBlocker::notifySwitch(const NotifySwitchArgs* args) { mQueuedListener.notifySwitch(args); mQueuedListener.flush(); } void UnwantedInteractionBlocker::notifySensor(const NotifySensorArgs* args) { mQueuedListener.notifySensor(args); mQueuedListener.flush(); } void UnwantedInteractionBlocker::notifyVibratorState(const NotifyVibratorStateArgs* args) { mQueuedListener.notifyVibratorState(args); mQueuedListener.flush(); } void UnwantedInteractionBlocker::notifyDeviceReset(const NotifyDeviceResetArgs* args) { { // acquire lock std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); auto it = mPalmRejectors.find(args->deviceId); if (it != mPalmRejectors.end()) { AndroidPalmFilterDeviceInfo info = it->second.getPalmFilterDeviceInfo(); // Re-create the object instead of resetting it mPalmRejectors.erase(it); mPalmRejectors.emplace(args->deviceId, info); } mQueuedListener.notifyDeviceReset(args); mPreferStylusOverTouchBlocker.notifyDeviceReset(*args); } // release lock // Send events to the next stage without holding the lock mQueuedListener.flush(); } void UnwantedInteractionBlocker::notifyPointerCaptureChanged( const NotifyPointerCaptureChangedArgs* args) { mQueuedListener.notifyPointerCaptureChanged(args); mQueuedListener.flush(); } void UnwantedInteractionBlocker::notifyInputDevicesChanged( const std::vector& inputDevices) { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); if (!mEnablePalmRejection) { // Palm rejection is disabled. Don't create any palm rejector objects. return; } // Let's see which of the existing devices didn't change, so that we can keep them // and prevent event stream disruption std::set devicesToKeep; for (const InputDeviceInfo& device : inputDevices) { std::optional info = createPalmFilterDeviceInfo(device); if (!info) { continue; } auto [it, emplaced] = mPalmRejectors.try_emplace(device.getId(), *info); if (!emplaced && *info != it->second.getPalmFilterDeviceInfo()) { // Re-create the PalmRejector because the device info has changed. mPalmRejectors.erase(it); mPalmRejectors.emplace(device.getId(), *info); } devicesToKeep.insert(device.getId()); } // Delete all devices that we don't need to keep std::erase_if(mPalmRejectors, [&devicesToKeep](const auto& item) { auto const& [deviceId, _] = item; return devicesToKeep.find(deviceId) == devicesToKeep.end(); }); mPreferStylusOverTouchBlocker.notifyInputDevicesChanged(inputDevices); } void UnwantedInteractionBlocker::dump(std::string& dump) { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); dump += "UnwantedInteractionBlocker:\n"; dump += " mPreferStylusOverTouchBlocker:\n"; dump += addLinePrefix(mPreferStylusOverTouchBlocker.dump(), " "); dump += StringPrintf(" mEnablePalmRejection: %s\n", std::to_string(mEnablePalmRejection).c_str()); dump += StringPrintf(" isPalmRejectionEnabled (flag value): %s\n", std::to_string(isPalmRejectionEnabled()).c_str()); dump += mPalmRejectors.empty() ? " mPalmRejectors: None\n" : " mPalmRejectors:\n"; for (const auto& [deviceId, palmRejector] : mPalmRejectors) { dump += StringPrintf(" deviceId = %" PRId32 ":\n", deviceId); dump += addLinePrefix(palmRejector.dump(), " "); } } void UnwantedInteractionBlocker::monitor() { std::scoped_lock lock(mLock); } UnwantedInteractionBlocker::~UnwantedInteractionBlocker() {} void SlotState::update(const NotifyMotionArgs& args) { for (size_t i = 0; i < args.pointerCount; i++) { const int32_t pointerId = args.pointerProperties[i].id; const int32_t resolvedAction = resolveActionForPointer(i, args.action); processPointerId(pointerId, resolvedAction); } } size_t SlotState::findUnusedSlot() const { size_t unusedSlot = 0; // Since the collection is ordered, we can rely on the in-order traversal for (const auto& [slot, trackingId] : mPointerIdsBySlot) { if (unusedSlot != slot) { break; } unusedSlot++; } return unusedSlot; } void SlotState::processPointerId(int pointerId, int32_t actionMasked) { switch (MotionEvent::getActionMasked(actionMasked)) { case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN: case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_HOVER_ENTER: { // New pointer going down size_t newSlot = findUnusedSlot(); mPointerIdsBySlot[newSlot] = pointerId; mSlotsByPointerId[pointerId] = newSlot; return; } case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MOVE: case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_HOVER_MOVE: { return; } case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_CANCEL: case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP: case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_UP: case AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_HOVER_EXIT: { auto it = mSlotsByPointerId.find(pointerId); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(it == mSlotsByPointerId.end()); size_t slot = it->second; // Erase this pointer from both collections mPointerIdsBySlot.erase(slot); mSlotsByPointerId.erase(pointerId); return; } } LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Unhandled action : %s", MotionEvent::actionToString(actionMasked).c_str()); return; } std::optional SlotState::getSlotForPointerId(int32_t pointerId) const { auto it = mSlotsByPointerId.find(pointerId); if (it == mSlotsByPointerId.end()) { return std::nullopt; } return it->second; } std::string SlotState::dump() const { std::string out = "mSlotsByPointerId:\n"; out += addLinePrefix(dumpMap(mSlotsByPointerId), " ") + "\n"; out += "mPointerIdsBySlot:\n"; out += addLinePrefix(dumpMap(mPointerIdsBySlot), " ") + "\n"; return out; } class AndroidPalmRejectionModel : public ::ui::OneDeviceTrainNeuralStylusPalmDetectionFilterModel { public: AndroidPalmRejectionModel() : ::ui::OneDeviceTrainNeuralStylusPalmDetectionFilterModel(/*default version*/ "", std::vector()) { config_.resample_period = ::ui::kResamplePeriod; } }; PalmRejector::PalmRejector(const AndroidPalmFilterDeviceInfo& info, std::unique_ptr<::ui::PalmDetectionFilter> filter) : mSharedPalmState(std::make_unique<::ui::SharedPalmDetectionFilterState>()), mDeviceInfo(info), mPalmDetectionFilter(std::move(filter)) { if (mPalmDetectionFilter != nullptr) { // This path is used for testing. Non-testing invocations should let this constructor // create a real PalmDetectionFilter return; } std::unique_ptr<::ui::NeuralStylusPalmDetectionFilterModel> model = std::make_unique(); mPalmDetectionFilter = std::make_unique(mDeviceInfo, std::move(model), mSharedPalmState.get()); } std::vector<::ui::InProgressTouchEvdev> getTouches(const NotifyMotionArgs& args, const AndroidPalmFilterDeviceInfo& deviceInfo, const SlotState& oldSlotState, const SlotState& newSlotState) { std::vector<::ui::InProgressTouchEvdev> touches; for (size_t i = 0; i < args.pointerCount; i++) { const int32_t pointerId = args.pointerProperties[i].id; touches.emplace_back(::ui::InProgressTouchEvdev()); touches.back().major = args.pointerCoords[i].getAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_TOUCH_MAJOR); touches.back().minor = args.pointerCoords[i].getAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_TOUCH_MINOR); // The field 'tool_type' is not used for palm rejection // Whether there is new information for the touch. touches.back().altered = true; // Whether the touch was cancelled. Touch events should be ignored till a // new touch is initiated. touches.back().was_cancelled = false; // Whether the touch is going to be canceled. touches.back().cancelled = false; // Whether the touch is delayed at first appearance. Will not be reported yet. touches.back().delayed = false; // Whether the touch was delayed before. touches.back().was_delayed = false; // Whether the touch is held until end or no longer held. touches.back().held = false; // Whether this touch was held before being sent. touches.back().was_held = false; const int32_t resolvedAction = resolveActionForPointer(i, args.action); const bool isDown = resolvedAction == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN || resolvedAction == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN; touches.back().was_touching = !isDown; const bool isUpOrCancel = resolvedAction == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_CANCEL || resolvedAction == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_UP || resolvedAction == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP; touches.back().x = args.pointerCoords[i].getAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_X); touches.back().y = args.pointerCoords[i].getAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_Y); std::optional slot = newSlotState.getSlotForPointerId(pointerId); if (!slot) { slot = oldSlotState.getSlotForPointerId(pointerId); } LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!slot, "Could not find slot for pointer %d", pointerId); touches.back().slot = *slot; touches.back().tracking_id = (!isUpOrCancel) ? pointerId : -1; touches.back().touching = !isUpOrCancel; // The fields 'radius_x' and 'radius_x' are not used for palm rejection touches.back().pressure = args.pointerCoords[i].getAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_PRESSURE); touches.back().tool_code = getLinuxToolCode(args.pointerProperties[i].toolType); // The field 'orientation' is not used for palm rejection // The fields 'tilt_x' and 'tilt_y' are not used for palm rejection // The field 'reported_tool_type' is not used for palm rejection touches.back().stylus_button = false; } return touches; } std::set PalmRejector::detectPalmPointers(const NotifyMotionArgs& args) { std::bitset<::ui::kNumTouchEvdevSlots> slotsToHold; std::bitset<::ui::kNumTouchEvdevSlots> slotsToSuppress; // Store the slot state before we call getTouches and update it. This way, we can find // the slots that have been removed due to the incoming event. SlotState oldSlotState = mSlotState; mSlotState.update(args); std::vector<::ui::InProgressTouchEvdev> touches = getTouches(args, mDeviceInfo, oldSlotState, mSlotState); ::base::TimeTicks chromeTimestamp = toChromeTimestamp(args.eventTime); if (DEBUG_MODEL) { std::stringstream touchesStream; for (const ::ui::InProgressTouchEvdev& touch : touches) { touchesStream << touch.tracking_id << " : " << touch << "\n"; } ALOGD("Filter: touches = %s", touchesStream.str().c_str()); } mPalmDetectionFilter->Filter(touches, chromeTimestamp, &slotsToHold, &slotsToSuppress); ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_MODEL, "Response: slotsToHold = %s, slotsToSuppress = %s", slotsToHold.to_string().c_str(), slotsToSuppress.to_string().c_str()); // Now that we know which slots should be suppressed, let's convert those to pointer id's. std::set newSuppressedIds; for (size_t i = 0; i < args.pointerCount; i++) { const int32_t pointerId = args.pointerProperties[i].id; std::optional slot = oldSlotState.getSlotForPointerId(pointerId); if (!slot) { slot = mSlotState.getSlotForPointerId(pointerId); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!slot, "Could not find slot for pointer id %" PRId32, pointerId); } if (slotsToSuppress.test(*slot)) { newSuppressedIds.insert(pointerId); } } return newSuppressedIds; } std::vector PalmRejector::processMotion(const NotifyMotionArgs& args) { if (mPalmDetectionFilter == nullptr) { return {args}; } const bool skipThisEvent = args.action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_HOVER_ENTER || args.action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_HOVER_MOVE || args.action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_HOVER_EXIT || args.action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_BUTTON_PRESS || args.action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_BUTTON_RELEASE || args.action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_SCROLL; if (skipThisEvent) { // Lets not process hover events, button events, or scroll for now. return {args}; } if (args.action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN) { mSuppressedPointerIds.clear(); } std::set oldSuppressedIds; std::swap(oldSuppressedIds, mSuppressedPointerIds); std::optional touchOnlyArgs = removeStylusPointerIds(args); if (touchOnlyArgs) { mSuppressedPointerIds = detectPalmPointers(*touchOnlyArgs); } else { // This is a stylus-only event. // We can skip this event and just keep the suppressed pointer ids the same as before. mSuppressedPointerIds = oldSuppressedIds; } std::vector argsWithoutUnwantedPointers = cancelSuppressedPointers(args, oldSuppressedIds, mSuppressedPointerIds); for (const NotifyMotionArgs& checkArgs : argsWithoutUnwantedPointers) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(checkArgs.action == ACTION_UNKNOWN, "%s", checkArgs.dump().c_str()); } // Only log if new pointers are getting rejected. That means mSuppressedPointerIds is not a // subset of oldSuppressedIds. if (!std::includes(oldSuppressedIds.begin(), oldSuppressedIds.end(), mSuppressedPointerIds.begin(), mSuppressedPointerIds.end())) { ALOGI("Palm detected, removing pointer ids %s after %" PRId64 "ms from %s", dumpSet(mSuppressedPointerIds).c_str(), ns2ms(args.eventTime - args.downTime), args.dump().c_str()); } return argsWithoutUnwantedPointers; } const AndroidPalmFilterDeviceInfo& PalmRejector::getPalmFilterDeviceInfo() const { return mDeviceInfo; } std::string PalmRejector::dump() const { std::string out; out += "mDeviceInfo:\n"; std::stringstream deviceInfo; deviceInfo << mDeviceInfo << ", touch_major_res=" << mDeviceInfo.touch_major_res << ", touch_minor_res=" << mDeviceInfo.touch_minor_res << "\n"; out += addLinePrefix(deviceInfo.str(), " "); out += "mSlotState:\n"; out += addLinePrefix(mSlotState.dump(), " "); out += "mSuppressedPointerIds: "; out += dumpSet(mSuppressedPointerIds) + "\n"; std::stringstream state; state << *mSharedPalmState; out += "mSharedPalmState: " + state.str() + "\n"; std::stringstream filter; filter << static_cast(*mPalmDetectionFilter); out += "mPalmDetectionFilter:\n"; out += addLinePrefix(filter.str(), " ") + "\n"; return out; } } // namespace android