#!/bin/bash # Builds mysteriously fail if stdout is non-blocking. fixup_ptys() { python3 << 'EOF' import fcntl, os, sys fd = sys.stdout.fileno() flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) flags &= ~(fcntl.FASYNC | os.O_NONBLOCK | os.O_APPEND) fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags) EOF } # Common kernel options OPTIONS=" ANDROID DEBUG_SPINLOCK DEBUG_ATOMIC_SLEEP DEBUG_MUTEXES DEBUG_RT_MUTEXES" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS WARN_ALL_UNSEEDED_RANDOM IKCONFIG IKCONFIG_PROC" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS DEVTMPFS DEVTMPFS_MOUNT FHANDLE" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS IPV6 IPV6_ROUTER_PREF IPV6_MULTIPLE_TABLES IPV6_ROUTE_INFO" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS TUN SYN_COOKIES IP_ADVANCED_ROUTER IP_MULTIPLE_TABLES" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS NETFILTER NETFILTER_ADVANCED NETFILTER_XTABLES" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS NETFILTER_XT_MARK NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_MARK" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS IP_NF_IPTABLES IP_NF_MANGLE IP_NF_FILTER" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS IP6_NF_IPTABLES IP6_NF_MANGLE IP6_NF_FILTER INET6_IPCOMP" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS IPV6_OPTIMISTIC_DAD" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS IPV6_ROUTE_INFO IPV6_ROUTER_PREF" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_IDLETIMER" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_NFLOG" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS NETFILTER_XT_MATCH_POLICY" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS NETFILTER_XT_MATCH_QUOTA" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS NETFILTER_XT_MATCH_QUOTA2" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS NETFILTER_XT_MATCH_QUOTA2_LOG" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS NETFILTER_XT_MATCH_SOCKET" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS NETFILTER_XT_MATCH_QTAGUID" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS INET_DIAG INET_UDP_DIAG INET_DIAG_DESTROY" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS IP_SCTP" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS IP_NF_TARGET_REJECT IP_NF_TARGET_REJECT_SKERR" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS IP6_NF_TARGET_REJECT IP6_NF_TARGET_REJECT_SKERR" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS NET_KEY XFRM_USER XFRM_STATISTICS CRYPTO_CBC" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS CRYPTO_CTR CRYPTO_HMAC CRYPTO_AES CRYPTO_SHA1" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS CRYPTO_XCBC CRYPTO_CHACHA20POLY1305" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS CRYPTO_USER INET_ESP INET_XFRM_MODE_TRANSPORT" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS INET_XFRM_MODE_TUNNEL INET6_ESP" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS INET6_XFRM_MODE_TRANSPORT INET6_XFRM_MODE_TUNNEL" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS CRYPTO_SHA256 CRYPTO_SHA512 CRYPTO_AES_X86_64 CRYPTO_NULL" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS CRYPTO_GCM CRYPTO_ECHAINIV NET_IPVTI" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS DUMMY" # Kernel version specific options OPTIONS="$OPTIONS XFRM_INTERFACE" # Various device kernels OPTIONS="$OPTIONS XFRM_MIGRATE" # Added in 5.10 OPTIONS="$OPTIONS CGROUP_BPF" # Added in android-4.9 OPTIONS="$OPTIONS NF_SOCKET_IPV4 NF_SOCKET_IPV6" # Added in 4.9 OPTIONS="$OPTIONS INET_SCTP_DIAG" # Added in 4.7 OPTIONS="$OPTIONS SOCK_CGROUP_DATA" # Added in 4.5 OPTIONS="$OPTIONS CRYPTO_ECHAINIV" # Added in 4.1 OPTIONS="$OPTIONS BPF_SYSCALL" # Added in 3.18 OPTIONS="$OPTIONS IPV6_VTI" # Added in 3.13 OPTIONS="$OPTIONS IPV6_PRIVACY" # Removed in 3.12 OPTIONS="$OPTIONS NETFILTER_TPROXY" # Removed in 3.11 # UML specific options OPTIONS="$OPTIONS BLK_DEV_UBD HOSTFS" # QEMU specific options OPTIONS="$OPTIONS PCI VIRTIO VIRTIO_PCI VIRTIO_BLK NET_9P NET_9P_VIRTIO 9P_FS" OPTIONS="$OPTIONS CRYPTO_DEV_VIRTIO SERIAL_8250 SERIAL_8250_PCI" # Obsolete options present at some time in Android kernels OPTIONS="$OPTIONS IP_NF_TARGET_REJECT_SKERR IP6_NF_TARGET_REJECT_SKERR" # These two break the flo kernel due to differences in -Werror on recent GCC. DISABLE_OPTIONS=" REISERFS_FS ANDROID_PMEM" # How many TAP interfaces to create to provide the VM with real network access # via the host. This requires privileges (e.g., root access) on the host. # # This is not needed to run the tests, but can be used, for example, to allow # the VM to update system packages, or to write tests that need access to a # real network. The VM does not set up networking by default, but it contains a # DHCP client and has the ability to use IPv6 autoconfiguration. This script # does not perform any host-level setup beyond configuring tap interfaces; # configuring IPv4 NAT and/or IPv6 router advertisements or ND proxying must # be done separately. NUMTAPINTERFACES=0 # The root filesystem disk image we'll use. ROOTFS=${ROOTFS:-net_test.rootfs.20150203} COMPRESSED_ROOTFS=$ROOTFS.xz URL=https://dl.google.com/dl/android/$COMPRESSED_ROOTFS # Parse arguments and figure out which test to run. ARCH=${ARCH:-um} J=${J:-$(nproc)} MAKE="make" OUT_DIR=$(readlink -f ${OUT_DIR:-.}) KERNEL_DIR=$(readlink -f ${KERNEL_DIR:-.}) if [ "$OUT_DIR" != "$KERNEL_DIR" ]; then MAKE="$MAKE O=$OUT_DIR" fi SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0)) CONFIG_SCRIPT=${KERNEL_DIR}/scripts/config CONFIG_FILE=${OUT_DIR}/.config consolemode= netconfig= testmode= cmdline= nowrite=1 nobuild=0 norun=0 if [[ -z "${DEFCONFIG:-}" ]]; then case "${ARCH}" in um) export DEFCONFIG=defconfig ;; arm64) if [[ -e arch/arm64/configs/gki_defconfig ]]; then export DEFCONFIG=gki_defconfig elif [[ -e arch/arm64/configs/cuttlefish_defconfig ]]; then export DEFCONFIG=cuttlefish_defconfig fi ;; x86_64) if [[ -e arch/x86/configs/gki_defconfig ]]; then export DEFCONFIG=gki_defconfig elif [[ -e arch/x86/configs/x86_64_cuttlefish_defconfig ]]; then export DEFCONFIG=x86_64_cuttlefish_defconfig fi esac fi if tty >/dev/null; then verbose= else verbose=1 fi test=all_tests.sh while [[ -n "$1" ]]; do if [[ "$1" == "--builder" || "$1" == "-b" ]]; then consolemode="con=null,fd:1" testmode=builder shift elif [[ "$1" == "--readwrite" || "$1" == "--rw" ]]; then nowrite=0 shift elif [[ "$1" == "--readonly" || "$1" == "--ro" ]]; then nowrite=1 shift elif [[ "$1" == "--nobuild" ]]; then nobuild=1 shift elif [[ "$1" == "--norun" ]]; then norun=1 shift elif [[ "$1" == "--verbose" ]]; then verbose=1 shift elif [[ "$1" == "--noverbose" ]]; then verbose= shift else test=$1 break # Arguments after the test file are passed to the test itself. fi done # Check that test file exists and is readable test_file=$SCRIPT_DIR/$test if [[ ! -e $test_file ]]; then echo "test file '${test_file}' does not exist" exit 1 fi if [[ ! -x $test_file ]]; then echo "test file '${test_file}' is not executable" exit 1 fi # Collect trailing arguments to pass to $test test_args=${@:2} function isRunningTest() { ! (( norun )) } function isBuildOnly() { (( norun )) && ! (( nobuild )) } if ! isRunningTest && ! isBuildOnly; then echo "Usage:" >&2 echo " $0 [--builder] [--readonly|--ro|--readwrite|--rw] [--nobuild] [--verbose] []" >&2 echo " - if [] is not specified, run all_tests.sh" >&2 echo " $0 --norun" >&2 exit 1 fi cd $OUT_DIR echo Running tests from: `pwd` set -e # Check if we need to uncompress the disk image. # We use xz because it compresses better: to 42M vs 72M (gzip) / 62M (bzip2). cd $SCRIPT_DIR if [ ! -f $ROOTFS ]; then echo "Deleting $COMPRESSED_ROOTFS" >&2 rm -f $COMPRESSED_ROOTFS echo "Downloading $URL" >&2 wget -nv $URL echo "Uncompressing $COMPRESSED_ROOTFS" >&2 unxz $COMPRESSED_ROOTFS fi if ! [[ "${ROOTFS}" =~ ^/ ]]; then ROOTFS="${SCRIPT_DIR}/${ROOTFS}" fi echo "Using $ROOTFS" cd - # If network access was requested, create NUMTAPINTERFACES tap interfaces on # the host, and prepare UML command line params to use them. The interfaces are # called TAP0, TAP1, on the host, and eth0, eth1, ..., in the VM. if (( $NUMTAPINTERFACES > 0 )); then user=${USER:0:10} tapinterfaces= for id in $(seq 0 $(( NUMTAPINTERFACES - 1 )) ); do tap=${user}TAP$id tapinterfaces="$tapinterfaces $tap" mac=$(printf fe:fd:00:00:00:%02x $id) if [ "$ARCH" == "um" ]; then netconfig="$netconfig eth$id=tuntap,$tap,$mac" else netconfig="$netconfig -netdev tap,id=hostnet$id,ifname=$tap,script=no,downscript=no" netconfig="$netconfig -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet$id,id=net$id,mac=$mac" fi done for tap in $tapinterfaces; do if ! ip link list $tap > /dev/null; then echo "Creating tap interface $tap" >&2 sudo tunctl -u $USER -t $tap sudo ip link set $tap up fi done fi if [[ -n "${KERNEL_BINARY:-}" ]]; then nobuild=1 else # Set default KERNEL_BINARY location if it was not provided. if [ "$ARCH" == "um" ]; then KERNEL_BINARY=./linux elif [ "$ARCH" == "i386" -o "$ARCH" == "x86_64" -o "$ARCH" == "x86" ]; then KERNEL_BINARY=./arch/x86/boot/bzImage elif [ "$ARCH" == "arm64" ]; then KERNEL_BINARY=./arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz fi fi if ((nobuild == 0)); then make_flags= if [ "$ARCH" == "um" ]; then # Exporting ARCH=um SUBARCH=x86_64 doesn't seem to work, as it # "sometimes" (?) results in a 32-bit kernel. make_flags="$make_flags ARCH=$ARCH SUBARCH=${SUBARCH:-x86_64} CROSS_COMPILE= " fi if [[ -n "${CC:-}" ]]; then # The CC flag is *not* inherited from the environment, so it must be # passed in on the command line. make_flags="$make_flags CC=$CC" fi # If there's no kernel config at all, create one or UML won't work. [ -f $CONFIG_FILE ] || (cd $KERNEL_DIR && $MAKE $make_flags $DEFCONFIG) # Enable the kernel config options listed in $OPTIONS. $CONFIG_SCRIPT --file $CONFIG_FILE ${OPTIONS// / -e } # Disable the kernel config options listed in $DISABLE_OPTIONS. $CONFIG_SCRIPT --file $CONFIG_FILE ${DISABLE_OPTIONS// / -d } echo "Running: $MAKE $make_flags olddefconfig" $MAKE $make_flags olddefconfig # Compile the kernel. if [ "$ARCH" == "um" ]; then echo "Running: $MAKE -j$J $make_flags linux" $MAKE -j$J $make_flags linux else echo "Running: $MAKE -j$J $make_flags" $MAKE -j$J $make_flags fi fi if (( norun == 1 )); then exit 0 fi if (( nowrite == 1 )); then cmdline="ro" fi if (( verbose == 1 )); then cmdline="$cmdline verbose=1" fi cmdline="$cmdline panic=1 init=/sbin/net_test.sh" cmdline="$cmdline net_test_args=\"$test_args\" net_test_mode=$testmode" # Experience shows that we need at least 128 bits of entropy for the # kernel's crng init to complete (before it fully initializes stuff behaves # *weirdly* and there's plenty of kernel warnings and some tests even fail), # hence net_test.sh needs at least 32 hex chars (which is the amount of hex # in a single random UUID) provided to it on the kernel cmdline. # # Just to be safe, we'll pass in 384 bits, and we'll do this as a random # 64 character base64 seed (because this is shorter than base16). # We do this by getting *three* random UUIDs and concatenating their hex # digits into an *even* length hex encoded string, which we then convert # into base64. entropy="$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random{/,/,/}uuid | tr -d '\n-')" entropy="$(xxd -r -p <<< "${entropy}" | base64 -w 0)" cmdline="${cmdline} random.trust_cpu=on entropy=${entropy}" if [ "$ARCH" == "um" ]; then # Get the absolute path to the test file that's being run. cmdline="$cmdline net_test=/host$SCRIPT_DIR/$test" # We'd use UML's /proc/exitcode feature to communicate errors on test failure, # if not for UML having a tendency to crash during shutdown, # so instead use an extra serial line we'll redirect to an open fd... cmdline="$cmdline exitcode=/dev/ttyS3" # Map the --readonly flag to UML block device names if ((nowrite == 0)); then blockdevice=ubda else blockdevice=ubdar fi # Create a temp file for 'serial line 3' for return code. SSL3="$(mktemp)" exitcode=0 $KERNEL_BINARY >&2 3>"${SSL3}" umid=net_test mem=512M \ $blockdevice=$ROOTFS $netconfig $consolemode ssl3=null,fd:3 $cmdline \ || exitcode=$? # Return to beginning of line (via carriage return) after the above newline moved us down. echo -en '\r' # re-enable: 'postprocess output' and 'translate newline to carriage return-newline' stty opost onlcr || : if [[ "${exitcode}" == 134 && -s "${SSL3}" && "$(tr -d '\r' < "${SSL3}")" == 0 ]]; then # Sometimes the tests all pass, but UML crashes during the shutdown process itself. # As such we can't actually rely on the /proc/exitcode returned value. echo "Warning: UML appears to have crashed after successfully executing the tests." 1>&2 elif [[ "${exitcode}" != 0 ]]; then echo "Warning: UML exited with ${exitcode} instead of zero." 1>&2 fi if [[ -s "${SSL3}" ]]; then exitcode="$(tr -d '\r' < "${SSL3}")" echo "Info: retrieved exit code ${exitcode}." 1>&2 fi rm -f "${SSL3}" unset SSL3 # UML is kind of crazy in how guest syscalls work. It requires host kernel # to not be in vsyscall=none mode. if [[ "${exitcode}" != '0' ]]; then { # Hopefully one of these exists cat /proc/config || : zcat /proc/config.gz || : cat "/boot/config-$(uname -r)" || : zcat "/boot/config-$(uname -r).gz" || : } 2>/dev/null \ | egrep -q '^CONFIG_LEGACY_VSYSCALL_NONE=y' \ && ! egrep -q '(^| )vsyscall=(native|emulate|xonly)( |$)' /proc/cmdline \ && { echo -e "\r" echo -e "-----=====-----\r" echo -e "If above you saw a 'net_test.sh[1]: segfault at ...' followed by\r" echo -e "'Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!' then please\r" echo -e "set 'vsyscall=emulate' on *host* kernel command line.\r" echo -e "On Linux 5.2+ you can instead use the slightly safer 'vsyscall=xonly'.\r" echo -e "(for example via GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub)\r" echo -e "-----=====-----\r" } fi else # We boot into the filesystem image directly in all cases cmdline="$cmdline root=/dev/vda" # The path is stripped by the 9p export; we don't need SCRIPT_DIR cmdline="$cmdline net_test=/host/$test" # Map the --readonly flag to a QEMU block device flag if ((nowrite > 0)); then blockdevice=",readonly" else blockdevice= fi blockdevice="-drive file=$ROOTFS,format=raw,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk0$blockdevice" blockdevice="$blockdevice -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=drive-virtio-disk0" # Pass through our current console/screen size to inner shell session read rows cols < <(stty size 2>/dev/null) [[ -z "${rows}" ]] || cmdline="${cmdline} console_rows=${rows}" [[ -z "${cols}" ]] || cmdline="${cmdline} console_cols=${cols}" unset rows cols # QEMU has no way to modify its exitcode; simulate it with a serial port. # # Choose to do it this way over writing a file to /host, because QEMU will # initialize the 'exitcode' file for us, it avoids unnecessary writes to the # host filesystem (which is normally not written to) and it allows us to # communicate an exit code back in cases we do not have /host mounted. # if [ "$ARCH" == "i386" -o "$ARCH" == "x86_64" -o "$ARCH" == "x86" ]; then # Assume we have hardware-accelerated virtualization support for amd64 qemu="qemu-system-x86_64 -machine pc,accel=kvm -cpu host" # We know 'ttyS0' will be our serial port on x86 from the hard-coded # '-serial mon:stdio' flag below cmdline="$cmdline console=ttyS0" # The assignment of 'ttyS1' here is magical; we know ttyS0 was used up # by '-serial mon:stdio', and so this second serial port will be 'ttyS1' cmdline="$cmdline exitcode=/dev/ttyS1" elif [ "$ARCH" == "arm64" ]; then # This uses a software model CPU, based on cortex-a57 qemu="qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt -cpu cortex-a57" # We know 'ttyAMA0' will be our serial port on arm64 from the hard-coded # '-serial mon:stdio' flag below cmdline="$cmdline console=ttyAMA0" # The kernel will print messages via a virtual ARM serial port (ttyAMA0), # but for command line consistency with x86, we put the exitcode serial # port on the PCI bus, and it will be the only one. cmdline="$cmdline exitcode=/dev/ttyS0" fi $qemu >&2 -name net_test -m 512 \ -kernel $KERNEL_BINARY \ -no-user-config -nodefaults -no-reboot \ -display none -nographic -serial mon:stdio -parallel none \ -smp 4,sockets=4,cores=1,threads=1 \ -device virtio-rng-pci \ -chardev file,id=exitcode,path=exitcode \ -device pci-serial,chardev=exitcode \ -fsdev local,security_model=mapped-xattr,id=fsdev0,fmode=0644,dmode=0755,path=$SCRIPT_DIR \ -device virtio-9p-pci,id=fs0,fsdev=fsdev0,mount_tag=host \ $blockdevice $netconfig -append "$cmdline" [[ -s exitcode ]] && exitcode=`cat exitcode | tr -d '\r'` || exitcode=1 rm -f exitcode fi # UML reliably screws up the ptys, QEMU probably can as well... fixup_ptys stty sane || : tput smam || : echo "Returning exit code ${exitcode}." 1>&2 exit "${exitcode}"