"Euler\'s number"
"left parenthesis"
"right parenthesis"
"natural logarithm"
"inverse cosine"
"inverse sine"
"inverse tangent"
"ten to the power of"
"exponential function"
"square root"
"degree mode"
"radian mode"
"switch to degrees"
"switch to radians"
"show inverse functions"
"hide inverse functions"
"No formula"
"No result"
"Numbers and basic operations"
"Advanced operations"
"Not a number"
"Bad expression"
"Can\'t divide by 0"
"Text copied"
"Computation cancelled."
"Value may be infinite or undefined."
"Use longer timeouts"
"(±1 in last digit)"
"Answer with leading digits"
"Answer as fraction"
"Open-source licences"
"Navigate up"
"Clear history and memory?"
"Current Expression"
"No history"