/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "SampleIterator" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include #include "SampleIterator.h" #include #include #include #include "SampleTable.h" namespace android { SampleIterator::SampleIterator(SampleTable *table) : mTable(table), mInitialized(false), mTimeToSampleIndex(0), mTTSSampleIndex(0), mTTSSampleTime(0), mTTSCount(0), mTTSDuration(0) { reset(); } void SampleIterator::reset() { mSampleToChunkIndex = 0; mFirstChunk = 0; mFirstChunkSampleIndex = 0; mStopChunk = 0; mStopChunkSampleIndex = 0; mSamplesPerChunk = 0; mChunkDesc = 0; } status_t SampleIterator::seekTo(uint32_t sampleIndex) { ALOGV("seekTo(%d)", sampleIndex); if (sampleIndex >= mTable->mNumSampleSizes) { return ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } if (mTable->mSampleToChunkOffset < 0 || mTable->mChunkOffsetOffset < 0 || mTable->mSampleSizeOffset < 0 || mTable->mTimeToSampleCount == 0) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (mInitialized && mCurrentSampleIndex == sampleIndex) { return OK; } if (!mInitialized || sampleIndex < mFirstChunkSampleIndex) { reset(); } if (sampleIndex >= mStopChunkSampleIndex) { status_t err; if ((err = findChunkRange(sampleIndex)) != OK) { ALOGE("findChunkRange failed"); return err; } } CHECK(sampleIndex < mStopChunkSampleIndex); if (mSamplesPerChunk == 0) { ALOGE("b/22802344"); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } uint32_t chunk = (sampleIndex - mFirstChunkSampleIndex) / mSamplesPerChunk + mFirstChunk; if (!mInitialized || chunk != mCurrentChunkIndex) { status_t err; if ((err = getChunkOffset(chunk, &mCurrentChunkOffset)) != OK) { ALOGE("getChunkOffset return error"); return err; } mCurrentChunkSampleSizes.clear(); uint32_t firstChunkSampleIndex = mFirstChunkSampleIndex + mSamplesPerChunk * (chunk - mFirstChunk); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mSamplesPerChunk; ++i) { size_t sampleSize; if ((err = getSampleSizeDirect( firstChunkSampleIndex + i, &sampleSize)) != OK) { ALOGE("getSampleSizeDirect return error"); // stsc sample count is not sync with stsz sample count if (err == ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE) { ALOGW("stsc samples(%d) not sync with stsz samples(%d)", mSamplesPerChunk, i); mSamplesPerChunk = i; break; } else{ mCurrentChunkSampleSizes.clear(); return err; } } mCurrentChunkSampleSizes.push(sampleSize); } mCurrentChunkIndex = chunk; } uint32_t chunkRelativeSampleIndex = (sampleIndex - mFirstChunkSampleIndex) % mSamplesPerChunk; mCurrentSampleOffset = mCurrentChunkOffset; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < chunkRelativeSampleIndex; ++i) { mCurrentSampleOffset += mCurrentChunkSampleSizes[i]; } mCurrentSampleSize = mCurrentChunkSampleSizes[chunkRelativeSampleIndex]; if (sampleIndex < mTTSSampleIndex) { mTimeToSampleIndex = 0; mTTSSampleIndex = 0; mTTSSampleTime = 0; mTTSCount = 0; mTTSDuration = 0; } status_t err; if ((err = findSampleTimeAndDuration( sampleIndex, &mCurrentSampleTime, &mCurrentSampleDuration)) != OK) { ALOGE("findSampleTime return error"); return err; } mCurrentSampleIndex = sampleIndex; mInitialized = true; return OK; } status_t SampleIterator::findChunkRange(uint32_t sampleIndex) { CHECK(sampleIndex >= mFirstChunkSampleIndex); while (sampleIndex >= mStopChunkSampleIndex) { if (mSampleToChunkIndex == mTable->mNumSampleToChunkOffsets) { return ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE; } mFirstChunkSampleIndex = mStopChunkSampleIndex; const SampleTable::SampleToChunkEntry *entry = &mTable->mSampleToChunkEntries[mSampleToChunkIndex]; mFirstChunk = entry->startChunk; mSamplesPerChunk = entry->samplesPerChunk; mChunkDesc = entry->chunkDesc; if (mSampleToChunkIndex + 1 < mTable->mNumSampleToChunkOffsets) { mStopChunk = entry[1].startChunk; if (mSamplesPerChunk == 0 || mStopChunk < mFirstChunk || (mStopChunk - mFirstChunk) > UINT32_MAX / mSamplesPerChunk || ((mStopChunk - mFirstChunk) * mSamplesPerChunk > UINT32_MAX - mFirstChunkSampleIndex)) { return ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE; } mStopChunkSampleIndex = mFirstChunkSampleIndex + (mStopChunk - mFirstChunk) * mSamplesPerChunk; } else { mStopChunk = 0xffffffff; mStopChunkSampleIndex = 0xffffffff; } ++mSampleToChunkIndex; } return OK; } status_t SampleIterator::getChunkOffset(uint32_t chunk, off64_t *offset) { *offset = 0; if (chunk >= mTable->mNumChunkOffsets) { return ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE; } if (mTable->mChunkOffsetType == SampleTable::kChunkOffsetType32) { uint32_t offset32; if (mTable->mDataSource->readAt( mTable->mChunkOffsetOffset + 8 + 4 * chunk, &offset32, sizeof(offset32)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(offset32)) { return ERROR_IO; } *offset = ntohl(offset32); } else { CHECK_EQ(mTable->mChunkOffsetType, SampleTable::kChunkOffsetType64); uint64_t offset64; if (mTable->mDataSource->readAt( mTable->mChunkOffsetOffset + 8 + 8 * chunk, &offset64, sizeof(offset64)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(offset64)) { return ERROR_IO; } *offset = ntoh64(offset64); } return OK; } status_t SampleIterator::getSampleSizeDirect( uint32_t sampleIndex, size_t *size) { *size = 0; if (sampleIndex >= mTable->mNumSampleSizes) { return ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE; } if (mTable->mDefaultSampleSize > 0) { *size = mTable->mDefaultSampleSize; return OK; } switch (mTable->mSampleSizeFieldSize) { case 32: { uint32_t x; if (mTable->mDataSource->readAt( mTable->mSampleSizeOffset + 12 + 4 * sampleIndex, &x, sizeof(x)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(x)) { return ERROR_IO; } *size = ntohl(x); break; } case 16: { uint16_t x; if (mTable->mDataSource->readAt( mTable->mSampleSizeOffset + 12 + 2 * sampleIndex, &x, sizeof(x)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(x)) { return ERROR_IO; } *size = ntohs(x); break; } case 8: { uint8_t x; if (mTable->mDataSource->readAt( mTable->mSampleSizeOffset + 12 + sampleIndex, &x, sizeof(x)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(x)) { return ERROR_IO; } *size = x; break; } default: { CHECK_EQ(mTable->mSampleSizeFieldSize, 4u); uint8_t x; if (mTable->mDataSource->readAt( mTable->mSampleSizeOffset + 12 + sampleIndex / 2, &x, sizeof(x)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(x)) { return ERROR_IO; } *size = (sampleIndex & 1) ? x & 0x0f : x >> 4; break; } } return OK; } status_t SampleIterator::findSampleTimeAndDuration( uint32_t sampleIndex, uint64_t *time, uint64_t *duration) { if (sampleIndex >= mTable->mNumSampleSizes) { return ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE; } while (true) { if (mTTSSampleIndex > UINT32_MAX - mTTSCount) { return ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE; } if(sampleIndex < mTTSSampleIndex + mTTSCount) { break; } if (mTimeToSampleIndex == mTable->mTimeToSampleCount || (mTTSDuration != 0 && mTTSCount > UINT64_MAX / mTTSDuration) || mTTSSampleTime > UINT64_MAX - (mTTSCount * mTTSDuration)) { return ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE; } mTTSSampleIndex += mTTSCount; mTTSSampleTime += mTTSCount * mTTSDuration; mTTSCount = mTable->mTimeToSample[2 * mTimeToSampleIndex]; mTTSDuration = mTable->mTimeToSample[2 * mTimeToSampleIndex + 1]; ++mTimeToSampleIndex; } // below is equivalent to: // *time = mTTSSampleTime + mTTSDuration * (sampleIndex - mTTSSampleIndex); uint64_t tmp; if (__builtin_sub_overflow(sampleIndex, mTTSSampleIndex, &tmp) || __builtin_mul_overflow(mTTSDuration, tmp, &tmp) || __builtin_add_overflow(mTTSSampleTime, tmp, &tmp)) { return ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE; } *time = tmp; int32_t offset = mTable->getCompositionTimeOffset(sampleIndex); if ((offset < 0 && *time < (offset == INT32_MIN ? INT64_MAX : uint64_t(-offset))) || (offset > 0 && *time > UINT64_MAX - offset)) { ALOGE("%llu + %d would overflow", (unsigned long long) *time, offset); return ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE; } if (offset > 0) { *time += offset; } else { *time -= (offset == INT32_MIN ? INT64_MAX : (-offset)); } *duration = mTTSDuration; return OK; } } // namespace android