// // Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // package { // See: http://go/android-license-faq // A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import // all of the 'license_kinds' from "art_license" // to get the below license kinds: // SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 default_applicable_licenses: ["art_license"], } cc_defaults { name: "libdexfile_defaults", defaults: ["art_defaults"], host_supported: true, tidy_timeout_srcs: [ "dex/dex_file_verifier.cc", ], srcs: [ "dex/art_dex_file_loader.cc", "dex/compact_dex_file.cc", "dex/compact_offset_table.cc", "dex/descriptors_names.cc", "dex/dex_file.cc", "dex/dex_file_exception_helpers.cc", "dex/dex_file_layout.cc", "dex/dex_file_loader.cc", "dex/dex_file_tracking_registrar.cc", "dex/dex_file_verifier.cc", "dex/dex_instruction.cc", "dex/modifiers.cc", "dex/primitive.cc", "dex/signature.cc", "dex/standard_dex_file.cc", "dex/type_lookup_table.cc", "dex/utf.cc", ], header_libs: [ "jni_headers", "libdexfile_external_headers", ], export_header_lib_headers: [ "jni_headers", "libdexfile_external_headers", ], target: { android: { srcs: [ "external/dex_file_ext.cc", ], static_libs: [ "libziparchive", ], shared_libs: [ // libz provides a stub from platform, shouldn't be statically linked "libz", // For MemMap. "libartpalette", "liblog", // For common macros. "libbase", ], export_shared_lib_headers: [ "libbase", ], }, not_windows: { srcs: [ "external/dex_file_ext.cc", ], shared_libs: [ "libziparchive", "libz", // For MemMap. "libartpalette", "liblog", // For common macros. "libbase", ], export_shared_lib_headers: [ "libbase", ], }, windows: { static_libs: [ "libziparchive", "libz", // For MemMap. "libartpalette", "liblog", // For common macros. "libbase", ], export_static_lib_headers: [ "libbase", ], cflags: ["-Wno-thread-safety"], }, darwin: { enabled: true, }, }, generated_sources: ["dexfile_operator_srcs"], export_include_dirs: ["."], } cc_defaults { name: "libdexfile_static_base_defaults", whole_static_libs: [ "libbase", "liblog", "libz", "libziparchive", ], } cc_defaults { name: "libdexfile_static_defaults", defaults: [ "libartbase_static_defaults", "libdexfile_static_base_defaults", ], defaults_visibility: [ "//art:__subpackages__", ], whole_static_libs: ["libdexfile"], } cc_defaults { name: "libdexfiled_static_defaults", defaults: [ "libartbased_static_defaults", "libdexfile_static_base_defaults", ], whole_static_libs: ["libdexfiled"], } gensrcs { name: "dexfile_operator_srcs", cmd: "$(location generate_operator_out) art/libdexfile $(in) > $(out)", tools: ["generate_operator_out"], srcs: [ "dex/dex_file.h", "dex/dex_file_layout.h", "dex/dex_instruction.h", "dex/dex_instruction_utils.h", "dex/invoke_type.h", ], output_extension: "operator_out.cc", } art_cc_library { name: "libdexfile", visibility: [ // Allow libdexfile_support users to list this as a runtime_libs // dependency - see comment for libdexfile_support. It shouldn't be used // for any other purpose. "//external/perfetto", "//system/core/debuggerd", "//system/extras/simpleperf", "//system/unwinding/libunwindstack", ], defaults: [ "libdexfile_defaults", "libart_nativeunwind_defaults", ], target: { android: { shared_libs: [ "libartbase", ], export_shared_lib_headers: [ "libartbase", ], }, not_windows: { shared_libs: [ "libartbase", ], export_shared_lib_headers: [ "libartbase", ], }, windows: { enabled: true, shared: { enabled: false, }, static_libs: [ "libartbase", ], export_static_lib_headers: [ "libartbase", ], }, }, apex_available: [ "com.android.art", "com.android.art.debug", ], stubs: { symbol_file: "libdexfile.map.txt", versions: ["1"], }, } art_cc_library { name: "libdexfiled", defaults: [ "art_debug_defaults", "libdexfile_defaults", ], target: { android: { shared_libs: [ "libartbased", ], export_shared_lib_headers: [ "libartbased", ], }, not_windows: { shared_libs: [ "libartbased", ], export_shared_lib_headers: [ "libartbased", ], }, windows: { enabled: true, shared: { enabled: false, }, static_libs: [ "libartbased", ], export_static_lib_headers: [ "libartbased", ], }, }, apex_available: [ "com.android.art.debug", // TODO(b/183882457): This lib doesn't go into com.android.art, but // apex_available lists need to be the same for internal libs to avoid // stubs, and libartd depends on this. "com.android.art", ], } art_cc_defaults { name: "art_libdexfile_tests_defaults", tidy_timeout_srcs: [ "dex/dex_file_verifier_test.cc", ], srcs: [ "dex/art_dex_file_loader_test.cc", "dex/class_accessor_test.cc", "dex/code_item_accessors_test.cc", "dex/compact_dex_file_test.cc", "dex/compact_offset_table_test.cc", "dex/descriptors_names_test.cc", "dex/test_dex_file_builder_test.cc", "dex/dex_file_loader_test.cc", "dex/dex_file_verifier_test.cc", "dex/dex_instruction_test.cc", "dex/primitive_test.cc", "dex/string_reference_test.cc", "dex/type_lookup_table_test.cc", "dex/utf_test.cc", ], data: [ ":art-gtest-jars-GetMethodSignature", ":art-gtest-jars-Lookup", ":art-gtest-jars-Main", ":art-gtest-jars-MultiDex", ":art-gtest-jars-Nested", ], header_libs: ["jni_headers"], shared_libs: [ "libbacktrace", "libziparchive", ], } // Version of ART gtest `art_libdexfile_tests` bundled with the ART APEX on target. // TODO(b/192274705): Remove this module when the migration to standalone ART gtests is complete. art_cc_test { name: "art_libdexfile_tests", defaults: [ "art_gtest_defaults", "art_libdexfile_tests_defaults", ], } // Standalone version of ART gtest `art_libdexfile_tests`, not bundled with the ART APEX on target. art_cc_test { name: "art_standalone_libdexfile_tests", defaults: [ "art_standalone_gtest_defaults", "art_libdexfile_tests_defaults", ], test_config: "art_standalone_libdexfile_tests.xml", } cc_library_headers { name: "libdexfile_external_headers", defaults: ["art_defaults"], visibility: ["//visibility:public"], host_supported: true, header_libs: ["libbase_headers"], export_header_lib_headers: ["libbase_headers"], export_include_dirs: ["external/include"], target: { windows: { enabled: true, }, darwin: { enabled: true, }, }, apex_available: [ "//apex_available:platform", "com.android.art", "com.android.art.debug", "com.android.media", "com.android.runtime", ], } // Make dex_instruction_list.h available for tools/jvmti-agents/titrace cc_library_headers { name: "libdexfile_all_headers", defaults: ["art_defaults"], visibility: ["//art:__subpackages__"], host_supported: true, export_include_dirs: ["."], apex_available: [ "com.android.art", "com.android.art.debug", ], } art_cc_defaults { name: "art_libdexfile_external_tests_defaults", defaults: [ "art_module_source_build_defaults", ], test_suites: ["general-tests"], srcs: [ "external/dex_file_ext_c_test.c", "external/dex_file_ext_test.cc", ], shared_libs: [ "libartbase", "libdexfile", ], header_libs: [ "jni_headers", "libdexfile_external_headers", ], } // Version of ART gtest `art_libdexfile_external_tests` bundled with the ART APEX on target. // TODO(b/192274705): Remove this module when the migration to standalone ART gtests is complete. art_cc_test { name: "art_libdexfile_external_tests", defaults: [ "art_test_defaults", "art_libdexfile_external_tests_defaults", ], } // Standalone version of ART gtest `art_libdexfile_external_tests`, not bundled with the ART APEX on // target. art_cc_test { name: "art_standalone_libdexfile_external_tests", defaults: [ "art_standalone_test_defaults", "art_libdexfile_external_tests_defaults", ], // Support multilib variants (using different suffix per sub-architecture), which is needed on // build targets with secondary architectures, as the CTS test suite packaging logic flattens // all test artifacts into a single `testcases` directory. compile_multilib: "both", multilib: { lib32: { suffix: "32", }, lib64: { suffix: "64", }, }, test_config_template: ":art-gtests-target-standalone-cts-template", test_suites: ["cts"], // For backed-by API coverage. } // Support library with a C++ API for accessing the libdexfile API for external // (non-ART) users. // // This library dlopens libdexfile(d).so on first use, so there is no build time // dependency on dex file logic. It is therefore safe to use from binaries // compiled without dex file support, given they won't encounter any dex file // stack frames. // // IMPORTANT: When adding a static_libs dependency on this library, please // remember to also add a corresponding // // runtime_libs: ["libdexfile"], // // That is necessary since Soong doesn't propagate dependencies transitively for // static libraries (b/169779783). art_cc_library_static { name: "libdexfile_support", defaults: ["art_defaults"], visibility: ["//visibility:public"], host_supported: true, srcs: [ "external/dex_file_supp.cc", ], runtime_libs: ["libdexfile"], shared_libs: [ "liblog", "libbase", ], header_libs: ["libdexfile_external_headers"], export_header_lib_headers: ["libdexfile_external_headers"], apex_available: [ "//apex_available:platform", "com.android.art", "com.android.art.debug", "com.android.media", "com.android.media.swcodec", "com.android.runtime", ], } art_cc_defaults { name: "art_libdexfile_support_tests_defaults", defaults: [ "art_module_source_build_defaults", ], test_suites: ["general-tests"], srcs: [ "external/dex_file_supp_test.cc", ], shared_libs: [ "libartbase", "libbase", "libdexfile", "liblog", ], static_libs: [ "libdexfile_support", ], } // Version of ART gtest `art_libdexfile_support_tests` bundled with the ART APEX on target. // TODO(b/192274705): Remove this module when the migration to standalone ART gtests is complete. art_cc_test { name: "art_libdexfile_support_tests", host_supported: true, defaults: [ "art_test_defaults", "art_libdexfile_support_tests_defaults", ], } // Standalone version of ART gtest `art_libdexfile_support_tests`, not bundled with the ART APEX on // target. art_cc_test { name: "art_standalone_libdexfile_support_tests", defaults: [ "art_standalone_test_defaults", "art_libdexfile_support_tests_defaults", ], // Support multilib variants (using different suffix per sub-architecture), which is needed on // build targets with secondary architectures, as the MTS test suite packaging logic flattens // all test artifacts into a single `testcases` directory. compile_multilib: "both", multilib: { lib32: { suffix: "32", }, lib64: { suffix: "64", }, }, test_suites: [ "mts-art", ], } cc_library_static { name: "libdexfile_support_static", defaults: ["art_defaults"], host_supported: true, srcs: [ "external/dex_file_supp.cc", ], cflags: ["-DSTATIC_LIB"], header_libs: ["libdexfile_external_headers"], export_header_lib_headers: ["libdexfile_external_headers"], } cc_defaults { name: "libdexfile_support_static_defaults", defaults: [ "libdexfile_static_defaults", ], whole_static_libs: [ "libdexfile", "libdexfile_support_static", ], } cc_defaults { name: "libdexfiled_support_static_defaults", defaults: [ "libdexfiled_static_defaults", ], whole_static_libs: [ "libdexfiled", "libdexfile_support_static", ], } art_cc_test { name: "art_libdexfile_support_static_tests", test_suites: ["general-tests"], defaults: [ "art_module_source_build_defaults", "art_test_defaults", "libdexfile_support_static_defaults", ], srcs: [ "external/dex_file_supp_test.cc", ], } // For use by external packages allowed to link in static libdexfile_support. // This is not allowed in any module that may end up in an APEX or platform // image, so visibility is restrictive. cc_library_static { name: "libdexfile_static", host_supported: true, visibility: [ // Required for simpleperf, libsimpleperf_record, and libsimpleperf_report // in the NDK. "//system/extras/simpleperf", "//cts/tests/tests/simpleperf", ], // Using libdexfile_support_static_defaults will link in external libs like // libbase and libz statically as well, which are likely to cause duplicate // copies in the depending module. // TODO(b/169885605): Avoid exposing symbols from those libs. defaults: [ "art_defaults", "libdexfile_support_static_defaults", ], } art_cc_test { name: "art_libdexfile_static_tests", defaults: ["art_test_defaults"], test_suites: ["general-tests"], srcs: [ "external/dex_file_supp_test.cc", ], static_libs: [ "libdexfile_static", ], enabled: false, target: { linux: { enabled: true, }, }, // TODO(b/181740144): Enable a ubsan check to create a dependency on // ubsan_minimal. It's needed to be able to link with the prebuilt // libdexfile_static.a, which contains libziparchive.a, which is // built with some ubsan checks // (https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/master:system/libziparchive/Android.bp;l=47-59;drc=c7b498fdf2002194709e40ea58ce39f43684fc14) // that the SDK snapshots currently don't propagate properly for static // libs. sanitize: { misc_undefined: ["shift"], }, } filegroup { name: "art_libdexfile_dex_instruction_list_header", srcs: ["dex/dex_instruction_list.h"], }