/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ART_RUNTIME_ART_METHOD_INL_H_ #define ART_RUNTIME_ART_METHOD_INL_H_ #include "art_method.h" #include "art_field.h" #include "base/callee_save_type.h" #include "class_linker-inl.h" #include "common_throws.h" #include "dex/code_item_accessors-inl.h" #include "dex/dex_file-inl.h" #include "dex/dex_file_annotations.h" #include "dex/dex_file_types.h" #include "dex/invoke_type.h" #include "dex/primitive.h" #include "dex/signature.h" #include "gc_root-inl.h" #include "imtable-inl.h" #include "intrinsics_enum.h" #include "jit/jit.h" #include "jit/profiling_info.h" #include "mirror/class-inl.h" #include "mirror/dex_cache-inl.h" #include "mirror/object-inl.h" #include "mirror/object_array.h" #include "mirror/string.h" #include "obj_ptr-inl.h" #include "quick/quick_method_frame_info.h" #include "read_barrier-inl.h" #include "runtime-inl.h" #include "thread-current-inl.h" namespace art { template inline ObjPtr ArtMethod::GetDeclaringClassUnchecked() { GcRootSource gc_root_source(this); return declaring_class_.Read(&gc_root_source); } template inline ObjPtr ArtMethod::GetDeclaringClass() { ObjPtr result = GetDeclaringClassUnchecked(); if (kIsDebugBuild) { if (!IsRuntimeMethod()) { CHECK(result != nullptr) << this; } else { CHECK(result == nullptr) << this; } } return result; } inline void ArtMethod::SetDeclaringClass(ObjPtr new_declaring_class) { declaring_class_ = GcRoot(new_declaring_class); } inline bool ArtMethod::CASDeclaringClass(ObjPtr expected_class, ObjPtr desired_class) { GcRoot expected_root(expected_class); GcRoot desired_root(desired_class); auto atomic_root_class = reinterpret_cast>*>(&declaring_class_); return atomic_root_class->CompareAndSetStrongSequentiallyConsistent(expected_root, desired_root); } inline uint16_t ArtMethod::GetMethodIndex() { DCHECK(IsRuntimeMethod() || GetDeclaringClass()->IsResolved()); return method_index_; } inline uint16_t ArtMethod::GetMethodIndexDuringLinking() { return method_index_; } inline ObjPtr ArtMethod::LookupResolvedClassFromTypeIndex(dex::TypeIndex type_idx) { ScopedAssertNoThreadSuspension ants(__FUNCTION__); ObjPtr type = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->LookupResolvedType(type_idx, this); DCHECK(!Thread::Current()->IsExceptionPending()); return type; } inline ObjPtr ArtMethod::ResolveClassFromTypeIndex(dex::TypeIndex type_idx) { ObjPtr type = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->ResolveType(type_idx, this); DCHECK_EQ(type == nullptr, Thread::Current()->IsExceptionPending()); return type; } inline bool ArtMethod::IsOverridableByDefaultMethod() { // It is safe to avoid the read barrier here since the constant interface flag // in the `Class` object is stored before creating the `ArtMethod` and storing // the declaring class reference. See `ReadBarrierOption`. return GetDeclaringClass()->IsInterface(); } inline bool ArtMethod::CheckIncompatibleClassChange(InvokeType type) { switch (type) { case kStatic: return !IsStatic(); case kDirect: return !IsDirect() || IsStatic(); case kVirtual: { // We have an error if we are direct or a non-copied (i.e. not part of a real class) interface // method. ObjPtr methods_class = GetDeclaringClass(); return IsDirect() || (methods_class->IsInterface() && !IsCopied()); } case kSuper: // Constructors and static methods are called with invoke-direct. return IsConstructor() || IsStatic(); case kInterface: { ObjPtr methods_class = GetDeclaringClass(); return IsDirect() || !(methods_class->IsInterface() || methods_class->IsObjectClass()); } case kPolymorphic: return !IsSignaturePolymorphic(); default: LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable - invocation type: " << type; UNREACHABLE(); } } inline bool ArtMethod::IsCalleeSaveMethod() { if (!IsRuntimeMethod()) { return false; } Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current(); bool result = false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < static_cast(CalleeSaveType::kLastCalleeSaveType); i++) { if (this == runtime->GetCalleeSaveMethod(CalleeSaveType(i))) { result = true; break; } } return result; } inline bool ArtMethod::IsResolutionMethod() { bool result = this == Runtime::Current()->GetResolutionMethod(); // Check that if we do think it is phony it looks like the resolution method. DCHECK_IMPLIES(result, IsRuntimeMethod()); return result; } inline bool ArtMethod::IsImtUnimplementedMethod() { bool result = this == Runtime::Current()->GetImtUnimplementedMethod(); // Check that if we do think it is phony it looks like the imt unimplemented method. DCHECK_IMPLIES(result, IsRuntimeMethod()); return result; } inline const DexFile* ArtMethod::GetDexFile() { // It is safe to avoid the read barrier here since the dex file is constant, so if we read the // from-space dex file pointer it will be equal to the to-space copy. return GetDexCache()->GetDexFile(); } inline const char* ArtMethod::GetDeclaringClassDescriptor() { uint32_t dex_method_idx = GetDexMethodIndex(); if (UNLIKELY(dex_method_idx == dex::kDexNoIndex)) { return ""; } DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); const DexFile* dex_file = GetDexFile(); return dex_file->GetMethodDeclaringClassDescriptor(dex_file->GetMethodId(dex_method_idx)); } inline const char* ArtMethod::GetShorty() { uint32_t unused_length; return GetShorty(&unused_length); } inline const char* ArtMethod::GetShorty(uint32_t* out_length) { DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); const DexFile* dex_file = GetDexFile(); return dex_file->GetMethodShorty(dex_file->GetMethodId(GetDexMethodIndex()), out_length); } inline const Signature ArtMethod::GetSignature() { uint32_t dex_method_idx = GetDexMethodIndex(); if (dex_method_idx != dex::kDexNoIndex) { DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); const DexFile* dex_file = GetDexFile(); return dex_file->GetMethodSignature(dex_file->GetMethodId(dex_method_idx)); } return Signature::NoSignature(); } inline const char* ArtMethod::GetName() { uint32_t dex_method_idx = GetDexMethodIndex(); if (LIKELY(dex_method_idx != dex::kDexNoIndex)) { DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); const DexFile* dex_file = GetDexFile(); return dex_file->GetMethodName(dex_file->GetMethodId(dex_method_idx)); } return GetRuntimeMethodName(); } inline std::string_view ArtMethod::GetNameView() { uint32_t dex_method_idx = GetDexMethodIndex(); if (LIKELY(dex_method_idx != dex::kDexNoIndex)) { DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); const DexFile* dex_file = GetDexFile(); return dex_file->GetMethodNameView(dex_method_idx); } return GetRuntimeMethodName(); } inline ObjPtr ArtMethod::ResolveNameString() { DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); const dex::MethodId& method_id = GetDexFile()->GetMethodId(GetDexMethodIndex()); return Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->ResolveString(method_id.name_idx_, this); } inline bool ArtMethod::NameEquals(ObjPtr name) { DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); const DexFile* dex_file = GetDexFile(); const dex::MethodId& method_id = dex_file->GetMethodId(GetDexMethodIndex()); const dex::StringIndex name_idx = method_id.name_idx_; uint32_t utf16_length; const char* utf8_name = dex_file->StringDataAndUtf16LengthByIdx(name_idx, &utf16_length); return dchecked_integral_cast(name->GetLength()) == utf16_length && name->Equals(utf8_name); } inline const dex::CodeItem* ArtMethod::GetCodeItem() { if (!HasCodeItem()) { return nullptr; } Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current(); PointerSize pointer_size = runtime->GetClassLinker()->GetImagePointerSize(); return runtime->IsAotCompiler() ? GetDexFile()->GetCodeItem(reinterpret_cast32(GetDataPtrSize(pointer_size))) : reinterpret_cast( reinterpret_cast(GetDataPtrSize(pointer_size)) & ~1); } inline bool ArtMethod::IsResolvedTypeIdx(dex::TypeIndex type_idx) { DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); return LookupResolvedClassFromTypeIndex(type_idx) != nullptr; } inline int32_t ArtMethod::GetLineNumFromDexPC(uint32_t dex_pc) { DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); if (dex_pc == dex::kDexNoIndex) { return IsNative() ? -2 : -1; } return annotations::GetLineNumFromPC(GetDexFile(), this, dex_pc); } inline const dex::ProtoId& ArtMethod::GetPrototype() { DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); const DexFile* dex_file = GetDexFile(); return dex_file->GetMethodPrototype(dex_file->GetMethodId(GetDexMethodIndex())); } inline const dex::TypeList* ArtMethod::GetParameterTypeList() { DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); const DexFile* dex_file = GetDexFile(); const dex::ProtoId& proto = dex_file->GetMethodPrototype( dex_file->GetMethodId(GetDexMethodIndex())); return dex_file->GetProtoParameters(proto); } inline const char* ArtMethod::GetDeclaringClassSourceFile() { DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); return GetDeclaringClass()->GetSourceFile(); } inline uint16_t ArtMethod::GetClassDefIndex() { DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); if (LIKELY(!IsObsolete())) { return GetDeclaringClass()->GetDexClassDefIndex(); } else { return FindObsoleteDexClassDefIndex(); } } inline const dex::ClassDef& ArtMethod::GetClassDef() { DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); return GetDexFile()->GetClassDef(GetClassDefIndex()); } inline size_t ArtMethod::GetNumberOfParameters() { constexpr size_t return_type_count = 1u; uint32_t shorty_length; GetShorty(&shorty_length); return shorty_length - return_type_count; } inline const char* ArtMethod::GetReturnTypeDescriptor() { DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); const DexFile* dex_file = GetDexFile(); return dex_file->GetTypeDescriptor(dex_file->GetTypeId(GetReturnTypeIndex())); } inline Primitive::Type ArtMethod::GetReturnTypePrimitive() { return Primitive::GetType(GetReturnTypeDescriptor()[0]); } inline const char* ArtMethod::GetTypeDescriptorFromTypeIdx(dex::TypeIndex type_idx) { DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); const DexFile* dex_file = GetDexFile(); return dex_file->GetTypeDescriptor(dex_file->GetTypeId(type_idx)); } inline ObjPtr ArtMethod::GetClassLoader() { DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); return GetDeclaringClass()->GetClassLoader(); } template inline ObjPtr ArtMethod::GetDexCache() { if (LIKELY(!IsObsolete())) { ObjPtr klass = GetDeclaringClass(); return klass->GetDexCache(); } else { DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); return GetObsoleteDexCache(); } } inline bool ArtMethod::IsProxyMethod() { DCHECK(!IsRuntimeMethod()) << "ArtMethod::IsProxyMethod called on a runtime method"; // No read barrier needed, we're reading the constant declaring class only to read // the constant proxy flag. See ReadBarrierOption. return GetDeclaringClass()->IsProxyClass(); } inline ArtMethod* ArtMethod::GetInterfaceMethodForProxyUnchecked(PointerSize pointer_size) { DCHECK(IsProxyMethod()); // Do not check IsAssignableFrom() here as it relies on raw reference comparison // which may give false negatives while visiting references for a non-CC moving GC. return reinterpret_cast(GetDataPtrSize(pointer_size)); } inline ArtMethod* ArtMethod::GetInterfaceMethodIfProxy(PointerSize pointer_size) { if (LIKELY(!IsProxyMethod())) { return this; } ArtMethod* interface_method = GetInterfaceMethodForProxyUnchecked(pointer_size); // We can check that the proxy class implements the interface only if the proxy class // is resolved, otherwise the interface table is not yet initialized. DCHECK_IMPLIES(GetDeclaringClass()->IsResolved(), interface_method->GetDeclaringClass()->IsAssignableFrom(GetDeclaringClass())); return interface_method; } inline dex::TypeIndex ArtMethod::GetReturnTypeIndex() { DCHECK(!IsProxyMethod()); const DexFile* dex_file = GetDexFile(); const dex::MethodId& method_id = dex_file->GetMethodId(GetDexMethodIndex()); const dex::ProtoId& proto_id = dex_file->GetMethodPrototype(method_id); return proto_id.return_type_idx_; } inline ObjPtr ArtMethod::LookupResolvedReturnType() { return LookupResolvedClassFromTypeIndex(GetReturnTypeIndex()); } inline ObjPtr ArtMethod::ResolveReturnType() { return ResolveClassFromTypeIndex(GetReturnTypeIndex()); } template inline bool ArtMethod::HasSingleImplementation() { if (IsFinal() || GetDeclaringClass()->IsFinal()) { // We don't set kAccSingleImplementation for these cases since intrinsic // can use the flag also. return true; } return (GetAccessFlags() & kAccSingleImplementation) != 0; } template void ArtMethod::VisitRoots(RootVisitorType& visitor, PointerSize pointer_size) { if (LIKELY(!declaring_class_.IsNull())) { visitor.VisitRoot(declaring_class_.AddressWithoutBarrier()); ObjPtr klass = declaring_class_.Read(); if (UNLIKELY(klass->IsProxyClass())) { // For normal methods, dex cache shortcuts will be visited through the declaring class. // However, for proxies we need to keep the interface method alive, so we visit its roots. ArtMethod* interface_method = GetInterfaceMethodForProxyUnchecked(pointer_size); DCHECK(interface_method != nullptr); interface_method->VisitRoots(visitor, pointer_size); } } } template inline void ArtMethod::UpdateEntrypoints(const Visitor& visitor, PointerSize pointer_size) { if (IsNative()) { const void* old_native_code = GetEntryPointFromJniPtrSize(pointer_size); const void* new_native_code = visitor(old_native_code); if (old_native_code != new_native_code) { SetEntryPointFromJniPtrSize(new_native_code, pointer_size); } } const void* old_code = GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCodePtrSize(pointer_size); const void* new_code = visitor(old_code); if (old_code != new_code) { SetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCodePtrSize(new_code, pointer_size); } } inline CodeItemInstructionAccessor ArtMethod::DexInstructions() { return CodeItemInstructionAccessor(*GetDexFile(), GetCodeItem()); } inline CodeItemDataAccessor ArtMethod::DexInstructionData() { return CodeItemDataAccessor(*GetDexFile(), GetCodeItem()); } inline CodeItemDebugInfoAccessor ArtMethod::DexInstructionDebugInfo() { return CodeItemDebugInfoAccessor(*GetDexFile(), GetCodeItem(), GetDexMethodIndex()); } inline bool ArtMethod::CounterHasChanged(uint16_t threshold) { DCHECK(!IsAbstract()); DCHECK_EQ(threshold, Runtime::Current()->GetJITOptions()->GetWarmupThreshold()); return hotness_count_ != threshold; } inline void ArtMethod::ResetCounter(uint16_t new_value) { if (IsAbstract()) { return; } if (IsMemorySharedMethod()) { return; } DCHECK_EQ(new_value, Runtime::Current()->GetJITOptions()->GetWarmupThreshold()); // Avoid dirtying the value if possible. if (hotness_count_ != new_value) { hotness_count_ = new_value; } } inline void ArtMethod::SetHotCounter() { DCHECK(!IsAbstract()); // Avoid dirtying the value if possible. if (hotness_count_ != 0) { hotness_count_ = 0; } } inline void ArtMethod::UpdateCounter(int32_t new_samples) { DCHECK(!IsAbstract()); DCHECK_GT(new_samples, 0); DCHECK_LE(new_samples, std::numeric_limits::max()); if (IsMemorySharedMethod()) { return; } uint16_t old_hotness_count = hotness_count_; uint16_t new_count = (old_hotness_count <= new_samples) ? 0u : old_hotness_count - new_samples; // Avoid dirtying the value if possible. if (old_hotness_count != new_count) { hotness_count_ = new_count; } } inline bool ArtMethod::CounterIsHot() { DCHECK(!IsAbstract()); return hotness_count_ == 0; } inline bool ArtMethod::CounterHasReached(uint16_t samples, uint16_t threshold) { DCHECK(!IsAbstract()); DCHECK_EQ(threshold, Runtime::Current()->GetJITOptions()->GetWarmupThreshold()); DCHECK_LE(samples, threshold); return hotness_count_ <= (threshold - samples); } inline uint16_t ArtMethod::GetCounter() { DCHECK(!IsAbstract()); return hotness_count_; } inline uint32_t ArtMethod::GetImtIndex() { if (LIKELY(IsAbstract())) { return imt_index_; } else { return ImTable::GetImtIndex(this); } } inline void ArtMethod::CalculateAndSetImtIndex() { DCHECK(IsAbstract()) << PrettyMethod(); imt_index_ = ImTable::GetImtIndex(this); } } // namespace art #endif // ART_RUNTIME_ART_METHOD_INL_H_