/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ART_RUNTIME_INDIRECT_REFERENCE_TABLE_INL_H_ #define ART_RUNTIME_INDIRECT_REFERENCE_TABLE_INL_H_ #include "indirect_reference_table.h" #include "android-base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/dumpable.h" #include "gc_root-inl.h" #include "obj_ptr-inl.h" #include "verify_object.h" namespace art { namespace mirror { class Object; } // namespace mirror // Verifies that the indirect table lookup is valid. // Returns "false" if something looks bad. inline bool IndirectReferenceTable::IsValidReference(IndirectRef iref, /*out*/std::string* error_msg) const { DCHECK(iref != nullptr); DCHECK_EQ(GetIndirectRefKind(iref), kind_); const uint32_t top_index = segment_state_.top_index; uint32_t idx = ExtractIndex(iref); if (UNLIKELY(idx >= top_index)) { *error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("deleted reference at index %u in a table of size %u", idx, top_index); return false; } if (UNLIKELY(table_[idx].GetReference()->IsNull())) { *error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("deleted reference at index %u", idx); return false; } uint32_t iref_serial = DecodeSerial(reinterpret_cast(iref)); uint32_t entry_serial = table_[idx].GetSerial(); if (UNLIKELY(iref_serial != entry_serial)) { *error_msg = android::base::StringPrintf("stale reference with serial number %u v. current %u", iref_serial, entry_serial); return false; } return true; } // Make sure that the entry at "idx" is correctly paired with "iref". inline bool IndirectReferenceTable::CheckEntry(const char* what, IndirectRef iref, uint32_t idx) const { IndirectRef checkRef = ToIndirectRef(idx); if (UNLIKELY(checkRef != iref)) { std::string msg = android::base::StringPrintf( "JNI ERROR (app bug): attempt to %s stale %s %p (should be %p)", what, GetIndirectRefKindString(kind_), iref, checkRef); AbortIfNoCheckJNI(msg); return false; } return true; } template inline ObjPtr IndirectReferenceTable::Get(IndirectRef iref) const { DCHECK_EQ(GetIndirectRefKind(iref), kind_); uint32_t idx = ExtractIndex(iref); DCHECK_LT(idx, segment_state_.top_index); DCHECK_EQ(DecodeSerial(reinterpret_cast(iref)), table_[idx].GetSerial()); DCHECK(!table_[idx].GetReference()->IsNull()); ObjPtr obj = table_[idx].GetReference()->Read(); VerifyObject(obj); return obj; } inline void IndirectReferenceTable::Update(IndirectRef iref, ObjPtr obj) { DCHECK_EQ(GetIndirectRefKind(iref), kind_); uint32_t idx = ExtractIndex(iref); DCHECK_LT(idx, segment_state_.top_index); DCHECK_EQ(DecodeSerial(reinterpret_cast(iref)), table_[idx].GetSerial()); DCHECK(!table_[idx].GetReference()->IsNull()); table_[idx].SetReference(obj); } inline void IrtEntry::Add(ObjPtr obj) { ++serial_; if (serial_ == kIRTMaxSerial) { serial_ = 0; } reference_ = GcRoot(obj); } inline void IrtEntry::SetReference(ObjPtr obj) { DCHECK_LT(serial_, kIRTMaxSerial); reference_ = GcRoot(obj); } } // namespace art #endif // ART_RUNTIME_INDIRECT_REFERENCE_TABLE_INL_H_